All these features remain the same on both the mobile and the desktop versions of Facebook. Similarly, the ways to tag people on Facebook are the same on mobile and desktop. You may also like: How to Search For a Person’s Profile On Facebook With Only an Image

Tagging a Person on Status Updates

When you post a status update on Facebook about anything, you can add any person by tagging them. Simply type @ symbol followed by their name. As soon you type Facebook displays suggestions for the person. From the list click on the person you want to tag and the person’s name will be displayed on the post highlighted in blue colour. You can tag anyone on Facebook on your post unless their privacy setting lets you do it. Also have in mind that as your tag someone on Facebook, it will be notified to your friends and the tagged person’s friends.

Tagging a Person on Feeling / Activity

As soon as you open the Facebook app on mobile or in desktop, you will see a create post box on top. “What’s on your mind, (Your name)?” will be written inside the box. This method is same as the above method as you can post statuses, updates about yourself or anything along with the feeling / activity. You can express your feeling about your promotion, your recent trip, about the movie you watched or anything. With this you have the “Who Are You With?” feature. As you click on this, a drop down expands suggesting friends. You can also type names and tag friends to your feeling / activity.

Tagging a Person on Photos

You can tag person on Facebook in the photos that your upload. Doing so, the photos will be added to the Photos of You section of all the persons tagged. On any of your photos on Facebook, when you open it, Facebook will show a box when you hover over the faces in the photo. Click on the box and enter any name in the suggestion box to tag him / her. If there is no such box over the face, you can add a tag by clicking the tag icon (looks like a shopping tag) beneath the photo. Now you will see Click anywhere to tag and the cursor changes to ‘+’ in the desktop. Click on any face or anywhere inside the picture and the tag box appears. Type the name of the person you want to tag.

Tagging a Person on Comments

The Comments section is not left alone. Yes, you can tag friends on the comments too. When you leave a comment on any status or photos and if you want to tag your friend to notify him about the update you can tag him the same way you did for the posts. Simply type @ followed by the person’s name and click on the name to tag.

Final Thoughts

Not only people one can also tag pages to their photos or posts the same way they tag people. This could be greatly helpful to grow your page or business. When people tag your page/ business you get free advertising. Thus tagging is great feature to include friends to your posts, get them notified and useful to business to engage with people.

How to Tag Someone on Facebook  Mobile   Desktop  - 96How to Tag Someone on Facebook  Mobile   Desktop  - 41How to Tag Someone on Facebook  Mobile   Desktop  - 54