Steps to Transpose Data:

For example, suppose you have the following data which is related to students’ details.SNFirst NameLast NameRoll NumberClassSection1VaditheOmkar54XA2RajputhShiva55XA3RajajiShambho56XA4GaddelaVishnu57XA5BonalaBalaji58XA6SuryaRam59XA7ChandraSomu60XA8VayulaNarayana61XA9RajulaMalli62XA10MalothJeshwanth63XAStudent DetailsAdvertisements Select and copy the data. Now to transpose copied data (change data from column to row or vice versa) wherever you want, right-click at the blank area of the worksheet and click paste special or use the shortcut key (ctrl+alt+v) to open a dialogue box. After opening the dialogue box, checkmark the Transpose and click OK. You can see the difference between the copied data (A) and relocated data (B) which is in detail in the picture below. Following is the result of the relocated data (B).SN12345678910First NameVaditheRajputRajajiGaddelaBonitaSuryaChandraVayulaRajulaMalothLast NameOmkarShivaShambhoVishnuBalajiRamSomuNarayanaMalliJeshwanthRoll Number54555657585960616263ClassXXXXXXXXXXSectionAAAAAAAAAAResult of Transposed dataAdvertisements

title: “How To Transpose Data In Microsoft Excel 2022” ShowToc: true date: “2022-10-25” author: “Steve Beyers”

Steps to Transpose Data:

For example, suppose you have the following data which is related to students’ details.SNFirst NameLast NameRoll NumberClassSection1VaditheOmkar54XA2RajputhShiva55XA3RajajiShambho56XA4GaddelaVishnu57XA5BonalaBalaji58XA6SuryaRam59XA7ChandraSomu60XA8VayulaNarayana61XA9RajulaMalli62XA10MalothJeshwanth63XAStudent DetailsAdvertisements Select and copy the data. Now to transpose copied data (change data from column to row or vice versa) wherever you want, right-click at the blank area of the worksheet and click paste special or use the shortcut key (ctrl+alt+v) to open a dialogue box. After opening the dialogue box, checkmark the Transpose and click OK. You can see the difference between the copied data (A) and relocated data (B) which is in detail in the picture below. Following is the result of the relocated data (B).SN12345678910First NameVaditheRajputRajajiGaddelaBonitaSuryaChandraVayulaRajulaMalothLast NameOmkarShivaShambhoVishnuBalajiRamSomuNarayanaMalliJeshwanthRoll Number54555657585960616263ClassXXXXXXXXXXSectionAAAAAAAAAAResult of Transposed dataAdvertisements