If they have been great, then something may be preventing them from responding at the time, or preventing you from getting their response. If the conversation hasn’t been great, or you said something that may be uncomfortable, then do not hold your breath for a response even if they liked the last message. At any rate, here’s a list of the most common reasons why someone may like your message on Tinder without replying to it.
Why Did Someone Like My Tinder Message But Not Respond
1. They’re Not Interested and Wanted to End the Convo Politely
We will start off with the possibility that you are scared of. Because, a lot of the time, it is the actual reason why they simply liked your message but did not respond. The truth is that the person may not be interested in talking to you anymore, whether after the first few conversations or after you have talked for a couple of days. Also, a lot of people find it difficult to come out and say that they no longer want to speak to you. And they may also not want to outright unmatch you. So, they may just like your message and leave it at that as a polite way of saying that they can no longer be bothered to talk to you. In other situations, you may have said something that did not sit well with them and they like the message in irony and just move on. For others, too, it can be a way of saying that they do not want to confront you about what you have just said to them, so they are letting you have the “win”. In other cases, they still may have liked the message by mistake and just want to move on from the conversation. Whatever the reason, the point is that it is very likely that they liked your message and did not respond because they are no longer interested in talking to you.
Fix – Keep It Moving, There’s Nothing You Can Do
We mentioned earlier that there can be indications that the person who liked your message is not interested in talking to you. Opening Message: Even though it does not get the level of attention that it deserves, an opening message when you first text someone goes a long way to determine if they will want to talk to you or not. If you send a message that the user can’t be bothered to reply to, they may just give you a polite Like and ignore you Message Dynamic: If you have been having conversations with this person and the conversation is not flowing well, they may get fed up with it. When they do, they may not want to tell you that they are no longer interested, so they just leave a Like instead. Also, if there is an argument or disagreement over opinions or ideologies, people tend to walk away from such situations online. In this case, the person may like your last message as a sign of resignation and stop talking to you. So, you can get a clue as to the person’s stance and reasons for sending a Like without replying from the nature of the most recent conversations that you have had. Whatever the case, if there is an indication that the conversation hasn’t gone down well, then it is likely that they are not interested in talking to you. And all you can do in this situation is to move on, really. It is true that nobody enjoys rejection, but there is no point podning over someone that has no interest in talking to you in the first place.
2. They Forgot
On the other hand, the person may have genuinely liked your message and intended to carry on the conversation but forgot to reply. They may have gotten distracted, got busy, or they may even think that they did reply to the message without having actually done so. Also, many people do not spend a lot of time on dating sites. Sending you a Like may just be their way of making a friendly exit from the conversation, which they will return to later. One way to tell that this may be the case is if the conversation had been going well up to this point. Or at least if there was no uncomfortable exchange before it happened. It would make little sense for someone to walk away from a conversation that was going alright. So, if someone likes your message and does not reply, and there was no obvious cause for them to ignore you, it is possible that they just forgot to reply, got distracted, got busy, thought that they replied, or they will eventually come back to it.
Fix – Say, ‘Did You Mean to Send A Message’?
When you feel that there is little reason for the person to ignore you, you could simply send them another message, perhaps asking them if they meant to follow up their Like with a message. As we explained, it may be that they forgot to text after liking the message, or that they got distracted, and so on. The only way you can find out is to send a probing message like, “Did you mean to send a message?”, to know what their intentions are. Chances are that they will get back to you once they see your message, and you can continue your conversation.
3. You Didn’t Say Something That Was Easy to Reply to
Maybe you did not say anything wrong, maybe the conversation was good, maybe they did not forget to respond. It could be that they only liked your message and did not say anything further because there was nothing to say! There are dynamics to conversations. There are messages you send that warrant a response and further conversation. While there are messages that someone can just like, appreciate, agree to, and leave it at that…because there is nothing more to add to it. Or maybe your message was even a response to something they said, and they just sent a Like to acknowledge your response. More still, it could be that they are not very good at carrying on conversations and need a bit of prompting to continue. The point is that if they can’t find anything further to say to your last message, they can send a polite Like just let you know that all’s good.
Fix – Revive the Conversation
In a case like this, you could send another message to the person to continue the conversation. What you say to them depends on the nature of the ongoing conversation. If you want to continue the conversation, you can say something to them about it to elicit a response. Ask a question, maybe. If the conversation has come to its natural end, then start another. If the timing feels right, you could ask them for an alternative means of communication, like their Instagram handle…if you can’t ask for their number yet. Don’t take it personally when they like your message and say nothing further. It could be that they are not very good at conversation, too. If you can be bothered, bring up a new topic, or ask them a question that will make them do some talking.
4. There’s A Bug That Caused the Message Not to Go Through
It could also be that they did respond, but a bug made the message not go through. Now, the issue with this is that the bug may have occurred on your phone or the person’s phone. The best you can do is to try to fix bugs on your own end and hope that it resolves the issue for you. By bug, we mean that the Tinder app on your phone may stop working properly, may be due to an error in its software code, or because it no longer has the ability to integrate properly with your phone’s operating system, and so on. To fix bug-related issues, you normally have to try a few solutions until you find the one that fixes the issue. So, let’s get right to fixing bugs on Tinder that may have caused the message to not get through to you.
Fix – Use Tinder.com Instead of the App
This is the quickest way to find out if the issue is with the Tinder app on your phone, and to quickly continue the conversation before coming back to try to fix the bug on your app. When someone has liked your message and does not respond, and there is little reason for them not to, go ahead and log in at Tinder.com to continue the conversation. If there is indeed a bug on your Tinder app, you should see their reply when you use Tinder.com
- Open a browser on your phone or PC and go to Tinder.com
- Select log in. If you log in on your app using a third-party service like Google, you should select the same on the browser.
- If you used your phone number to create the account, you’ll be sent a code on your phone, which you must enter into Tinder.com to access your account
- After logging in, get back to the conversation and see if they actually did reply your message
Fix 2 – Log Out Then Back Into the App
Now, back on the Tinder app, you should start your debugging by logging out of Tinder and then logging back in. You may wonder what logging out and logging back into Tinder has to do with their message not going through. To understand this, here’s a bit of technical background. You have created a login session when you log into your Tinder account. Your login details are stored, so you don’t always have to log in every time you open the app. You also receive a Token. Throughout the time you are logged in, that token you received allows you to access all the features on Tinder that you have permission to access including texting, matching, settings, notifications, and so on. Now, there are times when your login session has issues and your token no longer functions properly. This would cause some errors like messages sent to you not showing up on your Tinder app, from Tinder servers. To fix this, you need to log out of Tinder and log back in using the steps below: To log out of Tinder app:
- Tap on the profile icon at the top right of the screen
- Tap on Settings on the left
- Scroll down toward the very end of the screen and select Logout
- Then confirm to log out of Tinder
Fix 3 – Update Tinder to Get Rid Of Bugs
If logging out and logging back in does not fix the issue of people’s messages not getting through to you, it could be that the version of Tinder on your phone is out of date. If your Tinder app is out of date, it may no longer be able to receive some services like new message delivery from Tinder servers. Or the problem may just be a code error for which Tinder has released an update patch. This is why you need to ensure that Tinder, like every other app on your phone, is always up to date in order for it to continue functioning properly. To update Tinder:
- Exit Tinder and swipe it away from recent items
- Then, open your App Store or Play Store
- Search for Tinder in the search bar and select it from the results
- If there is an update available, you will see Update by the side.
- Tap on update to begin installing the Tinder update
- When it is complete, you should then see Open instead of Update.
- Tap on Open to relaunch Tinder and check if you are now getting messages
Fix 4 – Clear Your Cache to Get Rid of Tinder Bugs
The cache is a memory that is assigned to an application installed on your phone, to store temporary information about your use of the application. This is so that you can always access data on the app quickly and don’t have to repeat certain actions like logging in, setting your user preferences, and so on, every time you open Tinder. So, information like your login details, some of your app preferences, your profile data and some images are all stored in the cache. And, every time you launch Tinder, the app loads all the data from this cache memory to help you enjoy your smooth experience on Tinder. However, because of the importance of this cache memory, whenever it becomes corrupt or just suffers a minor glitch, the application (in this case, Tinder) will stop functioning properly, and may cause issues like messages not getting through on your app. To fix this, you need to clear the cache memory in order to remove the corrupt data, and get your Tinder app working well again. To clear cache on Android:
- Long-press the Tinder app
- Select App Info
- Select Clear Data
- Select Clear Cache
- Confirm to clear the cache On iOS
- Navigate to Settings on your device
- Select General
- Select iPhone Storage
- Select Tinder
- Select Offload app
- Confirm the action
- Select Reinstall app
Fix 5 – Uninstall and Reinstall the App
If the problem persists after updating Tinder and clearing the cache, it is possible that the Tinder app on your phone has run into a serious problem for which there is no current fix. In this case, you would need to uninstall the Tinder app on your phone and install it again to get a fresh start. To do this:
- Long-press Tinder on your phone home screen and select Uninstall or Remove, depending on your phone OS
- Confirm to uninstall Tinder when prompted
- Then, head over to your App Store or Play Store, search for Tinder and reinstall it
- After reinstalling Tinder, you will be prompted to enter your login details afresh because this is a new setup
- Enter the details and check if the issue is now resolved
Fix 6 – Contact Tinder Support
If the issue persists after trying all the fixes so far, then there is an unusual problem with the Tinder app on your phone. In that case, you would need to contact Tinder for support on the issue. You can reach Tinder on Twitter or the help page here.
Fix 7 – Wait For Them To Come Out With A Fix
The issue of messages not getting through may be a problem with Tinder services, and they are aware that users are not getting messages. Even if they weren’t aware, your report to them in the step above would make them know and start working to resolve it. So, you just need to wait for them to come out with a fix so you can start having seamless conversations on Tinder again.
5. Tinder is Down, So the Message Didn’t Go Through
Finally, the problem may be that Tinder servers are temporarily down and so messages don’t get through to users on the app. It may be hard to tell that this is the case because other parts of the app like logging in, matching, and so on may be working. One way to find out is to get back on their Tinder page provided above to check if they have any updates regarding the situation. You could also check sites like Down Inspector and Down Detector for live status updates.
Fix – Wait For Tinder To Go Back Up
If you check on any of the sites or on Tinder’s Twitter page and find that Tinder is actually down, all you can do is wait for Tinder to go back up so you can start messaging with your matches again.

title: “Liked Message But No Reply Tinder” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-08” author: “Shirley Lawrence”
If they have been great, then something may be preventing them from responding at the time, or preventing you from getting their response. If the conversation hasn’t been great, or you said something that may be uncomfortable, then do not hold your breath for a response even if they liked the last message. At any rate, here’s a list of the most common reasons why someone may like your message on Tinder without replying to it.
Why Did Someone Like My Tinder Message But Not Respond
1. They’re Not Interested and Wanted to End the Convo Politely
We will start off with the possibility that you are scared of. Because, a lot of the time, it is the actual reason why they simply liked your message but did not respond. The truth is that the person may not be interested in talking to you anymore, whether after the first few conversations or after you have talked for a couple of days. Also, a lot of people find it difficult to come out and say that they no longer want to speak to you. And they may also not want to outright unmatch you. So, they may just like your message and leave it at that as a polite way of saying that they can no longer be bothered to talk to you. In other situations, you may have said something that did not sit well with them and they like the message in irony and just move on. For others, too, it can be a way of saying that they do not want to confront you about what you have just said to them, so they are letting you have the “win”. In other cases, they still may have liked the message by mistake and just want to move on from the conversation. Whatever the reason, the point is that it is very likely that they liked your message and did not respond because they are no longer interested in talking to you.
Fix – Keep It Moving, There’s Nothing You Can Do
We mentioned earlier that there can be indications that the person who liked your message is not interested in talking to you. Opening Message: Even though it does not get the level of attention that it deserves, an opening message when you first text someone goes a long way to determine if they will want to talk to you or not. If you send a message that the user can’t be bothered to reply to, they may just give you a polite Like and ignore you Message Dynamic: If you have been having conversations with this person and the conversation is not flowing well, they may get fed up with it. When they do, they may not want to tell you that they are no longer interested, so they just leave a Like instead. Also, if there is an argument or disagreement over opinions or ideologies, people tend to walk away from such situations online. In this case, the person may like your last message as a sign of resignation and stop talking to you. So, you can get a clue as to the person’s stance and reasons for sending a Like without replying from the nature of the most recent conversations that you have had. Whatever the case, if there is an indication that the conversation hasn’t gone down well, then it is likely that they are not interested in talking to you. And all you can do in this situation is to move on, really. It is true that nobody enjoys rejection, but there is no point podning over someone that has no interest in talking to you in the first place.
2. They Forgot
On the other hand, the person may have genuinely liked your message and intended to carry on the conversation but forgot to reply. They may have gotten distracted, got busy, or they may even think that they did reply to the message without having actually done so. Also, many people do not spend a lot of time on dating sites. Sending you a Like may just be their way of making a friendly exit from the conversation, which they will return to later. One way to tell that this may be the case is if the conversation had been going well up to this point. Or at least if there was no uncomfortable exchange before it happened. It would make little sense for someone to walk away from a conversation that was going alright. So, if someone likes your message and does not reply, and there was no obvious cause for them to ignore you, it is possible that they just forgot to reply, got distracted, got busy, thought that they replied, or they will eventually come back to it.
Fix – Say, ‘Did You Mean to Send A Message’?
When you feel that there is little reason for the person to ignore you, you could simply send them another message, perhaps asking them if they meant to follow up their Like with a message. As we explained, it may be that they forgot to text after liking the message, or that they got distracted, and so on. The only way you can find out is to send a probing message like, “Did you mean to send a message?”, to know what their intentions are. Chances are that they will get back to you once they see your message, and you can continue your conversation.
3. You Didn’t Say Something That Was Easy to Reply to
Maybe you did not say anything wrong, maybe the conversation was good, maybe they did not forget to respond. It could be that they only liked your message and did not say anything further because there was nothing to say! There are dynamics to conversations. There are messages you send that warrant a response and further conversation. While there are messages that someone can just like, appreciate, agree to, and leave it at that…because there is nothing more to add to it. Or maybe your message was even a response to something they said, and they just sent a Like to acknowledge your response. More still, it could be that they are not very good at carrying on conversations and need a bit of prompting to continue. The point is that if they can’t find anything further to say to your last message, they can send a polite Like just let you know that all’s good.
Fix – Revive the Conversation
In a case like this, you could send another message to the person to continue the conversation. What you say to them depends on the nature of the ongoing conversation. If you want to continue the conversation, you can say something to them about it to elicit a response. Ask a question, maybe. If the conversation has come to its natural end, then start another. If the timing feels right, you could ask them for an alternative means of communication, like their Instagram handle…if you can’t ask for their number yet. Don’t take it personally when they like your message and say nothing further. It could be that they are not very good at conversation, too. If you can be bothered, bring up a new topic, or ask them a question that will make them do some talking.
4. There’s A Bug That Caused the Message Not to Go Through
It could also be that they did respond, but a bug made the message not go through. Now, the issue with this is that the bug may have occurred on your phone or the person’s phone. The best you can do is to try to fix bugs on your own end and hope that it resolves the issue for you. By bug, we mean that the Tinder app on your phone may stop working properly, may be due to an error in its software code, or because it no longer has the ability to integrate properly with your phone’s operating system, and so on. To fix bug-related issues, you normally have to try a few solutions until you find the one that fixes the issue. So, let’s get right to fixing bugs on Tinder that may have caused the message to not get through to you.
Fix – Use Tinder.com Instead of the App
This is the quickest way to find out if the issue is with the Tinder app on your phone, and to quickly continue the conversation before coming back to try to fix the bug on your app. When someone has liked your message and does not respond, and there is little reason for them not to, go ahead and log in at Tinder.com to continue the conversation. If there is indeed a bug on your Tinder app, you should see their reply when you use Tinder.com
- Open a browser on your phone or PC and go to Tinder.com
- Select log in. If you log in on your app using a third-party service like Google, you should select the same on the browser.
- If you used your phone number to create the account, you’ll be sent a code on your phone, which you must enter into Tinder.com to access your account
- After logging in, get back to the conversation and see if they actually did reply your message
Fix 2 – Log Out Then Back Into the App
Now, back on the Tinder app, you should start your debugging by logging out of Tinder and then logging back in. You may wonder what logging out and logging back into Tinder has to do with their message not going through. To understand this, here’s a bit of technical background. You have created a login session when you log into your Tinder account. Your login details are stored, so you don’t always have to log in every time you open the app. You also receive a Token. Throughout the time you are logged in, that token you received allows you to access all the features on Tinder that you have permission to access including texting, matching, settings, notifications, and so on. Now, there are times when your login session has issues and your token no longer functions properly. This would cause some errors like messages sent to you not showing up on your Tinder app, from Tinder servers. To fix this, you need to log out of Tinder and log back in using the steps below: To log out of Tinder app:
- Tap on the profile icon at the top right of the screen
- Tap on Settings on the left
- Scroll down toward the very end of the screen and select Logout
- Then confirm to log out of Tinder
Fix 3 – Update Tinder to Get Rid Of Bugs
If logging out and logging back in does not fix the issue of people’s messages not getting through to you, it could be that the version of Tinder on your phone is out of date. If your Tinder app is out of date, it may no longer be able to receive some services like new message delivery from Tinder servers. Or the problem may just be a code error for which Tinder has released an update patch. This is why you need to ensure that Tinder, like every other app on your phone, is always up to date in order for it to continue functioning properly. To update Tinder:
- Exit Tinder and swipe it away from recent items
- Then, open your App Store or Play Store
- Search for Tinder in the search bar and select it from the results
- If there is an update available, you will see Update by the side.
- Tap on update to begin installing the Tinder update
- When it is complete, you should then see Open instead of Update.
- Tap on Open to relaunch Tinder and check if you are now getting messages
Fix 4 – Clear Your Cache to Get Rid of Tinder Bugs
The cache is a memory that is assigned to an application installed on your phone, to store temporary information about your use of the application. This is so that you can always access data on the app quickly and don’t have to repeat certain actions like logging in, setting your user preferences, and so on, every time you open Tinder. So, information like your login details, some of your app preferences, your profile data and some images are all stored in the cache. And, every time you launch Tinder, the app loads all the data from this cache memory to help you enjoy your smooth experience on Tinder. However, because of the importance of this cache memory, whenever it becomes corrupt or just suffers a minor glitch, the application (in this case, Tinder) will stop functioning properly, and may cause issues like messages not getting through on your app. To fix this, you need to clear the cache memory in order to remove the corrupt data, and get your Tinder app working well again. To clear cache on Android:
- Long-press the Tinder app
- Select App Info
- Select Clear Data
- Select Clear Cache
- Confirm to clear the cache On iOS
- Navigate to Settings on your device
- Select General
- Select iPhone Storage
- Select Tinder
- Select Offload app
- Confirm the action
- Select Reinstall app
Fix 5 – Uninstall and Reinstall the App
If the problem persists after updating Tinder and clearing the cache, it is possible that the Tinder app on your phone has run into a serious problem for which there is no current fix. In this case, you would need to uninstall the Tinder app on your phone and install it again to get a fresh start. To do this:
- Long-press Tinder on your phone home screen and select Uninstall or Remove, depending on your phone OS
- Confirm to uninstall Tinder when prompted
- Then, head over to your App Store or Play Store, search for Tinder and reinstall it
- After reinstalling Tinder, you will be prompted to enter your login details afresh because this is a new setup
- Enter the details and check if the issue is now resolved
Fix 6 – Contact Tinder Support
If the issue persists after trying all the fixes so far, then there is an unusual problem with the Tinder app on your phone. In that case, you would need to contact Tinder for support on the issue. You can reach Tinder on Twitter or the help page here.
Fix 7 – Wait For Them To Come Out With A Fix
The issue of messages not getting through may be a problem with Tinder services, and they are aware that users are not getting messages. Even if they weren’t aware, your report to them in the step above would make them know and start working to resolve it. So, you just need to wait for them to come out with a fix so you can start having seamless conversations on Tinder again.
5. Tinder is Down, So the Message Didn’t Go Through
Finally, the problem may be that Tinder servers are temporarily down and so messages don’t get through to users on the app. It may be hard to tell that this is the case because other parts of the app like logging in, matching, and so on may be working. One way to find out is to get back on their Tinder page provided above to check if they have any updates regarding the situation. You could also check sites like Down Inspector and Down Detector for live status updates.
Fix – Wait For Tinder To Go Back Up
If you check on any of the sites or on Tinder’s Twitter page and find that Tinder is actually down, all you can do is wait for Tinder to go back up so you can start messaging with your matches again.

title: “Liked Message But No Reply Tinder” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-21” author: “Tony Black”
If they have been great, then something may be preventing them from responding at the time, or preventing you from getting their response. If the conversation hasn’t been great, or you said something that may be uncomfortable, then do not hold your breath for a response even if they liked the last message. At any rate, here’s a list of the most common reasons why someone may like your message on Tinder without replying to it.
Why Did Someone Like My Tinder Message But Not Respond
1. They’re Not Interested and Wanted to End the Convo Politely
We will start off with the possibility that you are scared of. Because, a lot of the time, it is the actual reason why they simply liked your message but did not respond. The truth is that the person may not be interested in talking to you anymore, whether after the first few conversations or after you have talked for a couple of days. Also, a lot of people find it difficult to come out and say that they no longer want to speak to you. And they may also not want to outright unmatch you. So, they may just like your message and leave it at that as a polite way of saying that they can no longer be bothered to talk to you. In other situations, you may have said something that did not sit well with them and they like the message in irony and just move on. For others, too, it can be a way of saying that they do not want to confront you about what you have just said to them, so they are letting you have the “win”. In other cases, they still may have liked the message by mistake and just want to move on from the conversation. Whatever the reason, the point is that it is very likely that they liked your message and did not respond because they are no longer interested in talking to you.
Fix – Keep It Moving, There’s Nothing You Can Do
We mentioned earlier that there can be indications that the person who liked your message is not interested in talking to you. Opening Message: Even though it does not get the level of attention that it deserves, an opening message when you first text someone goes a long way to determine if they will want to talk to you or not. If you send a message that the user can’t be bothered to reply to, they may just give you a polite Like and ignore you Message Dynamic: If you have been having conversations with this person and the conversation is not flowing well, they may get fed up with it. When they do, they may not want to tell you that they are no longer interested, so they just leave a Like instead. Also, if there is an argument or disagreement over opinions or ideologies, people tend to walk away from such situations online. In this case, the person may like your last message as a sign of resignation and stop talking to you. So, you can get a clue as to the person’s stance and reasons for sending a Like without replying from the nature of the most recent conversations that you have had. Whatever the case, if there is an indication that the conversation hasn’t gone down well, then it is likely that they are not interested in talking to you. And all you can do in this situation is to move on, really. It is true that nobody enjoys rejection, but there is no point podning over someone that has no interest in talking to you in the first place.
2. They Forgot
On the other hand, the person may have genuinely liked your message and intended to carry on the conversation but forgot to reply. They may have gotten distracted, got busy, or they may even think that they did reply to the message without having actually done so. Also, many people do not spend a lot of time on dating sites. Sending you a Like may just be their way of making a friendly exit from the conversation, which they will return to later. One way to tell that this may be the case is if the conversation had been going well up to this point. Or at least if there was no uncomfortable exchange before it happened. It would make little sense for someone to walk away from a conversation that was going alright. So, if someone likes your message and does not reply, and there was no obvious cause for them to ignore you, it is possible that they just forgot to reply, got distracted, got busy, thought that they replied, or they will eventually come back to it.
Fix – Say, ‘Did You Mean to Send A Message’?
When you feel that there is little reason for the person to ignore you, you could simply send them another message, perhaps asking them if they meant to follow up their Like with a message. As we explained, it may be that they forgot to text after liking the message, or that they got distracted, and so on. The only way you can find out is to send a probing message like, “Did you mean to send a message?”, to know what their intentions are. Chances are that they will get back to you once they see your message, and you can continue your conversation.
3. You Didn’t Say Something That Was Easy to Reply to
Maybe you did not say anything wrong, maybe the conversation was good, maybe they did not forget to respond. It could be that they only liked your message and did not say anything further because there was nothing to say! There are dynamics to conversations. There are messages you send that warrant a response and further conversation. While there are messages that someone can just like, appreciate, agree to, and leave it at that…because there is nothing more to add to it. Or maybe your message was even a response to something they said, and they just sent a Like to acknowledge your response. More still, it could be that they are not very good at carrying on conversations and need a bit of prompting to continue. The point is that if they can’t find anything further to say to your last message, they can send a polite Like just let you know that all’s good.
Fix – Revive the Conversation
In a case like this, you could send another message to the person to continue the conversation. What you say to them depends on the nature of the ongoing conversation. If you want to continue the conversation, you can say something to them about it to elicit a response. Ask a question, maybe. If the conversation has come to its natural end, then start another. If the timing feels right, you could ask them for an alternative means of communication, like their Instagram handle…if you can’t ask for their number yet. Don’t take it personally when they like your message and say nothing further. It could be that they are not very good at conversation, too. If you can be bothered, bring up a new topic, or ask them a question that will make them do some talking.
4. There’s A Bug That Caused the Message Not to Go Through
It could also be that they did respond, but a bug made the message not go through. Now, the issue with this is that the bug may have occurred on your phone or the person’s phone. The best you can do is to try to fix bugs on your own end and hope that it resolves the issue for you. By bug, we mean that the Tinder app on your phone may stop working properly, may be due to an error in its software code, or because it no longer has the ability to integrate properly with your phone’s operating system, and so on. To fix bug-related issues, you normally have to try a few solutions until you find the one that fixes the issue. So, let’s get right to fixing bugs on Tinder that may have caused the message to not get through to you.
Fix – Use Tinder.com Instead of the App
This is the quickest way to find out if the issue is with the Tinder app on your phone, and to quickly continue the conversation before coming back to try to fix the bug on your app. When someone has liked your message and does not respond, and there is little reason for them not to, go ahead and log in at Tinder.com to continue the conversation. If there is indeed a bug on your Tinder app, you should see their reply when you use Tinder.com
- Open a browser on your phone or PC and go to Tinder.com
- Select log in. If you log in on your app using a third-party service like Google, you should select the same on the browser.
- If you used your phone number to create the account, you’ll be sent a code on your phone, which you must enter into Tinder.com to access your account
- After logging in, get back to the conversation and see if they actually did reply your message
Fix 2 – Log Out Then Back Into the App
Now, back on the Tinder app, you should start your debugging by logging out of Tinder and then logging back in. You may wonder what logging out and logging back into Tinder has to do with their message not going through. To understand this, here’s a bit of technical background. You have created a login session when you log into your Tinder account. Your login details are stored, so you don’t always have to log in every time you open the app. You also receive a Token. Throughout the time you are logged in, that token you received allows you to access all the features on Tinder that you have permission to access including texting, matching, settings, notifications, and so on. Now, there are times when your login session has issues and your token no longer functions properly. This would cause some errors like messages sent to you not showing up on your Tinder app, from Tinder servers. To fix this, you need to log out of Tinder and log back in using the steps below: To log out of Tinder app:
- Tap on the profile icon at the top right of the screen
- Tap on Settings on the left
- Scroll down toward the very end of the screen and select Logout
- Then confirm to log out of Tinder
Fix 3 – Update Tinder to Get Rid Of Bugs
If logging out and logging back in does not fix the issue of people’s messages not getting through to you, it could be that the version of Tinder on your phone is out of date. If your Tinder app is out of date, it may no longer be able to receive some services like new message delivery from Tinder servers. Or the problem may just be a code error for which Tinder has released an update patch. This is why you need to ensure that Tinder, like every other app on your phone, is always up to date in order for it to continue functioning properly. To update Tinder:
- Exit Tinder and swipe it away from recent items
- Then, open your App Store or Play Store
- Search for Tinder in the search bar and select it from the results
- If there is an update available, you will see Update by the side.
- Tap on update to begin installing the Tinder update
- When it is complete, you should then see Open instead of Update.
- Tap on Open to relaunch Tinder and check if you are now getting messages
Fix 4 – Clear Your Cache to Get Rid of Tinder Bugs
The cache is a memory that is assigned to an application installed on your phone, to store temporary information about your use of the application. This is so that you can always access data on the app quickly and don’t have to repeat certain actions like logging in, setting your user preferences, and so on, every time you open Tinder. So, information like your login details, some of your app preferences, your profile data and some images are all stored in the cache. And, every time you launch Tinder, the app loads all the data from this cache memory to help you enjoy your smooth experience on Tinder. However, because of the importance of this cache memory, whenever it becomes corrupt or just suffers a minor glitch, the application (in this case, Tinder) will stop functioning properly, and may cause issues like messages not getting through on your app. To fix this, you need to clear the cache memory in order to remove the corrupt data, and get your Tinder app working well again. To clear cache on Android:
- Long-press the Tinder app
- Select App Info
- Select Clear Data
- Select Clear Cache
- Confirm to clear the cache On iOS
- Navigate to Settings on your device
- Select General
- Select iPhone Storage
- Select Tinder
- Select Offload app
- Confirm the action
- Select Reinstall app
Fix 5 – Uninstall and Reinstall the App
If the problem persists after updating Tinder and clearing the cache, it is possible that the Tinder app on your phone has run into a serious problem for which there is no current fix. In this case, you would need to uninstall the Tinder app on your phone and install it again to get a fresh start. To do this:
- Long-press Tinder on your phone home screen and select Uninstall or Remove, depending on your phone OS
- Confirm to uninstall Tinder when prompted
- Then, head over to your App Store or Play Store, search for Tinder and reinstall it
- After reinstalling Tinder, you will be prompted to enter your login details afresh because this is a new setup
- Enter the details and check if the issue is now resolved
Fix 6 – Contact Tinder Support
If the issue persists after trying all the fixes so far, then there is an unusual problem with the Tinder app on your phone. In that case, you would need to contact Tinder for support on the issue. You can reach Tinder on Twitter or the help page here.
Fix 7 – Wait For Them To Come Out With A Fix
The issue of messages not getting through may be a problem with Tinder services, and they are aware that users are not getting messages. Even if they weren’t aware, your report to them in the step above would make them know and start working to resolve it. So, you just need to wait for them to come out with a fix so you can start having seamless conversations on Tinder again.
5. Tinder is Down, So the Message Didn’t Go Through
Finally, the problem may be that Tinder servers are temporarily down and so messages don’t get through to users on the app. It may be hard to tell that this is the case because other parts of the app like logging in, matching, and so on may be working. One way to find out is to get back on their Tinder page provided above to check if they have any updates regarding the situation. You could also check sites like Down Inspector and Down Detector for live status updates.
Fix – Wait For Tinder To Go Back Up
If you check on any of the sites or on Tinder’s Twitter page and find that Tinder is actually down, all you can do is wait for Tinder to go back up so you can start messaging with your matches again.

title: “Liked Message But No Reply Tinder” ShowToc: true date: “2022-10-29” author: “John Davidson”
If they have been great, then something may be preventing them from responding at the time, or preventing you from getting their response. If the conversation hasn’t been great, or you said something that may be uncomfortable, then do not hold your breath for a response even if they liked the last message. At any rate, here’s a list of the most common reasons why someone may like your message on Tinder without replying to it.
Why Did Someone Like My Tinder Message But Not Respond
1. They’re Not Interested and Wanted to End the Convo Politely
We will start off with the possibility that you are scared of. Because, a lot of the time, it is the actual reason why they simply liked your message but did not respond. The truth is that the person may not be interested in talking to you anymore, whether after the first few conversations or after you have talked for a couple of days. Also, a lot of people find it difficult to come out and say that they no longer want to speak to you. And they may also not want to outright unmatch you. So, they may just like your message and leave it at that as a polite way of saying that they can no longer be bothered to talk to you. In other situations, you may have said something that did not sit well with them and they like the message in irony and just move on. For others, too, it can be a way of saying that they do not want to confront you about what you have just said to them, so they are letting you have the “win”. In other cases, they still may have liked the message by mistake and just want to move on from the conversation. Whatever the reason, the point is that it is very likely that they liked your message and did not respond because they are no longer interested in talking to you.
Fix – Keep It Moving, There’s Nothing You Can Do
We mentioned earlier that there can be indications that the person who liked your message is not interested in talking to you. Opening Message: Even though it does not get the level of attention that it deserves, an opening message when you first text someone goes a long way to determine if they will want to talk to you or not. If you send a message that the user can’t be bothered to reply to, they may just give you a polite Like and ignore you Message Dynamic: If you have been having conversations with this person and the conversation is not flowing well, they may get fed up with it. When they do, they may not want to tell you that they are no longer interested, so they just leave a Like instead. Also, if there is an argument or disagreement over opinions or ideologies, people tend to walk away from such situations online. In this case, the person may like your last message as a sign of resignation and stop talking to you. So, you can get a clue as to the person’s stance and reasons for sending a Like without replying from the nature of the most recent conversations that you have had. Whatever the case, if there is an indication that the conversation hasn’t gone down well, then it is likely that they are not interested in talking to you. And all you can do in this situation is to move on, really. It is true that nobody enjoys rejection, but there is no point podning over someone that has no interest in talking to you in the first place.
2. They Forgot
On the other hand, the person may have genuinely liked your message and intended to carry on the conversation but forgot to reply. They may have gotten distracted, got busy, or they may even think that they did reply to the message without having actually done so. Also, many people do not spend a lot of time on dating sites. Sending you a Like may just be their way of making a friendly exit from the conversation, which they will return to later. One way to tell that this may be the case is if the conversation had been going well up to this point. Or at least if there was no uncomfortable exchange before it happened. It would make little sense for someone to walk away from a conversation that was going alright. So, if someone likes your message and does not reply, and there was no obvious cause for them to ignore you, it is possible that they just forgot to reply, got distracted, got busy, thought that they replied, or they will eventually come back to it.
Fix – Say, ‘Did You Mean to Send A Message’?
When you feel that there is little reason for the person to ignore you, you could simply send them another message, perhaps asking them if they meant to follow up their Like with a message. As we explained, it may be that they forgot to text after liking the message, or that they got distracted, and so on. The only way you can find out is to send a probing message like, “Did you mean to send a message?”, to know what their intentions are. Chances are that they will get back to you once they see your message, and you can continue your conversation.
3. You Didn’t Say Something That Was Easy to Reply to
Maybe you did not say anything wrong, maybe the conversation was good, maybe they did not forget to respond. It could be that they only liked your message and did not say anything further because there was nothing to say! There are dynamics to conversations. There are messages you send that warrant a response and further conversation. While there are messages that someone can just like, appreciate, agree to, and leave it at that…because there is nothing more to add to it. Or maybe your message was even a response to something they said, and they just sent a Like to acknowledge your response. More still, it could be that they are not very good at carrying on conversations and need a bit of prompting to continue. The point is that if they can’t find anything further to say to your last message, they can send a polite Like just let you know that all’s good.
Fix – Revive the Conversation
In a case like this, you could send another message to the person to continue the conversation. What you say to them depends on the nature of the ongoing conversation. If you want to continue the conversation, you can say something to them about it to elicit a response. Ask a question, maybe. If the conversation has come to its natural end, then start another. If the timing feels right, you could ask them for an alternative means of communication, like their Instagram handle…if you can’t ask for their number yet. Don’t take it personally when they like your message and say nothing further. It could be that they are not very good at conversation, too. If you can be bothered, bring up a new topic, or ask them a question that will make them do some talking.
4. There’s A Bug That Caused the Message Not to Go Through
It could also be that they did respond, but a bug made the message not go through. Now, the issue with this is that the bug may have occurred on your phone or the person’s phone. The best you can do is to try to fix bugs on your own end and hope that it resolves the issue for you. By bug, we mean that the Tinder app on your phone may stop working properly, may be due to an error in its software code, or because it no longer has the ability to integrate properly with your phone’s operating system, and so on. To fix bug-related issues, you normally have to try a few solutions until you find the one that fixes the issue. So, let’s get right to fixing bugs on Tinder that may have caused the message to not get through to you.
Fix – Use Tinder.com Instead of the App
This is the quickest way to find out if the issue is with the Tinder app on your phone, and to quickly continue the conversation before coming back to try to fix the bug on your app. When someone has liked your message and does not respond, and there is little reason for them not to, go ahead and log in at Tinder.com to continue the conversation. If there is indeed a bug on your Tinder app, you should see their reply when you use Tinder.com
- Open a browser on your phone or PC and go to Tinder.com
- Select log in. If you log in on your app using a third-party service like Google, you should select the same on the browser.
- If you used your phone number to create the account, you’ll be sent a code on your phone, which you must enter into Tinder.com to access your account
- After logging in, get back to the conversation and see if they actually did reply your message
Fix 2 – Log Out Then Back Into the App
Now, back on the Tinder app, you should start your debugging by logging out of Tinder and then logging back in. You may wonder what logging out and logging back into Tinder has to do with their message not going through. To understand this, here’s a bit of technical background. You have created a login session when you log into your Tinder account. Your login details are stored, so you don’t always have to log in every time you open the app. You also receive a Token. Throughout the time you are logged in, that token you received allows you to access all the features on Tinder that you have permission to access including texting, matching, settings, notifications, and so on. Now, there are times when your login session has issues and your token no longer functions properly. This would cause some errors like messages sent to you not showing up on your Tinder app, from Tinder servers. To fix this, you need to log out of Tinder and log back in using the steps below: To log out of Tinder app:
- Tap on the profile icon at the top right of the screen
- Tap on Settings on the left
- Scroll down toward the very end of the screen and select Logout
- Then confirm to log out of Tinder
Fix 3 – Update Tinder to Get Rid Of Bugs
If logging out and logging back in does not fix the issue of people’s messages not getting through to you, it could be that the version of Tinder on your phone is out of date. If your Tinder app is out of date, it may no longer be able to receive some services like new message delivery from Tinder servers. Or the problem may just be a code error for which Tinder has released an update patch. This is why you need to ensure that Tinder, like every other app on your phone, is always up to date in order for it to continue functioning properly. To update Tinder:
- Exit Tinder and swipe it away from recent items
- Then, open your App Store or Play Store
- Search for Tinder in the search bar and select it from the results
- If there is an update available, you will see Update by the side.
- Tap on update to begin installing the Tinder update
- When it is complete, you should then see Open instead of Update.
- Tap on Open to relaunch Tinder and check if you are now getting messages
Fix 4 – Clear Your Cache to Get Rid of Tinder Bugs
The cache is a memory that is assigned to an application installed on your phone, to store temporary information about your use of the application. This is so that you can always access data on the app quickly and don’t have to repeat certain actions like logging in, setting your user preferences, and so on, every time you open Tinder. So, information like your login details, some of your app preferences, your profile data and some images are all stored in the cache. And, every time you launch Tinder, the app loads all the data from this cache memory to help you enjoy your smooth experience on Tinder. However, because of the importance of this cache memory, whenever it becomes corrupt or just suffers a minor glitch, the application (in this case, Tinder) will stop functioning properly, and may cause issues like messages not getting through on your app. To fix this, you need to clear the cache memory in order to remove the corrupt data, and get your Tinder app working well again. To clear cache on Android:
- Long-press the Tinder app
- Select App Info
- Select Clear Data
- Select Clear Cache
- Confirm to clear the cache On iOS
- Navigate to Settings on your device
- Select General
- Select iPhone Storage
- Select Tinder
- Select Offload app
- Confirm the action
- Select Reinstall app
Fix 5 – Uninstall and Reinstall the App
If the problem persists after updating Tinder and clearing the cache, it is possible that the Tinder app on your phone has run into a serious problem for which there is no current fix. In this case, you would need to uninstall the Tinder app on your phone and install it again to get a fresh start. To do this:
- Long-press Tinder on your phone home screen and select Uninstall or Remove, depending on your phone OS
- Confirm to uninstall Tinder when prompted
- Then, head over to your App Store or Play Store, search for Tinder and reinstall it
- After reinstalling Tinder, you will be prompted to enter your login details afresh because this is a new setup
- Enter the details and check if the issue is now resolved
Fix 6 – Contact Tinder Support
If the issue persists after trying all the fixes so far, then there is an unusual problem with the Tinder app on your phone. In that case, you would need to contact Tinder for support on the issue. You can reach Tinder on Twitter or the help page here.
Fix 7 – Wait For Them To Come Out With A Fix
The issue of messages not getting through may be a problem with Tinder services, and they are aware that users are not getting messages. Even if they weren’t aware, your report to them in the step above would make them know and start working to resolve it. So, you just need to wait for them to come out with a fix so you can start having seamless conversations on Tinder again.
5. Tinder is Down, So the Message Didn’t Go Through
Finally, the problem may be that Tinder servers are temporarily down and so messages don’t get through to users on the app. It may be hard to tell that this is the case because other parts of the app like logging in, matching, and so on may be working. One way to find out is to get back on their Tinder page provided above to check if they have any updates regarding the situation. You could also check sites like Down Inspector and Down Detector for live status updates.
Fix – Wait For Tinder To Go Back Up
If you check on any of the sites or on Tinder’s Twitter page and find that Tinder is actually down, all you can do is wait for Tinder to go back up so you can start messaging with your matches again.

title: “Liked Message But No Reply Tinder” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-14” author: “Elizabeth Johnson”
If they have been great, then something may be preventing them from responding at the time, or preventing you from getting their response. If the conversation hasn’t been great, or you said something that may be uncomfortable, then do not hold your breath for a response even if they liked the last message. At any rate, here’s a list of the most common reasons why someone may like your message on Tinder without replying to it.
Why Did Someone Like My Tinder Message But Not Respond
1. They’re Not Interested and Wanted to End the Convo Politely
We will start off with the possibility that you are scared of. Because, a lot of the time, it is the actual reason why they simply liked your message but did not respond. The truth is that the person may not be interested in talking to you anymore, whether after the first few conversations or after you have talked for a couple of days. Also, a lot of people find it difficult to come out and say that they no longer want to speak to you. And they may also not want to outright unmatch you. So, they may just like your message and leave it at that as a polite way of saying that they can no longer be bothered to talk to you. In other situations, you may have said something that did not sit well with them and they like the message in irony and just move on. For others, too, it can be a way of saying that they do not want to confront you about what you have just said to them, so they are letting you have the “win”. In other cases, they still may have liked the message by mistake and just want to move on from the conversation. Whatever the reason, the point is that it is very likely that they liked your message and did not respond because they are no longer interested in talking to you.
Fix – Keep It Moving, There’s Nothing You Can Do
We mentioned earlier that there can be indications that the person who liked your message is not interested in talking to you. Opening Message: Even though it does not get the level of attention that it deserves, an opening message when you first text someone goes a long way to determine if they will want to talk to you or not. If you send a message that the user can’t be bothered to reply to, they may just give you a polite Like and ignore you Message Dynamic: If you have been having conversations with this person and the conversation is not flowing well, they may get fed up with it. When they do, they may not want to tell you that they are no longer interested, so they just leave a Like instead. Also, if there is an argument or disagreement over opinions or ideologies, people tend to walk away from such situations online. In this case, the person may like your last message as a sign of resignation and stop talking to you. So, you can get a clue as to the person’s stance and reasons for sending a Like without replying from the nature of the most recent conversations that you have had. Whatever the case, if there is an indication that the conversation hasn’t gone down well, then it is likely that they are not interested in talking to you. And all you can do in this situation is to move on, really. It is true that nobody enjoys rejection, but there is no point podning over someone that has no interest in talking to you in the first place.
2. They Forgot
On the other hand, the person may have genuinely liked your message and intended to carry on the conversation but forgot to reply. They may have gotten distracted, got busy, or they may even think that they did reply to the message without having actually done so. Also, many people do not spend a lot of time on dating sites. Sending you a Like may just be their way of making a friendly exit from the conversation, which they will return to later. One way to tell that this may be the case is if the conversation had been going well up to this point. Or at least if there was no uncomfortable exchange before it happened. It would make little sense for someone to walk away from a conversation that was going alright. So, if someone likes your message and does not reply, and there was no obvious cause for them to ignore you, it is possible that they just forgot to reply, got distracted, got busy, thought that they replied, or they will eventually come back to it.
Fix – Say, ‘Did You Mean to Send A Message’?
When you feel that there is little reason for the person to ignore you, you could simply send them another message, perhaps asking them if they meant to follow up their Like with a message. As we explained, it may be that they forgot to text after liking the message, or that they got distracted, and so on. The only way you can find out is to send a probing message like, “Did you mean to send a message?”, to know what their intentions are. Chances are that they will get back to you once they see your message, and you can continue your conversation.
3. You Didn’t Say Something That Was Easy to Reply to
Maybe you did not say anything wrong, maybe the conversation was good, maybe they did not forget to respond. It could be that they only liked your message and did not say anything further because there was nothing to say! There are dynamics to conversations. There are messages you send that warrant a response and further conversation. While there are messages that someone can just like, appreciate, agree to, and leave it at that…because there is nothing more to add to it. Or maybe your message was even a response to something they said, and they just sent a Like to acknowledge your response. More still, it could be that they are not very good at carrying on conversations and need a bit of prompting to continue. The point is that if they can’t find anything further to say to your last message, they can send a polite Like just let you know that all’s good.
Fix – Revive the Conversation
In a case like this, you could send another message to the person to continue the conversation. What you say to them depends on the nature of the ongoing conversation. If you want to continue the conversation, you can say something to them about it to elicit a response. Ask a question, maybe. If the conversation has come to its natural end, then start another. If the timing feels right, you could ask them for an alternative means of communication, like their Instagram handle…if you can’t ask for their number yet. Don’t take it personally when they like your message and say nothing further. It could be that they are not very good at conversation, too. If you can be bothered, bring up a new topic, or ask them a question that will make them do some talking.
4. There’s A Bug That Caused the Message Not to Go Through
It could also be that they did respond, but a bug made the message not go through. Now, the issue with this is that the bug may have occurred on your phone or the person’s phone. The best you can do is to try to fix bugs on your own end and hope that it resolves the issue for you. By bug, we mean that the Tinder app on your phone may stop working properly, may be due to an error in its software code, or because it no longer has the ability to integrate properly with your phone’s operating system, and so on. To fix bug-related issues, you normally have to try a few solutions until you find the one that fixes the issue. So, let’s get right to fixing bugs on Tinder that may have caused the message to not get through to you.
Fix – Use Tinder.com Instead of the App
This is the quickest way to find out if the issue is with the Tinder app on your phone, and to quickly continue the conversation before coming back to try to fix the bug on your app. When someone has liked your message and does not respond, and there is little reason for them not to, go ahead and log in at Tinder.com to continue the conversation. If there is indeed a bug on your Tinder app, you should see their reply when you use Tinder.com
- Open a browser on your phone or PC and go to Tinder.com
- Select log in. If you log in on your app using a third-party service like Google, you should select the same on the browser.
- If you used your phone number to create the account, you’ll be sent a code on your phone, which you must enter into Tinder.com to access your account
- After logging in, get back to the conversation and see if they actually did reply your message
Fix 2 – Log Out Then Back Into the App
Now, back on the Tinder app, you should start your debugging by logging out of Tinder and then logging back in. You may wonder what logging out and logging back into Tinder has to do with their message not going through. To understand this, here’s a bit of technical background. You have created a login session when you log into your Tinder account. Your login details are stored, so you don’t always have to log in every time you open the app. You also receive a Token. Throughout the time you are logged in, that token you received allows you to access all the features on Tinder that you have permission to access including texting, matching, settings, notifications, and so on. Now, there are times when your login session has issues and your token no longer functions properly. This would cause some errors like messages sent to you not showing up on your Tinder app, from Tinder servers. To fix this, you need to log out of Tinder and log back in using the steps below: To log out of Tinder app:
- Tap on the profile icon at the top right of the screen
- Tap on Settings on the left
- Scroll down toward the very end of the screen and select Logout
- Then confirm to log out of Tinder
Fix 3 – Update Tinder to Get Rid Of Bugs
If logging out and logging back in does not fix the issue of people’s messages not getting through to you, it could be that the version of Tinder on your phone is out of date. If your Tinder app is out of date, it may no longer be able to receive some services like new message delivery from Tinder servers. Or the problem may just be a code error for which Tinder has released an update patch. This is why you need to ensure that Tinder, like every other app on your phone, is always up to date in order for it to continue functioning properly. To update Tinder:
- Exit Tinder and swipe it away from recent items
- Then, open your App Store or Play Store
- Search for Tinder in the search bar and select it from the results
- If there is an update available, you will see Update by the side.
- Tap on update to begin installing the Tinder update
- When it is complete, you should then see Open instead of Update.
- Tap on Open to relaunch Tinder and check if you are now getting messages
Fix 4 – Clear Your Cache to Get Rid of Tinder Bugs
The cache is a memory that is assigned to an application installed on your phone, to store temporary information about your use of the application. This is so that you can always access data on the app quickly and don’t have to repeat certain actions like logging in, setting your user preferences, and so on, every time you open Tinder. So, information like your login details, some of your app preferences, your profile data and some images are all stored in the cache. And, every time you launch Tinder, the app loads all the data from this cache memory to help you enjoy your smooth experience on Tinder. However, because of the importance of this cache memory, whenever it becomes corrupt or just suffers a minor glitch, the application (in this case, Tinder) will stop functioning properly, and may cause issues like messages not getting through on your app. To fix this, you need to clear the cache memory in order to remove the corrupt data, and get your Tinder app working well again. To clear cache on Android:
- Long-press the Tinder app
- Select App Info
- Select Clear Data
- Select Clear Cache
- Confirm to clear the cache On iOS
- Navigate to Settings on your device
- Select General
- Select iPhone Storage
- Select Tinder
- Select Offload app
- Confirm the action
- Select Reinstall app
Fix 5 – Uninstall and Reinstall the App
If the problem persists after updating Tinder and clearing the cache, it is possible that the Tinder app on your phone has run into a serious problem for which there is no current fix. In this case, you would need to uninstall the Tinder app on your phone and install it again to get a fresh start. To do this:
- Long-press Tinder on your phone home screen and select Uninstall or Remove, depending on your phone OS
- Confirm to uninstall Tinder when prompted
- Then, head over to your App Store or Play Store, search for Tinder and reinstall it
- After reinstalling Tinder, you will be prompted to enter your login details afresh because this is a new setup
- Enter the details and check if the issue is now resolved
Fix 6 – Contact Tinder Support
If the issue persists after trying all the fixes so far, then there is an unusual problem with the Tinder app on your phone. In that case, you would need to contact Tinder for support on the issue. You can reach Tinder on Twitter or the help page here.
Fix 7 – Wait For Them To Come Out With A Fix
The issue of messages not getting through may be a problem with Tinder services, and they are aware that users are not getting messages. Even if they weren’t aware, your report to them in the step above would make them know and start working to resolve it. So, you just need to wait for them to come out with a fix so you can start having seamless conversations on Tinder again.
5. Tinder is Down, So the Message Didn’t Go Through
Finally, the problem may be that Tinder servers are temporarily down and so messages don’t get through to users on the app. It may be hard to tell that this is the case because other parts of the app like logging in, matching, and so on may be working. One way to find out is to get back on their Tinder page provided above to check if they have any updates regarding the situation. You could also check sites like Down Inspector and Down Detector for live status updates.
Fix – Wait For Tinder To Go Back Up
If you check on any of the sites or on Tinder’s Twitter page and find that Tinder is actually down, all you can do is wait for Tinder to go back up so you can start messaging with your matches again.

title: “Liked Message But No Reply Tinder” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-02” author: “Christine Beers”
If they have been great, then something may be preventing them from responding at the time, or preventing you from getting their response. If the conversation hasn’t been great, or you said something that may be uncomfortable, then do not hold your breath for a response even if they liked the last message. At any rate, here’s a list of the most common reasons why someone may like your message on Tinder without replying to it.
Why Did Someone Like My Tinder Message But Not Respond
1. They’re Not Interested and Wanted to End the Convo Politely
We will start off with the possibility that you are scared of. Because, a lot of the time, it is the actual reason why they simply liked your message but did not respond. The truth is that the person may not be interested in talking to you anymore, whether after the first few conversations or after you have talked for a couple of days. Also, a lot of people find it difficult to come out and say that they no longer want to speak to you. And they may also not want to outright unmatch you. So, they may just like your message and leave it at that as a polite way of saying that they can no longer be bothered to talk to you. In other situations, you may have said something that did not sit well with them and they like the message in irony and just move on. For others, too, it can be a way of saying that they do not want to confront you about what you have just said to them, so they are letting you have the “win”. In other cases, they still may have liked the message by mistake and just want to move on from the conversation. Whatever the reason, the point is that it is very likely that they liked your message and did not respond because they are no longer interested in talking to you.
Fix – Keep It Moving, There’s Nothing You Can Do
We mentioned earlier that there can be indications that the person who liked your message is not interested in talking to you. Opening Message: Even though it does not get the level of attention that it deserves, an opening message when you first text someone goes a long way to determine if they will want to talk to you or not. If you send a message that the user can’t be bothered to reply to, they may just give you a polite Like and ignore you Message Dynamic: If you have been having conversations with this person and the conversation is not flowing well, they may get fed up with it. When they do, they may not want to tell you that they are no longer interested, so they just leave a Like instead. Also, if there is an argument or disagreement over opinions or ideologies, people tend to walk away from such situations online. In this case, the person may like your last message as a sign of resignation and stop talking to you. So, you can get a clue as to the person’s stance and reasons for sending a Like without replying from the nature of the most recent conversations that you have had. Whatever the case, if there is an indication that the conversation hasn’t gone down well, then it is likely that they are not interested in talking to you. And all you can do in this situation is to move on, really. It is true that nobody enjoys rejection, but there is no point podning over someone that has no interest in talking to you in the first place.
2. They Forgot
On the other hand, the person may have genuinely liked your message and intended to carry on the conversation but forgot to reply. They may have gotten distracted, got busy, or they may even think that they did reply to the message without having actually done so. Also, many people do not spend a lot of time on dating sites. Sending you a Like may just be their way of making a friendly exit from the conversation, which they will return to later. One way to tell that this may be the case is if the conversation had been going well up to this point. Or at least if there was no uncomfortable exchange before it happened. It would make little sense for someone to walk away from a conversation that was going alright. So, if someone likes your message and does not reply, and there was no obvious cause for them to ignore you, it is possible that they just forgot to reply, got distracted, got busy, thought that they replied, or they will eventually come back to it.
Fix – Say, ‘Did You Mean to Send A Message’?
When you feel that there is little reason for the person to ignore you, you could simply send them another message, perhaps asking them if they meant to follow up their Like with a message. As we explained, it may be that they forgot to text after liking the message, or that they got distracted, and so on. The only way you can find out is to send a probing message like, “Did you mean to send a message?”, to know what their intentions are. Chances are that they will get back to you once they see your message, and you can continue your conversation.
3. You Didn’t Say Something That Was Easy to Reply to
Maybe you did not say anything wrong, maybe the conversation was good, maybe they did not forget to respond. It could be that they only liked your message and did not say anything further because there was nothing to say! There are dynamics to conversations. There are messages you send that warrant a response and further conversation. While there are messages that someone can just like, appreciate, agree to, and leave it at that…because there is nothing more to add to it. Or maybe your message was even a response to something they said, and they just sent a Like to acknowledge your response. More still, it could be that they are not very good at carrying on conversations and need a bit of prompting to continue. The point is that if they can’t find anything further to say to your last message, they can send a polite Like just let you know that all’s good.
Fix – Revive the Conversation
In a case like this, you could send another message to the person to continue the conversation. What you say to them depends on the nature of the ongoing conversation. If you want to continue the conversation, you can say something to them about it to elicit a response. Ask a question, maybe. If the conversation has come to its natural end, then start another. If the timing feels right, you could ask them for an alternative means of communication, like their Instagram handle…if you can’t ask for their number yet. Don’t take it personally when they like your message and say nothing further. It could be that they are not very good at conversation, too. If you can be bothered, bring up a new topic, or ask them a question that will make them do some talking.
4. There’s A Bug That Caused the Message Not to Go Through
It could also be that they did respond, but a bug made the message not go through. Now, the issue with this is that the bug may have occurred on your phone or the person’s phone. The best you can do is to try to fix bugs on your own end and hope that it resolves the issue for you. By bug, we mean that the Tinder app on your phone may stop working properly, may be due to an error in its software code, or because it no longer has the ability to integrate properly with your phone’s operating system, and so on. To fix bug-related issues, you normally have to try a few solutions until you find the one that fixes the issue. So, let’s get right to fixing bugs on Tinder that may have caused the message to not get through to you.
Fix – Use Tinder.com Instead of the App
This is the quickest way to find out if the issue is with the Tinder app on your phone, and to quickly continue the conversation before coming back to try to fix the bug on your app. When someone has liked your message and does not respond, and there is little reason for them not to, go ahead and log in at Tinder.com to continue the conversation. If there is indeed a bug on your Tinder app, you should see their reply when you use Tinder.com
- Open a browser on your phone or PC and go to Tinder.com
- Select log in. If you log in on your app using a third-party service like Google, you should select the same on the browser.
- If you used your phone number to create the account, you’ll be sent a code on your phone, which you must enter into Tinder.com to access your account
- After logging in, get back to the conversation and see if they actually did reply your message
Fix 2 – Log Out Then Back Into the App
Now, back on the Tinder app, you should start your debugging by logging out of Tinder and then logging back in. You may wonder what logging out and logging back into Tinder has to do with their message not going through. To understand this, here’s a bit of technical background. You have created a login session when you log into your Tinder account. Your login details are stored, so you don’t always have to log in every time you open the app. You also receive a Token. Throughout the time you are logged in, that token you received allows you to access all the features on Tinder that you have permission to access including texting, matching, settings, notifications, and so on. Now, there are times when your login session has issues and your token no longer functions properly. This would cause some errors like messages sent to you not showing up on your Tinder app, from Tinder servers. To fix this, you need to log out of Tinder and log back in using the steps below: To log out of Tinder app:
- Tap on the profile icon at the top right of the screen
- Tap on Settings on the left
- Scroll down toward the very end of the screen and select Logout
- Then confirm to log out of Tinder
Fix 3 – Update Tinder to Get Rid Of Bugs
If logging out and logging back in does not fix the issue of people’s messages not getting through to you, it could be that the version of Tinder on your phone is out of date. If your Tinder app is out of date, it may no longer be able to receive some services like new message delivery from Tinder servers. Or the problem may just be a code error for which Tinder has released an update patch. This is why you need to ensure that Tinder, like every other app on your phone, is always up to date in order for it to continue functioning properly. To update Tinder:
- Exit Tinder and swipe it away from recent items
- Then, open your App Store or Play Store
- Search for Tinder in the search bar and select it from the results
- If there is an update available, you will see Update by the side.
- Tap on update to begin installing the Tinder update
- When it is complete, you should then see Open instead of Update.
- Tap on Open to relaunch Tinder and check if you are now getting messages
Fix 4 – Clear Your Cache to Get Rid of Tinder Bugs
The cache is a memory that is assigned to an application installed on your phone, to store temporary information about your use of the application. This is so that you can always access data on the app quickly and don’t have to repeat certain actions like logging in, setting your user preferences, and so on, every time you open Tinder. So, information like your login details, some of your app preferences, your profile data and some images are all stored in the cache. And, every time you launch Tinder, the app loads all the data from this cache memory to help you enjoy your smooth experience on Tinder. However, because of the importance of this cache memory, whenever it becomes corrupt or just suffers a minor glitch, the application (in this case, Tinder) will stop functioning properly, and may cause issues like messages not getting through on your app. To fix this, you need to clear the cache memory in order to remove the corrupt data, and get your Tinder app working well again. To clear cache on Android:
- Long-press the Tinder app
- Select App Info
- Select Clear Data
- Select Clear Cache
- Confirm to clear the cache On iOS
- Navigate to Settings on your device
- Select General
- Select iPhone Storage
- Select Tinder
- Select Offload app
- Confirm the action
- Select Reinstall app
Fix 5 – Uninstall and Reinstall the App
If the problem persists after updating Tinder and clearing the cache, it is possible that the Tinder app on your phone has run into a serious problem for which there is no current fix. In this case, you would need to uninstall the Tinder app on your phone and install it again to get a fresh start. To do this:
- Long-press Tinder on your phone home screen and select Uninstall or Remove, depending on your phone OS
- Confirm to uninstall Tinder when prompted
- Then, head over to your App Store or Play Store, search for Tinder and reinstall it
- After reinstalling Tinder, you will be prompted to enter your login details afresh because this is a new setup
- Enter the details and check if the issue is now resolved
Fix 6 – Contact Tinder Support
If the issue persists after trying all the fixes so far, then there is an unusual problem with the Tinder app on your phone. In that case, you would need to contact Tinder for support on the issue. You can reach Tinder on Twitter or the help page here.
Fix 7 – Wait For Them To Come Out With A Fix
The issue of messages not getting through may be a problem with Tinder services, and they are aware that users are not getting messages. Even if they weren’t aware, your report to them in the step above would make them know and start working to resolve it. So, you just need to wait for them to come out with a fix so you can start having seamless conversations on Tinder again.
5. Tinder is Down, So the Message Didn’t Go Through
Finally, the problem may be that Tinder servers are temporarily down and so messages don’t get through to users on the app. It may be hard to tell that this is the case because other parts of the app like logging in, matching, and so on may be working. One way to find out is to get back on their Tinder page provided above to check if they have any updates regarding the situation. You could also check sites like Down Inspector and Down Detector for live status updates.
Fix – Wait For Tinder To Go Back Up
If you check on any of the sites or on Tinder’s Twitter page and find that Tinder is actually down, all you can do is wait for Tinder to go back up so you can start messaging with your matches again.

title: “Liked Message But No Reply Tinder” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-01” author: “Melissa Kamaka”
If they have been great, then something may be preventing them from responding at the time, or preventing you from getting their response. If the conversation hasn’t been great, or you said something that may be uncomfortable, then do not hold your breath for a response even if they liked the last message. At any rate, here’s a list of the most common reasons why someone may like your message on Tinder without replying to it.
Why Did Someone Like My Tinder Message But Not Respond
1. They’re Not Interested and Wanted to End the Convo Politely
We will start off with the possibility that you are scared of. Because, a lot of the time, it is the actual reason why they simply liked your message but did not respond. The truth is that the person may not be interested in talking to you anymore, whether after the first few conversations or after you have talked for a couple of days. Also, a lot of people find it difficult to come out and say that they no longer want to speak to you. And they may also not want to outright unmatch you. So, they may just like your message and leave it at that as a polite way of saying that they can no longer be bothered to talk to you. In other situations, you may have said something that did not sit well with them and they like the message in irony and just move on. For others, too, it can be a way of saying that they do not want to confront you about what you have just said to them, so they are letting you have the “win”. In other cases, they still may have liked the message by mistake and just want to move on from the conversation. Whatever the reason, the point is that it is very likely that they liked your message and did not respond because they are no longer interested in talking to you.
Fix – Keep It Moving, There’s Nothing You Can Do
We mentioned earlier that there can be indications that the person who liked your message is not interested in talking to you. Opening Message: Even though it does not get the level of attention that it deserves, an opening message when you first text someone goes a long way to determine if they will want to talk to you or not. If you send a message that the user can’t be bothered to reply to, they may just give you a polite Like and ignore you Message Dynamic: If you have been having conversations with this person and the conversation is not flowing well, they may get fed up with it. When they do, they may not want to tell you that they are no longer interested, so they just leave a Like instead. Also, if there is an argument or disagreement over opinions or ideologies, people tend to walk away from such situations online. In this case, the person may like your last message as a sign of resignation and stop talking to you. So, you can get a clue as to the person’s stance and reasons for sending a Like without replying from the nature of the most recent conversations that you have had. Whatever the case, if there is an indication that the conversation hasn’t gone down well, then it is likely that they are not interested in talking to you. And all you can do in this situation is to move on, really. It is true that nobody enjoys rejection, but there is no point podning over someone that has no interest in talking to you in the first place.
2. They Forgot
On the other hand, the person may have genuinely liked your message and intended to carry on the conversation but forgot to reply. They may have gotten distracted, got busy, or they may even think that they did reply to the message without having actually done so. Also, many people do not spend a lot of time on dating sites. Sending you a Like may just be their way of making a friendly exit from the conversation, which they will return to later. One way to tell that this may be the case is if the conversation had been going well up to this point. Or at least if there was no uncomfortable exchange before it happened. It would make little sense for someone to walk away from a conversation that was going alright. So, if someone likes your message and does not reply, and there was no obvious cause for them to ignore you, it is possible that they just forgot to reply, got distracted, got busy, thought that they replied, or they will eventually come back to it.
Fix – Say, ‘Did You Mean to Send A Message’?
When you feel that there is little reason for the person to ignore you, you could simply send them another message, perhaps asking them if they meant to follow up their Like with a message. As we explained, it may be that they forgot to text after liking the message, or that they got distracted, and so on. The only way you can find out is to send a probing message like, “Did you mean to send a message?”, to know what their intentions are. Chances are that they will get back to you once they see your message, and you can continue your conversation.
3. You Didn’t Say Something That Was Easy to Reply to
Maybe you did not say anything wrong, maybe the conversation was good, maybe they did not forget to respond. It could be that they only liked your message and did not say anything further because there was nothing to say! There are dynamics to conversations. There are messages you send that warrant a response and further conversation. While there are messages that someone can just like, appreciate, agree to, and leave it at that…because there is nothing more to add to it. Or maybe your message was even a response to something they said, and they just sent a Like to acknowledge your response. More still, it could be that they are not very good at carrying on conversations and need a bit of prompting to continue. The point is that if they can’t find anything further to say to your last message, they can send a polite Like just let you know that all’s good.
Fix – Revive the Conversation
In a case like this, you could send another message to the person to continue the conversation. What you say to them depends on the nature of the ongoing conversation. If you want to continue the conversation, you can say something to them about it to elicit a response. Ask a question, maybe. If the conversation has come to its natural end, then start another. If the timing feels right, you could ask them for an alternative means of communication, like their Instagram handle…if you can’t ask for their number yet. Don’t take it personally when they like your message and say nothing further. It could be that they are not very good at conversation, too. If you can be bothered, bring up a new topic, or ask them a question that will make them do some talking.
4. There’s A Bug That Caused the Message Not to Go Through
It could also be that they did respond, but a bug made the message not go through. Now, the issue with this is that the bug may have occurred on your phone or the person’s phone. The best you can do is to try to fix bugs on your own end and hope that it resolves the issue for you. By bug, we mean that the Tinder app on your phone may stop working properly, may be due to an error in its software code, or because it no longer has the ability to integrate properly with your phone’s operating system, and so on. To fix bug-related issues, you normally have to try a few solutions until you find the one that fixes the issue. So, let’s get right to fixing bugs on Tinder that may have caused the message to not get through to you.
Fix – Use Tinder.com Instead of the App
This is the quickest way to find out if the issue is with the Tinder app on your phone, and to quickly continue the conversation before coming back to try to fix the bug on your app. When someone has liked your message and does not respond, and there is little reason for them not to, go ahead and log in at Tinder.com to continue the conversation. If there is indeed a bug on your Tinder app, you should see their reply when you use Tinder.com
- Open a browser on your phone or PC and go to Tinder.com
- Select log in. If you log in on your app using a third-party service like Google, you should select the same on the browser.
- If you used your phone number to create the account, you’ll be sent a code on your phone, which you must enter into Tinder.com to access your account
- After logging in, get back to the conversation and see if they actually did reply your message
Fix 2 – Log Out Then Back Into the App
Now, back on the Tinder app, you should start your debugging by logging out of Tinder and then logging back in. You may wonder what logging out and logging back into Tinder has to do with their message not going through. To understand this, here’s a bit of technical background. You have created a login session when you log into your Tinder account. Your login details are stored, so you don’t always have to log in every time you open the app. You also receive a Token. Throughout the time you are logged in, that token you received allows you to access all the features on Tinder that you have permission to access including texting, matching, settings, notifications, and so on. Now, there are times when your login session has issues and your token no longer functions properly. This would cause some errors like messages sent to you not showing up on your Tinder app, from Tinder servers. To fix this, you need to log out of Tinder and log back in using the steps below: To log out of Tinder app:
- Tap on the profile icon at the top right of the screen
- Tap on Settings on the left
- Scroll down toward the very end of the screen and select Logout
- Then confirm to log out of Tinder
Fix 3 – Update Tinder to Get Rid Of Bugs
If logging out and logging back in does not fix the issue of people’s messages not getting through to you, it could be that the version of Tinder on your phone is out of date. If your Tinder app is out of date, it may no longer be able to receive some services like new message delivery from Tinder servers. Or the problem may just be a code error for which Tinder has released an update patch. This is why you need to ensure that Tinder, like every other app on your phone, is always up to date in order for it to continue functioning properly. To update Tinder:
- Exit Tinder and swipe it away from recent items
- Then, open your App Store or Play Store
- Search for Tinder in the search bar and select it from the results
- If there is an update available, you will see Update by the side.
- Tap on update to begin installing the Tinder update
- When it is complete, you should then see Open instead of Update.
- Tap on Open to relaunch Tinder and check if you are now getting messages
Fix 4 – Clear Your Cache to Get Rid of Tinder Bugs
The cache is a memory that is assigned to an application installed on your phone, to store temporary information about your use of the application. This is so that you can always access data on the app quickly and don’t have to repeat certain actions like logging in, setting your user preferences, and so on, every time you open Tinder. So, information like your login details, some of your app preferences, your profile data and some images are all stored in the cache. And, every time you launch Tinder, the app loads all the data from this cache memory to help you enjoy your smooth experience on Tinder. However, because of the importance of this cache memory, whenever it becomes corrupt or just suffers a minor glitch, the application (in this case, Tinder) will stop functioning properly, and may cause issues like messages not getting through on your app. To fix this, you need to clear the cache memory in order to remove the corrupt data, and get your Tinder app working well again. To clear cache on Android:
- Long-press the Tinder app
- Select App Info
- Select Clear Data
- Select Clear Cache
- Confirm to clear the cache On iOS
- Navigate to Settings on your device
- Select General
- Select iPhone Storage
- Select Tinder
- Select Offload app
- Confirm the action
- Select Reinstall app
Fix 5 – Uninstall and Reinstall the App
If the problem persists after updating Tinder and clearing the cache, it is possible that the Tinder app on your phone has run into a serious problem for which there is no current fix. In this case, you would need to uninstall the Tinder app on your phone and install it again to get a fresh start. To do this:
- Long-press Tinder on your phone home screen and select Uninstall or Remove, depending on your phone OS
- Confirm to uninstall Tinder when prompted
- Then, head over to your App Store or Play Store, search for Tinder and reinstall it
- After reinstalling Tinder, you will be prompted to enter your login details afresh because this is a new setup
- Enter the details and check if the issue is now resolved
Fix 6 – Contact Tinder Support
If the issue persists after trying all the fixes so far, then there is an unusual problem with the Tinder app on your phone. In that case, you would need to contact Tinder for support on the issue. You can reach Tinder on Twitter or the help page here.
Fix 7 – Wait For Them To Come Out With A Fix
The issue of messages not getting through may be a problem with Tinder services, and they are aware that users are not getting messages. Even if they weren’t aware, your report to them in the step above would make them know and start working to resolve it. So, you just need to wait for them to come out with a fix so you can start having seamless conversations on Tinder again.
5. Tinder is Down, So the Message Didn’t Go Through
Finally, the problem may be that Tinder servers are temporarily down and so messages don’t get through to users on the app. It may be hard to tell that this is the case because other parts of the app like logging in, matching, and so on may be working. One way to find out is to get back on their Tinder page provided above to check if they have any updates regarding the situation. You could also check sites like Down Inspector and Down Detector for live status updates.
Fix – Wait For Tinder To Go Back Up
If you check on any of the sites or on Tinder’s Twitter page and find that Tinder is actually down, all you can do is wait for Tinder to go back up so you can start messaging with your matches again.

title: “Liked Message But No Reply Tinder” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-20” author: “Phyllis Worek”
If they have been great, then something may be preventing them from responding at the time, or preventing you from getting their response. If the conversation hasn’t been great, or you said something that may be uncomfortable, then do not hold your breath for a response even if they liked the last message. At any rate, here’s a list of the most common reasons why someone may like your message on Tinder without replying to it.
Why Did Someone Like My Tinder Message But Not Respond
1. They’re Not Interested and Wanted to End the Convo Politely
We will start off with the possibility that you are scared of. Because, a lot of the time, it is the actual reason why they simply liked your message but did not respond. The truth is that the person may not be interested in talking to you anymore, whether after the first few conversations or after you have talked for a couple of days. Also, a lot of people find it difficult to come out and say that they no longer want to speak to you. And they may also not want to outright unmatch you. So, they may just like your message and leave it at that as a polite way of saying that they can no longer be bothered to talk to you. In other situations, you may have said something that did not sit well with them and they like the message in irony and just move on. For others, too, it can be a way of saying that they do not want to confront you about what you have just said to them, so they are letting you have the “win”. In other cases, they still may have liked the message by mistake and just want to move on from the conversation. Whatever the reason, the point is that it is very likely that they liked your message and did not respond because they are no longer interested in talking to you.
Fix – Keep It Moving, There’s Nothing You Can Do
We mentioned earlier that there can be indications that the person who liked your message is not interested in talking to you. Opening Message: Even though it does not get the level of attention that it deserves, an opening message when you first text someone goes a long way to determine if they will want to talk to you or not. If you send a message that the user can’t be bothered to reply to, they may just give you a polite Like and ignore you Message Dynamic: If you have been having conversations with this person and the conversation is not flowing well, they may get fed up with it. When they do, they may not want to tell you that they are no longer interested, so they just leave a Like instead. Also, if there is an argument or disagreement over opinions or ideologies, people tend to walk away from such situations online. In this case, the person may like your last message as a sign of resignation and stop talking to you. So, you can get a clue as to the person’s stance and reasons for sending a Like without replying from the nature of the most recent conversations that you have had. Whatever the case, if there is an indication that the conversation hasn’t gone down well, then it is likely that they are not interested in talking to you. And all you can do in this situation is to move on, really. It is true that nobody enjoys rejection, but there is no point podning over someone that has no interest in talking to you in the first place.
2. They Forgot
On the other hand, the person may have genuinely liked your message and intended to carry on the conversation but forgot to reply. They may have gotten distracted, got busy, or they may even think that they did reply to the message without having actually done so. Also, many people do not spend a lot of time on dating sites. Sending you a Like may just be their way of making a friendly exit from the conversation, which they will return to later. One way to tell that this may be the case is if the conversation had been going well up to this point. Or at least if there was no uncomfortable exchange before it happened. It would make little sense for someone to walk away from a conversation that was going alright. So, if someone likes your message and does not reply, and there was no obvious cause for them to ignore you, it is possible that they just forgot to reply, got distracted, got busy, thought that they replied, or they will eventually come back to it.
Fix – Say, ‘Did You Mean to Send A Message’?
When you feel that there is little reason for the person to ignore you, you could simply send them another message, perhaps asking them if they meant to follow up their Like with a message. As we explained, it may be that they forgot to text after liking the message, or that they got distracted, and so on. The only way you can find out is to send a probing message like, “Did you mean to send a message?”, to know what their intentions are. Chances are that they will get back to you once they see your message, and you can continue your conversation.
3. You Didn’t Say Something That Was Easy to Reply to
Maybe you did not say anything wrong, maybe the conversation was good, maybe they did not forget to respond. It could be that they only liked your message and did not say anything further because there was nothing to say! There are dynamics to conversations. There are messages you send that warrant a response and further conversation. While there are messages that someone can just like, appreciate, agree to, and leave it at that…because there is nothing more to add to it. Or maybe your message was even a response to something they said, and they just sent a Like to acknowledge your response. More still, it could be that they are not very good at carrying on conversations and need a bit of prompting to continue. The point is that if they can’t find anything further to say to your last message, they can send a polite Like just let you know that all’s good.
Fix – Revive the Conversation
In a case like this, you could send another message to the person to continue the conversation. What you say to them depends on the nature of the ongoing conversation. If you want to continue the conversation, you can say something to them about it to elicit a response. Ask a question, maybe. If the conversation has come to its natural end, then start another. If the timing feels right, you could ask them for an alternative means of communication, like their Instagram handle…if you can’t ask for their number yet. Don’t take it personally when they like your message and say nothing further. It could be that they are not very good at conversation, too. If you can be bothered, bring up a new topic, or ask them a question that will make them do some talking.
4. There’s A Bug That Caused the Message Not to Go Through
It could also be that they did respond, but a bug made the message not go through. Now, the issue with this is that the bug may have occurred on your phone or the person’s phone. The best you can do is to try to fix bugs on your own end and hope that it resolves the issue for you. By bug, we mean that the Tinder app on your phone may stop working properly, may be due to an error in its software code, or because it no longer has the ability to integrate properly with your phone’s operating system, and so on. To fix bug-related issues, you normally have to try a few solutions until you find the one that fixes the issue. So, let’s get right to fixing bugs on Tinder that may have caused the message to not get through to you.
Fix – Use Tinder.com Instead of the App
This is the quickest way to find out if the issue is with the Tinder app on your phone, and to quickly continue the conversation before coming back to try to fix the bug on your app. When someone has liked your message and does not respond, and there is little reason for them not to, go ahead and log in at Tinder.com to continue the conversation. If there is indeed a bug on your Tinder app, you should see their reply when you use Tinder.com
- Open a browser on your phone or PC and go to Tinder.com
- Select log in. If you log in on your app using a third-party service like Google, you should select the same on the browser.
- If you used your phone number to create the account, you’ll be sent a code on your phone, which you must enter into Tinder.com to access your account
- After logging in, get back to the conversation and see if they actually did reply your message
Fix 2 – Log Out Then Back Into the App
Now, back on the Tinder app, you should start your debugging by logging out of Tinder and then logging back in. You may wonder what logging out and logging back into Tinder has to do with their message not going through. To understand this, here’s a bit of technical background. You have created a login session when you log into your Tinder account. Your login details are stored, so you don’t always have to log in every time you open the app. You also receive a Token. Throughout the time you are logged in, that token you received allows you to access all the features on Tinder that you have permission to access including texting, matching, settings, notifications, and so on. Now, there are times when your login session has issues and your token no longer functions properly. This would cause some errors like messages sent to you not showing up on your Tinder app, from Tinder servers. To fix this, you need to log out of Tinder and log back in using the steps below: To log out of Tinder app:
- Tap on the profile icon at the top right of the screen
- Tap on Settings on the left
- Scroll down toward the very end of the screen and select Logout
- Then confirm to log out of Tinder
Fix 3 – Update Tinder to Get Rid Of Bugs
If logging out and logging back in does not fix the issue of people’s messages not getting through to you, it could be that the version of Tinder on your phone is out of date. If your Tinder app is out of date, it may no longer be able to receive some services like new message delivery from Tinder servers. Or the problem may just be a code error for which Tinder has released an update patch. This is why you need to ensure that Tinder, like every other app on your phone, is always up to date in order for it to continue functioning properly. To update Tinder:
- Exit Tinder and swipe it away from recent items
- Then, open your App Store or Play Store
- Search for Tinder in the search bar and select it from the results
- If there is an update available, you will see Update by the side.
- Tap on update to begin installing the Tinder update
- When it is complete, you should then see Open instead of Update.
- Tap on Open to relaunch Tinder and check if you are now getting messages
Fix 4 – Clear Your Cache to Get Rid of Tinder Bugs
The cache is a memory that is assigned to an application installed on your phone, to store temporary information about your use of the application. This is so that you can always access data on the app quickly and don’t have to repeat certain actions like logging in, setting your user preferences, and so on, every time you open Tinder. So, information like your login details, some of your app preferences, your profile data and some images are all stored in the cache. And, every time you launch Tinder, the app loads all the data from this cache memory to help you enjoy your smooth experience on Tinder. However, because of the importance of this cache memory, whenever it becomes corrupt or just suffers a minor glitch, the application (in this case, Tinder) will stop functioning properly, and may cause issues like messages not getting through on your app. To fix this, you need to clear the cache memory in order to remove the corrupt data, and get your Tinder app working well again. To clear cache on Android:
- Long-press the Tinder app
- Select App Info
- Select Clear Data
- Select Clear Cache
- Confirm to clear the cache On iOS
- Navigate to Settings on your device
- Select General
- Select iPhone Storage
- Select Tinder
- Select Offload app
- Confirm the action
- Select Reinstall app
Fix 5 – Uninstall and Reinstall the App
If the problem persists after updating Tinder and clearing the cache, it is possible that the Tinder app on your phone has run into a serious problem for which there is no current fix. In this case, you would need to uninstall the Tinder app on your phone and install it again to get a fresh start. To do this:
- Long-press Tinder on your phone home screen and select Uninstall or Remove, depending on your phone OS
- Confirm to uninstall Tinder when prompted
- Then, head over to your App Store or Play Store, search for Tinder and reinstall it
- After reinstalling Tinder, you will be prompted to enter your login details afresh because this is a new setup
- Enter the details and check if the issue is now resolved
Fix 6 – Contact Tinder Support
If the issue persists after trying all the fixes so far, then there is an unusual problem with the Tinder app on your phone. In that case, you would need to contact Tinder for support on the issue. You can reach Tinder on Twitter or the help page here.
Fix 7 – Wait For Them To Come Out With A Fix
The issue of messages not getting through may be a problem with Tinder services, and they are aware that users are not getting messages. Even if they weren’t aware, your report to them in the step above would make them know and start working to resolve it. So, you just need to wait for them to come out with a fix so you can start having seamless conversations on Tinder again.
5. Tinder is Down, So the Message Didn’t Go Through
Finally, the problem may be that Tinder servers are temporarily down and so messages don’t get through to users on the app. It may be hard to tell that this is the case because other parts of the app like logging in, matching, and so on may be working. One way to find out is to get back on their Tinder page provided above to check if they have any updates regarding the situation. You could also check sites like Down Inspector and Down Detector for live status updates.
Fix – Wait For Tinder To Go Back Up
If you check on any of the sites or on Tinder’s Twitter page and find that Tinder is actually down, all you can do is wait for Tinder to go back up so you can start messaging with your matches again.

title: “Liked Message But No Reply Tinder” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-15” author: “Wanda Vaughn”
If they have been great, then something may be preventing them from responding at the time, or preventing you from getting their response. If the conversation hasn’t been great, or you said something that may be uncomfortable, then do not hold your breath for a response even if they liked the last message. At any rate, here’s a list of the most common reasons why someone may like your message on Tinder without replying to it.
Why Did Someone Like My Tinder Message But Not Respond
1. They’re Not Interested and Wanted to End the Convo Politely
We will start off with the possibility that you are scared of. Because, a lot of the time, it is the actual reason why they simply liked your message but did not respond. The truth is that the person may not be interested in talking to you anymore, whether after the first few conversations or after you have talked for a couple of days. Also, a lot of people find it difficult to come out and say that they no longer want to speak to you. And they may also not want to outright unmatch you. So, they may just like your message and leave it at that as a polite way of saying that they can no longer be bothered to talk to you. In other situations, you may have said something that did not sit well with them and they like the message in irony and just move on. For others, too, it can be a way of saying that they do not want to confront you about what you have just said to them, so they are letting you have the “win”. In other cases, they still may have liked the message by mistake and just want to move on from the conversation. Whatever the reason, the point is that it is very likely that they liked your message and did not respond because they are no longer interested in talking to you.
Fix – Keep It Moving, There’s Nothing You Can Do
We mentioned earlier that there can be indications that the person who liked your message is not interested in talking to you. Opening Message: Even though it does not get the level of attention that it deserves, an opening message when you first text someone goes a long way to determine if they will want to talk to you or not. If you send a message that the user can’t be bothered to reply to, they may just give you a polite Like and ignore you Message Dynamic: If you have been having conversations with this person and the conversation is not flowing well, they may get fed up with it. When they do, they may not want to tell you that they are no longer interested, so they just leave a Like instead. Also, if there is an argument or disagreement over opinions or ideologies, people tend to walk away from such situations online. In this case, the person may like your last message as a sign of resignation and stop talking to you. So, you can get a clue as to the person’s stance and reasons for sending a Like without replying from the nature of the most recent conversations that you have had. Whatever the case, if there is an indication that the conversation hasn’t gone down well, then it is likely that they are not interested in talking to you. And all you can do in this situation is to move on, really. It is true that nobody enjoys rejection, but there is no point podning over someone that has no interest in talking to you in the first place.
2. They Forgot
On the other hand, the person may have genuinely liked your message and intended to carry on the conversation but forgot to reply. They may have gotten distracted, got busy, or they may even think that they did reply to the message without having actually done so. Also, many people do not spend a lot of time on dating sites. Sending you a Like may just be their way of making a friendly exit from the conversation, which they will return to later. One way to tell that this may be the case is if the conversation had been going well up to this point. Or at least if there was no uncomfortable exchange before it happened. It would make little sense for someone to walk away from a conversation that was going alright. So, if someone likes your message and does not reply, and there was no obvious cause for them to ignore you, it is possible that they just forgot to reply, got distracted, got busy, thought that they replied, or they will eventually come back to it.
Fix – Say, ‘Did You Mean to Send A Message’?
When you feel that there is little reason for the person to ignore you, you could simply send them another message, perhaps asking them if they meant to follow up their Like with a message. As we explained, it may be that they forgot to text after liking the message, or that they got distracted, and so on. The only way you can find out is to send a probing message like, “Did you mean to send a message?”, to know what their intentions are. Chances are that they will get back to you once they see your message, and you can continue your conversation.
3. You Didn’t Say Something That Was Easy to Reply to
Maybe you did not say anything wrong, maybe the conversation was good, maybe they did not forget to respond. It could be that they only liked your message and did not say anything further because there was nothing to say! There are dynamics to conversations. There are messages you send that warrant a response and further conversation. While there are messages that someone can just like, appreciate, agree to, and leave it at that…because there is nothing more to add to it. Or maybe your message was even a response to something they said, and they just sent a Like to acknowledge your response. More still, it could be that they are not very good at carrying on conversations and need a bit of prompting to continue. The point is that if they can’t find anything further to say to your last message, they can send a polite Like just let you know that all’s good.
Fix – Revive the Conversation
In a case like this, you could send another message to the person to continue the conversation. What you say to them depends on the nature of the ongoing conversation. If you want to continue the conversation, you can say something to them about it to elicit a response. Ask a question, maybe. If the conversation has come to its natural end, then start another. If the timing feels right, you could ask them for an alternative means of communication, like their Instagram handle…if you can’t ask for their number yet. Don’t take it personally when they like your message and say nothing further. It could be that they are not very good at conversation, too. If you can be bothered, bring up a new topic, or ask them a question that will make them do some talking.
4. There’s A Bug That Caused the Message Not to Go Through
It could also be that they did respond, but a bug made the message not go through. Now, the issue with this is that the bug may have occurred on your phone or the person’s phone. The best you can do is to try to fix bugs on your own end and hope that it resolves the issue for you. By bug, we mean that the Tinder app on your phone may stop working properly, may be due to an error in its software code, or because it no longer has the ability to integrate properly with your phone’s operating system, and so on. To fix bug-related issues, you normally have to try a few solutions until you find the one that fixes the issue. So, let’s get right to fixing bugs on Tinder that may have caused the message to not get through to you.
Fix – Use Tinder.com Instead of the App
This is the quickest way to find out if the issue is with the Tinder app on your phone, and to quickly continue the conversation before coming back to try to fix the bug on your app. When someone has liked your message and does not respond, and there is little reason for them not to, go ahead and log in at Tinder.com to continue the conversation. If there is indeed a bug on your Tinder app, you should see their reply when you use Tinder.com
- Open a browser on your phone or PC and go to Tinder.com
- Select log in. If you log in on your app using a third-party service like Google, you should select the same on the browser.
- If you used your phone number to create the account, you’ll be sent a code on your phone, which you must enter into Tinder.com to access your account
- After logging in, get back to the conversation and see if they actually did reply your message
Fix 2 – Log Out Then Back Into the App
Now, back on the Tinder app, you should start your debugging by logging out of Tinder and then logging back in. You may wonder what logging out and logging back into Tinder has to do with their message not going through. To understand this, here’s a bit of technical background. You have created a login session when you log into your Tinder account. Your login details are stored, so you don’t always have to log in every time you open the app. You also receive a Token. Throughout the time you are logged in, that token you received allows you to access all the features on Tinder that you have permission to access including texting, matching, settings, notifications, and so on. Now, there are times when your login session has issues and your token no longer functions properly. This would cause some errors like messages sent to you not showing up on your Tinder app, from Tinder servers. To fix this, you need to log out of Tinder and log back in using the steps below: To log out of Tinder app:
- Tap on the profile icon at the top right of the screen
- Tap on Settings on the left
- Scroll down toward the very end of the screen and select Logout
- Then confirm to log out of Tinder
Fix 3 – Update Tinder to Get Rid Of Bugs
If logging out and logging back in does not fix the issue of people’s messages not getting through to you, it could be that the version of Tinder on your phone is out of date. If your Tinder app is out of date, it may no longer be able to receive some services like new message delivery from Tinder servers. Or the problem may just be a code error for which Tinder has released an update patch. This is why you need to ensure that Tinder, like every other app on your phone, is always up to date in order for it to continue functioning properly. To update Tinder:
- Exit Tinder and swipe it away from recent items
- Then, open your App Store or Play Store
- Search for Tinder in the search bar and select it from the results
- If there is an update available, you will see Update by the side.
- Tap on update to begin installing the Tinder update
- When it is complete, you should then see Open instead of Update.
- Tap on Open to relaunch Tinder and check if you are now getting messages
Fix 4 – Clear Your Cache to Get Rid of Tinder Bugs
The cache is a memory that is assigned to an application installed on your phone, to store temporary information about your use of the application. This is so that you can always access data on the app quickly and don’t have to repeat certain actions like logging in, setting your user preferences, and so on, every time you open Tinder. So, information like your login details, some of your app preferences, your profile data and some images are all stored in the cache. And, every time you launch Tinder, the app loads all the data from this cache memory to help you enjoy your smooth experience on Tinder. However, because of the importance of this cache memory, whenever it becomes corrupt or just suffers a minor glitch, the application (in this case, Tinder) will stop functioning properly, and may cause issues like messages not getting through on your app. To fix this, you need to clear the cache memory in order to remove the corrupt data, and get your Tinder app working well again. To clear cache on Android:
- Long-press the Tinder app
- Select App Info
- Select Clear Data
- Select Clear Cache
- Confirm to clear the cache On iOS
- Navigate to Settings on your device
- Select General
- Select iPhone Storage
- Select Tinder
- Select Offload app
- Confirm the action
- Select Reinstall app
Fix 5 – Uninstall and Reinstall the App
If the problem persists after updating Tinder and clearing the cache, it is possible that the Tinder app on your phone has run into a serious problem for which there is no current fix. In this case, you would need to uninstall the Tinder app on your phone and install it again to get a fresh start. To do this:
- Long-press Tinder on your phone home screen and select Uninstall or Remove, depending on your phone OS
- Confirm to uninstall Tinder when prompted
- Then, head over to your App Store or Play Store, search for Tinder and reinstall it
- After reinstalling Tinder, you will be prompted to enter your login details afresh because this is a new setup
- Enter the details and check if the issue is now resolved
Fix 6 – Contact Tinder Support
If the issue persists after trying all the fixes so far, then there is an unusual problem with the Tinder app on your phone. In that case, you would need to contact Tinder for support on the issue. You can reach Tinder on Twitter or the help page here.
Fix 7 – Wait For Them To Come Out With A Fix
The issue of messages not getting through may be a problem with Tinder services, and they are aware that users are not getting messages. Even if they weren’t aware, your report to them in the step above would make them know and start working to resolve it. So, you just need to wait for them to come out with a fix so you can start having seamless conversations on Tinder again.
5. Tinder is Down, So the Message Didn’t Go Through
Finally, the problem may be that Tinder servers are temporarily down and so messages don’t get through to users on the app. It may be hard to tell that this is the case because other parts of the app like logging in, matching, and so on may be working. One way to find out is to get back on their Tinder page provided above to check if they have any updates regarding the situation. You could also check sites like Down Inspector and Down Detector for live status updates.
Fix – Wait For Tinder To Go Back Up
If you check on any of the sites or on Tinder’s Twitter page and find that Tinder is actually down, all you can do is wait for Tinder to go back up so you can start messaging with your matches again.

title: “Liked Message But No Reply Tinder” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-13” author: “Edward Bowser”
If they have been great, then something may be preventing them from responding at the time, or preventing you from getting their response. If the conversation hasn’t been great, or you said something that may be uncomfortable, then do not hold your breath for a response even if they liked the last message. At any rate, here’s a list of the most common reasons why someone may like your message on Tinder without replying to it.
Why Did Someone Like My Tinder Message But Not Respond
1. They’re Not Interested and Wanted to End the Convo Politely
We will start off with the possibility that you are scared of. Because, a lot of the time, it is the actual reason why they simply liked your message but did not respond. The truth is that the person may not be interested in talking to you anymore, whether after the first few conversations or after you have talked for a couple of days. Also, a lot of people find it difficult to come out and say that they no longer want to speak to you. And they may also not want to outright unmatch you. So, they may just like your message and leave it at that as a polite way of saying that they can no longer be bothered to talk to you. In other situations, you may have said something that did not sit well with them and they like the message in irony and just move on. For others, too, it can be a way of saying that they do not want to confront you about what you have just said to them, so they are letting you have the “win”. In other cases, they still may have liked the message by mistake and just want to move on from the conversation. Whatever the reason, the point is that it is very likely that they liked your message and did not respond because they are no longer interested in talking to you.
Fix – Keep It Moving, There’s Nothing You Can Do
We mentioned earlier that there can be indications that the person who liked your message is not interested in talking to you. Opening Message: Even though it does not get the level of attention that it deserves, an opening message when you first text someone goes a long way to determine if they will want to talk to you or not. If you send a message that the user can’t be bothered to reply to, they may just give you a polite Like and ignore you Message Dynamic: If you have been having conversations with this person and the conversation is not flowing well, they may get fed up with it. When they do, they may not want to tell you that they are no longer interested, so they just leave a Like instead. Also, if there is an argument or disagreement over opinions or ideologies, people tend to walk away from such situations online. In this case, the person may like your last message as a sign of resignation and stop talking to you. So, you can get a clue as to the person’s stance and reasons for sending a Like without replying from the nature of the most recent conversations that you have had. Whatever the case, if there is an indication that the conversation hasn’t gone down well, then it is likely that they are not interested in talking to you. And all you can do in this situation is to move on, really. It is true that nobody enjoys rejection, but there is no point podning over someone that has no interest in talking to you in the first place.
2. They Forgot
On the other hand, the person may have genuinely liked your message and intended to carry on the conversation but forgot to reply. They may have gotten distracted, got busy, or they may even think that they did reply to the message without having actually done so. Also, many people do not spend a lot of time on dating sites. Sending you a Like may just be their way of making a friendly exit from the conversation, which they will return to later. One way to tell that this may be the case is if the conversation had been going well up to this point. Or at least if there was no uncomfortable exchange before it happened. It would make little sense for someone to walk away from a conversation that was going alright. So, if someone likes your message and does not reply, and there was no obvious cause for them to ignore you, it is possible that they just forgot to reply, got distracted, got busy, thought that they replied, or they will eventually come back to it.
Fix – Say, ‘Did You Mean to Send A Message’?
When you feel that there is little reason for the person to ignore you, you could simply send them another message, perhaps asking them if they meant to follow up their Like with a message. As we explained, it may be that they forgot to text after liking the message, or that they got distracted, and so on. The only way you can find out is to send a probing message like, “Did you mean to send a message?”, to know what their intentions are. Chances are that they will get back to you once they see your message, and you can continue your conversation.
3. You Didn’t Say Something That Was Easy to Reply to
Maybe you did not say anything wrong, maybe the conversation was good, maybe they did not forget to respond. It could be that they only liked your message and did not say anything further because there was nothing to say! There are dynamics to conversations. There are messages you send that warrant a response and further conversation. While there are messages that someone can just like, appreciate, agree to, and leave it at that…because there is nothing more to add to it. Or maybe your message was even a response to something they said, and they just sent a Like to acknowledge your response. More still, it could be that they are not very good at carrying on conversations and need a bit of prompting to continue. The point is that if they can’t find anything further to say to your last message, they can send a polite Like just let you know that all’s good.
Fix – Revive the Conversation
In a case like this, you could send another message to the person to continue the conversation. What you say to them depends on the nature of the ongoing conversation. If you want to continue the conversation, you can say something to them about it to elicit a response. Ask a question, maybe. If the conversation has come to its natural end, then start another. If the timing feels right, you could ask them for an alternative means of communication, like their Instagram handle…if you can’t ask for their number yet. Don’t take it personally when they like your message and say nothing further. It could be that they are not very good at conversation, too. If you can be bothered, bring up a new topic, or ask them a question that will make them do some talking.
4. There’s A Bug That Caused the Message Not to Go Through
It could also be that they did respond, but a bug made the message not go through. Now, the issue with this is that the bug may have occurred on your phone or the person’s phone. The best you can do is to try to fix bugs on your own end and hope that it resolves the issue for you. By bug, we mean that the Tinder app on your phone may stop working properly, may be due to an error in its software code, or because it no longer has the ability to integrate properly with your phone’s operating system, and so on. To fix bug-related issues, you normally have to try a few solutions until you find the one that fixes the issue. So, let’s get right to fixing bugs on Tinder that may have caused the message to not get through to you.
Fix – Use Tinder.com Instead of the App
This is the quickest way to find out if the issue is with the Tinder app on your phone, and to quickly continue the conversation before coming back to try to fix the bug on your app. When someone has liked your message and does not respond, and there is little reason for them not to, go ahead and log in at Tinder.com to continue the conversation. If there is indeed a bug on your Tinder app, you should see their reply when you use Tinder.com
- Open a browser on your phone or PC and go to Tinder.com
- Select log in. If you log in on your app using a third-party service like Google, you should select the same on the browser.
- If you used your phone number to create the account, you’ll be sent a code on your phone, which you must enter into Tinder.com to access your account
- After logging in, get back to the conversation and see if they actually did reply your message
Fix 2 – Log Out Then Back Into the App
Now, back on the Tinder app, you should start your debugging by logging out of Tinder and then logging back in. You may wonder what logging out and logging back into Tinder has to do with their message not going through. To understand this, here’s a bit of technical background. You have created a login session when you log into your Tinder account. Your login details are stored, so you don’t always have to log in every time you open the app. You also receive a Token. Throughout the time you are logged in, that token you received allows you to access all the features on Tinder that you have permission to access including texting, matching, settings, notifications, and so on. Now, there are times when your login session has issues and your token no longer functions properly. This would cause some errors like messages sent to you not showing up on your Tinder app, from Tinder servers. To fix this, you need to log out of Tinder and log back in using the steps below: To log out of Tinder app:
- Tap on the profile icon at the top right of the screen
- Tap on Settings on the left
- Scroll down toward the very end of the screen and select Logout
- Then confirm to log out of Tinder
Fix 3 – Update Tinder to Get Rid Of Bugs
If logging out and logging back in does not fix the issue of people’s messages not getting through to you, it could be that the version of Tinder on your phone is out of date. If your Tinder app is out of date, it may no longer be able to receive some services like new message delivery from Tinder servers. Or the problem may just be a code error for which Tinder has released an update patch. This is why you need to ensure that Tinder, like every other app on your phone, is always up to date in order for it to continue functioning properly. To update Tinder:
- Exit Tinder and swipe it away from recent items
- Then, open your App Store or Play Store
- Search for Tinder in the search bar and select it from the results
- If there is an update available, you will see Update by the side.
- Tap on update to begin installing the Tinder update
- When it is complete, you should then see Open instead of Update.
- Tap on Open to relaunch Tinder and check if you are now getting messages
Fix 4 – Clear Your Cache to Get Rid of Tinder Bugs
The cache is a memory that is assigned to an application installed on your phone, to store temporary information about your use of the application. This is so that you can always access data on the app quickly and don’t have to repeat certain actions like logging in, setting your user preferences, and so on, every time you open Tinder. So, information like your login details, some of your app preferences, your profile data and some images are all stored in the cache. And, every time you launch Tinder, the app loads all the data from this cache memory to help you enjoy your smooth experience on Tinder. However, because of the importance of this cache memory, whenever it becomes corrupt or just suffers a minor glitch, the application (in this case, Tinder) will stop functioning properly, and may cause issues like messages not getting through on your app. To fix this, you need to clear the cache memory in order to remove the corrupt data, and get your Tinder app working well again. To clear cache on Android:
- Long-press the Tinder app
- Select App Info
- Select Clear Data
- Select Clear Cache
- Confirm to clear the cache On iOS
- Navigate to Settings on your device
- Select General
- Select iPhone Storage
- Select Tinder
- Select Offload app
- Confirm the action
- Select Reinstall app
Fix 5 – Uninstall and Reinstall the App
If the problem persists after updating Tinder and clearing the cache, it is possible that the Tinder app on your phone has run into a serious problem for which there is no current fix. In this case, you would need to uninstall the Tinder app on your phone and install it again to get a fresh start. To do this:
- Long-press Tinder on your phone home screen and select Uninstall or Remove, depending on your phone OS
- Confirm to uninstall Tinder when prompted
- Then, head over to your App Store or Play Store, search for Tinder and reinstall it
- After reinstalling Tinder, you will be prompted to enter your login details afresh because this is a new setup
- Enter the details and check if the issue is now resolved
Fix 6 – Contact Tinder Support
If the issue persists after trying all the fixes so far, then there is an unusual problem with the Tinder app on your phone. In that case, you would need to contact Tinder for support on the issue. You can reach Tinder on Twitter or the help page here.
Fix 7 – Wait For Them To Come Out With A Fix
The issue of messages not getting through may be a problem with Tinder services, and they are aware that users are not getting messages. Even if they weren’t aware, your report to them in the step above would make them know and start working to resolve it. So, you just need to wait for them to come out with a fix so you can start having seamless conversations on Tinder again.
5. Tinder is Down, So the Message Didn’t Go Through
Finally, the problem may be that Tinder servers are temporarily down and so messages don’t get through to users on the app. It may be hard to tell that this is the case because other parts of the app like logging in, matching, and so on may be working. One way to find out is to get back on their Tinder page provided above to check if they have any updates regarding the situation. You could also check sites like Down Inspector and Down Detector for live status updates.
Fix – Wait For Tinder To Go Back Up
If you check on any of the sites or on Tinder’s Twitter page and find that Tinder is actually down, all you can do is wait for Tinder to go back up so you can start messaging with your matches again.

title: “Liked Message But No Reply Tinder” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-01” author: “Lena Jennings”
If they have been great, then something may be preventing them from responding at the time, or preventing you from getting their response. If the conversation hasn’t been great, or you said something that may be uncomfortable, then do not hold your breath for a response even if they liked the last message. At any rate, here’s a list of the most common reasons why someone may like your message on Tinder without replying to it.
Why Did Someone Like My Tinder Message But Not Respond
1. They’re Not Interested and Wanted to End the Convo Politely
We will start off with the possibility that you are scared of. Because, a lot of the time, it is the actual reason why they simply liked your message but did not respond. The truth is that the person may not be interested in talking to you anymore, whether after the first few conversations or after you have talked for a couple of days. Also, a lot of people find it difficult to come out and say that they no longer want to speak to you. And they may also not want to outright unmatch you. So, they may just like your message and leave it at that as a polite way of saying that they can no longer be bothered to talk to you. In other situations, you may have said something that did not sit well with them and they like the message in irony and just move on. For others, too, it can be a way of saying that they do not want to confront you about what you have just said to them, so they are letting you have the “win”. In other cases, they still may have liked the message by mistake and just want to move on from the conversation. Whatever the reason, the point is that it is very likely that they liked your message and did not respond because they are no longer interested in talking to you.
Fix – Keep It Moving, There’s Nothing You Can Do
We mentioned earlier that there can be indications that the person who liked your message is not interested in talking to you. Opening Message: Even though it does not get the level of attention that it deserves, an opening message when you first text someone goes a long way to determine if they will want to talk to you or not. If you send a message that the user can’t be bothered to reply to, they may just give you a polite Like and ignore you Message Dynamic: If you have been having conversations with this person and the conversation is not flowing well, they may get fed up with it. When they do, they may not want to tell you that they are no longer interested, so they just leave a Like instead. Also, if there is an argument or disagreement over opinions or ideologies, people tend to walk away from such situations online. In this case, the person may like your last message as a sign of resignation and stop talking to you. So, you can get a clue as to the person’s stance and reasons for sending a Like without replying from the nature of the most recent conversations that you have had. Whatever the case, if there is an indication that the conversation hasn’t gone down well, then it is likely that they are not interested in talking to you. And all you can do in this situation is to move on, really. It is true that nobody enjoys rejection, but there is no point podning over someone that has no interest in talking to you in the first place.
2. They Forgot
On the other hand, the person may have genuinely liked your message and intended to carry on the conversation but forgot to reply. They may have gotten distracted, got busy, or they may even think that they did reply to the message without having actually done so. Also, many people do not spend a lot of time on dating sites. Sending you a Like may just be their way of making a friendly exit from the conversation, which they will return to later. One way to tell that this may be the case is if the conversation had been going well up to this point. Or at least if there was no uncomfortable exchange before it happened. It would make little sense for someone to walk away from a conversation that was going alright. So, if someone likes your message and does not reply, and there was no obvious cause for them to ignore you, it is possible that they just forgot to reply, got distracted, got busy, thought that they replied, or they will eventually come back to it.
Fix – Say, ‘Did You Mean to Send A Message’?
When you feel that there is little reason for the person to ignore you, you could simply send them another message, perhaps asking them if they meant to follow up their Like with a message. As we explained, it may be that they forgot to text after liking the message, or that they got distracted, and so on. The only way you can find out is to send a probing message like, “Did you mean to send a message?”, to know what their intentions are. Chances are that they will get back to you once they see your message, and you can continue your conversation.
3. You Didn’t Say Something That Was Easy to Reply to
Maybe you did not say anything wrong, maybe the conversation was good, maybe they did not forget to respond. It could be that they only liked your message and did not say anything further because there was nothing to say! There are dynamics to conversations. There are messages you send that warrant a response and further conversation. While there are messages that someone can just like, appreciate, agree to, and leave it at that…because there is nothing more to add to it. Or maybe your message was even a response to something they said, and they just sent a Like to acknowledge your response. More still, it could be that they are not very good at carrying on conversations and need a bit of prompting to continue. The point is that if they can’t find anything further to say to your last message, they can send a polite Like just let you know that all’s good.
Fix – Revive the Conversation
In a case like this, you could send another message to the person to continue the conversation. What you say to them depends on the nature of the ongoing conversation. If you want to continue the conversation, you can say something to them about it to elicit a response. Ask a question, maybe. If the conversation has come to its natural end, then start another. If the timing feels right, you could ask them for an alternative means of communication, like their Instagram handle…if you can’t ask for their number yet. Don’t take it personally when they like your message and say nothing further. It could be that they are not very good at conversation, too. If you can be bothered, bring up a new topic, or ask them a question that will make them do some talking.
4. There’s A Bug That Caused the Message Not to Go Through
It could also be that they did respond, but a bug made the message not go through. Now, the issue with this is that the bug may have occurred on your phone or the person’s phone. The best you can do is to try to fix bugs on your own end and hope that it resolves the issue for you. By bug, we mean that the Tinder app on your phone may stop working properly, may be due to an error in its software code, or because it no longer has the ability to integrate properly with your phone’s operating system, and so on. To fix bug-related issues, you normally have to try a few solutions until you find the one that fixes the issue. So, let’s get right to fixing bugs on Tinder that may have caused the message to not get through to you.
Fix – Use Tinder.com Instead of the App
This is the quickest way to find out if the issue is with the Tinder app on your phone, and to quickly continue the conversation before coming back to try to fix the bug on your app. When someone has liked your message and does not respond, and there is little reason for them not to, go ahead and log in at Tinder.com to continue the conversation. If there is indeed a bug on your Tinder app, you should see their reply when you use Tinder.com
- Open a browser on your phone or PC and go to Tinder.com
- Select log in. If you log in on your app using a third-party service like Google, you should select the same on the browser.
- If you used your phone number to create the account, you’ll be sent a code on your phone, which you must enter into Tinder.com to access your account
- After logging in, get back to the conversation and see if they actually did reply your message
Fix 2 – Log Out Then Back Into the App
Now, back on the Tinder app, you should start your debugging by logging out of Tinder and then logging back in. You may wonder what logging out and logging back into Tinder has to do with their message not going through. To understand this, here’s a bit of technical background. You have created a login session when you log into your Tinder account. Your login details are stored, so you don’t always have to log in every time you open the app. You also receive a Token. Throughout the time you are logged in, that token you received allows you to access all the features on Tinder that you have permission to access including texting, matching, settings, notifications, and so on. Now, there are times when your login session has issues and your token no longer functions properly. This would cause some errors like messages sent to you not showing up on your Tinder app, from Tinder servers. To fix this, you need to log out of Tinder and log back in using the steps below: To log out of Tinder app:
- Tap on the profile icon at the top right of the screen
- Tap on Settings on the left
- Scroll down toward the very end of the screen and select Logout
- Then confirm to log out of Tinder
Fix 3 – Update Tinder to Get Rid Of Bugs
If logging out and logging back in does not fix the issue of people’s messages not getting through to you, it could be that the version of Tinder on your phone is out of date. If your Tinder app is out of date, it may no longer be able to receive some services like new message delivery from Tinder servers. Or the problem may just be a code error for which Tinder has released an update patch. This is why you need to ensure that Tinder, like every other app on your phone, is always up to date in order for it to continue functioning properly. To update Tinder:
- Exit Tinder and swipe it away from recent items
- Then, open your App Store or Play Store
- Search for Tinder in the search bar and select it from the results
- If there is an update available, you will see Update by the side.
- Tap on update to begin installing the Tinder update
- When it is complete, you should then see Open instead of Update.
- Tap on Open to relaunch Tinder and check if you are now getting messages
Fix 4 – Clear Your Cache to Get Rid of Tinder Bugs
The cache is a memory that is assigned to an application installed on your phone, to store temporary information about your use of the application. This is so that you can always access data on the app quickly and don’t have to repeat certain actions like logging in, setting your user preferences, and so on, every time you open Tinder. So, information like your login details, some of your app preferences, your profile data and some images are all stored in the cache. And, every time you launch Tinder, the app loads all the data from this cache memory to help you enjoy your smooth experience on Tinder. However, because of the importance of this cache memory, whenever it becomes corrupt or just suffers a minor glitch, the application (in this case, Tinder) will stop functioning properly, and may cause issues like messages not getting through on your app. To fix this, you need to clear the cache memory in order to remove the corrupt data, and get your Tinder app working well again. To clear cache on Android:
- Long-press the Tinder app
- Select App Info
- Select Clear Data
- Select Clear Cache
- Confirm to clear the cache On iOS
- Navigate to Settings on your device
- Select General
- Select iPhone Storage
- Select Tinder
- Select Offload app
- Confirm the action
- Select Reinstall app
Fix 5 – Uninstall and Reinstall the App
If the problem persists after updating Tinder and clearing the cache, it is possible that the Tinder app on your phone has run into a serious problem for which there is no current fix. In this case, you would need to uninstall the Tinder app on your phone and install it again to get a fresh start. To do this:
- Long-press Tinder on your phone home screen and select Uninstall or Remove, depending on your phone OS
- Confirm to uninstall Tinder when prompted
- Then, head over to your App Store or Play Store, search for Tinder and reinstall it
- After reinstalling Tinder, you will be prompted to enter your login details afresh because this is a new setup
- Enter the details and check if the issue is now resolved
Fix 6 – Contact Tinder Support
If the issue persists after trying all the fixes so far, then there is an unusual problem with the Tinder app on your phone. In that case, you would need to contact Tinder for support on the issue. You can reach Tinder on Twitter or the help page here.
Fix 7 – Wait For Them To Come Out With A Fix
The issue of messages not getting through may be a problem with Tinder services, and they are aware that users are not getting messages. Even if they weren’t aware, your report to them in the step above would make them know and start working to resolve it. So, you just need to wait for them to come out with a fix so you can start having seamless conversations on Tinder again.
5. Tinder is Down, So the Message Didn’t Go Through
Finally, the problem may be that Tinder servers are temporarily down and so messages don’t get through to users on the app. It may be hard to tell that this is the case because other parts of the app like logging in, matching, and so on may be working. One way to find out is to get back on their Tinder page provided above to check if they have any updates regarding the situation. You could also check sites like Down Inspector and Down Detector for live status updates.
Fix – Wait For Tinder To Go Back Up
If you check on any of the sites or on Tinder’s Twitter page and find that Tinder is actually down, all you can do is wait for Tinder to go back up so you can start messaging with your matches again.

title: “Liked Message But No Reply Tinder” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-12” author: “Cynthia Garza”
If they have been great, then something may be preventing them from responding at the time, or preventing you from getting their response. If the conversation hasn’t been great, or you said something that may be uncomfortable, then do not hold your breath for a response even if they liked the last message. At any rate, here’s a list of the most common reasons why someone may like your message on Tinder without replying to it.
Why Did Someone Like My Tinder Message But Not Respond
1. They’re Not Interested and Wanted to End the Convo Politely
We will start off with the possibility that you are scared of. Because, a lot of the time, it is the actual reason why they simply liked your message but did not respond. The truth is that the person may not be interested in talking to you anymore, whether after the first few conversations or after you have talked for a couple of days. Also, a lot of people find it difficult to come out and say that they no longer want to speak to you. And they may also not want to outright unmatch you. So, they may just like your message and leave it at that as a polite way of saying that they can no longer be bothered to talk to you. In other situations, you may have said something that did not sit well with them and they like the message in irony and just move on. For others, too, it can be a way of saying that they do not want to confront you about what you have just said to them, so they are letting you have the “win”. In other cases, they still may have liked the message by mistake and just want to move on from the conversation. Whatever the reason, the point is that it is very likely that they liked your message and did not respond because they are no longer interested in talking to you.
Fix – Keep It Moving, There’s Nothing You Can Do
We mentioned earlier that there can be indications that the person who liked your message is not interested in talking to you. Opening Message: Even though it does not get the level of attention that it deserves, an opening message when you first text someone goes a long way to determine if they will want to talk to you or not. If you send a message that the user can’t be bothered to reply to, they may just give you a polite Like and ignore you Message Dynamic: If you have been having conversations with this person and the conversation is not flowing well, they may get fed up with it. When they do, they may not want to tell you that they are no longer interested, so they just leave a Like instead. Also, if there is an argument or disagreement over opinions or ideologies, people tend to walk away from such situations online. In this case, the person may like your last message as a sign of resignation and stop talking to you. So, you can get a clue as to the person’s stance and reasons for sending a Like without replying from the nature of the most recent conversations that you have had. Whatever the case, if there is an indication that the conversation hasn’t gone down well, then it is likely that they are not interested in talking to you. And all you can do in this situation is to move on, really. It is true that nobody enjoys rejection, but there is no point podning over someone that has no interest in talking to you in the first place.
2. They Forgot
On the other hand, the person may have genuinely liked your message and intended to carry on the conversation but forgot to reply. They may have gotten distracted, got busy, or they may even think that they did reply to the message without having actually done so. Also, many people do not spend a lot of time on dating sites. Sending you a Like may just be their way of making a friendly exit from the conversation, which they will return to later. One way to tell that this may be the case is if the conversation had been going well up to this point. Or at least if there was no uncomfortable exchange before it happened. It would make little sense for someone to walk away from a conversation that was going alright. So, if someone likes your message and does not reply, and there was no obvious cause for them to ignore you, it is possible that they just forgot to reply, got distracted, got busy, thought that they replied, or they will eventually come back to it.
Fix – Say, ‘Did You Mean to Send A Message’?
When you feel that there is little reason for the person to ignore you, you could simply send them another message, perhaps asking them if they meant to follow up their Like with a message. As we explained, it may be that they forgot to text after liking the message, or that they got distracted, and so on. The only way you can find out is to send a probing message like, “Did you mean to send a message?”, to know what their intentions are. Chances are that they will get back to you once they see your message, and you can continue your conversation.
3. You Didn’t Say Something That Was Easy to Reply to
Maybe you did not say anything wrong, maybe the conversation was good, maybe they did not forget to respond. It could be that they only liked your message and did not say anything further because there was nothing to say! There are dynamics to conversations. There are messages you send that warrant a response and further conversation. While there are messages that someone can just like, appreciate, agree to, and leave it at that…because there is nothing more to add to it. Or maybe your message was even a response to something they said, and they just sent a Like to acknowledge your response. More still, it could be that they are not very good at carrying on conversations and need a bit of prompting to continue. The point is that if they can’t find anything further to say to your last message, they can send a polite Like just let you know that all’s good.
Fix – Revive the Conversation
In a case like this, you could send another message to the person to continue the conversation. What you say to them depends on the nature of the ongoing conversation. If you want to continue the conversation, you can say something to them about it to elicit a response. Ask a question, maybe. If the conversation has come to its natural end, then start another. If the timing feels right, you could ask them for an alternative means of communication, like their Instagram handle…if you can’t ask for their number yet. Don’t take it personally when they like your message and say nothing further. It could be that they are not very good at conversation, too. If you can be bothered, bring up a new topic, or ask them a question that will make them do some talking.
4. There’s A Bug That Caused the Message Not to Go Through
It could also be that they did respond, but a bug made the message not go through. Now, the issue with this is that the bug may have occurred on your phone or the person’s phone. The best you can do is to try to fix bugs on your own end and hope that it resolves the issue for you. By bug, we mean that the Tinder app on your phone may stop working properly, may be due to an error in its software code, or because it no longer has the ability to integrate properly with your phone’s operating system, and so on. To fix bug-related issues, you normally have to try a few solutions until you find the one that fixes the issue. So, let’s get right to fixing bugs on Tinder that may have caused the message to not get through to you.
Fix – Use Tinder.com Instead of the App
This is the quickest way to find out if the issue is with the Tinder app on your phone, and to quickly continue the conversation before coming back to try to fix the bug on your app. When someone has liked your message and does not respond, and there is little reason for them not to, go ahead and log in at Tinder.com to continue the conversation. If there is indeed a bug on your Tinder app, you should see their reply when you use Tinder.com
- Open a browser on your phone or PC and go to Tinder.com
- Select log in. If you log in on your app using a third-party service like Google, you should select the same on the browser.
- If you used your phone number to create the account, you’ll be sent a code on your phone, which you must enter into Tinder.com to access your account
- After logging in, get back to the conversation and see if they actually did reply your message
Fix 2 – Log Out Then Back Into the App
Now, back on the Tinder app, you should start your debugging by logging out of Tinder and then logging back in. You may wonder what logging out and logging back into Tinder has to do with their message not going through. To understand this, here’s a bit of technical background. You have created a login session when you log into your Tinder account. Your login details are stored, so you don’t always have to log in every time you open the app. You also receive a Token. Throughout the time you are logged in, that token you received allows you to access all the features on Tinder that you have permission to access including texting, matching, settings, notifications, and so on. Now, there are times when your login session has issues and your token no longer functions properly. This would cause some errors like messages sent to you not showing up on your Tinder app, from Tinder servers. To fix this, you need to log out of Tinder and log back in using the steps below: To log out of Tinder app:
- Tap on the profile icon at the top right of the screen
- Tap on Settings on the left
- Scroll down toward the very end of the screen and select Logout
- Then confirm to log out of Tinder
Fix 3 – Update Tinder to Get Rid Of Bugs
If logging out and logging back in does not fix the issue of people’s messages not getting through to you, it could be that the version of Tinder on your phone is out of date. If your Tinder app is out of date, it may no longer be able to receive some services like new message delivery from Tinder servers. Or the problem may just be a code error for which Tinder has released an update patch. This is why you need to ensure that Tinder, like every other app on your phone, is always up to date in order for it to continue functioning properly. To update Tinder:
- Exit Tinder and swipe it away from recent items
- Then, open your App Store or Play Store
- Search for Tinder in the search bar and select it from the results
- If there is an update available, you will see Update by the side.
- Tap on update to begin installing the Tinder update
- When it is complete, you should then see Open instead of Update.
- Tap on Open to relaunch Tinder and check if you are now getting messages
Fix 4 – Clear Your Cache to Get Rid of Tinder Bugs
The cache is a memory that is assigned to an application installed on your phone, to store temporary information about your use of the application. This is so that you can always access data on the app quickly and don’t have to repeat certain actions like logging in, setting your user preferences, and so on, every time you open Tinder. So, information like your login details, some of your app preferences, your profile data and some images are all stored in the cache. And, every time you launch Tinder, the app loads all the data from this cache memory to help you enjoy your smooth experience on Tinder. However, because of the importance of this cache memory, whenever it becomes corrupt or just suffers a minor glitch, the application (in this case, Tinder) will stop functioning properly, and may cause issues like messages not getting through on your app. To fix this, you need to clear the cache memory in order to remove the corrupt data, and get your Tinder app working well again. To clear cache on Android:
- Long-press the Tinder app
- Select App Info
- Select Clear Data
- Select Clear Cache
- Confirm to clear the cache On iOS
- Navigate to Settings on your device
- Select General
- Select iPhone Storage
- Select Tinder
- Select Offload app
- Confirm the action
- Select Reinstall app
Fix 5 – Uninstall and Reinstall the App
If the problem persists after updating Tinder and clearing the cache, it is possible that the Tinder app on your phone has run into a serious problem for which there is no current fix. In this case, you would need to uninstall the Tinder app on your phone and install it again to get a fresh start. To do this:
- Long-press Tinder on your phone home screen and select Uninstall or Remove, depending on your phone OS
- Confirm to uninstall Tinder when prompted
- Then, head over to your App Store or Play Store, search for Tinder and reinstall it
- After reinstalling Tinder, you will be prompted to enter your login details afresh because this is a new setup
- Enter the details and check if the issue is now resolved
Fix 6 – Contact Tinder Support
If the issue persists after trying all the fixes so far, then there is an unusual problem with the Tinder app on your phone. In that case, you would need to contact Tinder for support on the issue. You can reach Tinder on Twitter or the help page here.
Fix 7 – Wait For Them To Come Out With A Fix
The issue of messages not getting through may be a problem with Tinder services, and they are aware that users are not getting messages. Even if they weren’t aware, your report to them in the step above would make them know and start working to resolve it. So, you just need to wait for them to come out with a fix so you can start having seamless conversations on Tinder again.
5. Tinder is Down, So the Message Didn’t Go Through
Finally, the problem may be that Tinder servers are temporarily down and so messages don’t get through to users on the app. It may be hard to tell that this is the case because other parts of the app like logging in, matching, and so on may be working. One way to find out is to get back on their Tinder page provided above to check if they have any updates regarding the situation. You could also check sites like Down Inspector and Down Detector for live status updates.
Fix – Wait For Tinder To Go Back Up
If you check on any of the sites or on Tinder’s Twitter page and find that Tinder is actually down, all you can do is wait for Tinder to go back up so you can start messaging with your matches again.

title: “Liked Message But No Reply Tinder” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-08” author: “Minna Curry”
If they have been great, then something may be preventing them from responding at the time, or preventing you from getting their response. If the conversation hasn’t been great, or you said something that may be uncomfortable, then do not hold your breath for a response even if they liked the last message. At any rate, here’s a list of the most common reasons why someone may like your message on Tinder without replying to it.
Why Did Someone Like My Tinder Message But Not Respond
1. They’re Not Interested and Wanted to End the Convo Politely
We will start off with the possibility that you are scared of. Because, a lot of the time, it is the actual reason why they simply liked your message but did not respond. The truth is that the person may not be interested in talking to you anymore, whether after the first few conversations or after you have talked for a couple of days. Also, a lot of people find it difficult to come out and say that they no longer want to speak to you. And they may also not want to outright unmatch you. So, they may just like your message and leave it at that as a polite way of saying that they can no longer be bothered to talk to you. In other situations, you may have said something that did not sit well with them and they like the message in irony and just move on. For others, too, it can be a way of saying that they do not want to confront you about what you have just said to them, so they are letting you have the “win”. In other cases, they still may have liked the message by mistake and just want to move on from the conversation. Whatever the reason, the point is that it is very likely that they liked your message and did not respond because they are no longer interested in talking to you.
Fix – Keep It Moving, There’s Nothing You Can Do
We mentioned earlier that there can be indications that the person who liked your message is not interested in talking to you. Opening Message: Even though it does not get the level of attention that it deserves, an opening message when you first text someone goes a long way to determine if they will want to talk to you or not. If you send a message that the user can’t be bothered to reply to, they may just give you a polite Like and ignore you Message Dynamic: If you have been having conversations with this person and the conversation is not flowing well, they may get fed up with it. When they do, they may not want to tell you that they are no longer interested, so they just leave a Like instead. Also, if there is an argument or disagreement over opinions or ideologies, people tend to walk away from such situations online. In this case, the person may like your last message as a sign of resignation and stop talking to you. So, you can get a clue as to the person’s stance and reasons for sending a Like without replying from the nature of the most recent conversations that you have had. Whatever the case, if there is an indication that the conversation hasn’t gone down well, then it is likely that they are not interested in talking to you. And all you can do in this situation is to move on, really. It is true that nobody enjoys rejection, but there is no point podning over someone that has no interest in talking to you in the first place.
2. They Forgot
On the other hand, the person may have genuinely liked your message and intended to carry on the conversation but forgot to reply. They may have gotten distracted, got busy, or they may even think that they did reply to the message without having actually done so. Also, many people do not spend a lot of time on dating sites. Sending you a Like may just be their way of making a friendly exit from the conversation, which they will return to later. One way to tell that this may be the case is if the conversation had been going well up to this point. Or at least if there was no uncomfortable exchange before it happened. It would make little sense for someone to walk away from a conversation that was going alright. So, if someone likes your message and does not reply, and there was no obvious cause for them to ignore you, it is possible that they just forgot to reply, got distracted, got busy, thought that they replied, or they will eventually come back to it.
Fix – Say, ‘Did You Mean to Send A Message’?
When you feel that there is little reason for the person to ignore you, you could simply send them another message, perhaps asking them if they meant to follow up their Like with a message. As we explained, it may be that they forgot to text after liking the message, or that they got distracted, and so on. The only way you can find out is to send a probing message like, “Did you mean to send a message?”, to know what their intentions are. Chances are that they will get back to you once they see your message, and you can continue your conversation.
3. You Didn’t Say Something That Was Easy to Reply to
Maybe you did not say anything wrong, maybe the conversation was good, maybe they did not forget to respond. It could be that they only liked your message and did not say anything further because there was nothing to say! There are dynamics to conversations. There are messages you send that warrant a response and further conversation. While there are messages that someone can just like, appreciate, agree to, and leave it at that…because there is nothing more to add to it. Or maybe your message was even a response to something they said, and they just sent a Like to acknowledge your response. More still, it could be that they are not very good at carrying on conversations and need a bit of prompting to continue. The point is that if they can’t find anything further to say to your last message, they can send a polite Like just let you know that all’s good.
Fix – Revive the Conversation
In a case like this, you could send another message to the person to continue the conversation. What you say to them depends on the nature of the ongoing conversation. If you want to continue the conversation, you can say something to them about it to elicit a response. Ask a question, maybe. If the conversation has come to its natural end, then start another. If the timing feels right, you could ask them for an alternative means of communication, like their Instagram handle…if you can’t ask for their number yet. Don’t take it personally when they like your message and say nothing further. It could be that they are not very good at conversation, too. If you can be bothered, bring up a new topic, or ask them a question that will make them do some talking.
4. There’s A Bug That Caused the Message Not to Go Through
It could also be that they did respond, but a bug made the message not go through. Now, the issue with this is that the bug may have occurred on your phone or the person’s phone. The best you can do is to try to fix bugs on your own end and hope that it resolves the issue for you. By bug, we mean that the Tinder app on your phone may stop working properly, may be due to an error in its software code, or because it no longer has the ability to integrate properly with your phone’s operating system, and so on. To fix bug-related issues, you normally have to try a few solutions until you find the one that fixes the issue. So, let’s get right to fixing bugs on Tinder that may have caused the message to not get through to you.
Fix – Use Tinder.com Instead of the App
This is the quickest way to find out if the issue is with the Tinder app on your phone, and to quickly continue the conversation before coming back to try to fix the bug on your app. When someone has liked your message and does not respond, and there is little reason for them not to, go ahead and log in at Tinder.com to continue the conversation. If there is indeed a bug on your Tinder app, you should see their reply when you use Tinder.com
- Open a browser on your phone or PC and go to Tinder.com
- Select log in. If you log in on your app using a third-party service like Google, you should select the same on the browser.
- If you used your phone number to create the account, you’ll be sent a code on your phone, which you must enter into Tinder.com to access your account
- After logging in, get back to the conversation and see if they actually did reply your message
Fix 2 – Log Out Then Back Into the App
Now, back on the Tinder app, you should start your debugging by logging out of Tinder and then logging back in. You may wonder what logging out and logging back into Tinder has to do with their message not going through. To understand this, here’s a bit of technical background. You have created a login session when you log into your Tinder account. Your login details are stored, so you don’t always have to log in every time you open the app. You also receive a Token. Throughout the time you are logged in, that token you received allows you to access all the features on Tinder that you have permission to access including texting, matching, settings, notifications, and so on. Now, there are times when your login session has issues and your token no longer functions properly. This would cause some errors like messages sent to you not showing up on your Tinder app, from Tinder servers. To fix this, you need to log out of Tinder and log back in using the steps below: To log out of Tinder app:
- Tap on the profile icon at the top right of the screen
- Tap on Settings on the left
- Scroll down toward the very end of the screen and select Logout
- Then confirm to log out of Tinder
Fix 3 – Update Tinder to Get Rid Of Bugs
If logging out and logging back in does not fix the issue of people’s messages not getting through to you, it could be that the version of Tinder on your phone is out of date. If your Tinder app is out of date, it may no longer be able to receive some services like new message delivery from Tinder servers. Or the problem may just be a code error for which Tinder has released an update patch. This is why you need to ensure that Tinder, like every other app on your phone, is always up to date in order for it to continue functioning properly. To update Tinder:
- Exit Tinder and swipe it away from recent items
- Then, open your App Store or Play Store
- Search for Tinder in the search bar and select it from the results
- If there is an update available, you will see Update by the side.
- Tap on update to begin installing the Tinder update
- When it is complete, you should then see Open instead of Update.
- Tap on Open to relaunch Tinder and check if you are now getting messages
Fix 4 – Clear Your Cache to Get Rid of Tinder Bugs
The cache is a memory that is assigned to an application installed on your phone, to store temporary information about your use of the application. This is so that you can always access data on the app quickly and don’t have to repeat certain actions like logging in, setting your user preferences, and so on, every time you open Tinder. So, information like your login details, some of your app preferences, your profile data and some images are all stored in the cache. And, every time you launch Tinder, the app loads all the data from this cache memory to help you enjoy your smooth experience on Tinder. However, because of the importance of this cache memory, whenever it becomes corrupt or just suffers a minor glitch, the application (in this case, Tinder) will stop functioning properly, and may cause issues like messages not getting through on your app. To fix this, you need to clear the cache memory in order to remove the corrupt data, and get your Tinder app working well again. To clear cache on Android:
- Long-press the Tinder app
- Select App Info
- Select Clear Data
- Select Clear Cache
- Confirm to clear the cache On iOS
- Navigate to Settings on your device
- Select General
- Select iPhone Storage
- Select Tinder
- Select Offload app
- Confirm the action
- Select Reinstall app
Fix 5 – Uninstall and Reinstall the App
If the problem persists after updating Tinder and clearing the cache, it is possible that the Tinder app on your phone has run into a serious problem for which there is no current fix. In this case, you would need to uninstall the Tinder app on your phone and install it again to get a fresh start. To do this:
- Long-press Tinder on your phone home screen and select Uninstall or Remove, depending on your phone OS
- Confirm to uninstall Tinder when prompted
- Then, head over to your App Store or Play Store, search for Tinder and reinstall it
- After reinstalling Tinder, you will be prompted to enter your login details afresh because this is a new setup
- Enter the details and check if the issue is now resolved
Fix 6 – Contact Tinder Support
If the issue persists after trying all the fixes so far, then there is an unusual problem with the Tinder app on your phone. In that case, you would need to contact Tinder for support on the issue. You can reach Tinder on Twitter or the help page here.
Fix 7 – Wait For Them To Come Out With A Fix
The issue of messages not getting through may be a problem with Tinder services, and they are aware that users are not getting messages. Even if they weren’t aware, your report to them in the step above would make them know and start working to resolve it. So, you just need to wait for them to come out with a fix so you can start having seamless conversations on Tinder again.
5. Tinder is Down, So the Message Didn’t Go Through
Finally, the problem may be that Tinder servers are temporarily down and so messages don’t get through to users on the app. It may be hard to tell that this is the case because other parts of the app like logging in, matching, and so on may be working. One way to find out is to get back on their Tinder page provided above to check if they have any updates regarding the situation. You could also check sites like Down Inspector and Down Detector for live status updates.
Fix – Wait For Tinder To Go Back Up
If you check on any of the sites or on Tinder’s Twitter page and find that Tinder is actually down, all you can do is wait for Tinder to go back up so you can start messaging with your matches again.

title: “Liked Message But No Reply Tinder” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-06” author: “Renee Harmon”
If they have been great, then something may be preventing them from responding at the time, or preventing you from getting their response. If the conversation hasn’t been great, or you said something that may be uncomfortable, then do not hold your breath for a response even if they liked the last message. At any rate, here’s a list of the most common reasons why someone may like your message on Tinder without replying to it.
Why Did Someone Like My Tinder Message But Not Respond
1. They’re Not Interested and Wanted to End the Convo Politely
We will start off with the possibility that you are scared of. Because, a lot of the time, it is the actual reason why they simply liked your message but did not respond. The truth is that the person may not be interested in talking to you anymore, whether after the first few conversations or after you have talked for a couple of days. Also, a lot of people find it difficult to come out and say that they no longer want to speak to you. And they may also not want to outright unmatch you. So, they may just like your message and leave it at that as a polite way of saying that they can no longer be bothered to talk to you. In other situations, you may have said something that did not sit well with them and they like the message in irony and just move on. For others, too, it can be a way of saying that they do not want to confront you about what you have just said to them, so they are letting you have the “win”. In other cases, they still may have liked the message by mistake and just want to move on from the conversation. Whatever the reason, the point is that it is very likely that they liked your message and did not respond because they are no longer interested in talking to you.
Fix – Keep It Moving, There’s Nothing You Can Do
We mentioned earlier that there can be indications that the person who liked your message is not interested in talking to you. Opening Message: Even though it does not get the level of attention that it deserves, an opening message when you first text someone goes a long way to determine if they will want to talk to you or not. If you send a message that the user can’t be bothered to reply to, they may just give you a polite Like and ignore you Message Dynamic: If you have been having conversations with this person and the conversation is not flowing well, they may get fed up with it. When they do, they may not want to tell you that they are no longer interested, so they just leave a Like instead. Also, if there is an argument or disagreement over opinions or ideologies, people tend to walk away from such situations online. In this case, the person may like your last message as a sign of resignation and stop talking to you. So, you can get a clue as to the person’s stance and reasons for sending a Like without replying from the nature of the most recent conversations that you have had. Whatever the case, if there is an indication that the conversation hasn’t gone down well, then it is likely that they are not interested in talking to you. And all you can do in this situation is to move on, really. It is true that nobody enjoys rejection, but there is no point podning over someone that has no interest in talking to you in the first place.
2. They Forgot
On the other hand, the person may have genuinely liked your message and intended to carry on the conversation but forgot to reply. They may have gotten distracted, got busy, or they may even think that they did reply to the message without having actually done so. Also, many people do not spend a lot of time on dating sites. Sending you a Like may just be their way of making a friendly exit from the conversation, which they will return to later. One way to tell that this may be the case is if the conversation had been going well up to this point. Or at least if there was no uncomfortable exchange before it happened. It would make little sense for someone to walk away from a conversation that was going alright. So, if someone likes your message and does not reply, and there was no obvious cause for them to ignore you, it is possible that they just forgot to reply, got distracted, got busy, thought that they replied, or they will eventually come back to it.
Fix – Say, ‘Did You Mean to Send A Message’?
When you feel that there is little reason for the person to ignore you, you could simply send them another message, perhaps asking them if they meant to follow up their Like with a message. As we explained, it may be that they forgot to text after liking the message, or that they got distracted, and so on. The only way you can find out is to send a probing message like, “Did you mean to send a message?”, to know what their intentions are. Chances are that they will get back to you once they see your message, and you can continue your conversation.
3. You Didn’t Say Something That Was Easy to Reply to
Maybe you did not say anything wrong, maybe the conversation was good, maybe they did not forget to respond. It could be that they only liked your message and did not say anything further because there was nothing to say! There are dynamics to conversations. There are messages you send that warrant a response and further conversation. While there are messages that someone can just like, appreciate, agree to, and leave it at that…because there is nothing more to add to it. Or maybe your message was even a response to something they said, and they just sent a Like to acknowledge your response. More still, it could be that they are not very good at carrying on conversations and need a bit of prompting to continue. The point is that if they can’t find anything further to say to your last message, they can send a polite Like just let you know that all’s good.
Fix – Revive the Conversation
In a case like this, you could send another message to the person to continue the conversation. What you say to them depends on the nature of the ongoing conversation. If you want to continue the conversation, you can say something to them about it to elicit a response. Ask a question, maybe. If the conversation has come to its natural end, then start another. If the timing feels right, you could ask them for an alternative means of communication, like their Instagram handle…if you can’t ask for their number yet. Don’t take it personally when they like your message and say nothing further. It could be that they are not very good at conversation, too. If you can be bothered, bring up a new topic, or ask them a question that will make them do some talking.
4. There’s A Bug That Caused the Message Not to Go Through
It could also be that they did respond, but a bug made the message not go through. Now, the issue with this is that the bug may have occurred on your phone or the person’s phone. The best you can do is to try to fix bugs on your own end and hope that it resolves the issue for you. By bug, we mean that the Tinder app on your phone may stop working properly, may be due to an error in its software code, or because it no longer has the ability to integrate properly with your phone’s operating system, and so on. To fix bug-related issues, you normally have to try a few solutions until you find the one that fixes the issue. So, let’s get right to fixing bugs on Tinder that may have caused the message to not get through to you.
Fix – Use Tinder.com Instead of the App
This is the quickest way to find out if the issue is with the Tinder app on your phone, and to quickly continue the conversation before coming back to try to fix the bug on your app. When someone has liked your message and does not respond, and there is little reason for them not to, go ahead and log in at Tinder.com to continue the conversation. If there is indeed a bug on your Tinder app, you should see their reply when you use Tinder.com
- Open a browser on your phone or PC and go to Tinder.com
- Select log in. If you log in on your app using a third-party service like Google, you should select the same on the browser.
- If you used your phone number to create the account, you’ll be sent a code on your phone, which you must enter into Tinder.com to access your account
- After logging in, get back to the conversation and see if they actually did reply your message
Fix 2 – Log Out Then Back Into the App
Now, back on the Tinder app, you should start your debugging by logging out of Tinder and then logging back in. You may wonder what logging out and logging back into Tinder has to do with their message not going through. To understand this, here’s a bit of technical background. You have created a login session when you log into your Tinder account. Your login details are stored, so you don’t always have to log in every time you open the app. You also receive a Token. Throughout the time you are logged in, that token you received allows you to access all the features on Tinder that you have permission to access including texting, matching, settings, notifications, and so on. Now, there are times when your login session has issues and your token no longer functions properly. This would cause some errors like messages sent to you not showing up on your Tinder app, from Tinder servers. To fix this, you need to log out of Tinder and log back in using the steps below: To log out of Tinder app:
- Tap on the profile icon at the top right of the screen
- Tap on Settings on the left
- Scroll down toward the very end of the screen and select Logout
- Then confirm to log out of Tinder
Fix 3 – Update Tinder to Get Rid Of Bugs
If logging out and logging back in does not fix the issue of people’s messages not getting through to you, it could be that the version of Tinder on your phone is out of date. If your Tinder app is out of date, it may no longer be able to receive some services like new message delivery from Tinder servers. Or the problem may just be a code error for which Tinder has released an update patch. This is why you need to ensure that Tinder, like every other app on your phone, is always up to date in order for it to continue functioning properly. To update Tinder:
- Exit Tinder and swipe it away from recent items
- Then, open your App Store or Play Store
- Search for Tinder in the search bar and select it from the results
- If there is an update available, you will see Update by the side.
- Tap on update to begin installing the Tinder update
- When it is complete, you should then see Open instead of Update.
- Tap on Open to relaunch Tinder and check if you are now getting messages
Fix 4 – Clear Your Cache to Get Rid of Tinder Bugs
The cache is a memory that is assigned to an application installed on your phone, to store temporary information about your use of the application. This is so that you can always access data on the app quickly and don’t have to repeat certain actions like logging in, setting your user preferences, and so on, every time you open Tinder. So, information like your login details, some of your app preferences, your profile data and some images are all stored in the cache. And, every time you launch Tinder, the app loads all the data from this cache memory to help you enjoy your smooth experience on Tinder. However, because of the importance of this cache memory, whenever it becomes corrupt or just suffers a minor glitch, the application (in this case, Tinder) will stop functioning properly, and may cause issues like messages not getting through on your app. To fix this, you need to clear the cache memory in order to remove the corrupt data, and get your Tinder app working well again. To clear cache on Android:
- Long-press the Tinder app
- Select App Info
- Select Clear Data
- Select Clear Cache
- Confirm to clear the cache On iOS
- Navigate to Settings on your device
- Select General
- Select iPhone Storage
- Select Tinder
- Select Offload app
- Confirm the action
- Select Reinstall app
Fix 5 – Uninstall and Reinstall the App
If the problem persists after updating Tinder and clearing the cache, it is possible that the Tinder app on your phone has run into a serious problem for which there is no current fix. In this case, you would need to uninstall the Tinder app on your phone and install it again to get a fresh start. To do this:
- Long-press Tinder on your phone home screen and select Uninstall or Remove, depending on your phone OS
- Confirm to uninstall Tinder when prompted
- Then, head over to your App Store or Play Store, search for Tinder and reinstall it
- After reinstalling Tinder, you will be prompted to enter your login details afresh because this is a new setup
- Enter the details and check if the issue is now resolved
Fix 6 – Contact Tinder Support
If the issue persists after trying all the fixes so far, then there is an unusual problem with the Tinder app on your phone. In that case, you would need to contact Tinder for support on the issue. You can reach Tinder on Twitter or the help page here.
Fix 7 – Wait For Them To Come Out With A Fix
The issue of messages not getting through may be a problem with Tinder services, and they are aware that users are not getting messages. Even if they weren’t aware, your report to them in the step above would make them know and start working to resolve it. So, you just need to wait for them to come out with a fix so you can start having seamless conversations on Tinder again.
5. Tinder is Down, So the Message Didn’t Go Through
Finally, the problem may be that Tinder servers are temporarily down and so messages don’t get through to users on the app. It may be hard to tell that this is the case because other parts of the app like logging in, matching, and so on may be working. One way to find out is to get back on their Tinder page provided above to check if they have any updates regarding the situation. You could also check sites like Down Inspector and Down Detector for live status updates.
Fix – Wait For Tinder To Go Back Up
If you check on any of the sites or on Tinder’s Twitter page and find that Tinder is actually down, all you can do is wait for Tinder to go back up so you can start messaging with your matches again.

title: “Liked Message But No Reply Tinder” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-13” author: “Thomas Hagler”
If they have been great, then something may be preventing them from responding at the time, or preventing you from getting their response. If the conversation hasn’t been great, or you said something that may be uncomfortable, then do not hold your breath for a response even if they liked the last message. At any rate, here’s a list of the most common reasons why someone may like your message on Tinder without replying to it.
Why Did Someone Like My Tinder Message But Not Respond
1. They’re Not Interested and Wanted to End the Convo Politely
We will start off with the possibility that you are scared of. Because, a lot of the time, it is the actual reason why they simply liked your message but did not respond. The truth is that the person may not be interested in talking to you anymore, whether after the first few conversations or after you have talked for a couple of days. Also, a lot of people find it difficult to come out and say that they no longer want to speak to you. And they may also not want to outright unmatch you. So, they may just like your message and leave it at that as a polite way of saying that they can no longer be bothered to talk to you. In other situations, you may have said something that did not sit well with them and they like the message in irony and just move on. For others, too, it can be a way of saying that they do not want to confront you about what you have just said to them, so they are letting you have the “win”. In other cases, they still may have liked the message by mistake and just want to move on from the conversation. Whatever the reason, the point is that it is very likely that they liked your message and did not respond because they are no longer interested in talking to you.
Fix – Keep It Moving, There’s Nothing You Can Do
We mentioned earlier that there can be indications that the person who liked your message is not interested in talking to you. Opening Message: Even though it does not get the level of attention that it deserves, an opening message when you first text someone goes a long way to determine if they will want to talk to you or not. If you send a message that the user can’t be bothered to reply to, they may just give you a polite Like and ignore you Message Dynamic: If you have been having conversations with this person and the conversation is not flowing well, they may get fed up with it. When they do, they may not want to tell you that they are no longer interested, so they just leave a Like instead. Also, if there is an argument or disagreement over opinions or ideologies, people tend to walk away from such situations online. In this case, the person may like your last message as a sign of resignation and stop talking to you. So, you can get a clue as to the person’s stance and reasons for sending a Like without replying from the nature of the most recent conversations that you have had. Whatever the case, if there is an indication that the conversation hasn’t gone down well, then it is likely that they are not interested in talking to you. And all you can do in this situation is to move on, really. It is true that nobody enjoys rejection, but there is no point podning over someone that has no interest in talking to you in the first place.
2. They Forgot
On the other hand, the person may have genuinely liked your message and intended to carry on the conversation but forgot to reply. They may have gotten distracted, got busy, or they may even think that they did reply to the message without having actually done so. Also, many people do not spend a lot of time on dating sites. Sending you a Like may just be their way of making a friendly exit from the conversation, which they will return to later. One way to tell that this may be the case is if the conversation had been going well up to this point. Or at least if there was no uncomfortable exchange before it happened. It would make little sense for someone to walk away from a conversation that was going alright. So, if someone likes your message and does not reply, and there was no obvious cause for them to ignore you, it is possible that they just forgot to reply, got distracted, got busy, thought that they replied, or they will eventually come back to it.
Fix – Say, ‘Did You Mean to Send A Message’?
When you feel that there is little reason for the person to ignore you, you could simply send them another message, perhaps asking them if they meant to follow up their Like with a message. As we explained, it may be that they forgot to text after liking the message, or that they got distracted, and so on. The only way you can find out is to send a probing message like, “Did you mean to send a message?”, to know what their intentions are. Chances are that they will get back to you once they see your message, and you can continue your conversation.
3. You Didn’t Say Something That Was Easy to Reply to
Maybe you did not say anything wrong, maybe the conversation was good, maybe they did not forget to respond. It could be that they only liked your message and did not say anything further because there was nothing to say! There are dynamics to conversations. There are messages you send that warrant a response and further conversation. While there are messages that someone can just like, appreciate, agree to, and leave it at that…because there is nothing more to add to it. Or maybe your message was even a response to something they said, and they just sent a Like to acknowledge your response. More still, it could be that they are not very good at carrying on conversations and need a bit of prompting to continue. The point is that if they can’t find anything further to say to your last message, they can send a polite Like just let you know that all’s good.
Fix – Revive the Conversation
In a case like this, you could send another message to the person to continue the conversation. What you say to them depends on the nature of the ongoing conversation. If you want to continue the conversation, you can say something to them about it to elicit a response. Ask a question, maybe. If the conversation has come to its natural end, then start another. If the timing feels right, you could ask them for an alternative means of communication, like their Instagram handle…if you can’t ask for their number yet. Don’t take it personally when they like your message and say nothing further. It could be that they are not very good at conversation, too. If you can be bothered, bring up a new topic, or ask them a question that will make them do some talking.
4. There’s A Bug That Caused the Message Not to Go Through
It could also be that they did respond, but a bug made the message not go through. Now, the issue with this is that the bug may have occurred on your phone or the person’s phone. The best you can do is to try to fix bugs on your own end and hope that it resolves the issue for you. By bug, we mean that the Tinder app on your phone may stop working properly, may be due to an error in its software code, or because it no longer has the ability to integrate properly with your phone’s operating system, and so on. To fix bug-related issues, you normally have to try a few solutions until you find the one that fixes the issue. So, let’s get right to fixing bugs on Tinder that may have caused the message to not get through to you.
Fix – Use Tinder.com Instead of the App
This is the quickest way to find out if the issue is with the Tinder app on your phone, and to quickly continue the conversation before coming back to try to fix the bug on your app. When someone has liked your message and does not respond, and there is little reason for them not to, go ahead and log in at Tinder.com to continue the conversation. If there is indeed a bug on your Tinder app, you should see their reply when you use Tinder.com
- Open a browser on your phone or PC and go to Tinder.com
- Select log in. If you log in on your app using a third-party service like Google, you should select the same on the browser.
- If you used your phone number to create the account, you’ll be sent a code on your phone, which you must enter into Tinder.com to access your account
- After logging in, get back to the conversation and see if they actually did reply your message
Fix 2 – Log Out Then Back Into the App
Now, back on the Tinder app, you should start your debugging by logging out of Tinder and then logging back in. You may wonder what logging out and logging back into Tinder has to do with their message not going through. To understand this, here’s a bit of technical background. You have created a login session when you log into your Tinder account. Your login details are stored, so you don’t always have to log in every time you open the app. You also receive a Token. Throughout the time you are logged in, that token you received allows you to access all the features on Tinder that you have permission to access including texting, matching, settings, notifications, and so on. Now, there are times when your login session has issues and your token no longer functions properly. This would cause some errors like messages sent to you not showing up on your Tinder app, from Tinder servers. To fix this, you need to log out of Tinder and log back in using the steps below: To log out of Tinder app:
- Tap on the profile icon at the top right of the screen
- Tap on Settings on the left
- Scroll down toward the very end of the screen and select Logout
- Then confirm to log out of Tinder
Fix 3 – Update Tinder to Get Rid Of Bugs
If logging out and logging back in does not fix the issue of people’s messages not getting through to you, it could be that the version of Tinder on your phone is out of date. If your Tinder app is out of date, it may no longer be able to receive some services like new message delivery from Tinder servers. Or the problem may just be a code error for which Tinder has released an update patch. This is why you need to ensure that Tinder, like every other app on your phone, is always up to date in order for it to continue functioning properly. To update Tinder:
- Exit Tinder and swipe it away from recent items
- Then, open your App Store or Play Store
- Search for Tinder in the search bar and select it from the results
- If there is an update available, you will see Update by the side.
- Tap on update to begin installing the Tinder update
- When it is complete, you should then see Open instead of Update.
- Tap on Open to relaunch Tinder and check if you are now getting messages
Fix 4 – Clear Your Cache to Get Rid of Tinder Bugs
The cache is a memory that is assigned to an application installed on your phone, to store temporary information about your use of the application. This is so that you can always access data on the app quickly and don’t have to repeat certain actions like logging in, setting your user preferences, and so on, every time you open Tinder. So, information like your login details, some of your app preferences, your profile data and some images are all stored in the cache. And, every time you launch Tinder, the app loads all the data from this cache memory to help you enjoy your smooth experience on Tinder. However, because of the importance of this cache memory, whenever it becomes corrupt or just suffers a minor glitch, the application (in this case, Tinder) will stop functioning properly, and may cause issues like messages not getting through on your app. To fix this, you need to clear the cache memory in order to remove the corrupt data, and get your Tinder app working well again. To clear cache on Android:
- Long-press the Tinder app
- Select App Info
- Select Clear Data
- Select Clear Cache
- Confirm to clear the cache On iOS
- Navigate to Settings on your device
- Select General
- Select iPhone Storage
- Select Tinder
- Select Offload app
- Confirm the action
- Select Reinstall app
Fix 5 – Uninstall and Reinstall the App
If the problem persists after updating Tinder and clearing the cache, it is possible that the Tinder app on your phone has run into a serious problem for which there is no current fix. In this case, you would need to uninstall the Tinder app on your phone and install it again to get a fresh start. To do this:
- Long-press Tinder on your phone home screen and select Uninstall or Remove, depending on your phone OS
- Confirm to uninstall Tinder when prompted
- Then, head over to your App Store or Play Store, search for Tinder and reinstall it
- After reinstalling Tinder, you will be prompted to enter your login details afresh because this is a new setup
- Enter the details and check if the issue is now resolved
Fix 6 – Contact Tinder Support
If the issue persists after trying all the fixes so far, then there is an unusual problem with the Tinder app on your phone. In that case, you would need to contact Tinder for support on the issue. You can reach Tinder on Twitter or the help page here.
Fix 7 – Wait For Them To Come Out With A Fix
The issue of messages not getting through may be a problem with Tinder services, and they are aware that users are not getting messages. Even if they weren’t aware, your report to them in the step above would make them know and start working to resolve it. So, you just need to wait for them to come out with a fix so you can start having seamless conversations on Tinder again.
5. Tinder is Down, So the Message Didn’t Go Through
Finally, the problem may be that Tinder servers are temporarily down and so messages don’t get through to users on the app. It may be hard to tell that this is the case because other parts of the app like logging in, matching, and so on may be working. One way to find out is to get back on their Tinder page provided above to check if they have any updates regarding the situation. You could also check sites like Down Inspector and Down Detector for live status updates.
Fix – Wait For Tinder To Go Back Up
If you check on any of the sites or on Tinder’s Twitter page and find that Tinder is actually down, all you can do is wait for Tinder to go back up so you can start messaging with your matches again.

title: “Liked Message But No Reply Tinder” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-07” author: “James Woodley”
If they have been great, then something may be preventing them from responding at the time, or preventing you from getting their response. If the conversation hasn’t been great, or you said something that may be uncomfortable, then do not hold your breath for a response even if they liked the last message. At any rate, here’s a list of the most common reasons why someone may like your message on Tinder without replying to it.
Why Did Someone Like My Tinder Message But Not Respond
1. They’re Not Interested and Wanted to End the Convo Politely
We will start off with the possibility that you are scared of. Because, a lot of the time, it is the actual reason why they simply liked your message but did not respond. The truth is that the person may not be interested in talking to you anymore, whether after the first few conversations or after you have talked for a couple of days. Also, a lot of people find it difficult to come out and say that they no longer want to speak to you. And they may also not want to outright unmatch you. So, they may just like your message and leave it at that as a polite way of saying that they can no longer be bothered to talk to you. In other situations, you may have said something that did not sit well with them and they like the message in irony and just move on. For others, too, it can be a way of saying that they do not want to confront you about what you have just said to them, so they are letting you have the “win”. In other cases, they still may have liked the message by mistake and just want to move on from the conversation. Whatever the reason, the point is that it is very likely that they liked your message and did not respond because they are no longer interested in talking to you.
Fix – Keep It Moving, There’s Nothing You Can Do
We mentioned earlier that there can be indications that the person who liked your message is not interested in talking to you. Opening Message: Even though it does not get the level of attention that it deserves, an opening message when you first text someone goes a long way to determine if they will want to talk to you or not. If you send a message that the user can’t be bothered to reply to, they may just give you a polite Like and ignore you Message Dynamic: If you have been having conversations with this person and the conversation is not flowing well, they may get fed up with it. When they do, they may not want to tell you that they are no longer interested, so they just leave a Like instead. Also, if there is an argument or disagreement over opinions or ideologies, people tend to walk away from such situations online. In this case, the person may like your last message as a sign of resignation and stop talking to you. So, you can get a clue as to the person’s stance and reasons for sending a Like without replying from the nature of the most recent conversations that you have had. Whatever the case, if there is an indication that the conversation hasn’t gone down well, then it is likely that they are not interested in talking to you. And all you can do in this situation is to move on, really. It is true that nobody enjoys rejection, but there is no point podning over someone that has no interest in talking to you in the first place.
2. They Forgot
On the other hand, the person may have genuinely liked your message and intended to carry on the conversation but forgot to reply. They may have gotten distracted, got busy, or they may even think that they did reply to the message without having actually done so. Also, many people do not spend a lot of time on dating sites. Sending you a Like may just be their way of making a friendly exit from the conversation, which they will return to later. One way to tell that this may be the case is if the conversation had been going well up to this point. Or at least if there was no uncomfortable exchange before it happened. It would make little sense for someone to walk away from a conversation that was going alright. So, if someone likes your message and does not reply, and there was no obvious cause for them to ignore you, it is possible that they just forgot to reply, got distracted, got busy, thought that they replied, or they will eventually come back to it.
Fix – Say, ‘Did You Mean to Send A Message’?
When you feel that there is little reason for the person to ignore you, you could simply send them another message, perhaps asking them if they meant to follow up their Like with a message. As we explained, it may be that they forgot to text after liking the message, or that they got distracted, and so on. The only way you can find out is to send a probing message like, “Did you mean to send a message?”, to know what their intentions are. Chances are that they will get back to you once they see your message, and you can continue your conversation.
3. You Didn’t Say Something That Was Easy to Reply to
Maybe you did not say anything wrong, maybe the conversation was good, maybe they did not forget to respond. It could be that they only liked your message and did not say anything further because there was nothing to say! There are dynamics to conversations. There are messages you send that warrant a response and further conversation. While there are messages that someone can just like, appreciate, agree to, and leave it at that…because there is nothing more to add to it. Or maybe your message was even a response to something they said, and they just sent a Like to acknowledge your response. More still, it could be that they are not very good at carrying on conversations and need a bit of prompting to continue. The point is that if they can’t find anything further to say to your last message, they can send a polite Like just let you know that all’s good.
Fix – Revive the Conversation
In a case like this, you could send another message to the person to continue the conversation. What you say to them depends on the nature of the ongoing conversation. If you want to continue the conversation, you can say something to them about it to elicit a response. Ask a question, maybe. If the conversation has come to its natural end, then start another. If the timing feels right, you could ask them for an alternative means of communication, like their Instagram handle…if you can’t ask for their number yet. Don’t take it personally when they like your message and say nothing further. It could be that they are not very good at conversation, too. If you can be bothered, bring up a new topic, or ask them a question that will make them do some talking.
4. There’s A Bug That Caused the Message Not to Go Through
It could also be that they did respond, but a bug made the message not go through. Now, the issue with this is that the bug may have occurred on your phone or the person’s phone. The best you can do is to try to fix bugs on your own end and hope that it resolves the issue for you. By bug, we mean that the Tinder app on your phone may stop working properly, may be due to an error in its software code, or because it no longer has the ability to integrate properly with your phone’s operating system, and so on. To fix bug-related issues, you normally have to try a few solutions until you find the one that fixes the issue. So, let’s get right to fixing bugs on Tinder that may have caused the message to not get through to you.
Fix – Use Tinder.com Instead of the App
This is the quickest way to find out if the issue is with the Tinder app on your phone, and to quickly continue the conversation before coming back to try to fix the bug on your app. When someone has liked your message and does not respond, and there is little reason for them not to, go ahead and log in at Tinder.com to continue the conversation. If there is indeed a bug on your Tinder app, you should see their reply when you use Tinder.com
- Open a browser on your phone or PC and go to Tinder.com
- Select log in. If you log in on your app using a third-party service like Google, you should select the same on the browser.
- If you used your phone number to create the account, you’ll be sent a code on your phone, which you must enter into Tinder.com to access your account
- After logging in, get back to the conversation and see if they actually did reply your message
Fix 2 – Log Out Then Back Into the App
Now, back on the Tinder app, you should start your debugging by logging out of Tinder and then logging back in. You may wonder what logging out and logging back into Tinder has to do with their message not going through. To understand this, here’s a bit of technical background. You have created a login session when you log into your Tinder account. Your login details are stored, so you don’t always have to log in every time you open the app. You also receive a Token. Throughout the time you are logged in, that token you received allows you to access all the features on Tinder that you have permission to access including texting, matching, settings, notifications, and so on. Now, there are times when your login session has issues and your token no longer functions properly. This would cause some errors like messages sent to you not showing up on your Tinder app, from Tinder servers. To fix this, you need to log out of Tinder and log back in using the steps below: To log out of Tinder app:
- Tap on the profile icon at the top right of the screen
- Tap on Settings on the left
- Scroll down toward the very end of the screen and select Logout
- Then confirm to log out of Tinder
Fix 3 – Update Tinder to Get Rid Of Bugs
If logging out and logging back in does not fix the issue of people’s messages not getting through to you, it could be that the version of Tinder on your phone is out of date. If your Tinder app is out of date, it may no longer be able to receive some services like new message delivery from Tinder servers. Or the problem may just be a code error for which Tinder has released an update patch. This is why you need to ensure that Tinder, like every other app on your phone, is always up to date in order for it to continue functioning properly. To update Tinder:
- Exit Tinder and swipe it away from recent items
- Then, open your App Store or Play Store
- Search for Tinder in the search bar and select it from the results
- If there is an update available, you will see Update by the side.
- Tap on update to begin installing the Tinder update
- When it is complete, you should then see Open instead of Update.
- Tap on Open to relaunch Tinder and check if you are now getting messages
Fix 4 – Clear Your Cache to Get Rid of Tinder Bugs
The cache is a memory that is assigned to an application installed on your phone, to store temporary information about your use of the application. This is so that you can always access data on the app quickly and don’t have to repeat certain actions like logging in, setting your user preferences, and so on, every time you open Tinder. So, information like your login details, some of your app preferences, your profile data and some images are all stored in the cache. And, every time you launch Tinder, the app loads all the data from this cache memory to help you enjoy your smooth experience on Tinder. However, because of the importance of this cache memory, whenever it becomes corrupt or just suffers a minor glitch, the application (in this case, Tinder) will stop functioning properly, and may cause issues like messages not getting through on your app. To fix this, you need to clear the cache memory in order to remove the corrupt data, and get your Tinder app working well again. To clear cache on Android:
- Long-press the Tinder app
- Select App Info
- Select Clear Data
- Select Clear Cache
- Confirm to clear the cache On iOS
- Navigate to Settings on your device
- Select General
- Select iPhone Storage
- Select Tinder
- Select Offload app
- Confirm the action
- Select Reinstall app
Fix 5 – Uninstall and Reinstall the App
If the problem persists after updating Tinder and clearing the cache, it is possible that the Tinder app on your phone has run into a serious problem for which there is no current fix. In this case, you would need to uninstall the Tinder app on your phone and install it again to get a fresh start. To do this:
- Long-press Tinder on your phone home screen and select Uninstall or Remove, depending on your phone OS
- Confirm to uninstall Tinder when prompted
- Then, head over to your App Store or Play Store, search for Tinder and reinstall it
- After reinstalling Tinder, you will be prompted to enter your login details afresh because this is a new setup
- Enter the details and check if the issue is now resolved
Fix 6 – Contact Tinder Support
If the issue persists after trying all the fixes so far, then there is an unusual problem with the Tinder app on your phone. In that case, you would need to contact Tinder for support on the issue. You can reach Tinder on Twitter or the help page here.
Fix 7 – Wait For Them To Come Out With A Fix
The issue of messages not getting through may be a problem with Tinder services, and they are aware that users are not getting messages. Even if they weren’t aware, your report to them in the step above would make them know and start working to resolve it. So, you just need to wait for them to come out with a fix so you can start having seamless conversations on Tinder again.
5. Tinder is Down, So the Message Didn’t Go Through
Finally, the problem may be that Tinder servers are temporarily down and so messages don’t get through to users on the app. It may be hard to tell that this is the case because other parts of the app like logging in, matching, and so on may be working. One way to find out is to get back on their Tinder page provided above to check if they have any updates regarding the situation. You could also check sites like Down Inspector and Down Detector for live status updates.
Fix – Wait For Tinder To Go Back Up
If you check on any of the sites or on Tinder’s Twitter page and find that Tinder is actually down, all you can do is wait for Tinder to go back up so you can start messaging with your matches again.

title: “Liked Message But No Reply Tinder” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-08” author: “Linda Osbourne”
If they have been great, then something may be preventing them from responding at the time, or preventing you from getting their response. If the conversation hasn’t been great, or you said something that may be uncomfortable, then do not hold your breath for a response even if they liked the last message. At any rate, here’s a list of the most common reasons why someone may like your message on Tinder without replying to it.
Why Did Someone Like My Tinder Message But Not Respond
1. They’re Not Interested and Wanted to End the Convo Politely
We will start off with the possibility that you are scared of. Because, a lot of the time, it is the actual reason why they simply liked your message but did not respond. The truth is that the person may not be interested in talking to you anymore, whether after the first few conversations or after you have talked for a couple of days. Also, a lot of people find it difficult to come out and say that they no longer want to speak to you. And they may also not want to outright unmatch you. So, they may just like your message and leave it at that as a polite way of saying that they can no longer be bothered to talk to you. In other situations, you may have said something that did not sit well with them and they like the message in irony and just move on. For others, too, it can be a way of saying that they do not want to confront you about what you have just said to them, so they are letting you have the “win”. In other cases, they still may have liked the message by mistake and just want to move on from the conversation. Whatever the reason, the point is that it is very likely that they liked your message and did not respond because they are no longer interested in talking to you.
Fix – Keep It Moving, There’s Nothing You Can Do
We mentioned earlier that there can be indications that the person who liked your message is not interested in talking to you. Opening Message: Even though it does not get the level of attention that it deserves, an opening message when you first text someone goes a long way to determine if they will want to talk to you or not. If you send a message that the user can’t be bothered to reply to, they may just give you a polite Like and ignore you Message Dynamic: If you have been having conversations with this person and the conversation is not flowing well, they may get fed up with it. When they do, they may not want to tell you that they are no longer interested, so they just leave a Like instead. Also, if there is an argument or disagreement over opinions or ideologies, people tend to walk away from such situations online. In this case, the person may like your last message as a sign of resignation and stop talking to you. So, you can get a clue as to the person’s stance and reasons for sending a Like without replying from the nature of the most recent conversations that you have had. Whatever the case, if there is an indication that the conversation hasn’t gone down well, then it is likely that they are not interested in talking to you. And all you can do in this situation is to move on, really. It is true that nobody enjoys rejection, but there is no point podning over someone that has no interest in talking to you in the first place.
2. They Forgot
On the other hand, the person may have genuinely liked your message and intended to carry on the conversation but forgot to reply. They may have gotten distracted, got busy, or they may even think that they did reply to the message without having actually done so. Also, many people do not spend a lot of time on dating sites. Sending you a Like may just be their way of making a friendly exit from the conversation, which they will return to later. One way to tell that this may be the case is if the conversation had been going well up to this point. Or at least if there was no uncomfortable exchange before it happened. It would make little sense for someone to walk away from a conversation that was going alright. So, if someone likes your message and does not reply, and there was no obvious cause for them to ignore you, it is possible that they just forgot to reply, got distracted, got busy, thought that they replied, or they will eventually come back to it.
Fix – Say, ‘Did You Mean to Send A Message’?
When you feel that there is little reason for the person to ignore you, you could simply send them another message, perhaps asking them if they meant to follow up their Like with a message. As we explained, it may be that they forgot to text after liking the message, or that they got distracted, and so on. The only way you can find out is to send a probing message like, “Did you mean to send a message?”, to know what their intentions are. Chances are that they will get back to you once they see your message, and you can continue your conversation.
3. You Didn’t Say Something That Was Easy to Reply to
Maybe you did not say anything wrong, maybe the conversation was good, maybe they did not forget to respond. It could be that they only liked your message and did not say anything further because there was nothing to say! There are dynamics to conversations. There are messages you send that warrant a response and further conversation. While there are messages that someone can just like, appreciate, agree to, and leave it at that…because there is nothing more to add to it. Or maybe your message was even a response to something they said, and they just sent a Like to acknowledge your response. More still, it could be that they are not very good at carrying on conversations and need a bit of prompting to continue. The point is that if they can’t find anything further to say to your last message, they can send a polite Like just let you know that all’s good.
Fix – Revive the Conversation
In a case like this, you could send another message to the person to continue the conversation. What you say to them depends on the nature of the ongoing conversation. If you want to continue the conversation, you can say something to them about it to elicit a response. Ask a question, maybe. If the conversation has come to its natural end, then start another. If the timing feels right, you could ask them for an alternative means of communication, like their Instagram handle…if you can’t ask for their number yet. Don’t take it personally when they like your message and say nothing further. It could be that they are not very good at conversation, too. If you can be bothered, bring up a new topic, or ask them a question that will make them do some talking.
4. There’s A Bug That Caused the Message Not to Go Through
It could also be that they did respond, but a bug made the message not go through. Now, the issue with this is that the bug may have occurred on your phone or the person’s phone. The best you can do is to try to fix bugs on your own end and hope that it resolves the issue for you. By bug, we mean that the Tinder app on your phone may stop working properly, may be due to an error in its software code, or because it no longer has the ability to integrate properly with your phone’s operating system, and so on. To fix bug-related issues, you normally have to try a few solutions until you find the one that fixes the issue. So, let’s get right to fixing bugs on Tinder that may have caused the message to not get through to you.
Fix – Use Tinder.com Instead of the App
This is the quickest way to find out if the issue is with the Tinder app on your phone, and to quickly continue the conversation before coming back to try to fix the bug on your app. When someone has liked your message and does not respond, and there is little reason for them not to, go ahead and log in at Tinder.com to continue the conversation. If there is indeed a bug on your Tinder app, you should see their reply when you use Tinder.com
- Open a browser on your phone or PC and go to Tinder.com
- Select log in. If you log in on your app using a third-party service like Google, you should select the same on the browser.
- If you used your phone number to create the account, you’ll be sent a code on your phone, which you must enter into Tinder.com to access your account
- After logging in, get back to the conversation and see if they actually did reply your message
Fix 2 – Log Out Then Back Into the App
Now, back on the Tinder app, you should start your debugging by logging out of Tinder and then logging back in. You may wonder what logging out and logging back into Tinder has to do with their message not going through. To understand this, here’s a bit of technical background. You have created a login session when you log into your Tinder account. Your login details are stored, so you don’t always have to log in every time you open the app. You also receive a Token. Throughout the time you are logged in, that token you received allows you to access all the features on Tinder that you have permission to access including texting, matching, settings, notifications, and so on. Now, there are times when your login session has issues and your token no longer functions properly. This would cause some errors like messages sent to you not showing up on your Tinder app, from Tinder servers. To fix this, you need to log out of Tinder and log back in using the steps below: To log out of Tinder app:
- Tap on the profile icon at the top right of the screen
- Tap on Settings on the left
- Scroll down toward the very end of the screen and select Logout
- Then confirm to log out of Tinder
Fix 3 – Update Tinder to Get Rid Of Bugs
If logging out and logging back in does not fix the issue of people’s messages not getting through to you, it could be that the version of Tinder on your phone is out of date. If your Tinder app is out of date, it may no longer be able to receive some services like new message delivery from Tinder servers. Or the problem may just be a code error for which Tinder has released an update patch. This is why you need to ensure that Tinder, like every other app on your phone, is always up to date in order for it to continue functioning properly. To update Tinder:
- Exit Tinder and swipe it away from recent items
- Then, open your App Store or Play Store
- Search for Tinder in the search bar and select it from the results
- If there is an update available, you will see Update by the side.
- Tap on update to begin installing the Tinder update
- When it is complete, you should then see Open instead of Update.
- Tap on Open to relaunch Tinder and check if you are now getting messages
Fix 4 – Clear Your Cache to Get Rid of Tinder Bugs
The cache is a memory that is assigned to an application installed on your phone, to store temporary information about your use of the application. This is so that you can always access data on the app quickly and don’t have to repeat certain actions like logging in, setting your user preferences, and so on, every time you open Tinder. So, information like your login details, some of your app preferences, your profile data and some images are all stored in the cache. And, every time you launch Tinder, the app loads all the data from this cache memory to help you enjoy your smooth experience on Tinder. However, because of the importance of this cache memory, whenever it becomes corrupt or just suffers a minor glitch, the application (in this case, Tinder) will stop functioning properly, and may cause issues like messages not getting through on your app. To fix this, you need to clear the cache memory in order to remove the corrupt data, and get your Tinder app working well again. To clear cache on Android:
- Long-press the Tinder app
- Select App Info
- Select Clear Data
- Select Clear Cache
- Confirm to clear the cache On iOS
- Navigate to Settings on your device
- Select General
- Select iPhone Storage
- Select Tinder
- Select Offload app
- Confirm the action
- Select Reinstall app
Fix 5 – Uninstall and Reinstall the App
If the problem persists after updating Tinder and clearing the cache, it is possible that the Tinder app on your phone has run into a serious problem for which there is no current fix. In this case, you would need to uninstall the Tinder app on your phone and install it again to get a fresh start. To do this:
- Long-press Tinder on your phone home screen and select Uninstall or Remove, depending on your phone OS
- Confirm to uninstall Tinder when prompted
- Then, head over to your App Store or Play Store, search for Tinder and reinstall it
- After reinstalling Tinder, you will be prompted to enter your login details afresh because this is a new setup
- Enter the details and check if the issue is now resolved
Fix 6 – Contact Tinder Support
If the issue persists after trying all the fixes so far, then there is an unusual problem with the Tinder app on your phone. In that case, you would need to contact Tinder for support on the issue. You can reach Tinder on Twitter or the help page here.
Fix 7 – Wait For Them To Come Out With A Fix
The issue of messages not getting through may be a problem with Tinder services, and they are aware that users are not getting messages. Even if they weren’t aware, your report to them in the step above would make them know and start working to resolve it. So, you just need to wait for them to come out with a fix so you can start having seamless conversations on Tinder again.
5. Tinder is Down, So the Message Didn’t Go Through
Finally, the problem may be that Tinder servers are temporarily down and so messages don’t get through to users on the app. It may be hard to tell that this is the case because other parts of the app like logging in, matching, and so on may be working. One way to find out is to get back on their Tinder page provided above to check if they have any updates regarding the situation. You could also check sites like Down Inspector and Down Detector for live status updates.
Fix – Wait For Tinder To Go Back Up
If you check on any of the sites or on Tinder’s Twitter page and find that Tinder is actually down, all you can do is wait for Tinder to go back up so you can start messaging with your matches again.

title: “Liked Message But No Reply Tinder” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-20” author: “Deborah Kartchner”
If they have been great, then something may be preventing them from responding at the time, or preventing you from getting their response. If the conversation hasn’t been great, or you said something that may be uncomfortable, then do not hold your breath for a response even if they liked the last message. At any rate, here’s a list of the most common reasons why someone may like your message on Tinder without replying to it.
Why Did Someone Like My Tinder Message But Not Respond
1. They’re Not Interested and Wanted to End the Convo Politely
We will start off with the possibility that you are scared of. Because, a lot of the time, it is the actual reason why they simply liked your message but did not respond. The truth is that the person may not be interested in talking to you anymore, whether after the first few conversations or after you have talked for a couple of days. Also, a lot of people find it difficult to come out and say that they no longer want to speak to you. And they may also not want to outright unmatch you. So, they may just like your message and leave it at that as a polite way of saying that they can no longer be bothered to talk to you. In other situations, you may have said something that did not sit well with them and they like the message in irony and just move on. For others, too, it can be a way of saying that they do not want to confront you about what you have just said to them, so they are letting you have the “win”. In other cases, they still may have liked the message by mistake and just want to move on from the conversation. Whatever the reason, the point is that it is very likely that they liked your message and did not respond because they are no longer interested in talking to you.
Fix – Keep It Moving, There’s Nothing You Can Do
We mentioned earlier that there can be indications that the person who liked your message is not interested in talking to you. Opening Message: Even though it does not get the level of attention that it deserves, an opening message when you first text someone goes a long way to determine if they will want to talk to you or not. If you send a message that the user can’t be bothered to reply to, they may just give you a polite Like and ignore you Message Dynamic: If you have been having conversations with this person and the conversation is not flowing well, they may get fed up with it. When they do, they may not want to tell you that they are no longer interested, so they just leave a Like instead. Also, if there is an argument or disagreement over opinions or ideologies, people tend to walk away from such situations online. In this case, the person may like your last message as a sign of resignation and stop talking to you. So, you can get a clue as to the person’s stance and reasons for sending a Like without replying from the nature of the most recent conversations that you have had. Whatever the case, if there is an indication that the conversation hasn’t gone down well, then it is likely that they are not interested in talking to you. And all you can do in this situation is to move on, really. It is true that nobody enjoys rejection, but there is no point podning over someone that has no interest in talking to you in the first place.
2. They Forgot
On the other hand, the person may have genuinely liked your message and intended to carry on the conversation but forgot to reply. They may have gotten distracted, got busy, or they may even think that they did reply to the message without having actually done so. Also, many people do not spend a lot of time on dating sites. Sending you a Like may just be their way of making a friendly exit from the conversation, which they will return to later. One way to tell that this may be the case is if the conversation had been going well up to this point. Or at least if there was no uncomfortable exchange before it happened. It would make little sense for someone to walk away from a conversation that was going alright. So, if someone likes your message and does not reply, and there was no obvious cause for them to ignore you, it is possible that they just forgot to reply, got distracted, got busy, thought that they replied, or they will eventually come back to it.
Fix – Say, ‘Did You Mean to Send A Message’?
When you feel that there is little reason for the person to ignore you, you could simply send them another message, perhaps asking them if they meant to follow up their Like with a message. As we explained, it may be that they forgot to text after liking the message, or that they got distracted, and so on. The only way you can find out is to send a probing message like, “Did you mean to send a message?”, to know what their intentions are. Chances are that they will get back to you once they see your message, and you can continue your conversation.
3. You Didn’t Say Something That Was Easy to Reply to
Maybe you did not say anything wrong, maybe the conversation was good, maybe they did not forget to respond. It could be that they only liked your message and did not say anything further because there was nothing to say! There are dynamics to conversations. There are messages you send that warrant a response and further conversation. While there are messages that someone can just like, appreciate, agree to, and leave it at that…because there is nothing more to add to it. Or maybe your message was even a response to something they said, and they just sent a Like to acknowledge your response. More still, it could be that they are not very good at carrying on conversations and need a bit of prompting to continue. The point is that if they can’t find anything further to say to your last message, they can send a polite Like just let you know that all’s good.
Fix – Revive the Conversation
In a case like this, you could send another message to the person to continue the conversation. What you say to them depends on the nature of the ongoing conversation. If you want to continue the conversation, you can say something to them about it to elicit a response. Ask a question, maybe. If the conversation has come to its natural end, then start another. If the timing feels right, you could ask them for an alternative means of communication, like their Instagram handle…if you can’t ask for their number yet. Don’t take it personally when they like your message and say nothing further. It could be that they are not very good at conversation, too. If you can be bothered, bring up a new topic, or ask them a question that will make them do some talking.
4. There’s A Bug That Caused the Message Not to Go Through
It could also be that they did respond, but a bug made the message not go through. Now, the issue with this is that the bug may have occurred on your phone or the person’s phone. The best you can do is to try to fix bugs on your own end and hope that it resolves the issue for you. By bug, we mean that the Tinder app on your phone may stop working properly, may be due to an error in its software code, or because it no longer has the ability to integrate properly with your phone’s operating system, and so on. To fix bug-related issues, you normally have to try a few solutions until you find the one that fixes the issue. So, let’s get right to fixing bugs on Tinder that may have caused the message to not get through to you.
Fix – Use Tinder.com Instead of the App
This is the quickest way to find out if the issue is with the Tinder app on your phone, and to quickly continue the conversation before coming back to try to fix the bug on your app. When someone has liked your message and does not respond, and there is little reason for them not to, go ahead and log in at Tinder.com to continue the conversation. If there is indeed a bug on your Tinder app, you should see their reply when you use Tinder.com
- Open a browser on your phone or PC and go to Tinder.com
- Select log in. If you log in on your app using a third-party service like Google, you should select the same on the browser.
- If you used your phone number to create the account, you’ll be sent a code on your phone, which you must enter into Tinder.com to access your account
- After logging in, get back to the conversation and see if they actually did reply your message
Fix 2 – Log Out Then Back Into the App
Now, back on the Tinder app, you should start your debugging by logging out of Tinder and then logging back in. You may wonder what logging out and logging back into Tinder has to do with their message not going through. To understand this, here’s a bit of technical background. You have created a login session when you log into your Tinder account. Your login details are stored, so you don’t always have to log in every time you open the app. You also receive a Token. Throughout the time you are logged in, that token you received allows you to access all the features on Tinder that you have permission to access including texting, matching, settings, notifications, and so on. Now, there are times when your login session has issues and your token no longer functions properly. This would cause some errors like messages sent to you not showing up on your Tinder app, from Tinder servers. To fix this, you need to log out of Tinder and log back in using the steps below: To log out of Tinder app:
- Tap on the profile icon at the top right of the screen
- Tap on Settings on the left
- Scroll down toward the very end of the screen and select Logout
- Then confirm to log out of Tinder
Fix 3 – Update Tinder to Get Rid Of Bugs
If logging out and logging back in does not fix the issue of people’s messages not getting through to you, it could be that the version of Tinder on your phone is out of date. If your Tinder app is out of date, it may no longer be able to receive some services like new message delivery from Tinder servers. Or the problem may just be a code error for which Tinder has released an update patch. This is why you need to ensure that Tinder, like every other app on your phone, is always up to date in order for it to continue functioning properly. To update Tinder:
- Exit Tinder and swipe it away from recent items
- Then, open your App Store or Play Store
- Search for Tinder in the search bar and select it from the results
- If there is an update available, you will see Update by the side.
- Tap on update to begin installing the Tinder update
- When it is complete, you should then see Open instead of Update.
- Tap on Open to relaunch Tinder and check if you are now getting messages
Fix 4 – Clear Your Cache to Get Rid of Tinder Bugs
The cache is a memory that is assigned to an application installed on your phone, to store temporary information about your use of the application. This is so that you can always access data on the app quickly and don’t have to repeat certain actions like logging in, setting your user preferences, and so on, every time you open Tinder. So, information like your login details, some of your app preferences, your profile data and some images are all stored in the cache. And, every time you launch Tinder, the app loads all the data from this cache memory to help you enjoy your smooth experience on Tinder. However, because of the importance of this cache memory, whenever it becomes corrupt or just suffers a minor glitch, the application (in this case, Tinder) will stop functioning properly, and may cause issues like messages not getting through on your app. To fix this, you need to clear the cache memory in order to remove the corrupt data, and get your Tinder app working well again. To clear cache on Android:
- Long-press the Tinder app
- Select App Info
- Select Clear Data
- Select Clear Cache
- Confirm to clear the cache On iOS
- Navigate to Settings on your device
- Select General
- Select iPhone Storage
- Select Tinder
- Select Offload app
- Confirm the action
- Select Reinstall app
Fix 5 – Uninstall and Reinstall the App
If the problem persists after updating Tinder and clearing the cache, it is possible that the Tinder app on your phone has run into a serious problem for which there is no current fix. In this case, you would need to uninstall the Tinder app on your phone and install it again to get a fresh start. To do this:
- Long-press Tinder on your phone home screen and select Uninstall or Remove, depending on your phone OS
- Confirm to uninstall Tinder when prompted
- Then, head over to your App Store or Play Store, search for Tinder and reinstall it
- After reinstalling Tinder, you will be prompted to enter your login details afresh because this is a new setup
- Enter the details and check if the issue is now resolved
Fix 6 – Contact Tinder Support
If the issue persists after trying all the fixes so far, then there is an unusual problem with the Tinder app on your phone. In that case, you would need to contact Tinder for support on the issue. You can reach Tinder on Twitter or the help page here.
Fix 7 – Wait For Them To Come Out With A Fix
The issue of messages not getting through may be a problem with Tinder services, and they are aware that users are not getting messages. Even if they weren’t aware, your report to them in the step above would make them know and start working to resolve it. So, you just need to wait for them to come out with a fix so you can start having seamless conversations on Tinder again.
5. Tinder is Down, So the Message Didn’t Go Through
Finally, the problem may be that Tinder servers are temporarily down and so messages don’t get through to users on the app. It may be hard to tell that this is the case because other parts of the app like logging in, matching, and so on may be working. One way to find out is to get back on their Tinder page provided above to check if they have any updates regarding the situation. You could also check sites like Down Inspector and Down Detector for live status updates.
Fix – Wait For Tinder To Go Back Up
If you check on any of the sites or on Tinder’s Twitter page and find that Tinder is actually down, all you can do is wait for Tinder to go back up so you can start messaging with your matches again.

title: “Liked Message But No Reply Tinder” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-04” author: “Norma Yancey”
If they have been great, then something may be preventing them from responding at the time, or preventing you from getting their response. If the conversation hasn’t been great, or you said something that may be uncomfortable, then do not hold your breath for a response even if they liked the last message. At any rate, here’s a list of the most common reasons why someone may like your message on Tinder without replying to it.
Why Did Someone Like My Tinder Message But Not Respond
1. They’re Not Interested and Wanted to End the Convo Politely
We will start off with the possibility that you are scared of. Because, a lot of the time, it is the actual reason why they simply liked your message but did not respond. The truth is that the person may not be interested in talking to you anymore, whether after the first few conversations or after you have talked for a couple of days. Also, a lot of people find it difficult to come out and say that they no longer want to speak to you. And they may also not want to outright unmatch you. So, they may just like your message and leave it at that as a polite way of saying that they can no longer be bothered to talk to you. In other situations, you may have said something that did not sit well with them and they like the message in irony and just move on. For others, too, it can be a way of saying that they do not want to confront you about what you have just said to them, so they are letting you have the “win”. In other cases, they still may have liked the message by mistake and just want to move on from the conversation. Whatever the reason, the point is that it is very likely that they liked your message and did not respond because they are no longer interested in talking to you.
Fix – Keep It Moving, There’s Nothing You Can Do
We mentioned earlier that there can be indications that the person who liked your message is not interested in talking to you. Opening Message: Even though it does not get the level of attention that it deserves, an opening message when you first text someone goes a long way to determine if they will want to talk to you or not. If you send a message that the user can’t be bothered to reply to, they may just give you a polite Like and ignore you Message Dynamic: If you have been having conversations with this person and the conversation is not flowing well, they may get fed up with it. When they do, they may not want to tell you that they are no longer interested, so they just leave a Like instead. Also, if there is an argument or disagreement over opinions or ideologies, people tend to walk away from such situations online. In this case, the person may like your last message as a sign of resignation and stop talking to you. So, you can get a clue as to the person’s stance and reasons for sending a Like without replying from the nature of the most recent conversations that you have had. Whatever the case, if there is an indication that the conversation hasn’t gone down well, then it is likely that they are not interested in talking to you. And all you can do in this situation is to move on, really. It is true that nobody enjoys rejection, but there is no point podning over someone that has no interest in talking to you in the first place.
2. They Forgot
On the other hand, the person may have genuinely liked your message and intended to carry on the conversation but forgot to reply. They may have gotten distracted, got busy, or they may even think that they did reply to the message without having actually done so. Also, many people do not spend a lot of time on dating sites. Sending you a Like may just be their way of making a friendly exit from the conversation, which they will return to later. One way to tell that this may be the case is if the conversation had been going well up to this point. Or at least if there was no uncomfortable exchange before it happened. It would make little sense for someone to walk away from a conversation that was going alright. So, if someone likes your message and does not reply, and there was no obvious cause for them to ignore you, it is possible that they just forgot to reply, got distracted, got busy, thought that they replied, or they will eventually come back to it.
Fix – Say, ‘Did You Mean to Send A Message’?
When you feel that there is little reason for the person to ignore you, you could simply send them another message, perhaps asking them if they meant to follow up their Like with a message. As we explained, it may be that they forgot to text after liking the message, or that they got distracted, and so on. The only way you can find out is to send a probing message like, “Did you mean to send a message?”, to know what their intentions are. Chances are that they will get back to you once they see your message, and you can continue your conversation.
3. You Didn’t Say Something That Was Easy to Reply to
Maybe you did not say anything wrong, maybe the conversation was good, maybe they did not forget to respond. It could be that they only liked your message and did not say anything further because there was nothing to say! There are dynamics to conversations. There are messages you send that warrant a response and further conversation. While there are messages that someone can just like, appreciate, agree to, and leave it at that…because there is nothing more to add to it. Or maybe your message was even a response to something they said, and they just sent a Like to acknowledge your response. More still, it could be that they are not very good at carrying on conversations and need a bit of prompting to continue. The point is that if they can’t find anything further to say to your last message, they can send a polite Like just let you know that all’s good.
Fix – Revive the Conversation
In a case like this, you could send another message to the person to continue the conversation. What you say to them depends on the nature of the ongoing conversation. If you want to continue the conversation, you can say something to them about it to elicit a response. Ask a question, maybe. If the conversation has come to its natural end, then start another. If the timing feels right, you could ask them for an alternative means of communication, like their Instagram handle…if you can’t ask for their number yet. Don’t take it personally when they like your message and say nothing further. It could be that they are not very good at conversation, too. If you can be bothered, bring up a new topic, or ask them a question that will make them do some talking.
4. There’s A Bug That Caused the Message Not to Go Through
It could also be that they did respond, but a bug made the message not go through. Now, the issue with this is that the bug may have occurred on your phone or the person’s phone. The best you can do is to try to fix bugs on your own end and hope that it resolves the issue for you. By bug, we mean that the Tinder app on your phone may stop working properly, may be due to an error in its software code, or because it no longer has the ability to integrate properly with your phone’s operating system, and so on. To fix bug-related issues, you normally have to try a few solutions until you find the one that fixes the issue. So, let’s get right to fixing bugs on Tinder that may have caused the message to not get through to you.
Fix – Use Tinder.com Instead of the App
This is the quickest way to find out if the issue is with the Tinder app on your phone, and to quickly continue the conversation before coming back to try to fix the bug on your app. When someone has liked your message and does not respond, and there is little reason for them not to, go ahead and log in at Tinder.com to continue the conversation. If there is indeed a bug on your Tinder app, you should see their reply when you use Tinder.com
- Open a browser on your phone or PC and go to Tinder.com
- Select log in. If you log in on your app using a third-party service like Google, you should select the same on the browser.
- If you used your phone number to create the account, you’ll be sent a code on your phone, which you must enter into Tinder.com to access your account
- After logging in, get back to the conversation and see if they actually did reply your message
Fix 2 – Log Out Then Back Into the App
Now, back on the Tinder app, you should start your debugging by logging out of Tinder and then logging back in. You may wonder what logging out and logging back into Tinder has to do with their message not going through. To understand this, here’s a bit of technical background. You have created a login session when you log into your Tinder account. Your login details are stored, so you don’t always have to log in every time you open the app. You also receive a Token. Throughout the time you are logged in, that token you received allows you to access all the features on Tinder that you have permission to access including texting, matching, settings, notifications, and so on. Now, there are times when your login session has issues and your token no longer functions properly. This would cause some errors like messages sent to you not showing up on your Tinder app, from Tinder servers. To fix this, you need to log out of Tinder and log back in using the steps below: To log out of Tinder app:
- Tap on the profile icon at the top right of the screen
- Tap on Settings on the left
- Scroll down toward the very end of the screen and select Logout
- Then confirm to log out of Tinder
Fix 3 – Update Tinder to Get Rid Of Bugs
If logging out and logging back in does not fix the issue of people’s messages not getting through to you, it could be that the version of Tinder on your phone is out of date. If your Tinder app is out of date, it may no longer be able to receive some services like new message delivery from Tinder servers. Or the problem may just be a code error for which Tinder has released an update patch. This is why you need to ensure that Tinder, like every other app on your phone, is always up to date in order for it to continue functioning properly. To update Tinder:
- Exit Tinder and swipe it away from recent items
- Then, open your App Store or Play Store
- Search for Tinder in the search bar and select it from the results
- If there is an update available, you will see Update by the side.
- Tap on update to begin installing the Tinder update
- When it is complete, you should then see Open instead of Update.
- Tap on Open to relaunch Tinder and check if you are now getting messages
Fix 4 – Clear Your Cache to Get Rid of Tinder Bugs
The cache is a memory that is assigned to an application installed on your phone, to store temporary information about your use of the application. This is so that you can always access data on the app quickly and don’t have to repeat certain actions like logging in, setting your user preferences, and so on, every time you open Tinder. So, information like your login details, some of your app preferences, your profile data and some images are all stored in the cache. And, every time you launch Tinder, the app loads all the data from this cache memory to help you enjoy your smooth experience on Tinder. However, because of the importance of this cache memory, whenever it becomes corrupt or just suffers a minor glitch, the application (in this case, Tinder) will stop functioning properly, and may cause issues like messages not getting through on your app. To fix this, you need to clear the cache memory in order to remove the corrupt data, and get your Tinder app working well again. To clear cache on Android:
- Long-press the Tinder app
- Select App Info
- Select Clear Data
- Select Clear Cache
- Confirm to clear the cache On iOS
- Navigate to Settings on your device
- Select General
- Select iPhone Storage
- Select Tinder
- Select Offload app
- Confirm the action
- Select Reinstall app
Fix 5 – Uninstall and Reinstall the App
If the problem persists after updating Tinder and clearing the cache, it is possible that the Tinder app on your phone has run into a serious problem for which there is no current fix. In this case, you would need to uninstall the Tinder app on your phone and install it again to get a fresh start. To do this:
- Long-press Tinder on your phone home screen and select Uninstall or Remove, depending on your phone OS
- Confirm to uninstall Tinder when prompted
- Then, head over to your App Store or Play Store, search for Tinder and reinstall it
- After reinstalling Tinder, you will be prompted to enter your login details afresh because this is a new setup
- Enter the details and check if the issue is now resolved
Fix 6 – Contact Tinder Support
If the issue persists after trying all the fixes so far, then there is an unusual problem with the Tinder app on your phone. In that case, you would need to contact Tinder for support on the issue. You can reach Tinder on Twitter or the help page here.
Fix 7 – Wait For Them To Come Out With A Fix
The issue of messages not getting through may be a problem with Tinder services, and they are aware that users are not getting messages. Even if they weren’t aware, your report to them in the step above would make them know and start working to resolve it. So, you just need to wait for them to come out with a fix so you can start having seamless conversations on Tinder again.
5. Tinder is Down, So the Message Didn’t Go Through
Finally, the problem may be that Tinder servers are temporarily down and so messages don’t get through to users on the app. It may be hard to tell that this is the case because other parts of the app like logging in, matching, and so on may be working. One way to find out is to get back on their Tinder page provided above to check if they have any updates regarding the situation. You could also check sites like Down Inspector and Down Detector for live status updates.
Fix – Wait For Tinder To Go Back Up
If you check on any of the sites or on Tinder’s Twitter page and find that Tinder is actually down, all you can do is wait for Tinder to go back up so you can start messaging with your matches again.

title: “Liked Message But No Reply Tinder” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-16” author: “Fatima Baldridge”
If they have been great, then something may be preventing them from responding at the time, or preventing you from getting their response. If the conversation hasn’t been great, or you said something that may be uncomfortable, then do not hold your breath for a response even if they liked the last message. At any rate, here’s a list of the most common reasons why someone may like your message on Tinder without replying to it.
Why Did Someone Like My Tinder Message But Not Respond
1. They’re Not Interested and Wanted to End the Convo Politely
We will start off with the possibility that you are scared of. Because, a lot of the time, it is the actual reason why they simply liked your message but did not respond. The truth is that the person may not be interested in talking to you anymore, whether after the first few conversations or after you have talked for a couple of days. Also, a lot of people find it difficult to come out and say that they no longer want to speak to you. And they may also not want to outright unmatch you. So, they may just like your message and leave it at that as a polite way of saying that they can no longer be bothered to talk to you. In other situations, you may have said something that did not sit well with them and they like the message in irony and just move on. For others, too, it can be a way of saying that they do not want to confront you about what you have just said to them, so they are letting you have the “win”. In other cases, they still may have liked the message by mistake and just want to move on from the conversation. Whatever the reason, the point is that it is very likely that they liked your message and did not respond because they are no longer interested in talking to you.
Fix – Keep It Moving, There’s Nothing You Can Do
We mentioned earlier that there can be indications that the person who liked your message is not interested in talking to you. Opening Message: Even though it does not get the level of attention that it deserves, an opening message when you first text someone goes a long way to determine if they will want to talk to you or not. If you send a message that the user can’t be bothered to reply to, they may just give you a polite Like and ignore you Message Dynamic: If you have been having conversations with this person and the conversation is not flowing well, they may get fed up with it. When they do, they may not want to tell you that they are no longer interested, so they just leave a Like instead. Also, if there is an argument or disagreement over opinions or ideologies, people tend to walk away from such situations online. In this case, the person may like your last message as a sign of resignation and stop talking to you. So, you can get a clue as to the person’s stance and reasons for sending a Like without replying from the nature of the most recent conversations that you have had. Whatever the case, if there is an indication that the conversation hasn’t gone down well, then it is likely that they are not interested in talking to you. And all you can do in this situation is to move on, really. It is true that nobody enjoys rejection, but there is no point podning over someone that has no interest in talking to you in the first place.
2. They Forgot
On the other hand, the person may have genuinely liked your message and intended to carry on the conversation but forgot to reply. They may have gotten distracted, got busy, or they may even think that they did reply to the message without having actually done so. Also, many people do not spend a lot of time on dating sites. Sending you a Like may just be their way of making a friendly exit from the conversation, which they will return to later. One way to tell that this may be the case is if the conversation had been going well up to this point. Or at least if there was no uncomfortable exchange before it happened. It would make little sense for someone to walk away from a conversation that was going alright. So, if someone likes your message and does not reply, and there was no obvious cause for them to ignore you, it is possible that they just forgot to reply, got distracted, got busy, thought that they replied, or they will eventually come back to it.
Fix – Say, ‘Did You Mean to Send A Message’?
When you feel that there is little reason for the person to ignore you, you could simply send them another message, perhaps asking them if they meant to follow up their Like with a message. As we explained, it may be that they forgot to text after liking the message, or that they got distracted, and so on. The only way you can find out is to send a probing message like, “Did you mean to send a message?”, to know what their intentions are. Chances are that they will get back to you once they see your message, and you can continue your conversation.
3. You Didn’t Say Something That Was Easy to Reply to
Maybe you did not say anything wrong, maybe the conversation was good, maybe they did not forget to respond. It could be that they only liked your message and did not say anything further because there was nothing to say! There are dynamics to conversations. There are messages you send that warrant a response and further conversation. While there are messages that someone can just like, appreciate, agree to, and leave it at that…because there is nothing more to add to it. Or maybe your message was even a response to something they said, and they just sent a Like to acknowledge your response. More still, it could be that they are not very good at carrying on conversations and need a bit of prompting to continue. The point is that if they can’t find anything further to say to your last message, they can send a polite Like just let you know that all’s good.
Fix – Revive the Conversation
In a case like this, you could send another message to the person to continue the conversation. What you say to them depends on the nature of the ongoing conversation. If you want to continue the conversation, you can say something to them about it to elicit a response. Ask a question, maybe. If the conversation has come to its natural end, then start another. If the timing feels right, you could ask them for an alternative means of communication, like their Instagram handle…if you can’t ask for their number yet. Don’t take it personally when they like your message and say nothing further. It could be that they are not very good at conversation, too. If you can be bothered, bring up a new topic, or ask them a question that will make them do some talking.
4. There’s A Bug That Caused the Message Not to Go Through
It could also be that they did respond, but a bug made the message not go through. Now, the issue with this is that the bug may have occurred on your phone or the person’s phone. The best you can do is to try to fix bugs on your own end and hope that it resolves the issue for you. By bug, we mean that the Tinder app on your phone may stop working properly, may be due to an error in its software code, or because it no longer has the ability to integrate properly with your phone’s operating system, and so on. To fix bug-related issues, you normally have to try a few solutions until you find the one that fixes the issue. So, let’s get right to fixing bugs on Tinder that may have caused the message to not get through to you.
Fix – Use Tinder.com Instead of the App
This is the quickest way to find out if the issue is with the Tinder app on your phone, and to quickly continue the conversation before coming back to try to fix the bug on your app. When someone has liked your message and does not respond, and there is little reason for them not to, go ahead and log in at Tinder.com to continue the conversation. If there is indeed a bug on your Tinder app, you should see their reply when you use Tinder.com
- Open a browser on your phone or PC and go to Tinder.com
- Select log in. If you log in on your app using a third-party service like Google, you should select the same on the browser.
- If you used your phone number to create the account, you’ll be sent a code on your phone, which you must enter into Tinder.com to access your account
- After logging in, get back to the conversation and see if they actually did reply your message
Fix 2 – Log Out Then Back Into the App
Now, back on the Tinder app, you should start your debugging by logging out of Tinder and then logging back in. You may wonder what logging out and logging back into Tinder has to do with their message not going through. To understand this, here’s a bit of technical background. You have created a login session when you log into your Tinder account. Your login details are stored, so you don’t always have to log in every time you open the app. You also receive a Token. Throughout the time you are logged in, that token you received allows you to access all the features on Tinder that you have permission to access including texting, matching, settings, notifications, and so on. Now, there are times when your login session has issues and your token no longer functions properly. This would cause some errors like messages sent to you not showing up on your Tinder app, from Tinder servers. To fix this, you need to log out of Tinder and log back in using the steps below: To log out of Tinder app:
- Tap on the profile icon at the top right of the screen
- Tap on Settings on the left
- Scroll down toward the very end of the screen and select Logout
- Then confirm to log out of Tinder
Fix 3 – Update Tinder to Get Rid Of Bugs
If logging out and logging back in does not fix the issue of people’s messages not getting through to you, it could be that the version of Tinder on your phone is out of date. If your Tinder app is out of date, it may no longer be able to receive some services like new message delivery from Tinder servers. Or the problem may just be a code error for which Tinder has released an update patch. This is why you need to ensure that Tinder, like every other app on your phone, is always up to date in order for it to continue functioning properly. To update Tinder:
- Exit Tinder and swipe it away from recent items
- Then, open your App Store or Play Store
- Search for Tinder in the search bar and select it from the results
- If there is an update available, you will see Update by the side.
- Tap on update to begin installing the Tinder update
- When it is complete, you should then see Open instead of Update.
- Tap on Open to relaunch Tinder and check if you are now getting messages
Fix 4 – Clear Your Cache to Get Rid of Tinder Bugs
The cache is a memory that is assigned to an application installed on your phone, to store temporary information about your use of the application. This is so that you can always access data on the app quickly and don’t have to repeat certain actions like logging in, setting your user preferences, and so on, every time you open Tinder. So, information like your login details, some of your app preferences, your profile data and some images are all stored in the cache. And, every time you launch Tinder, the app loads all the data from this cache memory to help you enjoy your smooth experience on Tinder. However, because of the importance of this cache memory, whenever it becomes corrupt or just suffers a minor glitch, the application (in this case, Tinder) will stop functioning properly, and may cause issues like messages not getting through on your app. To fix this, you need to clear the cache memory in order to remove the corrupt data, and get your Tinder app working well again. To clear cache on Android:
- Long-press the Tinder app
- Select App Info
- Select Clear Data
- Select Clear Cache
- Confirm to clear the cache On iOS
- Navigate to Settings on your device
- Select General
- Select iPhone Storage
- Select Tinder
- Select Offload app
- Confirm the action
- Select Reinstall app
Fix 5 – Uninstall and Reinstall the App
If the problem persists after updating Tinder and clearing the cache, it is possible that the Tinder app on your phone has run into a serious problem for which there is no current fix. In this case, you would need to uninstall the Tinder app on your phone and install it again to get a fresh start. To do this:
- Long-press Tinder on your phone home screen and select Uninstall or Remove, depending on your phone OS
- Confirm to uninstall Tinder when prompted
- Then, head over to your App Store or Play Store, search for Tinder and reinstall it
- After reinstalling Tinder, you will be prompted to enter your login details afresh because this is a new setup
- Enter the details and check if the issue is now resolved
Fix 6 – Contact Tinder Support
If the issue persists after trying all the fixes so far, then there is an unusual problem with the Tinder app on your phone. In that case, you would need to contact Tinder for support on the issue. You can reach Tinder on Twitter or the help page here.
Fix 7 – Wait For Them To Come Out With A Fix
The issue of messages not getting through may be a problem with Tinder services, and they are aware that users are not getting messages. Even if they weren’t aware, your report to them in the step above would make them know and start working to resolve it. So, you just need to wait for them to come out with a fix so you can start having seamless conversations on Tinder again.
5. Tinder is Down, So the Message Didn’t Go Through
Finally, the problem may be that Tinder servers are temporarily down and so messages don’t get through to users on the app. It may be hard to tell that this is the case because other parts of the app like logging in, matching, and so on may be working. One way to find out is to get back on their Tinder page provided above to check if they have any updates regarding the situation. You could also check sites like Down Inspector and Down Detector for live status updates.
Fix – Wait For Tinder To Go Back Up
If you check on any of the sites or on Tinder’s Twitter page and find that Tinder is actually down, all you can do is wait for Tinder to go back up so you can start messaging with your matches again.

title: “Liked Message But No Reply Tinder” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-18” author: “Odell Grubbs”
If they have been great, then something may be preventing them from responding at the time, or preventing you from getting their response. If the conversation hasn’t been great, or you said something that may be uncomfortable, then do not hold your breath for a response even if they liked the last message. At any rate, here’s a list of the most common reasons why someone may like your message on Tinder without replying to it.
Why Did Someone Like My Tinder Message But Not Respond
1. They’re Not Interested and Wanted to End the Convo Politely
We will start off with the possibility that you are scared of. Because, a lot of the time, it is the actual reason why they simply liked your message but did not respond. The truth is that the person may not be interested in talking to you anymore, whether after the first few conversations or after you have talked for a couple of days. Also, a lot of people find it difficult to come out and say that they no longer want to speak to you. And they may also not want to outright unmatch you. So, they may just like your message and leave it at that as a polite way of saying that they can no longer be bothered to talk to you. In other situations, you may have said something that did not sit well with them and they like the message in irony and just move on. For others, too, it can be a way of saying that they do not want to confront you about what you have just said to them, so they are letting you have the “win”. In other cases, they still may have liked the message by mistake and just want to move on from the conversation. Whatever the reason, the point is that it is very likely that they liked your message and did not respond because they are no longer interested in talking to you.
Fix – Keep It Moving, There’s Nothing You Can Do
We mentioned earlier that there can be indications that the person who liked your message is not interested in talking to you. Opening Message: Even though it does not get the level of attention that it deserves, an opening message when you first text someone goes a long way to determine if they will want to talk to you or not. If you send a message that the user can’t be bothered to reply to, they may just give you a polite Like and ignore you Message Dynamic: If you have been having conversations with this person and the conversation is not flowing well, they may get fed up with it. When they do, they may not want to tell you that they are no longer interested, so they just leave a Like instead. Also, if there is an argument or disagreement over opinions or ideologies, people tend to walk away from such situations online. In this case, the person may like your last message as a sign of resignation and stop talking to you. So, you can get a clue as to the person’s stance and reasons for sending a Like without replying from the nature of the most recent conversations that you have had. Whatever the case, if there is an indication that the conversation hasn’t gone down well, then it is likely that they are not interested in talking to you. And all you can do in this situation is to move on, really. It is true that nobody enjoys rejection, but there is no point podning over someone that has no interest in talking to you in the first place.
2. They Forgot
On the other hand, the person may have genuinely liked your message and intended to carry on the conversation but forgot to reply. They may have gotten distracted, got busy, or they may even think that they did reply to the message without having actually done so. Also, many people do not spend a lot of time on dating sites. Sending you a Like may just be their way of making a friendly exit from the conversation, which they will return to later. One way to tell that this may be the case is if the conversation had been going well up to this point. Or at least if there was no uncomfortable exchange before it happened. It would make little sense for someone to walk away from a conversation that was going alright. So, if someone likes your message and does not reply, and there was no obvious cause for them to ignore you, it is possible that they just forgot to reply, got distracted, got busy, thought that they replied, or they will eventually come back to it.
Fix – Say, ‘Did You Mean to Send A Message’?
When you feel that there is little reason for the person to ignore you, you could simply send them another message, perhaps asking them if they meant to follow up their Like with a message. As we explained, it may be that they forgot to text after liking the message, or that they got distracted, and so on. The only way you can find out is to send a probing message like, “Did you mean to send a message?”, to know what their intentions are. Chances are that they will get back to you once they see your message, and you can continue your conversation.
3. You Didn’t Say Something That Was Easy to Reply to
Maybe you did not say anything wrong, maybe the conversation was good, maybe they did not forget to respond. It could be that they only liked your message and did not say anything further because there was nothing to say! There are dynamics to conversations. There are messages you send that warrant a response and further conversation. While there are messages that someone can just like, appreciate, agree to, and leave it at that…because there is nothing more to add to it. Or maybe your message was even a response to something they said, and they just sent a Like to acknowledge your response. More still, it could be that they are not very good at carrying on conversations and need a bit of prompting to continue. The point is that if they can’t find anything further to say to your last message, they can send a polite Like just let you know that all’s good.
Fix – Revive the Conversation
In a case like this, you could send another message to the person to continue the conversation. What you say to them depends on the nature of the ongoing conversation. If you want to continue the conversation, you can say something to them about it to elicit a response. Ask a question, maybe. If the conversation has come to its natural end, then start another. If the timing feels right, you could ask them for an alternative means of communication, like their Instagram handle…if you can’t ask for their number yet. Don’t take it personally when they like your message and say nothing further. It could be that they are not very good at conversation, too. If you can be bothered, bring up a new topic, or ask them a question that will make them do some talking.
4. There’s A Bug That Caused the Message Not to Go Through
It could also be that they did respond, but a bug made the message not go through. Now, the issue with this is that the bug may have occurred on your phone or the person’s phone. The best you can do is to try to fix bugs on your own end and hope that it resolves the issue for you. By bug, we mean that the Tinder app on your phone may stop working properly, may be due to an error in its software code, or because it no longer has the ability to integrate properly with your phone’s operating system, and so on. To fix bug-related issues, you normally have to try a few solutions until you find the one that fixes the issue. So, let’s get right to fixing bugs on Tinder that may have caused the message to not get through to you.
Fix – Use Tinder.com Instead of the App
This is the quickest way to find out if the issue is with the Tinder app on your phone, and to quickly continue the conversation before coming back to try to fix the bug on your app. When someone has liked your message and does not respond, and there is little reason for them not to, go ahead and log in at Tinder.com to continue the conversation. If there is indeed a bug on your Tinder app, you should see their reply when you use Tinder.com
- Open a browser on your phone or PC and go to Tinder.com
- Select log in. If you log in on your app using a third-party service like Google, you should select the same on the browser.
- If you used your phone number to create the account, you’ll be sent a code on your phone, which you must enter into Tinder.com to access your account
- After logging in, get back to the conversation and see if they actually did reply your message
Fix 2 – Log Out Then Back Into the App
Now, back on the Tinder app, you should start your debugging by logging out of Tinder and then logging back in. You may wonder what logging out and logging back into Tinder has to do with their message not going through. To understand this, here’s a bit of technical background. You have created a login session when you log into your Tinder account. Your login details are stored, so you don’t always have to log in every time you open the app. You also receive a Token. Throughout the time you are logged in, that token you received allows you to access all the features on Tinder that you have permission to access including texting, matching, settings, notifications, and so on. Now, there are times when your login session has issues and your token no longer functions properly. This would cause some errors like messages sent to you not showing up on your Tinder app, from Tinder servers. To fix this, you need to log out of Tinder and log back in using the steps below: To log out of Tinder app:
- Tap on the profile icon at the top right of the screen
- Tap on Settings on the left
- Scroll down toward the very end of the screen and select Logout
- Then confirm to log out of Tinder
Fix 3 – Update Tinder to Get Rid Of Bugs
If logging out and logging back in does not fix the issue of people’s messages not getting through to you, it could be that the version of Tinder on your phone is out of date. If your Tinder app is out of date, it may no longer be able to receive some services like new message delivery from Tinder servers. Or the problem may just be a code error for which Tinder has released an update patch. This is why you need to ensure that Tinder, like every other app on your phone, is always up to date in order for it to continue functioning properly. To update Tinder:
- Exit Tinder and swipe it away from recent items
- Then, open your App Store or Play Store
- Search for Tinder in the search bar and select it from the results
- If there is an update available, you will see Update by the side.
- Tap on update to begin installing the Tinder update
- When it is complete, you should then see Open instead of Update.
- Tap on Open to relaunch Tinder and check if you are now getting messages
Fix 4 – Clear Your Cache to Get Rid of Tinder Bugs
The cache is a memory that is assigned to an application installed on your phone, to store temporary information about your use of the application. This is so that you can always access data on the app quickly and don’t have to repeat certain actions like logging in, setting your user preferences, and so on, every time you open Tinder. So, information like your login details, some of your app preferences, your profile data and some images are all stored in the cache. And, every time you launch Tinder, the app loads all the data from this cache memory to help you enjoy your smooth experience on Tinder. However, because of the importance of this cache memory, whenever it becomes corrupt or just suffers a minor glitch, the application (in this case, Tinder) will stop functioning properly, and may cause issues like messages not getting through on your app. To fix this, you need to clear the cache memory in order to remove the corrupt data, and get your Tinder app working well again. To clear cache on Android:
- Long-press the Tinder app
- Select App Info
- Select Clear Data
- Select Clear Cache
- Confirm to clear the cache On iOS
- Navigate to Settings on your device
- Select General
- Select iPhone Storage
- Select Tinder
- Select Offload app
- Confirm the action
- Select Reinstall app
Fix 5 – Uninstall and Reinstall the App
If the problem persists after updating Tinder and clearing the cache, it is possible that the Tinder app on your phone has run into a serious problem for which there is no current fix. In this case, you would need to uninstall the Tinder app on your phone and install it again to get a fresh start. To do this:
- Long-press Tinder on your phone home screen and select Uninstall or Remove, depending on your phone OS
- Confirm to uninstall Tinder when prompted
- Then, head over to your App Store or Play Store, search for Tinder and reinstall it
- After reinstalling Tinder, you will be prompted to enter your login details afresh because this is a new setup
- Enter the details and check if the issue is now resolved
Fix 6 – Contact Tinder Support
If the issue persists after trying all the fixes so far, then there is an unusual problem with the Tinder app on your phone. In that case, you would need to contact Tinder for support on the issue. You can reach Tinder on Twitter or the help page here.
Fix 7 – Wait For Them To Come Out With A Fix
The issue of messages not getting through may be a problem with Tinder services, and they are aware that users are not getting messages. Even if they weren’t aware, your report to them in the step above would make them know and start working to resolve it. So, you just need to wait for them to come out with a fix so you can start having seamless conversations on Tinder again.
5. Tinder is Down, So the Message Didn’t Go Through
Finally, the problem may be that Tinder servers are temporarily down and so messages don’t get through to users on the app. It may be hard to tell that this is the case because other parts of the app like logging in, matching, and so on may be working. One way to find out is to get back on their Tinder page provided above to check if they have any updates regarding the situation. You could also check sites like Down Inspector and Down Detector for live status updates.
Fix – Wait For Tinder To Go Back Up
If you check on any of the sites or on Tinder’s Twitter page and find that Tinder is actually down, all you can do is wait for Tinder to go back up so you can start messaging with your matches again.