Can You See When a YouTube Video Was Posted?

You can see the exact time a YouTube video was uploaded by using a YouTube data viewer. This will pull the exact upload date and time that the video was uploaded. On YouTube, you can see when a video was uploaded, but YouTube gives a generic date and time. Sometimes on videos you might see, 3 days ago or 2 months ago, and on the video itself, you’re just given a date but no time. However, using a tool like YouTube Data Viewer, you can find out what time a YouTube video was uploaded. This means that you’re going to know the exact day and time for your local time zone.

How to See When a YouTube Video Was Posted

If you want to see the exact time of upload for a YouTube video, then you can use a YouTube date viewer which will allow you to put in the URL of a video from your chosen youtube channel and it’ll extract the exact publish date of the video. So if the video was posted 3 days or 1 month ago, you’ll be given the date of upload which will let you know what day it was posted, whether that’s a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

1. Use Youtube Data Viewer

Upload date verification can be accomplished using the YouTube Data Viewer, a web-based tool. The user enters a YouTube URL, and the device returns information about the video that is useful for verifying a video on YouTube. Videos on YouTube only display the date they were uploaded, not the precise moment it was uploaded. There are several pieces of information on YouTube, including a description of the video, its ID number, the date and time it was uploaded, and the precise time it was uploaded. To change the exact time to the time in your time zone, click on the “Convert to local time” button when the time is displayed. Finally, you’ll see several video thumbnails, which you can utilize to further your study at your leisure. To find out the exact time of an upload:

  1. Go to the video you want to find the exact upload time for.
  2. Copy the YouTube video’s URL from your browser’s address bar
  3. Visit the YouTube Data Viewer.
  4. The URL you copied should be pasted into the “Enter YouTube URL” box and then hit the “Go” button.
  5. It should return an exact upload time for the video and upload date. You’ll also be given other information, such as the video’s description.
  6. Click on convert to local time to convert it to your local time zone. The time is shown in UTC, which is standard time, so if your time zone is est for example, you’ll be able to see the exact upload time of a video for your local time zone. To extract the information from the video, copy and paste the URL into the appropriate section. Coordinated Universal Standard Time (UTC) is used for this timestamp (UTC). To use a time zone converter to convert the time to your local time zone, take the time stamp you find on Youtube and paste it into the time zone converter of your liking.

2. Using Youtube Upload Time

Youtube records the video’s upload time when a Youtuber uploads a video. If you are interested in learning when a video was posted, you might consider downloading the YouTube Upload Time extension. This add-on uses the Google API to determine the date and time a video was posted. You can view the time and date by clicking on the extension’s icon while watching television.

Youtube No Upload Date?

Before, you could see a video’s upload date on YouTube. Recently, YouTube decided to make the update date on YouTube videos responsive to CSS, so smaller laptop and PC screens aren’t able to see the upload date on a YouTube video. The thing is that the upload date is still there but for some reason, YouTube decide to truncate it on smaller screens meaning that you can’t see it unless you Zoom out.

Why Can’t I See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded?

Using smaller displays appears to be a source of the problem. Upload dates are not visible until the magnification setting in Google Chrome is reduced to 90%. YouTube’s responsive CSS appears to be hampered by smaller displays. The date of the video’s posting used to be displayed on YouTube videos in the past. It used to be underneath the view count, but it has now been moved to the right of the view count, and you can’t see in until you zoom your screen out.

1. Suggested Videos

The suggested videos on the right side of the screen when watching videos on your desktop are there to entice you to stay on YouTube for longer and watch more videos (business decisions like this allow them to make more money). Since YouTube wants you to watch them, they’ve made the right column bigger, which means you’re more likely to click on a suggested video. This means that the column for the YouTube video and the information below it are smaller than they use to be, and because of this, the upload date has gone as there isn’t enough space for it.

2. There Are New Buttons

Another reason why YouTube isn’t showing the upload date is that new features are being added, crowding up the area where the upload date is meant to be. This means that if your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the upload date because of other features like the download option, share, save, and clip. Other features that have always been there such as the view count, and the like and dislike also stop the upload date from being shown. If your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the entire view count as some of it will be hidden.

3. Small Monitor

Smaller monitors tend to experience the no upload date problem since YouTube isn’t built well for them. Smaller monitors don’t have enough space for the suggested videos by other content creators and a large enough youtube screen column for extra features like download, clip, and save to fit the upload date. So if you know that your screen is smaller than a typical monitor, it should be no surprise to you that you can’t see the upload date on YouTube videos.

Can’t See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded? Try These Fixes

You need to realize that the upload date hasn’t gone; your screen is just too small to see it. If you did see it in the past, all the new features such as clip, download and save have now made it a not-so-relevant feature to see which is why it appears as if it’s missing.

1. Zoom Out

You need to Zoom out to fix the no upload date on YouTube. The level of Zoom depends on how small your screen is. For most of you, zooming out to 90% should reveal the upload date again since the video and the information below it fill up more of the screen compared to before, where the right column for the suggested video was taking up too much to the point where the upload date disappeared. You might find that you need to zoom out a little bit more (to something like 75%) to make enough room in the bar to see the upload date.

2. Zoom In

Since the main culprit for the video disappearing is that the right column, where the suggested videos are, is taking up too much space, you can make the left column bigger by zooming in. At first, you might think zoom in? isn’t the problem that my screen is too small? How’s zooming in going to fix it. Although you’re right, there’s a certain point that you zoom into where the full length of the YouTube video is reached, and the right column is no longer there. If you zoom in too much, you’ll lose the upload date. If you zoom in too little, you still won’t be able to see the upload date. Usually, the point at which the date is revealed is when you’ve zoomed in to the point where the right column (suggested videos) has disappeared. This is typically 150% zoom.

3. Check On YouTube App On Mobile

If you want to see the upload date on a video after not being able to see it on your desktop PC, you can check the upload date of a video on YouTube by using the app on your iPhone or Android. To check this, go on the app and click the video you want. To make it easier to find, like it on your desktop and look for it in your like videos on the app. From here, you watch to click the description, and you’ll be able to see the upload date on the right.

4. Check On On Mobile

If you want to check the updated date of a video uploaded but the upload date is missing on your PC, you can use on your mobile device. To use on your mobile device, you need to go onto safari or chrome, whether you’re on iPhone or Android, and you need to search for From here, you need to click on the description and look for the upload date on the right. The exact upload date bar the time will be shown to you.

5. Get A Bigger Desktop

Since the problem is that your desktop or laptop is too small and the updated date has to be truncated when you’re watching YouTube in Chrome, getting a larger screen will fix the problem for you. A large screen will be big enough to show the suggested videos at the size YouTube wants it to be shown at and include all the new features such as clip save and download while showing the upload date. This means that you’ll be able to see the upload date of a video that you’ve clicked to watch without having to zoom in or zoom out just to see it.

6. Refresh The Page

If for some reason you’ve tried google chrome’s zoom option to zoom in and out but there’s still no youtube upload date, you can try and refresh the page. YouTube can experience glitches where certain things happen unexpectedly and this can cause problems such as the upload date not showing. To get rid of this bug, the best thing to do is to refresh the page so that YouTube can refresh and have a chance of showing you the upload date next to the view count.

7. Clear YouTube’s Cache

To fix the problem, you can also try and clear youtube’s cache. You can clear the cache if you can’t see the youtube video upload time on your iPhone or Android device. To clear the cache on your iPhone, you’ll need to delete and reinstall the app. You can do this by holding it down > clicking x > delete app > go to the Apple Store and reinstall it again > log in and see if the problem is still there. If it’s on your Android, go to settings > Application manager > YouTube > Clear cache > login and see if the problem is still persisting.

8. Wait For YouTube to Come with A Fix

If you still can’t see the upload date due to a glitch that YouTube is experiencing, the only thing that you can do at this point is to wait for a fix. Sometimes YouTube can experience bugs and the engineers have the fix the problem. If the upload date has gone and you cannot see it, waiting for a fix is your best option.

How to See When a Video Was Posted on YouTube

If you want to see when a YouTube video was posted, you can find this out using various different methods. The most obvious way is to look at the upload date on the video. The video’s upload date differs from the mobile app to the desktop. On your desktop, you can see the video’s upload date near the view count under the video. On your mobile, you need to click on the description to see the video’s upload date on the right.

1. Check The Earliest Youtube Comments and See the Dates They Were Posted

Youtube allows you to see when comments when made. When someone leaves a comment on Youtube, a date stamp will tell you whether a comment was made two days ago or months ago. This date stamp is available to everyone who goes through Youtube comments. You can scroll down to see when the earliest comments on a video were left. It will give you an idea of when a Youtube video was posted.

2. Search When The Video Was Released

The beauty of the internet is that you can look up any information you feel you need to know. You can turn to a search engine to see when a video was released on Youtube. Most people use Youtube to watch music videos, but sometimes the release information of the video is not displayed. You can google the release date if you want to know when a video was released. If you are lucky, you will not only find the release date of the music video, but you can find the release time.

3. Right-Click on Page and View Page Source

The source code is hidden underneath all the graphics, text, and call-to-action buttons on the page. The first step is to open the movie in your browser and navigate to the video source code (source code) page. A page’s HTML source can be seen by right-clicking on a blank section of the page and then selecting ‘view source’ from the drop-down menu or pressing CTRL + U on your keyboard while browsing. Once you know how to see the source code, you need to search for items in it. The search capabilities you use for normal online surfing should work to search for information in your source code. Commands such as CTRL + F (for Find) will assist you in scanning your source code rapidly. Search for the upload date on the HTML source page by pressing the CTRL + F keyboard shortcut. From here, they’ll have a more accurate time for the time the video was posted.

4. Use Google Advanced Search Tool

Another way to find out when a youtube video was posted is to use Google’s advanced search tool, which allows you to filter when a YouTube video was posted. To find out when a YouTube video was posted, you have to click on the filters button at the top after searching on YouTube. From here, you’ll have options such as last hour, today, this week, this month, and this year. If you use the today feature, you’ll know that the video was uploaded today.


If you want to find out information about a Youtube video, you can right-click on the video and view the page source information or check the earliest comments.


title: “How To See When A Youtube Video Was Posted” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-06” author: “Tiffany Smith”

Can You See When a YouTube Video Was Posted?

You can see the exact time a YouTube video was uploaded by using a YouTube data viewer. This will pull the exact upload date and time that the video was uploaded. On YouTube, you can see when a video was uploaded, but YouTube gives a generic date and time. Sometimes on videos you might see, 3 days ago or 2 months ago, and on the video itself, you’re just given a date but no time. However, using a tool like YouTube Data Viewer, you can find out what time a YouTube video was uploaded. This means that you’re going to know the exact day and time for your local time zone.

How to See When a YouTube Video Was Posted

If you want to see the exact time of upload for a YouTube video, then you can use a YouTube date viewer which will allow you to put in the URL of a video from your chosen youtube channel and it’ll extract the exact publish date of the video. So if the video was posted 3 days or 1 month ago, you’ll be given the date of upload which will let you know what day it was posted, whether that’s a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

1. Use Youtube Data Viewer

Upload date verification can be accomplished using the YouTube Data Viewer, a web-based tool. The user enters a YouTube URL, and the device returns information about the video that is useful for verifying a video on YouTube. Videos on YouTube only display the date they were uploaded, not the precise moment it was uploaded. There are several pieces of information on YouTube, including a description of the video, its ID number, the date and time it was uploaded, and the precise time it was uploaded. To change the exact time to the time in your time zone, click on the “Convert to local time” button when the time is displayed. Finally, you’ll see several video thumbnails, which you can utilize to further your study at your leisure. To find out the exact time of an upload:

  1. Go to the video you want to find the exact upload time for.
  2. Copy the YouTube video’s URL from your browser’s address bar
  3. Visit the YouTube Data Viewer.
  4. The URL you copied should be pasted into the “Enter YouTube URL” box and then hit the “Go” button.
  5. It should return an exact upload time for the video and upload date. You’ll also be given other information, such as the video’s description.
  6. Click on convert to local time to convert it to your local time zone. The time is shown in UTC, which is standard time, so if your time zone is est for example, you’ll be able to see the exact upload time of a video for your local time zone. To extract the information from the video, copy and paste the URL into the appropriate section. Coordinated Universal Standard Time (UTC) is used for this timestamp (UTC). To use a time zone converter to convert the time to your local time zone, take the time stamp you find on Youtube and paste it into the time zone converter of your liking.

2. Using Youtube Upload Time

Youtube records the video’s upload time when a Youtuber uploads a video. If you are interested in learning when a video was posted, you might consider downloading the YouTube Upload Time extension. This add-on uses the Google API to determine the date and time a video was posted. You can view the time and date by clicking on the extension’s icon while watching television.

Youtube No Upload Date?

Before, you could see a video’s upload date on YouTube. Recently, YouTube decided to make the update date on YouTube videos responsive to CSS, so smaller laptop and PC screens aren’t able to see the upload date on a YouTube video. The thing is that the upload date is still there but for some reason, YouTube decide to truncate it on smaller screens meaning that you can’t see it unless you Zoom out.

Why Can’t I See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded?

Using smaller displays appears to be a source of the problem. Upload dates are not visible until the magnification setting in Google Chrome is reduced to 90%. YouTube’s responsive CSS appears to be hampered by smaller displays. The date of the video’s posting used to be displayed on YouTube videos in the past. It used to be underneath the view count, but it has now been moved to the right of the view count, and you can’t see in until you zoom your screen out.

1. Suggested Videos

The suggested videos on the right side of the screen when watching videos on your desktop are there to entice you to stay on YouTube for longer and watch more videos (business decisions like this allow them to make more money). Since YouTube wants you to watch them, they’ve made the right column bigger, which means you’re more likely to click on a suggested video. This means that the column for the YouTube video and the information below it are smaller than they use to be, and because of this, the upload date has gone as there isn’t enough space for it.

2. There Are New Buttons

Another reason why YouTube isn’t showing the upload date is that new features are being added, crowding up the area where the upload date is meant to be. This means that if your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the upload date because of other features like the download option, share, save, and clip. Other features that have always been there such as the view count, and the like and dislike also stop the upload date from being shown. If your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the entire view count as some of it will be hidden.

3. Small Monitor

Smaller monitors tend to experience the no upload date problem since YouTube isn’t built well for them. Smaller monitors don’t have enough space for the suggested videos by other content creators and a large enough youtube screen column for extra features like download, clip, and save to fit the upload date. So if you know that your screen is smaller than a typical monitor, it should be no surprise to you that you can’t see the upload date on YouTube videos.

Can’t See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded? Try These Fixes

You need to realize that the upload date hasn’t gone; your screen is just too small to see it. If you did see it in the past, all the new features such as clip, download and save have now made it a not-so-relevant feature to see which is why it appears as if it’s missing.

1. Zoom Out

You need to Zoom out to fix the no upload date on YouTube. The level of Zoom depends on how small your screen is. For most of you, zooming out to 90% should reveal the upload date again since the video and the information below it fill up more of the screen compared to before, where the right column for the suggested video was taking up too much to the point where the upload date disappeared. You might find that you need to zoom out a little bit more (to something like 75%) to make enough room in the bar to see the upload date.

2. Zoom In

Since the main culprit for the video disappearing is that the right column, where the suggested videos are, is taking up too much space, you can make the left column bigger by zooming in. At first, you might think zoom in? isn’t the problem that my screen is too small? How’s zooming in going to fix it. Although you’re right, there’s a certain point that you zoom into where the full length of the YouTube video is reached, and the right column is no longer there. If you zoom in too much, you’ll lose the upload date. If you zoom in too little, you still won’t be able to see the upload date. Usually, the point at which the date is revealed is when you’ve zoomed in to the point where the right column (suggested videos) has disappeared. This is typically 150% zoom.

3. Check On YouTube App On Mobile

If you want to see the upload date on a video after not being able to see it on your desktop PC, you can check the upload date of a video on YouTube by using the app on your iPhone or Android. To check this, go on the app and click the video you want. To make it easier to find, like it on your desktop and look for it in your like videos on the app. From here, you watch to click the description, and you’ll be able to see the upload date on the right.

4. Check On On Mobile

If you want to check the updated date of a video uploaded but the upload date is missing on your PC, you can use on your mobile device. To use on your mobile device, you need to go onto safari or chrome, whether you’re on iPhone or Android, and you need to search for From here, you need to click on the description and look for the upload date on the right. The exact upload date bar the time will be shown to you.

5. Get A Bigger Desktop

Since the problem is that your desktop or laptop is too small and the updated date has to be truncated when you’re watching YouTube in Chrome, getting a larger screen will fix the problem for you. A large screen will be big enough to show the suggested videos at the size YouTube wants it to be shown at and include all the new features such as clip save and download while showing the upload date. This means that you’ll be able to see the upload date of a video that you’ve clicked to watch without having to zoom in or zoom out just to see it.

6. Refresh The Page

If for some reason you’ve tried google chrome’s zoom option to zoom in and out but there’s still no youtube upload date, you can try and refresh the page. YouTube can experience glitches where certain things happen unexpectedly and this can cause problems such as the upload date not showing. To get rid of this bug, the best thing to do is to refresh the page so that YouTube can refresh and have a chance of showing you the upload date next to the view count.

7. Clear YouTube’s Cache

To fix the problem, you can also try and clear youtube’s cache. You can clear the cache if you can’t see the youtube video upload time on your iPhone or Android device. To clear the cache on your iPhone, you’ll need to delete and reinstall the app. You can do this by holding it down > clicking x > delete app > go to the Apple Store and reinstall it again > log in and see if the problem is still there. If it’s on your Android, go to settings > Application manager > YouTube > Clear cache > login and see if the problem is still persisting.

8. Wait For YouTube to Come with A Fix

If you still can’t see the upload date due to a glitch that YouTube is experiencing, the only thing that you can do at this point is to wait for a fix. Sometimes YouTube can experience bugs and the engineers have the fix the problem. If the upload date has gone and you cannot see it, waiting for a fix is your best option.

How to See When a Video Was Posted on YouTube

If you want to see when a YouTube video was posted, you can find this out using various different methods. The most obvious way is to look at the upload date on the video. The video’s upload date differs from the mobile app to the desktop. On your desktop, you can see the video’s upload date near the view count under the video. On your mobile, you need to click on the description to see the video’s upload date on the right.

1. Check The Earliest Youtube Comments and See the Dates They Were Posted

Youtube allows you to see when comments when made. When someone leaves a comment on Youtube, a date stamp will tell you whether a comment was made two days ago or months ago. This date stamp is available to everyone who goes through Youtube comments. You can scroll down to see when the earliest comments on a video were left. It will give you an idea of when a Youtube video was posted.

2. Search When The Video Was Released

The beauty of the internet is that you can look up any information you feel you need to know. You can turn to a search engine to see when a video was released on Youtube. Most people use Youtube to watch music videos, but sometimes the release information of the video is not displayed. You can google the release date if you want to know when a video was released. If you are lucky, you will not only find the release date of the music video, but you can find the release time.

3. Right-Click on Page and View Page Source

The source code is hidden underneath all the graphics, text, and call-to-action buttons on the page. The first step is to open the movie in your browser and navigate to the video source code (source code) page. A page’s HTML source can be seen by right-clicking on a blank section of the page and then selecting ‘view source’ from the drop-down menu or pressing CTRL + U on your keyboard while browsing. Once you know how to see the source code, you need to search for items in it. The search capabilities you use for normal online surfing should work to search for information in your source code. Commands such as CTRL + F (for Find) will assist you in scanning your source code rapidly. Search for the upload date on the HTML source page by pressing the CTRL + F keyboard shortcut. From here, they’ll have a more accurate time for the time the video was posted.

4. Use Google Advanced Search Tool

Another way to find out when a youtube video was posted is to use Google’s advanced search tool, which allows you to filter when a YouTube video was posted. To find out when a YouTube video was posted, you have to click on the filters button at the top after searching on YouTube. From here, you’ll have options such as last hour, today, this week, this month, and this year. If you use the today feature, you’ll know that the video was uploaded today.


If you want to find out information about a Youtube video, you can right-click on the video and view the page source information or check the earliest comments.


title: “How To See When A Youtube Video Was Posted” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-30” author: “Chloe Villarreal”

Can You See When a YouTube Video Was Posted?

You can see the exact time a YouTube video was uploaded by using a YouTube data viewer. This will pull the exact upload date and time that the video was uploaded. On YouTube, you can see when a video was uploaded, but YouTube gives a generic date and time. Sometimes on videos you might see, 3 days ago or 2 months ago, and on the video itself, you’re just given a date but no time. However, using a tool like YouTube Data Viewer, you can find out what time a YouTube video was uploaded. This means that you’re going to know the exact day and time for your local time zone.

How to See When a YouTube Video Was Posted

If you want to see the exact time of upload for a YouTube video, then you can use a YouTube date viewer which will allow you to put in the URL of a video from your chosen youtube channel and it’ll extract the exact publish date of the video. So if the video was posted 3 days or 1 month ago, you’ll be given the date of upload which will let you know what day it was posted, whether that’s a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

1. Use Youtube Data Viewer

Upload date verification can be accomplished using the YouTube Data Viewer, a web-based tool. The user enters a YouTube URL, and the device returns information about the video that is useful for verifying a video on YouTube. Videos on YouTube only display the date they were uploaded, not the precise moment it was uploaded. There are several pieces of information on YouTube, including a description of the video, its ID number, the date and time it was uploaded, and the precise time it was uploaded. To change the exact time to the time in your time zone, click on the “Convert to local time” button when the time is displayed. Finally, you’ll see several video thumbnails, which you can utilize to further your study at your leisure. To find out the exact time of an upload:

  1. Go to the video you want to find the exact upload time for.
  2. Copy the YouTube video’s URL from your browser’s address bar
  3. Visit the YouTube Data Viewer.
  4. The URL you copied should be pasted into the “Enter YouTube URL” box and then hit the “Go” button.
  5. It should return an exact upload time for the video and upload date. You’ll also be given other information, such as the video’s description.
  6. Click on convert to local time to convert it to your local time zone. The time is shown in UTC, which is standard time, so if your time zone is est for example, you’ll be able to see the exact upload time of a video for your local time zone. To extract the information from the video, copy and paste the URL into the appropriate section. Coordinated Universal Standard Time (UTC) is used for this timestamp (UTC). To use a time zone converter to convert the time to your local time zone, take the time stamp you find on Youtube and paste it into the time zone converter of your liking.

2. Using Youtube Upload Time

Youtube records the video’s upload time when a Youtuber uploads a video. If you are interested in learning when a video was posted, you might consider downloading the YouTube Upload Time extension. This add-on uses the Google API to determine the date and time a video was posted. You can view the time and date by clicking on the extension’s icon while watching television.

Youtube No Upload Date?

Before, you could see a video’s upload date on YouTube. Recently, YouTube decided to make the update date on YouTube videos responsive to CSS, so smaller laptop and PC screens aren’t able to see the upload date on a YouTube video. The thing is that the upload date is still there but for some reason, YouTube decide to truncate it on smaller screens meaning that you can’t see it unless you Zoom out.

Why Can’t I See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded?

Using smaller displays appears to be a source of the problem. Upload dates are not visible until the magnification setting in Google Chrome is reduced to 90%. YouTube’s responsive CSS appears to be hampered by smaller displays. The date of the video’s posting used to be displayed on YouTube videos in the past. It used to be underneath the view count, but it has now been moved to the right of the view count, and you can’t see in until you zoom your screen out.

1. Suggested Videos

The suggested videos on the right side of the screen when watching videos on your desktop are there to entice you to stay on YouTube for longer and watch more videos (business decisions like this allow them to make more money). Since YouTube wants you to watch them, they’ve made the right column bigger, which means you’re more likely to click on a suggested video. This means that the column for the YouTube video and the information below it are smaller than they use to be, and because of this, the upload date has gone as there isn’t enough space for it.

2. There Are New Buttons

Another reason why YouTube isn’t showing the upload date is that new features are being added, crowding up the area where the upload date is meant to be. This means that if your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the upload date because of other features like the download option, share, save, and clip. Other features that have always been there such as the view count, and the like and dislike also stop the upload date from being shown. If your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the entire view count as some of it will be hidden.

3. Small Monitor

Smaller monitors tend to experience the no upload date problem since YouTube isn’t built well for them. Smaller monitors don’t have enough space for the suggested videos by other content creators and a large enough youtube screen column for extra features like download, clip, and save to fit the upload date. So if you know that your screen is smaller than a typical monitor, it should be no surprise to you that you can’t see the upload date on YouTube videos.

Can’t See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded? Try These Fixes

You need to realize that the upload date hasn’t gone; your screen is just too small to see it. If you did see it in the past, all the new features such as clip, download and save have now made it a not-so-relevant feature to see which is why it appears as if it’s missing.

1. Zoom Out

You need to Zoom out to fix the no upload date on YouTube. The level of Zoom depends on how small your screen is. For most of you, zooming out to 90% should reveal the upload date again since the video and the information below it fill up more of the screen compared to before, where the right column for the suggested video was taking up too much to the point where the upload date disappeared. You might find that you need to zoom out a little bit more (to something like 75%) to make enough room in the bar to see the upload date.

2. Zoom In

Since the main culprit for the video disappearing is that the right column, where the suggested videos are, is taking up too much space, you can make the left column bigger by zooming in. At first, you might think zoom in? isn’t the problem that my screen is too small? How’s zooming in going to fix it. Although you’re right, there’s a certain point that you zoom into where the full length of the YouTube video is reached, and the right column is no longer there. If you zoom in too much, you’ll lose the upload date. If you zoom in too little, you still won’t be able to see the upload date. Usually, the point at which the date is revealed is when you’ve zoomed in to the point where the right column (suggested videos) has disappeared. This is typically 150% zoom.

3. Check On YouTube App On Mobile

If you want to see the upload date on a video after not being able to see it on your desktop PC, you can check the upload date of a video on YouTube by using the app on your iPhone or Android. To check this, go on the app and click the video you want. To make it easier to find, like it on your desktop and look for it in your like videos on the app. From here, you watch to click the description, and you’ll be able to see the upload date on the right.

4. Check On On Mobile

If you want to check the updated date of a video uploaded but the upload date is missing on your PC, you can use on your mobile device. To use on your mobile device, you need to go onto safari or chrome, whether you’re on iPhone or Android, and you need to search for From here, you need to click on the description and look for the upload date on the right. The exact upload date bar the time will be shown to you.

5. Get A Bigger Desktop

Since the problem is that your desktop or laptop is too small and the updated date has to be truncated when you’re watching YouTube in Chrome, getting a larger screen will fix the problem for you. A large screen will be big enough to show the suggested videos at the size YouTube wants it to be shown at and include all the new features such as clip save and download while showing the upload date. This means that you’ll be able to see the upload date of a video that you’ve clicked to watch without having to zoom in or zoom out just to see it.

6. Refresh The Page

If for some reason you’ve tried google chrome’s zoom option to zoom in and out but there’s still no youtube upload date, you can try and refresh the page. YouTube can experience glitches where certain things happen unexpectedly and this can cause problems such as the upload date not showing. To get rid of this bug, the best thing to do is to refresh the page so that YouTube can refresh and have a chance of showing you the upload date next to the view count.

7. Clear YouTube’s Cache

To fix the problem, you can also try and clear youtube’s cache. You can clear the cache if you can’t see the youtube video upload time on your iPhone or Android device. To clear the cache on your iPhone, you’ll need to delete and reinstall the app. You can do this by holding it down > clicking x > delete app > go to the Apple Store and reinstall it again > log in and see if the problem is still there. If it’s on your Android, go to settings > Application manager > YouTube > Clear cache > login and see if the problem is still persisting.

8. Wait For YouTube to Come with A Fix

If you still can’t see the upload date due to a glitch that YouTube is experiencing, the only thing that you can do at this point is to wait for a fix. Sometimes YouTube can experience bugs and the engineers have the fix the problem. If the upload date has gone and you cannot see it, waiting for a fix is your best option.

How to See When a Video Was Posted on YouTube

If you want to see when a YouTube video was posted, you can find this out using various different methods. The most obvious way is to look at the upload date on the video. The video’s upload date differs from the mobile app to the desktop. On your desktop, you can see the video’s upload date near the view count under the video. On your mobile, you need to click on the description to see the video’s upload date on the right.

1. Check The Earliest Youtube Comments and See the Dates They Were Posted

Youtube allows you to see when comments when made. When someone leaves a comment on Youtube, a date stamp will tell you whether a comment was made two days ago or months ago. This date stamp is available to everyone who goes through Youtube comments. You can scroll down to see when the earliest comments on a video were left. It will give you an idea of when a Youtube video was posted.

2. Search When The Video Was Released

The beauty of the internet is that you can look up any information you feel you need to know. You can turn to a search engine to see when a video was released on Youtube. Most people use Youtube to watch music videos, but sometimes the release information of the video is not displayed. You can google the release date if you want to know when a video was released. If you are lucky, you will not only find the release date of the music video, but you can find the release time.

3. Right-Click on Page and View Page Source

The source code is hidden underneath all the graphics, text, and call-to-action buttons on the page. The first step is to open the movie in your browser and navigate to the video source code (source code) page. A page’s HTML source can be seen by right-clicking on a blank section of the page and then selecting ‘view source’ from the drop-down menu or pressing CTRL + U on your keyboard while browsing. Once you know how to see the source code, you need to search for items in it. The search capabilities you use for normal online surfing should work to search for information in your source code. Commands such as CTRL + F (for Find) will assist you in scanning your source code rapidly. Search for the upload date on the HTML source page by pressing the CTRL + F keyboard shortcut. From here, they’ll have a more accurate time for the time the video was posted.

4. Use Google Advanced Search Tool

Another way to find out when a youtube video was posted is to use Google’s advanced search tool, which allows you to filter when a YouTube video was posted. To find out when a YouTube video was posted, you have to click on the filters button at the top after searching on YouTube. From here, you’ll have options such as last hour, today, this week, this month, and this year. If you use the today feature, you’ll know that the video was uploaded today.


If you want to find out information about a Youtube video, you can right-click on the video and view the page source information or check the earliest comments.


title: “How To See When A Youtube Video Was Posted” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-07” author: “Marjorie Obryant”

Can You See When a YouTube Video Was Posted?

You can see the exact time a YouTube video was uploaded by using a YouTube data viewer. This will pull the exact upload date and time that the video was uploaded. On YouTube, you can see when a video was uploaded, but YouTube gives a generic date and time. Sometimes on videos you might see, 3 days ago or 2 months ago, and on the video itself, you’re just given a date but no time. However, using a tool like YouTube Data Viewer, you can find out what time a YouTube video was uploaded. This means that you’re going to know the exact day and time for your local time zone.

How to See When a YouTube Video Was Posted

If you want to see the exact time of upload for a YouTube video, then you can use a YouTube date viewer which will allow you to put in the URL of a video from your chosen youtube channel and it’ll extract the exact publish date of the video. So if the video was posted 3 days or 1 month ago, you’ll be given the date of upload which will let you know what day it was posted, whether that’s a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

1. Use Youtube Data Viewer

Upload date verification can be accomplished using the YouTube Data Viewer, a web-based tool. The user enters a YouTube URL, and the device returns information about the video that is useful for verifying a video on YouTube. Videos on YouTube only display the date they were uploaded, not the precise moment it was uploaded. There are several pieces of information on YouTube, including a description of the video, its ID number, the date and time it was uploaded, and the precise time it was uploaded. To change the exact time to the time in your time zone, click on the “Convert to local time” button when the time is displayed. Finally, you’ll see several video thumbnails, which you can utilize to further your study at your leisure. To find out the exact time of an upload:

  1. Go to the video you want to find the exact upload time for.
  2. Copy the YouTube video’s URL from your browser’s address bar
  3. Visit the YouTube Data Viewer.
  4. The URL you copied should be pasted into the “Enter YouTube URL” box and then hit the “Go” button.
  5. It should return an exact upload time for the video and upload date. You’ll also be given other information, such as the video’s description.
  6. Click on convert to local time to convert it to your local time zone. The time is shown in UTC, which is standard time, so if your time zone is est for example, you’ll be able to see the exact upload time of a video for your local time zone. To extract the information from the video, copy and paste the URL into the appropriate section. Coordinated Universal Standard Time (UTC) is used for this timestamp (UTC). To use a time zone converter to convert the time to your local time zone, take the time stamp you find on Youtube and paste it into the time zone converter of your liking.

2. Using Youtube Upload Time

Youtube records the video’s upload time when a Youtuber uploads a video. If you are interested in learning when a video was posted, you might consider downloading the YouTube Upload Time extension. This add-on uses the Google API to determine the date and time a video was posted. You can view the time and date by clicking on the extension’s icon while watching television.

Youtube No Upload Date?

Before, you could see a video’s upload date on YouTube. Recently, YouTube decided to make the update date on YouTube videos responsive to CSS, so smaller laptop and PC screens aren’t able to see the upload date on a YouTube video. The thing is that the upload date is still there but for some reason, YouTube decide to truncate it on smaller screens meaning that you can’t see it unless you Zoom out.

Why Can’t I See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded?

Using smaller displays appears to be a source of the problem. Upload dates are not visible until the magnification setting in Google Chrome is reduced to 90%. YouTube’s responsive CSS appears to be hampered by smaller displays. The date of the video’s posting used to be displayed on YouTube videos in the past. It used to be underneath the view count, but it has now been moved to the right of the view count, and you can’t see in until you zoom your screen out.

1. Suggested Videos

The suggested videos on the right side of the screen when watching videos on your desktop are there to entice you to stay on YouTube for longer and watch more videos (business decisions like this allow them to make more money). Since YouTube wants you to watch them, they’ve made the right column bigger, which means you’re more likely to click on a suggested video. This means that the column for the YouTube video and the information below it are smaller than they use to be, and because of this, the upload date has gone as there isn’t enough space for it.

2. There Are New Buttons

Another reason why YouTube isn’t showing the upload date is that new features are being added, crowding up the area where the upload date is meant to be. This means that if your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the upload date because of other features like the download option, share, save, and clip. Other features that have always been there such as the view count, and the like and dislike also stop the upload date from being shown. If your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the entire view count as some of it will be hidden.

3. Small Monitor

Smaller monitors tend to experience the no upload date problem since YouTube isn’t built well for them. Smaller monitors don’t have enough space for the suggested videos by other content creators and a large enough youtube screen column for extra features like download, clip, and save to fit the upload date. So if you know that your screen is smaller than a typical monitor, it should be no surprise to you that you can’t see the upload date on YouTube videos.

Can’t See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded? Try These Fixes

You need to realize that the upload date hasn’t gone; your screen is just too small to see it. If you did see it in the past, all the new features such as clip, download and save have now made it a not-so-relevant feature to see which is why it appears as if it’s missing.

1. Zoom Out

You need to Zoom out to fix the no upload date on YouTube. The level of Zoom depends on how small your screen is. For most of you, zooming out to 90% should reveal the upload date again since the video and the information below it fill up more of the screen compared to before, where the right column for the suggested video was taking up too much to the point where the upload date disappeared. You might find that you need to zoom out a little bit more (to something like 75%) to make enough room in the bar to see the upload date.

2. Zoom In

Since the main culprit for the video disappearing is that the right column, where the suggested videos are, is taking up too much space, you can make the left column bigger by zooming in. At first, you might think zoom in? isn’t the problem that my screen is too small? How’s zooming in going to fix it. Although you’re right, there’s a certain point that you zoom into where the full length of the YouTube video is reached, and the right column is no longer there. If you zoom in too much, you’ll lose the upload date. If you zoom in too little, you still won’t be able to see the upload date. Usually, the point at which the date is revealed is when you’ve zoomed in to the point where the right column (suggested videos) has disappeared. This is typically 150% zoom.

3. Check On YouTube App On Mobile

If you want to see the upload date on a video after not being able to see it on your desktop PC, you can check the upload date of a video on YouTube by using the app on your iPhone or Android. To check this, go on the app and click the video you want. To make it easier to find, like it on your desktop and look for it in your like videos on the app. From here, you watch to click the description, and you’ll be able to see the upload date on the right.

4. Check On On Mobile

If you want to check the updated date of a video uploaded but the upload date is missing on your PC, you can use on your mobile device. To use on your mobile device, you need to go onto safari or chrome, whether you’re on iPhone or Android, and you need to search for From here, you need to click on the description and look for the upload date on the right. The exact upload date bar the time will be shown to you.

5. Get A Bigger Desktop

Since the problem is that your desktop or laptop is too small and the updated date has to be truncated when you’re watching YouTube in Chrome, getting a larger screen will fix the problem for you. A large screen will be big enough to show the suggested videos at the size YouTube wants it to be shown at and include all the new features such as clip save and download while showing the upload date. This means that you’ll be able to see the upload date of a video that you’ve clicked to watch without having to zoom in or zoom out just to see it.

6. Refresh The Page

If for some reason you’ve tried google chrome’s zoom option to zoom in and out but there’s still no youtube upload date, you can try and refresh the page. YouTube can experience glitches where certain things happen unexpectedly and this can cause problems such as the upload date not showing. To get rid of this bug, the best thing to do is to refresh the page so that YouTube can refresh and have a chance of showing you the upload date next to the view count.

7. Clear YouTube’s Cache

To fix the problem, you can also try and clear youtube’s cache. You can clear the cache if you can’t see the youtube video upload time on your iPhone or Android device. To clear the cache on your iPhone, you’ll need to delete and reinstall the app. You can do this by holding it down > clicking x > delete app > go to the Apple Store and reinstall it again > log in and see if the problem is still there. If it’s on your Android, go to settings > Application manager > YouTube > Clear cache > login and see if the problem is still persisting.

8. Wait For YouTube to Come with A Fix

If you still can’t see the upload date due to a glitch that YouTube is experiencing, the only thing that you can do at this point is to wait for a fix. Sometimes YouTube can experience bugs and the engineers have the fix the problem. If the upload date has gone and you cannot see it, waiting for a fix is your best option.

How to See When a Video Was Posted on YouTube

If you want to see when a YouTube video was posted, you can find this out using various different methods. The most obvious way is to look at the upload date on the video. The video’s upload date differs from the mobile app to the desktop. On your desktop, you can see the video’s upload date near the view count under the video. On your mobile, you need to click on the description to see the video’s upload date on the right.

1. Check The Earliest Youtube Comments and See the Dates They Were Posted

Youtube allows you to see when comments when made. When someone leaves a comment on Youtube, a date stamp will tell you whether a comment was made two days ago or months ago. This date stamp is available to everyone who goes through Youtube comments. You can scroll down to see when the earliest comments on a video were left. It will give you an idea of when a Youtube video was posted.

2. Search When The Video Was Released

The beauty of the internet is that you can look up any information you feel you need to know. You can turn to a search engine to see when a video was released on Youtube. Most people use Youtube to watch music videos, but sometimes the release information of the video is not displayed. You can google the release date if you want to know when a video was released. If you are lucky, you will not only find the release date of the music video, but you can find the release time.

3. Right-Click on Page and View Page Source

The source code is hidden underneath all the graphics, text, and call-to-action buttons on the page. The first step is to open the movie in your browser and navigate to the video source code (source code) page. A page’s HTML source can be seen by right-clicking on a blank section of the page and then selecting ‘view source’ from the drop-down menu or pressing CTRL + U on your keyboard while browsing. Once you know how to see the source code, you need to search for items in it. The search capabilities you use for normal online surfing should work to search for information in your source code. Commands such as CTRL + F (for Find) will assist you in scanning your source code rapidly. Search for the upload date on the HTML source page by pressing the CTRL + F keyboard shortcut. From here, they’ll have a more accurate time for the time the video was posted.

4. Use Google Advanced Search Tool

Another way to find out when a youtube video was posted is to use Google’s advanced search tool, which allows you to filter when a YouTube video was posted. To find out when a YouTube video was posted, you have to click on the filters button at the top after searching on YouTube. From here, you’ll have options such as last hour, today, this week, this month, and this year. If you use the today feature, you’ll know that the video was uploaded today.


If you want to find out information about a Youtube video, you can right-click on the video and view the page source information or check the earliest comments.


title: “How To See When A Youtube Video Was Posted” ShowToc: true date: “2022-10-18” author: “Kenneth Claunch”

Can You See When a YouTube Video Was Posted?

You can see the exact time a YouTube video was uploaded by using a YouTube data viewer. This will pull the exact upload date and time that the video was uploaded. On YouTube, you can see when a video was uploaded, but YouTube gives a generic date and time. Sometimes on videos you might see, 3 days ago or 2 months ago, and on the video itself, you’re just given a date but no time. However, using a tool like YouTube Data Viewer, you can find out what time a YouTube video was uploaded. This means that you’re going to know the exact day and time for your local time zone.

How to See When a YouTube Video Was Posted

If you want to see the exact time of upload for a YouTube video, then you can use a YouTube date viewer which will allow you to put in the URL of a video from your chosen youtube channel and it’ll extract the exact publish date of the video. So if the video was posted 3 days or 1 month ago, you’ll be given the date of upload which will let you know what day it was posted, whether that’s a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

1. Use Youtube Data Viewer

Upload date verification can be accomplished using the YouTube Data Viewer, a web-based tool. The user enters a YouTube URL, and the device returns information about the video that is useful for verifying a video on YouTube. Videos on YouTube only display the date they were uploaded, not the precise moment it was uploaded. There are several pieces of information on YouTube, including a description of the video, its ID number, the date and time it was uploaded, and the precise time it was uploaded. To change the exact time to the time in your time zone, click on the “Convert to local time” button when the time is displayed. Finally, you’ll see several video thumbnails, which you can utilize to further your study at your leisure. To find out the exact time of an upload:

  1. Go to the video you want to find the exact upload time for.
  2. Copy the YouTube video’s URL from your browser’s address bar
  3. Visit the YouTube Data Viewer.
  4. The URL you copied should be pasted into the “Enter YouTube URL” box and then hit the “Go” button.
  5. It should return an exact upload time for the video and upload date. You’ll also be given other information, such as the video’s description.
  6. Click on convert to local time to convert it to your local time zone. The time is shown in UTC, which is standard time, so if your time zone is est for example, you’ll be able to see the exact upload time of a video for your local time zone. To extract the information from the video, copy and paste the URL into the appropriate section. Coordinated Universal Standard Time (UTC) is used for this timestamp (UTC). To use a time zone converter to convert the time to your local time zone, take the time stamp you find on Youtube and paste it into the time zone converter of your liking.

2. Using Youtube Upload Time

Youtube records the video’s upload time when a Youtuber uploads a video. If you are interested in learning when a video was posted, you might consider downloading the YouTube Upload Time extension. This add-on uses the Google API to determine the date and time a video was posted. You can view the time and date by clicking on the extension’s icon while watching television.

Youtube No Upload Date?

Before, you could see a video’s upload date on YouTube. Recently, YouTube decided to make the update date on YouTube videos responsive to CSS, so smaller laptop and PC screens aren’t able to see the upload date on a YouTube video. The thing is that the upload date is still there but for some reason, YouTube decide to truncate it on smaller screens meaning that you can’t see it unless you Zoom out.

Why Can’t I See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded?

Using smaller displays appears to be a source of the problem. Upload dates are not visible until the magnification setting in Google Chrome is reduced to 90%. YouTube’s responsive CSS appears to be hampered by smaller displays. The date of the video’s posting used to be displayed on YouTube videos in the past. It used to be underneath the view count, but it has now been moved to the right of the view count, and you can’t see in until you zoom your screen out.

1. Suggested Videos

The suggested videos on the right side of the screen when watching videos on your desktop are there to entice you to stay on YouTube for longer and watch more videos (business decisions like this allow them to make more money). Since YouTube wants you to watch them, they’ve made the right column bigger, which means you’re more likely to click on a suggested video. This means that the column for the YouTube video and the information below it are smaller than they use to be, and because of this, the upload date has gone as there isn’t enough space for it.

2. There Are New Buttons

Another reason why YouTube isn’t showing the upload date is that new features are being added, crowding up the area where the upload date is meant to be. This means that if your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the upload date because of other features like the download option, share, save, and clip. Other features that have always been there such as the view count, and the like and dislike also stop the upload date from being shown. If your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the entire view count as some of it will be hidden.

3. Small Monitor

Smaller monitors tend to experience the no upload date problem since YouTube isn’t built well for them. Smaller monitors don’t have enough space for the suggested videos by other content creators and a large enough youtube screen column for extra features like download, clip, and save to fit the upload date. So if you know that your screen is smaller than a typical monitor, it should be no surprise to you that you can’t see the upload date on YouTube videos.

Can’t See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded? Try These Fixes

You need to realize that the upload date hasn’t gone; your screen is just too small to see it. If you did see it in the past, all the new features such as clip, download and save have now made it a not-so-relevant feature to see which is why it appears as if it’s missing.

1. Zoom Out

You need to Zoom out to fix the no upload date on YouTube. The level of Zoom depends on how small your screen is. For most of you, zooming out to 90% should reveal the upload date again since the video and the information below it fill up more of the screen compared to before, where the right column for the suggested video was taking up too much to the point where the upload date disappeared. You might find that you need to zoom out a little bit more (to something like 75%) to make enough room in the bar to see the upload date.

2. Zoom In

Since the main culprit for the video disappearing is that the right column, where the suggested videos are, is taking up too much space, you can make the left column bigger by zooming in. At first, you might think zoom in? isn’t the problem that my screen is too small? How’s zooming in going to fix it. Although you’re right, there’s a certain point that you zoom into where the full length of the YouTube video is reached, and the right column is no longer there. If you zoom in too much, you’ll lose the upload date. If you zoom in too little, you still won’t be able to see the upload date. Usually, the point at which the date is revealed is when you’ve zoomed in to the point where the right column (suggested videos) has disappeared. This is typically 150% zoom.

3. Check On YouTube App On Mobile

If you want to see the upload date on a video after not being able to see it on your desktop PC, you can check the upload date of a video on YouTube by using the app on your iPhone or Android. To check this, go on the app and click the video you want. To make it easier to find, like it on your desktop and look for it in your like videos on the app. From here, you watch to click the description, and you’ll be able to see the upload date on the right.

4. Check On On Mobile

If you want to check the updated date of a video uploaded but the upload date is missing on your PC, you can use on your mobile device. To use on your mobile device, you need to go onto safari or chrome, whether you’re on iPhone or Android, and you need to search for From here, you need to click on the description and look for the upload date on the right. The exact upload date bar the time will be shown to you.

5. Get A Bigger Desktop

Since the problem is that your desktop or laptop is too small and the updated date has to be truncated when you’re watching YouTube in Chrome, getting a larger screen will fix the problem for you. A large screen will be big enough to show the suggested videos at the size YouTube wants it to be shown at and include all the new features such as clip save and download while showing the upload date. This means that you’ll be able to see the upload date of a video that you’ve clicked to watch without having to zoom in or zoom out just to see it.

6. Refresh The Page

If for some reason you’ve tried google chrome’s zoom option to zoom in and out but there’s still no youtube upload date, you can try and refresh the page. YouTube can experience glitches where certain things happen unexpectedly and this can cause problems such as the upload date not showing. To get rid of this bug, the best thing to do is to refresh the page so that YouTube can refresh and have a chance of showing you the upload date next to the view count.

7. Clear YouTube’s Cache

To fix the problem, you can also try and clear youtube’s cache. You can clear the cache if you can’t see the youtube video upload time on your iPhone or Android device. To clear the cache on your iPhone, you’ll need to delete and reinstall the app. You can do this by holding it down > clicking x > delete app > go to the Apple Store and reinstall it again > log in and see if the problem is still there. If it’s on your Android, go to settings > Application manager > YouTube > Clear cache > login and see if the problem is still persisting.

8. Wait For YouTube to Come with A Fix

If you still can’t see the upload date due to a glitch that YouTube is experiencing, the only thing that you can do at this point is to wait for a fix. Sometimes YouTube can experience bugs and the engineers have the fix the problem. If the upload date has gone and you cannot see it, waiting for a fix is your best option.

How to See When a Video Was Posted on YouTube

If you want to see when a YouTube video was posted, you can find this out using various different methods. The most obvious way is to look at the upload date on the video. The video’s upload date differs from the mobile app to the desktop. On your desktop, you can see the video’s upload date near the view count under the video. On your mobile, you need to click on the description to see the video’s upload date on the right.

1. Check The Earliest Youtube Comments and See the Dates They Were Posted

Youtube allows you to see when comments when made. When someone leaves a comment on Youtube, a date stamp will tell you whether a comment was made two days ago or months ago. This date stamp is available to everyone who goes through Youtube comments. You can scroll down to see when the earliest comments on a video were left. It will give you an idea of when a Youtube video was posted.

2. Search When The Video Was Released

The beauty of the internet is that you can look up any information you feel you need to know. You can turn to a search engine to see when a video was released on Youtube. Most people use Youtube to watch music videos, but sometimes the release information of the video is not displayed. You can google the release date if you want to know when a video was released. If you are lucky, you will not only find the release date of the music video, but you can find the release time.

3. Right-Click on Page and View Page Source

The source code is hidden underneath all the graphics, text, and call-to-action buttons on the page. The first step is to open the movie in your browser and navigate to the video source code (source code) page. A page’s HTML source can be seen by right-clicking on a blank section of the page and then selecting ‘view source’ from the drop-down menu or pressing CTRL + U on your keyboard while browsing. Once you know how to see the source code, you need to search for items in it. The search capabilities you use for normal online surfing should work to search for information in your source code. Commands such as CTRL + F (for Find) will assist you in scanning your source code rapidly. Search for the upload date on the HTML source page by pressing the CTRL + F keyboard shortcut. From here, they’ll have a more accurate time for the time the video was posted.

4. Use Google Advanced Search Tool

Another way to find out when a youtube video was posted is to use Google’s advanced search tool, which allows you to filter when a YouTube video was posted. To find out when a YouTube video was posted, you have to click on the filters button at the top after searching on YouTube. From here, you’ll have options such as last hour, today, this week, this month, and this year. If you use the today feature, you’ll know that the video was uploaded today.


If you want to find out information about a Youtube video, you can right-click on the video and view the page source information or check the earliest comments.


title: “How To See When A Youtube Video Was Posted” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-10” author: “Olive Mills”

Can You See When a YouTube Video Was Posted?

You can see the exact time a YouTube video was uploaded by using a YouTube data viewer. This will pull the exact upload date and time that the video was uploaded. On YouTube, you can see when a video was uploaded, but YouTube gives a generic date and time. Sometimes on videos you might see, 3 days ago or 2 months ago, and on the video itself, you’re just given a date but no time. However, using a tool like YouTube Data Viewer, you can find out what time a YouTube video was uploaded. This means that you’re going to know the exact day and time for your local time zone.

How to See When a YouTube Video Was Posted

If you want to see the exact time of upload for a YouTube video, then you can use a YouTube date viewer which will allow you to put in the URL of a video from your chosen youtube channel and it’ll extract the exact publish date of the video. So if the video was posted 3 days or 1 month ago, you’ll be given the date of upload which will let you know what day it was posted, whether that’s a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

1. Use Youtube Data Viewer

Upload date verification can be accomplished using the YouTube Data Viewer, a web-based tool. The user enters a YouTube URL, and the device returns information about the video that is useful for verifying a video on YouTube. Videos on YouTube only display the date they were uploaded, not the precise moment it was uploaded. There are several pieces of information on YouTube, including a description of the video, its ID number, the date and time it was uploaded, and the precise time it was uploaded. To change the exact time to the time in your time zone, click on the “Convert to local time” button when the time is displayed. Finally, you’ll see several video thumbnails, which you can utilize to further your study at your leisure. To find out the exact time of an upload:

  1. Go to the video you want to find the exact upload time for.
  2. Copy the YouTube video’s URL from your browser’s address bar
  3. Visit the YouTube Data Viewer.
  4. The URL you copied should be pasted into the “Enter YouTube URL” box and then hit the “Go” button.
  5. It should return an exact upload time for the video and upload date. You’ll also be given other information, such as the video’s description.
  6. Click on convert to local time to convert it to your local time zone. The time is shown in UTC, which is standard time, so if your time zone is est for example, you’ll be able to see the exact upload time of a video for your local time zone. To extract the information from the video, copy and paste the URL into the appropriate section. Coordinated Universal Standard Time (UTC) is used for this timestamp (UTC). To use a time zone converter to convert the time to your local time zone, take the time stamp you find on Youtube and paste it into the time zone converter of your liking.

2. Using Youtube Upload Time

Youtube records the video’s upload time when a Youtuber uploads a video. If you are interested in learning when a video was posted, you might consider downloading the YouTube Upload Time extension. This add-on uses the Google API to determine the date and time a video was posted. You can view the time and date by clicking on the extension’s icon while watching television.

Youtube No Upload Date?

Before, you could see a video’s upload date on YouTube. Recently, YouTube decided to make the update date on YouTube videos responsive to CSS, so smaller laptop and PC screens aren’t able to see the upload date on a YouTube video. The thing is that the upload date is still there but for some reason, YouTube decide to truncate it on smaller screens meaning that you can’t see it unless you Zoom out.

Why Can’t I See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded?

Using smaller displays appears to be a source of the problem. Upload dates are not visible until the magnification setting in Google Chrome is reduced to 90%. YouTube’s responsive CSS appears to be hampered by smaller displays. The date of the video’s posting used to be displayed on YouTube videos in the past. It used to be underneath the view count, but it has now been moved to the right of the view count, and you can’t see in until you zoom your screen out.

1. Suggested Videos

The suggested videos on the right side of the screen when watching videos on your desktop are there to entice you to stay on YouTube for longer and watch more videos (business decisions like this allow them to make more money). Since YouTube wants you to watch them, they’ve made the right column bigger, which means you’re more likely to click on a suggested video. This means that the column for the YouTube video and the information below it are smaller than they use to be, and because of this, the upload date has gone as there isn’t enough space for it.

2. There Are New Buttons

Another reason why YouTube isn’t showing the upload date is that new features are being added, crowding up the area where the upload date is meant to be. This means that if your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the upload date because of other features like the download option, share, save, and clip. Other features that have always been there such as the view count, and the like and dislike also stop the upload date from being shown. If your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the entire view count as some of it will be hidden.

3. Small Monitor

Smaller monitors tend to experience the no upload date problem since YouTube isn’t built well for them. Smaller monitors don’t have enough space for the suggested videos by other content creators and a large enough youtube screen column for extra features like download, clip, and save to fit the upload date. So if you know that your screen is smaller than a typical monitor, it should be no surprise to you that you can’t see the upload date on YouTube videos.

Can’t See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded? Try These Fixes

You need to realize that the upload date hasn’t gone; your screen is just too small to see it. If you did see it in the past, all the new features such as clip, download and save have now made it a not-so-relevant feature to see which is why it appears as if it’s missing.

1. Zoom Out

You need to Zoom out to fix the no upload date on YouTube. The level of Zoom depends on how small your screen is. For most of you, zooming out to 90% should reveal the upload date again since the video and the information below it fill up more of the screen compared to before, where the right column for the suggested video was taking up too much to the point where the upload date disappeared. You might find that you need to zoom out a little bit more (to something like 75%) to make enough room in the bar to see the upload date.

2. Zoom In

Since the main culprit for the video disappearing is that the right column, where the suggested videos are, is taking up too much space, you can make the left column bigger by zooming in. At first, you might think zoom in? isn’t the problem that my screen is too small? How’s zooming in going to fix it. Although you’re right, there’s a certain point that you zoom into where the full length of the YouTube video is reached, and the right column is no longer there. If you zoom in too much, you’ll lose the upload date. If you zoom in too little, you still won’t be able to see the upload date. Usually, the point at which the date is revealed is when you’ve zoomed in to the point where the right column (suggested videos) has disappeared. This is typically 150% zoom.

3. Check On YouTube App On Mobile

If you want to see the upload date on a video after not being able to see it on your desktop PC, you can check the upload date of a video on YouTube by using the app on your iPhone or Android. To check this, go on the app and click the video you want. To make it easier to find, like it on your desktop and look for it in your like videos on the app. From here, you watch to click the description, and you’ll be able to see the upload date on the right.

4. Check On On Mobile

If you want to check the updated date of a video uploaded but the upload date is missing on your PC, you can use on your mobile device. To use on your mobile device, you need to go onto safari or chrome, whether you’re on iPhone or Android, and you need to search for From here, you need to click on the description and look for the upload date on the right. The exact upload date bar the time will be shown to you.

5. Get A Bigger Desktop

Since the problem is that your desktop or laptop is too small and the updated date has to be truncated when you’re watching YouTube in Chrome, getting a larger screen will fix the problem for you. A large screen will be big enough to show the suggested videos at the size YouTube wants it to be shown at and include all the new features such as clip save and download while showing the upload date. This means that you’ll be able to see the upload date of a video that you’ve clicked to watch without having to zoom in or zoom out just to see it.

6. Refresh The Page

If for some reason you’ve tried google chrome’s zoom option to zoom in and out but there’s still no youtube upload date, you can try and refresh the page. YouTube can experience glitches where certain things happen unexpectedly and this can cause problems such as the upload date not showing. To get rid of this bug, the best thing to do is to refresh the page so that YouTube can refresh and have a chance of showing you the upload date next to the view count.

7. Clear YouTube’s Cache

To fix the problem, you can also try and clear youtube’s cache. You can clear the cache if you can’t see the youtube video upload time on your iPhone or Android device. To clear the cache on your iPhone, you’ll need to delete and reinstall the app. You can do this by holding it down > clicking x > delete app > go to the Apple Store and reinstall it again > log in and see if the problem is still there. If it’s on your Android, go to settings > Application manager > YouTube > Clear cache > login and see if the problem is still persisting.

8. Wait For YouTube to Come with A Fix

If you still can’t see the upload date due to a glitch that YouTube is experiencing, the only thing that you can do at this point is to wait for a fix. Sometimes YouTube can experience bugs and the engineers have the fix the problem. If the upload date has gone and you cannot see it, waiting for a fix is your best option.

How to See When a Video Was Posted on YouTube

If you want to see when a YouTube video was posted, you can find this out using various different methods. The most obvious way is to look at the upload date on the video. The video’s upload date differs from the mobile app to the desktop. On your desktop, you can see the video’s upload date near the view count under the video. On your mobile, you need to click on the description to see the video’s upload date on the right.

1. Check The Earliest Youtube Comments and See the Dates They Were Posted

Youtube allows you to see when comments when made. When someone leaves a comment on Youtube, a date stamp will tell you whether a comment was made two days ago or months ago. This date stamp is available to everyone who goes through Youtube comments. You can scroll down to see when the earliest comments on a video were left. It will give you an idea of when a Youtube video was posted.

2. Search When The Video Was Released

The beauty of the internet is that you can look up any information you feel you need to know. You can turn to a search engine to see when a video was released on Youtube. Most people use Youtube to watch music videos, but sometimes the release information of the video is not displayed. You can google the release date if you want to know when a video was released. If you are lucky, you will not only find the release date of the music video, but you can find the release time.

3. Right-Click on Page and View Page Source

The source code is hidden underneath all the graphics, text, and call-to-action buttons on the page. The first step is to open the movie in your browser and navigate to the video source code (source code) page. A page’s HTML source can be seen by right-clicking on a blank section of the page and then selecting ‘view source’ from the drop-down menu or pressing CTRL + U on your keyboard while browsing. Once you know how to see the source code, you need to search for items in it. The search capabilities you use for normal online surfing should work to search for information in your source code. Commands such as CTRL + F (for Find) will assist you in scanning your source code rapidly. Search for the upload date on the HTML source page by pressing the CTRL + F keyboard shortcut. From here, they’ll have a more accurate time for the time the video was posted.

4. Use Google Advanced Search Tool

Another way to find out when a youtube video was posted is to use Google’s advanced search tool, which allows you to filter when a YouTube video was posted. To find out when a YouTube video was posted, you have to click on the filters button at the top after searching on YouTube. From here, you’ll have options such as last hour, today, this week, this month, and this year. If you use the today feature, you’ll know that the video was uploaded today.


If you want to find out information about a Youtube video, you can right-click on the video and view the page source information or check the earliest comments.


title: “How To See When A Youtube Video Was Posted” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-27” author: “Betty Leonard”

Can You See When a YouTube Video Was Posted?

You can see the exact time a YouTube video was uploaded by using a YouTube data viewer. This will pull the exact upload date and time that the video was uploaded. On YouTube, you can see when a video was uploaded, but YouTube gives a generic date and time. Sometimes on videos you might see, 3 days ago or 2 months ago, and on the video itself, you’re just given a date but no time. However, using a tool like YouTube Data Viewer, you can find out what time a YouTube video was uploaded. This means that you’re going to know the exact day and time for your local time zone.

How to See When a YouTube Video Was Posted

If you want to see the exact time of upload for a YouTube video, then you can use a YouTube date viewer which will allow you to put in the URL of a video from your chosen youtube channel and it’ll extract the exact publish date of the video. So if the video was posted 3 days or 1 month ago, you’ll be given the date of upload which will let you know what day it was posted, whether that’s a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

1. Use Youtube Data Viewer

Upload date verification can be accomplished using the YouTube Data Viewer, a web-based tool. The user enters a YouTube URL, and the device returns information about the video that is useful for verifying a video on YouTube. Videos on YouTube only display the date they were uploaded, not the precise moment it was uploaded. There are several pieces of information on YouTube, including a description of the video, its ID number, the date and time it was uploaded, and the precise time it was uploaded. To change the exact time to the time in your time zone, click on the “Convert to local time” button when the time is displayed. Finally, you’ll see several video thumbnails, which you can utilize to further your study at your leisure. To find out the exact time of an upload:

  1. Go to the video you want to find the exact upload time for.
  2. Copy the YouTube video’s URL from your browser’s address bar
  3. Visit the YouTube Data Viewer.
  4. The URL you copied should be pasted into the “Enter YouTube URL” box and then hit the “Go” button.
  5. It should return an exact upload time for the video and upload date. You’ll also be given other information, such as the video’s description.
  6. Click on convert to local time to convert it to your local time zone. The time is shown in UTC, which is standard time, so if your time zone is est for example, you’ll be able to see the exact upload time of a video for your local time zone. To extract the information from the video, copy and paste the URL into the appropriate section. Coordinated Universal Standard Time (UTC) is used for this timestamp (UTC). To use a time zone converter to convert the time to your local time zone, take the time stamp you find on Youtube and paste it into the time zone converter of your liking.

2. Using Youtube Upload Time

Youtube records the video’s upload time when a Youtuber uploads a video. If you are interested in learning when a video was posted, you might consider downloading the YouTube Upload Time extension. This add-on uses the Google API to determine the date and time a video was posted. You can view the time and date by clicking on the extension’s icon while watching television.

Youtube No Upload Date?

Before, you could see a video’s upload date on YouTube. Recently, YouTube decided to make the update date on YouTube videos responsive to CSS, so smaller laptop and PC screens aren’t able to see the upload date on a YouTube video. The thing is that the upload date is still there but for some reason, YouTube decide to truncate it on smaller screens meaning that you can’t see it unless you Zoom out.

Why Can’t I See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded?

Using smaller displays appears to be a source of the problem. Upload dates are not visible until the magnification setting in Google Chrome is reduced to 90%. YouTube’s responsive CSS appears to be hampered by smaller displays. The date of the video’s posting used to be displayed on YouTube videos in the past. It used to be underneath the view count, but it has now been moved to the right of the view count, and you can’t see in until you zoom your screen out.

1. Suggested Videos

The suggested videos on the right side of the screen when watching videos on your desktop are there to entice you to stay on YouTube for longer and watch more videos (business decisions like this allow them to make more money). Since YouTube wants you to watch them, they’ve made the right column bigger, which means you’re more likely to click on a suggested video. This means that the column for the YouTube video and the information below it are smaller than they use to be, and because of this, the upload date has gone as there isn’t enough space for it.

2. There Are New Buttons

Another reason why YouTube isn’t showing the upload date is that new features are being added, crowding up the area where the upload date is meant to be. This means that if your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the upload date because of other features like the download option, share, save, and clip. Other features that have always been there such as the view count, and the like and dislike also stop the upload date from being shown. If your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the entire view count as some of it will be hidden.

3. Small Monitor

Smaller monitors tend to experience the no upload date problem since YouTube isn’t built well for them. Smaller monitors don’t have enough space for the suggested videos by other content creators and a large enough youtube screen column for extra features like download, clip, and save to fit the upload date. So if you know that your screen is smaller than a typical monitor, it should be no surprise to you that you can’t see the upload date on YouTube videos.

Can’t See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded? Try These Fixes

You need to realize that the upload date hasn’t gone; your screen is just too small to see it. If you did see it in the past, all the new features such as clip, download and save have now made it a not-so-relevant feature to see which is why it appears as if it’s missing.

1. Zoom Out

You need to Zoom out to fix the no upload date on YouTube. The level of Zoom depends on how small your screen is. For most of you, zooming out to 90% should reveal the upload date again since the video and the information below it fill up more of the screen compared to before, where the right column for the suggested video was taking up too much to the point where the upload date disappeared. You might find that you need to zoom out a little bit more (to something like 75%) to make enough room in the bar to see the upload date.

2. Zoom In

Since the main culprit for the video disappearing is that the right column, where the suggested videos are, is taking up too much space, you can make the left column bigger by zooming in. At first, you might think zoom in? isn’t the problem that my screen is too small? How’s zooming in going to fix it. Although you’re right, there’s a certain point that you zoom into where the full length of the YouTube video is reached, and the right column is no longer there. If you zoom in too much, you’ll lose the upload date. If you zoom in too little, you still won’t be able to see the upload date. Usually, the point at which the date is revealed is when you’ve zoomed in to the point where the right column (suggested videos) has disappeared. This is typically 150% zoom.

3. Check On YouTube App On Mobile

If you want to see the upload date on a video after not being able to see it on your desktop PC, you can check the upload date of a video on YouTube by using the app on your iPhone or Android. To check this, go on the app and click the video you want. To make it easier to find, like it on your desktop and look for it in your like videos on the app. From here, you watch to click the description, and you’ll be able to see the upload date on the right.

4. Check On On Mobile

If you want to check the updated date of a video uploaded but the upload date is missing on your PC, you can use on your mobile device. To use on your mobile device, you need to go onto safari or chrome, whether you’re on iPhone or Android, and you need to search for From here, you need to click on the description and look for the upload date on the right. The exact upload date bar the time will be shown to you.

5. Get A Bigger Desktop

Since the problem is that your desktop or laptop is too small and the updated date has to be truncated when you’re watching YouTube in Chrome, getting a larger screen will fix the problem for you. A large screen will be big enough to show the suggested videos at the size YouTube wants it to be shown at and include all the new features such as clip save and download while showing the upload date. This means that you’ll be able to see the upload date of a video that you’ve clicked to watch without having to zoom in or zoom out just to see it.

6. Refresh The Page

If for some reason you’ve tried google chrome’s zoom option to zoom in and out but there’s still no youtube upload date, you can try and refresh the page. YouTube can experience glitches where certain things happen unexpectedly and this can cause problems such as the upload date not showing. To get rid of this bug, the best thing to do is to refresh the page so that YouTube can refresh and have a chance of showing you the upload date next to the view count.

7. Clear YouTube’s Cache

To fix the problem, you can also try and clear youtube’s cache. You can clear the cache if you can’t see the youtube video upload time on your iPhone or Android device. To clear the cache on your iPhone, you’ll need to delete and reinstall the app. You can do this by holding it down > clicking x > delete app > go to the Apple Store and reinstall it again > log in and see if the problem is still there. If it’s on your Android, go to settings > Application manager > YouTube > Clear cache > login and see if the problem is still persisting.

8. Wait For YouTube to Come with A Fix

If you still can’t see the upload date due to a glitch that YouTube is experiencing, the only thing that you can do at this point is to wait for a fix. Sometimes YouTube can experience bugs and the engineers have the fix the problem. If the upload date has gone and you cannot see it, waiting for a fix is your best option.

How to See When a Video Was Posted on YouTube

If you want to see when a YouTube video was posted, you can find this out using various different methods. The most obvious way is to look at the upload date on the video. The video’s upload date differs from the mobile app to the desktop. On your desktop, you can see the video’s upload date near the view count under the video. On your mobile, you need to click on the description to see the video’s upload date on the right.

1. Check The Earliest Youtube Comments and See the Dates They Were Posted

Youtube allows you to see when comments when made. When someone leaves a comment on Youtube, a date stamp will tell you whether a comment was made two days ago or months ago. This date stamp is available to everyone who goes through Youtube comments. You can scroll down to see when the earliest comments on a video were left. It will give you an idea of when a Youtube video was posted.

2. Search When The Video Was Released

The beauty of the internet is that you can look up any information you feel you need to know. You can turn to a search engine to see when a video was released on Youtube. Most people use Youtube to watch music videos, but sometimes the release information of the video is not displayed. You can google the release date if you want to know when a video was released. If you are lucky, you will not only find the release date of the music video, but you can find the release time.

3. Right-Click on Page and View Page Source

The source code is hidden underneath all the graphics, text, and call-to-action buttons on the page. The first step is to open the movie in your browser and navigate to the video source code (source code) page. A page’s HTML source can be seen by right-clicking on a blank section of the page and then selecting ‘view source’ from the drop-down menu or pressing CTRL + U on your keyboard while browsing. Once you know how to see the source code, you need to search for items in it. The search capabilities you use for normal online surfing should work to search for information in your source code. Commands such as CTRL + F (for Find) will assist you in scanning your source code rapidly. Search for the upload date on the HTML source page by pressing the CTRL + F keyboard shortcut. From here, they’ll have a more accurate time for the time the video was posted.

4. Use Google Advanced Search Tool

Another way to find out when a youtube video was posted is to use Google’s advanced search tool, which allows you to filter when a YouTube video was posted. To find out when a YouTube video was posted, you have to click on the filters button at the top after searching on YouTube. From here, you’ll have options such as last hour, today, this week, this month, and this year. If you use the today feature, you’ll know that the video was uploaded today.


If you want to find out information about a Youtube video, you can right-click on the video and view the page source information or check the earliest comments.


title: “How To See When A Youtube Video Was Posted” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-10” author: “Sidney Beasley”

Can You See When a YouTube Video Was Posted?

You can see the exact time a YouTube video was uploaded by using a YouTube data viewer. This will pull the exact upload date and time that the video was uploaded. On YouTube, you can see when a video was uploaded, but YouTube gives a generic date and time. Sometimes on videos you might see, 3 days ago or 2 months ago, and on the video itself, you’re just given a date but no time. However, using a tool like YouTube Data Viewer, you can find out what time a YouTube video was uploaded. This means that you’re going to know the exact day and time for your local time zone.

How to See When a YouTube Video Was Posted

If you want to see the exact time of upload for a YouTube video, then you can use a YouTube date viewer which will allow you to put in the URL of a video from your chosen youtube channel and it’ll extract the exact publish date of the video. So if the video was posted 3 days or 1 month ago, you’ll be given the date of upload which will let you know what day it was posted, whether that’s a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

1. Use Youtube Data Viewer

Upload date verification can be accomplished using the YouTube Data Viewer, a web-based tool. The user enters a YouTube URL, and the device returns information about the video that is useful for verifying a video on YouTube. Videos on YouTube only display the date they were uploaded, not the precise moment it was uploaded. There are several pieces of information on YouTube, including a description of the video, its ID number, the date and time it was uploaded, and the precise time it was uploaded. To change the exact time to the time in your time zone, click on the “Convert to local time” button when the time is displayed. Finally, you’ll see several video thumbnails, which you can utilize to further your study at your leisure. To find out the exact time of an upload:

  1. Go to the video you want to find the exact upload time for.
  2. Copy the YouTube video’s URL from your browser’s address bar
  3. Visit the YouTube Data Viewer.
  4. The URL you copied should be pasted into the “Enter YouTube URL” box and then hit the “Go” button.
  5. It should return an exact upload time for the video and upload date. You’ll also be given other information, such as the video’s description.
  6. Click on convert to local time to convert it to your local time zone. The time is shown in UTC, which is standard time, so if your time zone is est for example, you’ll be able to see the exact upload time of a video for your local time zone. To extract the information from the video, copy and paste the URL into the appropriate section. Coordinated Universal Standard Time (UTC) is used for this timestamp (UTC). To use a time zone converter to convert the time to your local time zone, take the time stamp you find on Youtube and paste it into the time zone converter of your liking.

2. Using Youtube Upload Time

Youtube records the video’s upload time when a Youtuber uploads a video. If you are interested in learning when a video was posted, you might consider downloading the YouTube Upload Time extension. This add-on uses the Google API to determine the date and time a video was posted. You can view the time and date by clicking on the extension’s icon while watching television.

Youtube No Upload Date?

Before, you could see a video’s upload date on YouTube. Recently, YouTube decided to make the update date on YouTube videos responsive to CSS, so smaller laptop and PC screens aren’t able to see the upload date on a YouTube video. The thing is that the upload date is still there but for some reason, YouTube decide to truncate it on smaller screens meaning that you can’t see it unless you Zoom out.

Why Can’t I See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded?

Using smaller displays appears to be a source of the problem. Upload dates are not visible until the magnification setting in Google Chrome is reduced to 90%. YouTube’s responsive CSS appears to be hampered by smaller displays. The date of the video’s posting used to be displayed on YouTube videos in the past. It used to be underneath the view count, but it has now been moved to the right of the view count, and you can’t see in until you zoom your screen out.

1. Suggested Videos

The suggested videos on the right side of the screen when watching videos on your desktop are there to entice you to stay on YouTube for longer and watch more videos (business decisions like this allow them to make more money). Since YouTube wants you to watch them, they’ve made the right column bigger, which means you’re more likely to click on a suggested video. This means that the column for the YouTube video and the information below it are smaller than they use to be, and because of this, the upload date has gone as there isn’t enough space for it.

2. There Are New Buttons

Another reason why YouTube isn’t showing the upload date is that new features are being added, crowding up the area where the upload date is meant to be. This means that if your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the upload date because of other features like the download option, share, save, and clip. Other features that have always been there such as the view count, and the like and dislike also stop the upload date from being shown. If your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the entire view count as some of it will be hidden.

3. Small Monitor

Smaller monitors tend to experience the no upload date problem since YouTube isn’t built well for them. Smaller monitors don’t have enough space for the suggested videos by other content creators and a large enough youtube screen column for extra features like download, clip, and save to fit the upload date. So if you know that your screen is smaller than a typical monitor, it should be no surprise to you that you can’t see the upload date on YouTube videos.

Can’t See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded? Try These Fixes

You need to realize that the upload date hasn’t gone; your screen is just too small to see it. If you did see it in the past, all the new features such as clip, download and save have now made it a not-so-relevant feature to see which is why it appears as if it’s missing.

1. Zoom Out

You need to Zoom out to fix the no upload date on YouTube. The level of Zoom depends on how small your screen is. For most of you, zooming out to 90% should reveal the upload date again since the video and the information below it fill up more of the screen compared to before, where the right column for the suggested video was taking up too much to the point where the upload date disappeared. You might find that you need to zoom out a little bit more (to something like 75%) to make enough room in the bar to see the upload date.

2. Zoom In

Since the main culprit for the video disappearing is that the right column, where the suggested videos are, is taking up too much space, you can make the left column bigger by zooming in. At first, you might think zoom in? isn’t the problem that my screen is too small? How’s zooming in going to fix it. Although you’re right, there’s a certain point that you zoom into where the full length of the YouTube video is reached, and the right column is no longer there. If you zoom in too much, you’ll lose the upload date. If you zoom in too little, you still won’t be able to see the upload date. Usually, the point at which the date is revealed is when you’ve zoomed in to the point where the right column (suggested videos) has disappeared. This is typically 150% zoom.

3. Check On YouTube App On Mobile

If you want to see the upload date on a video after not being able to see it on your desktop PC, you can check the upload date of a video on YouTube by using the app on your iPhone or Android. To check this, go on the app and click the video you want. To make it easier to find, like it on your desktop and look for it in your like videos on the app. From here, you watch to click the description, and you’ll be able to see the upload date on the right.

4. Check On On Mobile

If you want to check the updated date of a video uploaded but the upload date is missing on your PC, you can use on your mobile device. To use on your mobile device, you need to go onto safari or chrome, whether you’re on iPhone or Android, and you need to search for From here, you need to click on the description and look for the upload date on the right. The exact upload date bar the time will be shown to you.

5. Get A Bigger Desktop

Since the problem is that your desktop or laptop is too small and the updated date has to be truncated when you’re watching YouTube in Chrome, getting a larger screen will fix the problem for you. A large screen will be big enough to show the suggested videos at the size YouTube wants it to be shown at and include all the new features such as clip save and download while showing the upload date. This means that you’ll be able to see the upload date of a video that you’ve clicked to watch without having to zoom in or zoom out just to see it.

6. Refresh The Page

If for some reason you’ve tried google chrome’s zoom option to zoom in and out but there’s still no youtube upload date, you can try and refresh the page. YouTube can experience glitches where certain things happen unexpectedly and this can cause problems such as the upload date not showing. To get rid of this bug, the best thing to do is to refresh the page so that YouTube can refresh and have a chance of showing you the upload date next to the view count.

7. Clear YouTube’s Cache

To fix the problem, you can also try and clear youtube’s cache. You can clear the cache if you can’t see the youtube video upload time on your iPhone or Android device. To clear the cache on your iPhone, you’ll need to delete and reinstall the app. You can do this by holding it down > clicking x > delete app > go to the Apple Store and reinstall it again > log in and see if the problem is still there. If it’s on your Android, go to settings > Application manager > YouTube > Clear cache > login and see if the problem is still persisting.

8. Wait For YouTube to Come with A Fix

If you still can’t see the upload date due to a glitch that YouTube is experiencing, the only thing that you can do at this point is to wait for a fix. Sometimes YouTube can experience bugs and the engineers have the fix the problem. If the upload date has gone and you cannot see it, waiting for a fix is your best option.

How to See When a Video Was Posted on YouTube

If you want to see when a YouTube video was posted, you can find this out using various different methods. The most obvious way is to look at the upload date on the video. The video’s upload date differs from the mobile app to the desktop. On your desktop, you can see the video’s upload date near the view count under the video. On your mobile, you need to click on the description to see the video’s upload date on the right.

1. Check The Earliest Youtube Comments and See the Dates They Were Posted

Youtube allows you to see when comments when made. When someone leaves a comment on Youtube, a date stamp will tell you whether a comment was made two days ago or months ago. This date stamp is available to everyone who goes through Youtube comments. You can scroll down to see when the earliest comments on a video were left. It will give you an idea of when a Youtube video was posted.

2. Search When The Video Was Released

The beauty of the internet is that you can look up any information you feel you need to know. You can turn to a search engine to see when a video was released on Youtube. Most people use Youtube to watch music videos, but sometimes the release information of the video is not displayed. You can google the release date if you want to know when a video was released. If you are lucky, you will not only find the release date of the music video, but you can find the release time.

3. Right-Click on Page and View Page Source

The source code is hidden underneath all the graphics, text, and call-to-action buttons on the page. The first step is to open the movie in your browser and navigate to the video source code (source code) page. A page’s HTML source can be seen by right-clicking on a blank section of the page and then selecting ‘view source’ from the drop-down menu or pressing CTRL + U on your keyboard while browsing. Once you know how to see the source code, you need to search for items in it. The search capabilities you use for normal online surfing should work to search for information in your source code. Commands such as CTRL + F (for Find) will assist you in scanning your source code rapidly. Search for the upload date on the HTML source page by pressing the CTRL + F keyboard shortcut. From here, they’ll have a more accurate time for the time the video was posted.

4. Use Google Advanced Search Tool

Another way to find out when a youtube video was posted is to use Google’s advanced search tool, which allows you to filter when a YouTube video was posted. To find out when a YouTube video was posted, you have to click on the filters button at the top after searching on YouTube. From here, you’ll have options such as last hour, today, this week, this month, and this year. If you use the today feature, you’ll know that the video was uploaded today.


If you want to find out information about a Youtube video, you can right-click on the video and view the page source information or check the earliest comments.


title: “How To See When A Youtube Video Was Posted” ShowToc: true date: “2022-10-31” author: “Thomas Dalrymple”

Can You See When a YouTube Video Was Posted?

You can see the exact time a YouTube video was uploaded by using a YouTube data viewer. This will pull the exact upload date and time that the video was uploaded. On YouTube, you can see when a video was uploaded, but YouTube gives a generic date and time. Sometimes on videos you might see, 3 days ago or 2 months ago, and on the video itself, you’re just given a date but no time. However, using a tool like YouTube Data Viewer, you can find out what time a YouTube video was uploaded. This means that you’re going to know the exact day and time for your local time zone.

How to See When a YouTube Video Was Posted

If you want to see the exact time of upload for a YouTube video, then you can use a YouTube date viewer which will allow you to put in the URL of a video from your chosen youtube channel and it’ll extract the exact publish date of the video. So if the video was posted 3 days or 1 month ago, you’ll be given the date of upload which will let you know what day it was posted, whether that’s a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

1. Use Youtube Data Viewer

Upload date verification can be accomplished using the YouTube Data Viewer, a web-based tool. The user enters a YouTube URL, and the device returns information about the video that is useful for verifying a video on YouTube. Videos on YouTube only display the date they were uploaded, not the precise moment it was uploaded. There are several pieces of information on YouTube, including a description of the video, its ID number, the date and time it was uploaded, and the precise time it was uploaded. To change the exact time to the time in your time zone, click on the “Convert to local time” button when the time is displayed. Finally, you’ll see several video thumbnails, which you can utilize to further your study at your leisure. To find out the exact time of an upload:

  1. Go to the video you want to find the exact upload time for.
  2. Copy the YouTube video’s URL from your browser’s address bar
  3. Visit the YouTube Data Viewer.
  4. The URL you copied should be pasted into the “Enter YouTube URL” box and then hit the “Go” button.
  5. It should return an exact upload time for the video and upload date. You’ll also be given other information, such as the video’s description.
  6. Click on convert to local time to convert it to your local time zone. The time is shown in UTC, which is standard time, so if your time zone is est for example, you’ll be able to see the exact upload time of a video for your local time zone. To extract the information from the video, copy and paste the URL into the appropriate section. Coordinated Universal Standard Time (UTC) is used for this timestamp (UTC). To use a time zone converter to convert the time to your local time zone, take the time stamp you find on Youtube and paste it into the time zone converter of your liking.

2. Using Youtube Upload Time

Youtube records the video’s upload time when a Youtuber uploads a video. If you are interested in learning when a video was posted, you might consider downloading the YouTube Upload Time extension. This add-on uses the Google API to determine the date and time a video was posted. You can view the time and date by clicking on the extension’s icon while watching television.

Youtube No Upload Date?

Before, you could see a video’s upload date on YouTube. Recently, YouTube decided to make the update date on YouTube videos responsive to CSS, so smaller laptop and PC screens aren’t able to see the upload date on a YouTube video. The thing is that the upload date is still there but for some reason, YouTube decide to truncate it on smaller screens meaning that you can’t see it unless you Zoom out.

Why Can’t I See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded?

Using smaller displays appears to be a source of the problem. Upload dates are not visible until the magnification setting in Google Chrome is reduced to 90%. YouTube’s responsive CSS appears to be hampered by smaller displays. The date of the video’s posting used to be displayed on YouTube videos in the past. It used to be underneath the view count, but it has now been moved to the right of the view count, and you can’t see in until you zoom your screen out.

1. Suggested Videos

The suggested videos on the right side of the screen when watching videos on your desktop are there to entice you to stay on YouTube for longer and watch more videos (business decisions like this allow them to make more money). Since YouTube wants you to watch them, they’ve made the right column bigger, which means you’re more likely to click on a suggested video. This means that the column for the YouTube video and the information below it are smaller than they use to be, and because of this, the upload date has gone as there isn’t enough space for it.

2. There Are New Buttons

Another reason why YouTube isn’t showing the upload date is that new features are being added, crowding up the area where the upload date is meant to be. This means that if your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the upload date because of other features like the download option, share, save, and clip. Other features that have always been there such as the view count, and the like and dislike also stop the upload date from being shown. If your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the entire view count as some of it will be hidden.

3. Small Monitor

Smaller monitors tend to experience the no upload date problem since YouTube isn’t built well for them. Smaller monitors don’t have enough space for the suggested videos by other content creators and a large enough youtube screen column for extra features like download, clip, and save to fit the upload date. So if you know that your screen is smaller than a typical monitor, it should be no surprise to you that you can’t see the upload date on YouTube videos.

Can’t See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded? Try These Fixes

You need to realize that the upload date hasn’t gone; your screen is just too small to see it. If you did see it in the past, all the new features such as clip, download and save have now made it a not-so-relevant feature to see which is why it appears as if it’s missing.

1. Zoom Out

You need to Zoom out to fix the no upload date on YouTube. The level of Zoom depends on how small your screen is. For most of you, zooming out to 90% should reveal the upload date again since the video and the information below it fill up more of the screen compared to before, where the right column for the suggested video was taking up too much to the point where the upload date disappeared. You might find that you need to zoom out a little bit more (to something like 75%) to make enough room in the bar to see the upload date.

2. Zoom In

Since the main culprit for the video disappearing is that the right column, where the suggested videos are, is taking up too much space, you can make the left column bigger by zooming in. At first, you might think zoom in? isn’t the problem that my screen is too small? How’s zooming in going to fix it. Although you’re right, there’s a certain point that you zoom into where the full length of the YouTube video is reached, and the right column is no longer there. If you zoom in too much, you’ll lose the upload date. If you zoom in too little, you still won’t be able to see the upload date. Usually, the point at which the date is revealed is when you’ve zoomed in to the point where the right column (suggested videos) has disappeared. This is typically 150% zoom.

3. Check On YouTube App On Mobile

If you want to see the upload date on a video after not being able to see it on your desktop PC, you can check the upload date of a video on YouTube by using the app on your iPhone or Android. To check this, go on the app and click the video you want. To make it easier to find, like it on your desktop and look for it in your like videos on the app. From here, you watch to click the description, and you’ll be able to see the upload date on the right.

4. Check On On Mobile

If you want to check the updated date of a video uploaded but the upload date is missing on your PC, you can use on your mobile device. To use on your mobile device, you need to go onto safari or chrome, whether you’re on iPhone or Android, and you need to search for From here, you need to click on the description and look for the upload date on the right. The exact upload date bar the time will be shown to you.

5. Get A Bigger Desktop

Since the problem is that your desktop or laptop is too small and the updated date has to be truncated when you’re watching YouTube in Chrome, getting a larger screen will fix the problem for you. A large screen will be big enough to show the suggested videos at the size YouTube wants it to be shown at and include all the new features such as clip save and download while showing the upload date. This means that you’ll be able to see the upload date of a video that you’ve clicked to watch without having to zoom in or zoom out just to see it.

6. Refresh The Page

If for some reason you’ve tried google chrome’s zoom option to zoom in and out but there’s still no youtube upload date, you can try and refresh the page. YouTube can experience glitches where certain things happen unexpectedly and this can cause problems such as the upload date not showing. To get rid of this bug, the best thing to do is to refresh the page so that YouTube can refresh and have a chance of showing you the upload date next to the view count.

7. Clear YouTube’s Cache

To fix the problem, you can also try and clear youtube’s cache. You can clear the cache if you can’t see the youtube video upload time on your iPhone or Android device. To clear the cache on your iPhone, you’ll need to delete and reinstall the app. You can do this by holding it down > clicking x > delete app > go to the Apple Store and reinstall it again > log in and see if the problem is still there. If it’s on your Android, go to settings > Application manager > YouTube > Clear cache > login and see if the problem is still persisting.

8. Wait For YouTube to Come with A Fix

If you still can’t see the upload date due to a glitch that YouTube is experiencing, the only thing that you can do at this point is to wait for a fix. Sometimes YouTube can experience bugs and the engineers have the fix the problem. If the upload date has gone and you cannot see it, waiting for a fix is your best option.

How to See When a Video Was Posted on YouTube

If you want to see when a YouTube video was posted, you can find this out using various different methods. The most obvious way is to look at the upload date on the video. The video’s upload date differs from the mobile app to the desktop. On your desktop, you can see the video’s upload date near the view count under the video. On your mobile, you need to click on the description to see the video’s upload date on the right.

1. Check The Earliest Youtube Comments and See the Dates They Were Posted

Youtube allows you to see when comments when made. When someone leaves a comment on Youtube, a date stamp will tell you whether a comment was made two days ago or months ago. This date stamp is available to everyone who goes through Youtube comments. You can scroll down to see when the earliest comments on a video were left. It will give you an idea of when a Youtube video was posted.

2. Search When The Video Was Released

The beauty of the internet is that you can look up any information you feel you need to know. You can turn to a search engine to see when a video was released on Youtube. Most people use Youtube to watch music videos, but sometimes the release information of the video is not displayed. You can google the release date if you want to know when a video was released. If you are lucky, you will not only find the release date of the music video, but you can find the release time.

3. Right-Click on Page and View Page Source

The source code is hidden underneath all the graphics, text, and call-to-action buttons on the page. The first step is to open the movie in your browser and navigate to the video source code (source code) page. A page’s HTML source can be seen by right-clicking on a blank section of the page and then selecting ‘view source’ from the drop-down menu or pressing CTRL + U on your keyboard while browsing. Once you know how to see the source code, you need to search for items in it. The search capabilities you use for normal online surfing should work to search for information in your source code. Commands such as CTRL + F (for Find) will assist you in scanning your source code rapidly. Search for the upload date on the HTML source page by pressing the CTRL + F keyboard shortcut. From here, they’ll have a more accurate time for the time the video was posted.

4. Use Google Advanced Search Tool

Another way to find out when a youtube video was posted is to use Google’s advanced search tool, which allows you to filter when a YouTube video was posted. To find out when a YouTube video was posted, you have to click on the filters button at the top after searching on YouTube. From here, you’ll have options such as last hour, today, this week, this month, and this year. If you use the today feature, you’ll know that the video was uploaded today.


If you want to find out information about a Youtube video, you can right-click on the video and view the page source information or check the earliest comments.


title: “How To See When A Youtube Video Was Posted” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-28” author: “Anthony Vargas”

Can You See When a YouTube Video Was Posted?

You can see the exact time a YouTube video was uploaded by using a YouTube data viewer. This will pull the exact upload date and time that the video was uploaded. On YouTube, you can see when a video was uploaded, but YouTube gives a generic date and time. Sometimes on videos you might see, 3 days ago or 2 months ago, and on the video itself, you’re just given a date but no time. However, using a tool like YouTube Data Viewer, you can find out what time a YouTube video was uploaded. This means that you’re going to know the exact day and time for your local time zone.

How to See When a YouTube Video Was Posted

If you want to see the exact time of upload for a YouTube video, then you can use a YouTube date viewer which will allow you to put in the URL of a video from your chosen youtube channel and it’ll extract the exact publish date of the video. So if the video was posted 3 days or 1 month ago, you’ll be given the date of upload which will let you know what day it was posted, whether that’s a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

1. Use Youtube Data Viewer

Upload date verification can be accomplished using the YouTube Data Viewer, a web-based tool. The user enters a YouTube URL, and the device returns information about the video that is useful for verifying a video on YouTube. Videos on YouTube only display the date they were uploaded, not the precise moment it was uploaded. There are several pieces of information on YouTube, including a description of the video, its ID number, the date and time it was uploaded, and the precise time it was uploaded. To change the exact time to the time in your time zone, click on the “Convert to local time” button when the time is displayed. Finally, you’ll see several video thumbnails, which you can utilize to further your study at your leisure. To find out the exact time of an upload:

  1. Go to the video you want to find the exact upload time for.
  2. Copy the YouTube video’s URL from your browser’s address bar
  3. Visit the YouTube Data Viewer.
  4. The URL you copied should be pasted into the “Enter YouTube URL” box and then hit the “Go” button.
  5. It should return an exact upload time for the video and upload date. You’ll also be given other information, such as the video’s description.
  6. Click on convert to local time to convert it to your local time zone. The time is shown in UTC, which is standard time, so if your time zone is est for example, you’ll be able to see the exact upload time of a video for your local time zone. To extract the information from the video, copy and paste the URL into the appropriate section. Coordinated Universal Standard Time (UTC) is used for this timestamp (UTC). To use a time zone converter to convert the time to your local time zone, take the time stamp you find on Youtube and paste it into the time zone converter of your liking.

2. Using Youtube Upload Time

Youtube records the video’s upload time when a Youtuber uploads a video. If you are interested in learning when a video was posted, you might consider downloading the YouTube Upload Time extension. This add-on uses the Google API to determine the date and time a video was posted. You can view the time and date by clicking on the extension’s icon while watching television.

Youtube No Upload Date?

Before, you could see a video’s upload date on YouTube. Recently, YouTube decided to make the update date on YouTube videos responsive to CSS, so smaller laptop and PC screens aren’t able to see the upload date on a YouTube video. The thing is that the upload date is still there but for some reason, YouTube decide to truncate it on smaller screens meaning that you can’t see it unless you Zoom out.

Why Can’t I See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded?

Using smaller displays appears to be a source of the problem. Upload dates are not visible until the magnification setting in Google Chrome is reduced to 90%. YouTube’s responsive CSS appears to be hampered by smaller displays. The date of the video’s posting used to be displayed on YouTube videos in the past. It used to be underneath the view count, but it has now been moved to the right of the view count, and you can’t see in until you zoom your screen out.

1. Suggested Videos

The suggested videos on the right side of the screen when watching videos on your desktop are there to entice you to stay on YouTube for longer and watch more videos (business decisions like this allow them to make more money). Since YouTube wants you to watch them, they’ve made the right column bigger, which means you’re more likely to click on a suggested video. This means that the column for the YouTube video and the information below it are smaller than they use to be, and because of this, the upload date has gone as there isn’t enough space for it.

2. There Are New Buttons

Another reason why YouTube isn’t showing the upload date is that new features are being added, crowding up the area where the upload date is meant to be. This means that if your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the upload date because of other features like the download option, share, save, and clip. Other features that have always been there such as the view count, and the like and dislike also stop the upload date from being shown. If your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the entire view count as some of it will be hidden.

3. Small Monitor

Smaller monitors tend to experience the no upload date problem since YouTube isn’t built well for them. Smaller monitors don’t have enough space for the suggested videos by other content creators and a large enough youtube screen column for extra features like download, clip, and save to fit the upload date. So if you know that your screen is smaller than a typical monitor, it should be no surprise to you that you can’t see the upload date on YouTube videos.

Can’t See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded? Try These Fixes

You need to realize that the upload date hasn’t gone; your screen is just too small to see it. If you did see it in the past, all the new features such as clip, download and save have now made it a not-so-relevant feature to see which is why it appears as if it’s missing.

1. Zoom Out

You need to Zoom out to fix the no upload date on YouTube. The level of Zoom depends on how small your screen is. For most of you, zooming out to 90% should reveal the upload date again since the video and the information below it fill up more of the screen compared to before, where the right column for the suggested video was taking up too much to the point where the upload date disappeared. You might find that you need to zoom out a little bit more (to something like 75%) to make enough room in the bar to see the upload date.

2. Zoom In

Since the main culprit for the video disappearing is that the right column, where the suggested videos are, is taking up too much space, you can make the left column bigger by zooming in. At first, you might think zoom in? isn’t the problem that my screen is too small? How’s zooming in going to fix it. Although you’re right, there’s a certain point that you zoom into where the full length of the YouTube video is reached, and the right column is no longer there. If you zoom in too much, you’ll lose the upload date. If you zoom in too little, you still won’t be able to see the upload date. Usually, the point at which the date is revealed is when you’ve zoomed in to the point where the right column (suggested videos) has disappeared. This is typically 150% zoom.

3. Check On YouTube App On Mobile

If you want to see the upload date on a video after not being able to see it on your desktop PC, you can check the upload date of a video on YouTube by using the app on your iPhone or Android. To check this, go on the app and click the video you want. To make it easier to find, like it on your desktop and look for it in your like videos on the app. From here, you watch to click the description, and you’ll be able to see the upload date on the right.

4. Check On On Mobile

If you want to check the updated date of a video uploaded but the upload date is missing on your PC, you can use on your mobile device. To use on your mobile device, you need to go onto safari or chrome, whether you’re on iPhone or Android, and you need to search for From here, you need to click on the description and look for the upload date on the right. The exact upload date bar the time will be shown to you.

5. Get A Bigger Desktop

Since the problem is that your desktop or laptop is too small and the updated date has to be truncated when you’re watching YouTube in Chrome, getting a larger screen will fix the problem for you. A large screen will be big enough to show the suggested videos at the size YouTube wants it to be shown at and include all the new features such as clip save and download while showing the upload date. This means that you’ll be able to see the upload date of a video that you’ve clicked to watch without having to zoom in or zoom out just to see it.

6. Refresh The Page

If for some reason you’ve tried google chrome’s zoom option to zoom in and out but there’s still no youtube upload date, you can try and refresh the page. YouTube can experience glitches where certain things happen unexpectedly and this can cause problems such as the upload date not showing. To get rid of this bug, the best thing to do is to refresh the page so that YouTube can refresh and have a chance of showing you the upload date next to the view count.

7. Clear YouTube’s Cache

To fix the problem, you can also try and clear youtube’s cache. You can clear the cache if you can’t see the youtube video upload time on your iPhone or Android device. To clear the cache on your iPhone, you’ll need to delete and reinstall the app. You can do this by holding it down > clicking x > delete app > go to the Apple Store and reinstall it again > log in and see if the problem is still there. If it’s on your Android, go to settings > Application manager > YouTube > Clear cache > login and see if the problem is still persisting.

8. Wait For YouTube to Come with A Fix

If you still can’t see the upload date due to a glitch that YouTube is experiencing, the only thing that you can do at this point is to wait for a fix. Sometimes YouTube can experience bugs and the engineers have the fix the problem. If the upload date has gone and you cannot see it, waiting for a fix is your best option.

How to See When a Video Was Posted on YouTube

If you want to see when a YouTube video was posted, you can find this out using various different methods. The most obvious way is to look at the upload date on the video. The video’s upload date differs from the mobile app to the desktop. On your desktop, you can see the video’s upload date near the view count under the video. On your mobile, you need to click on the description to see the video’s upload date on the right.

1. Check The Earliest Youtube Comments and See the Dates They Were Posted

Youtube allows you to see when comments when made. When someone leaves a comment on Youtube, a date stamp will tell you whether a comment was made two days ago or months ago. This date stamp is available to everyone who goes through Youtube comments. You can scroll down to see when the earliest comments on a video were left. It will give you an idea of when a Youtube video was posted.

2. Search When The Video Was Released

The beauty of the internet is that you can look up any information you feel you need to know. You can turn to a search engine to see when a video was released on Youtube. Most people use Youtube to watch music videos, but sometimes the release information of the video is not displayed. You can google the release date if you want to know when a video was released. If you are lucky, you will not only find the release date of the music video, but you can find the release time.

3. Right-Click on Page and View Page Source

The source code is hidden underneath all the graphics, text, and call-to-action buttons on the page. The first step is to open the movie in your browser and navigate to the video source code (source code) page. A page’s HTML source can be seen by right-clicking on a blank section of the page and then selecting ‘view source’ from the drop-down menu or pressing CTRL + U on your keyboard while browsing. Once you know how to see the source code, you need to search for items in it. The search capabilities you use for normal online surfing should work to search for information in your source code. Commands such as CTRL + F (for Find) will assist you in scanning your source code rapidly. Search for the upload date on the HTML source page by pressing the CTRL + F keyboard shortcut. From here, they’ll have a more accurate time for the time the video was posted.

4. Use Google Advanced Search Tool

Another way to find out when a youtube video was posted is to use Google’s advanced search tool, which allows you to filter when a YouTube video was posted. To find out when a YouTube video was posted, you have to click on the filters button at the top after searching on YouTube. From here, you’ll have options such as last hour, today, this week, this month, and this year. If you use the today feature, you’ll know that the video was uploaded today.


If you want to find out information about a Youtube video, you can right-click on the video and view the page source information or check the earliest comments.


title: “How To See When A Youtube Video Was Posted” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-07” author: “Milton Riley”

Can You See When a YouTube Video Was Posted?

You can see the exact time a YouTube video was uploaded by using a YouTube data viewer. This will pull the exact upload date and time that the video was uploaded. On YouTube, you can see when a video was uploaded, but YouTube gives a generic date and time. Sometimes on videos you might see, 3 days ago or 2 months ago, and on the video itself, you’re just given a date but no time. However, using a tool like YouTube Data Viewer, you can find out what time a YouTube video was uploaded. This means that you’re going to know the exact day and time for your local time zone.

How to See When a YouTube Video Was Posted

If you want to see the exact time of upload for a YouTube video, then you can use a YouTube date viewer which will allow you to put in the URL of a video from your chosen youtube channel and it’ll extract the exact publish date of the video. So if the video was posted 3 days or 1 month ago, you’ll be given the date of upload which will let you know what day it was posted, whether that’s a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

1. Use Youtube Data Viewer

Upload date verification can be accomplished using the YouTube Data Viewer, a web-based tool. The user enters a YouTube URL, and the device returns information about the video that is useful for verifying a video on YouTube. Videos on YouTube only display the date they were uploaded, not the precise moment it was uploaded. There are several pieces of information on YouTube, including a description of the video, its ID number, the date and time it was uploaded, and the precise time it was uploaded. To change the exact time to the time in your time zone, click on the “Convert to local time” button when the time is displayed. Finally, you’ll see several video thumbnails, which you can utilize to further your study at your leisure. To find out the exact time of an upload:

  1. Go to the video you want to find the exact upload time for.
  2. Copy the YouTube video’s URL from your browser’s address bar
  3. Visit the YouTube Data Viewer.
  4. The URL you copied should be pasted into the “Enter YouTube URL” box and then hit the “Go” button.
  5. It should return an exact upload time for the video and upload date. You’ll also be given other information, such as the video’s description.
  6. Click on convert to local time to convert it to your local time zone. The time is shown in UTC, which is standard time, so if your time zone is est for example, you’ll be able to see the exact upload time of a video for your local time zone. To extract the information from the video, copy and paste the URL into the appropriate section. Coordinated Universal Standard Time (UTC) is used for this timestamp (UTC). To use a time zone converter to convert the time to your local time zone, take the time stamp you find on Youtube and paste it into the time zone converter of your liking.

2. Using Youtube Upload Time

Youtube records the video’s upload time when a Youtuber uploads a video. If you are interested in learning when a video was posted, you might consider downloading the YouTube Upload Time extension. This add-on uses the Google API to determine the date and time a video was posted. You can view the time and date by clicking on the extension’s icon while watching television.

Youtube No Upload Date?

Before, you could see a video’s upload date on YouTube. Recently, YouTube decided to make the update date on YouTube videos responsive to CSS, so smaller laptop and PC screens aren’t able to see the upload date on a YouTube video. The thing is that the upload date is still there but for some reason, YouTube decide to truncate it on smaller screens meaning that you can’t see it unless you Zoom out.

Why Can’t I See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded?

Using smaller displays appears to be a source of the problem. Upload dates are not visible until the magnification setting in Google Chrome is reduced to 90%. YouTube’s responsive CSS appears to be hampered by smaller displays. The date of the video’s posting used to be displayed on YouTube videos in the past. It used to be underneath the view count, but it has now been moved to the right of the view count, and you can’t see in until you zoom your screen out.

1. Suggested Videos

The suggested videos on the right side of the screen when watching videos on your desktop are there to entice you to stay on YouTube for longer and watch more videos (business decisions like this allow them to make more money). Since YouTube wants you to watch them, they’ve made the right column bigger, which means you’re more likely to click on a suggested video. This means that the column for the YouTube video and the information below it are smaller than they use to be, and because of this, the upload date has gone as there isn’t enough space for it.

2. There Are New Buttons

Another reason why YouTube isn’t showing the upload date is that new features are being added, crowding up the area where the upload date is meant to be. This means that if your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the upload date because of other features like the download option, share, save, and clip. Other features that have always been there such as the view count, and the like and dislike also stop the upload date from being shown. If your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the entire view count as some of it will be hidden.

3. Small Monitor

Smaller monitors tend to experience the no upload date problem since YouTube isn’t built well for them. Smaller monitors don’t have enough space for the suggested videos by other content creators and a large enough youtube screen column for extra features like download, clip, and save to fit the upload date. So if you know that your screen is smaller than a typical monitor, it should be no surprise to you that you can’t see the upload date on YouTube videos.

Can’t See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded? Try These Fixes

You need to realize that the upload date hasn’t gone; your screen is just too small to see it. If you did see it in the past, all the new features such as clip, download and save have now made it a not-so-relevant feature to see which is why it appears as if it’s missing.

1. Zoom Out

You need to Zoom out to fix the no upload date on YouTube. The level of Zoom depends on how small your screen is. For most of you, zooming out to 90% should reveal the upload date again since the video and the information below it fill up more of the screen compared to before, where the right column for the suggested video was taking up too much to the point where the upload date disappeared. You might find that you need to zoom out a little bit more (to something like 75%) to make enough room in the bar to see the upload date.

2. Zoom In

Since the main culprit for the video disappearing is that the right column, where the suggested videos are, is taking up too much space, you can make the left column bigger by zooming in. At first, you might think zoom in? isn’t the problem that my screen is too small? How’s zooming in going to fix it. Although you’re right, there’s a certain point that you zoom into where the full length of the YouTube video is reached, and the right column is no longer there. If you zoom in too much, you’ll lose the upload date. If you zoom in too little, you still won’t be able to see the upload date. Usually, the point at which the date is revealed is when you’ve zoomed in to the point where the right column (suggested videos) has disappeared. This is typically 150% zoom.

3. Check On YouTube App On Mobile

If you want to see the upload date on a video after not being able to see it on your desktop PC, you can check the upload date of a video on YouTube by using the app on your iPhone or Android. To check this, go on the app and click the video you want. To make it easier to find, like it on your desktop and look for it in your like videos on the app. From here, you watch to click the description, and you’ll be able to see the upload date on the right.

4. Check On On Mobile

If you want to check the updated date of a video uploaded but the upload date is missing on your PC, you can use on your mobile device. To use on your mobile device, you need to go onto safari or chrome, whether you’re on iPhone or Android, and you need to search for From here, you need to click on the description and look for the upload date on the right. The exact upload date bar the time will be shown to you.

5. Get A Bigger Desktop

Since the problem is that your desktop or laptop is too small and the updated date has to be truncated when you’re watching YouTube in Chrome, getting a larger screen will fix the problem for you. A large screen will be big enough to show the suggested videos at the size YouTube wants it to be shown at and include all the new features such as clip save and download while showing the upload date. This means that you’ll be able to see the upload date of a video that you’ve clicked to watch without having to zoom in or zoom out just to see it.

6. Refresh The Page

If for some reason you’ve tried google chrome’s zoom option to zoom in and out but there’s still no youtube upload date, you can try and refresh the page. YouTube can experience glitches where certain things happen unexpectedly and this can cause problems such as the upload date not showing. To get rid of this bug, the best thing to do is to refresh the page so that YouTube can refresh and have a chance of showing you the upload date next to the view count.

7. Clear YouTube’s Cache

To fix the problem, you can also try and clear youtube’s cache. You can clear the cache if you can’t see the youtube video upload time on your iPhone or Android device. To clear the cache on your iPhone, you’ll need to delete and reinstall the app. You can do this by holding it down > clicking x > delete app > go to the Apple Store and reinstall it again > log in and see if the problem is still there. If it’s on your Android, go to settings > Application manager > YouTube > Clear cache > login and see if the problem is still persisting.

8. Wait For YouTube to Come with A Fix

If you still can’t see the upload date due to a glitch that YouTube is experiencing, the only thing that you can do at this point is to wait for a fix. Sometimes YouTube can experience bugs and the engineers have the fix the problem. If the upload date has gone and you cannot see it, waiting for a fix is your best option.

How to See When a Video Was Posted on YouTube

If you want to see when a YouTube video was posted, you can find this out using various different methods. The most obvious way is to look at the upload date on the video. The video’s upload date differs from the mobile app to the desktop. On your desktop, you can see the video’s upload date near the view count under the video. On your mobile, you need to click on the description to see the video’s upload date on the right.

1. Check The Earliest Youtube Comments and See the Dates They Were Posted

Youtube allows you to see when comments when made. When someone leaves a comment on Youtube, a date stamp will tell you whether a comment was made two days ago or months ago. This date stamp is available to everyone who goes through Youtube comments. You can scroll down to see when the earliest comments on a video were left. It will give you an idea of when a Youtube video was posted.

2. Search When The Video Was Released

The beauty of the internet is that you can look up any information you feel you need to know. You can turn to a search engine to see when a video was released on Youtube. Most people use Youtube to watch music videos, but sometimes the release information of the video is not displayed. You can google the release date if you want to know when a video was released. If you are lucky, you will not only find the release date of the music video, but you can find the release time.

3. Right-Click on Page and View Page Source

The source code is hidden underneath all the graphics, text, and call-to-action buttons on the page. The first step is to open the movie in your browser and navigate to the video source code (source code) page. A page’s HTML source can be seen by right-clicking on a blank section of the page and then selecting ‘view source’ from the drop-down menu or pressing CTRL + U on your keyboard while browsing. Once you know how to see the source code, you need to search for items in it. The search capabilities you use for normal online surfing should work to search for information in your source code. Commands such as CTRL + F (for Find) will assist you in scanning your source code rapidly. Search for the upload date on the HTML source page by pressing the CTRL + F keyboard shortcut. From here, they’ll have a more accurate time for the time the video was posted.

4. Use Google Advanced Search Tool

Another way to find out when a youtube video was posted is to use Google’s advanced search tool, which allows you to filter when a YouTube video was posted. To find out when a YouTube video was posted, you have to click on the filters button at the top after searching on YouTube. From here, you’ll have options such as last hour, today, this week, this month, and this year. If you use the today feature, you’ll know that the video was uploaded today.


If you want to find out information about a Youtube video, you can right-click on the video and view the page source information or check the earliest comments.


title: “How To See When A Youtube Video Was Posted” ShowToc: true date: “2022-10-23” author: “Charles Fisher”

Can You See When a YouTube Video Was Posted?

You can see the exact time a YouTube video was uploaded by using a YouTube data viewer. This will pull the exact upload date and time that the video was uploaded. On YouTube, you can see when a video was uploaded, but YouTube gives a generic date and time. Sometimes on videos you might see, 3 days ago or 2 months ago, and on the video itself, you’re just given a date but no time. However, using a tool like YouTube Data Viewer, you can find out what time a YouTube video was uploaded. This means that you’re going to know the exact day and time for your local time zone.

How to See When a YouTube Video Was Posted

If you want to see the exact time of upload for a YouTube video, then you can use a YouTube date viewer which will allow you to put in the URL of a video from your chosen youtube channel and it’ll extract the exact publish date of the video. So if the video was posted 3 days or 1 month ago, you’ll be given the date of upload which will let you know what day it was posted, whether that’s a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

1. Use Youtube Data Viewer

Upload date verification can be accomplished using the YouTube Data Viewer, a web-based tool. The user enters a YouTube URL, and the device returns information about the video that is useful for verifying a video on YouTube. Videos on YouTube only display the date they were uploaded, not the precise moment it was uploaded. There are several pieces of information on YouTube, including a description of the video, its ID number, the date and time it was uploaded, and the precise time it was uploaded. To change the exact time to the time in your time zone, click on the “Convert to local time” button when the time is displayed. Finally, you’ll see several video thumbnails, which you can utilize to further your study at your leisure. To find out the exact time of an upload:

  1. Go to the video you want to find the exact upload time for.
  2. Copy the YouTube video’s URL from your browser’s address bar
  3. Visit the YouTube Data Viewer.
  4. The URL you copied should be pasted into the “Enter YouTube URL” box and then hit the “Go” button.
  5. It should return an exact upload time for the video and upload date. You’ll also be given other information, such as the video’s description.
  6. Click on convert to local time to convert it to your local time zone. The time is shown in UTC, which is standard time, so if your time zone is est for example, you’ll be able to see the exact upload time of a video for your local time zone. To extract the information from the video, copy and paste the URL into the appropriate section. Coordinated Universal Standard Time (UTC) is used for this timestamp (UTC). To use a time zone converter to convert the time to your local time zone, take the time stamp you find on Youtube and paste it into the time zone converter of your liking.

2. Using Youtube Upload Time

Youtube records the video’s upload time when a Youtuber uploads a video. If you are interested in learning when a video was posted, you might consider downloading the YouTube Upload Time extension. This add-on uses the Google API to determine the date and time a video was posted. You can view the time and date by clicking on the extension’s icon while watching television.

Youtube No Upload Date?

Before, you could see a video’s upload date on YouTube. Recently, YouTube decided to make the update date on YouTube videos responsive to CSS, so smaller laptop and PC screens aren’t able to see the upload date on a YouTube video. The thing is that the upload date is still there but for some reason, YouTube decide to truncate it on smaller screens meaning that you can’t see it unless you Zoom out.

Why Can’t I See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded?

Using smaller displays appears to be a source of the problem. Upload dates are not visible until the magnification setting in Google Chrome is reduced to 90%. YouTube’s responsive CSS appears to be hampered by smaller displays. The date of the video’s posting used to be displayed on YouTube videos in the past. It used to be underneath the view count, but it has now been moved to the right of the view count, and you can’t see in until you zoom your screen out.

1. Suggested Videos

The suggested videos on the right side of the screen when watching videos on your desktop are there to entice you to stay on YouTube for longer and watch more videos (business decisions like this allow them to make more money). Since YouTube wants you to watch them, they’ve made the right column bigger, which means you’re more likely to click on a suggested video. This means that the column for the YouTube video and the information below it are smaller than they use to be, and because of this, the upload date has gone as there isn’t enough space for it.

2. There Are New Buttons

Another reason why YouTube isn’t showing the upload date is that new features are being added, crowding up the area where the upload date is meant to be. This means that if your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the upload date because of other features like the download option, share, save, and clip. Other features that have always been there such as the view count, and the like and dislike also stop the upload date from being shown. If your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the entire view count as some of it will be hidden.

3. Small Monitor

Smaller monitors tend to experience the no upload date problem since YouTube isn’t built well for them. Smaller monitors don’t have enough space for the suggested videos by other content creators and a large enough youtube screen column for extra features like download, clip, and save to fit the upload date. So if you know that your screen is smaller than a typical monitor, it should be no surprise to you that you can’t see the upload date on YouTube videos.

Can’t See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded? Try These Fixes

You need to realize that the upload date hasn’t gone; your screen is just too small to see it. If you did see it in the past, all the new features such as clip, download and save have now made it a not-so-relevant feature to see which is why it appears as if it’s missing.

1. Zoom Out

You need to Zoom out to fix the no upload date on YouTube. The level of Zoom depends on how small your screen is. For most of you, zooming out to 90% should reveal the upload date again since the video and the information below it fill up more of the screen compared to before, where the right column for the suggested video was taking up too much to the point where the upload date disappeared. You might find that you need to zoom out a little bit more (to something like 75%) to make enough room in the bar to see the upload date.

2. Zoom In

Since the main culprit for the video disappearing is that the right column, where the suggested videos are, is taking up too much space, you can make the left column bigger by zooming in. At first, you might think zoom in? isn’t the problem that my screen is too small? How’s zooming in going to fix it. Although you’re right, there’s a certain point that you zoom into where the full length of the YouTube video is reached, and the right column is no longer there. If you zoom in too much, you’ll lose the upload date. If you zoom in too little, you still won’t be able to see the upload date. Usually, the point at which the date is revealed is when you’ve zoomed in to the point where the right column (suggested videos) has disappeared. This is typically 150% zoom.

3. Check On YouTube App On Mobile

If you want to see the upload date on a video after not being able to see it on your desktop PC, you can check the upload date of a video on YouTube by using the app on your iPhone or Android. To check this, go on the app and click the video you want. To make it easier to find, like it on your desktop and look for it in your like videos on the app. From here, you watch to click the description, and you’ll be able to see the upload date on the right.

4. Check On On Mobile

If you want to check the updated date of a video uploaded but the upload date is missing on your PC, you can use on your mobile device. To use on your mobile device, you need to go onto safari or chrome, whether you’re on iPhone or Android, and you need to search for From here, you need to click on the description and look for the upload date on the right. The exact upload date bar the time will be shown to you.

5. Get A Bigger Desktop

Since the problem is that your desktop or laptop is too small and the updated date has to be truncated when you’re watching YouTube in Chrome, getting a larger screen will fix the problem for you. A large screen will be big enough to show the suggested videos at the size YouTube wants it to be shown at and include all the new features such as clip save and download while showing the upload date. This means that you’ll be able to see the upload date of a video that you’ve clicked to watch without having to zoom in or zoom out just to see it.

6. Refresh The Page

If for some reason you’ve tried google chrome’s zoom option to zoom in and out but there’s still no youtube upload date, you can try and refresh the page. YouTube can experience glitches where certain things happen unexpectedly and this can cause problems such as the upload date not showing. To get rid of this bug, the best thing to do is to refresh the page so that YouTube can refresh and have a chance of showing you the upload date next to the view count.

7. Clear YouTube’s Cache

To fix the problem, you can also try and clear youtube’s cache. You can clear the cache if you can’t see the youtube video upload time on your iPhone or Android device. To clear the cache on your iPhone, you’ll need to delete and reinstall the app. You can do this by holding it down > clicking x > delete app > go to the Apple Store and reinstall it again > log in and see if the problem is still there. If it’s on your Android, go to settings > Application manager > YouTube > Clear cache > login and see if the problem is still persisting.

8. Wait For YouTube to Come with A Fix

If you still can’t see the upload date due to a glitch that YouTube is experiencing, the only thing that you can do at this point is to wait for a fix. Sometimes YouTube can experience bugs and the engineers have the fix the problem. If the upload date has gone and you cannot see it, waiting for a fix is your best option.

How to See When a Video Was Posted on YouTube

If you want to see when a YouTube video was posted, you can find this out using various different methods. The most obvious way is to look at the upload date on the video. The video’s upload date differs from the mobile app to the desktop. On your desktop, you can see the video’s upload date near the view count under the video. On your mobile, you need to click on the description to see the video’s upload date on the right.

1. Check The Earliest Youtube Comments and See the Dates They Were Posted

Youtube allows you to see when comments when made. When someone leaves a comment on Youtube, a date stamp will tell you whether a comment was made two days ago or months ago. This date stamp is available to everyone who goes through Youtube comments. You can scroll down to see when the earliest comments on a video were left. It will give you an idea of when a Youtube video was posted.

2. Search When The Video Was Released

The beauty of the internet is that you can look up any information you feel you need to know. You can turn to a search engine to see when a video was released on Youtube. Most people use Youtube to watch music videos, but sometimes the release information of the video is not displayed. You can google the release date if you want to know when a video was released. If you are lucky, you will not only find the release date of the music video, but you can find the release time.

3. Right-Click on Page and View Page Source

The source code is hidden underneath all the graphics, text, and call-to-action buttons on the page. The first step is to open the movie in your browser and navigate to the video source code (source code) page. A page’s HTML source can be seen by right-clicking on a blank section of the page and then selecting ‘view source’ from the drop-down menu or pressing CTRL + U on your keyboard while browsing. Once you know how to see the source code, you need to search for items in it. The search capabilities you use for normal online surfing should work to search for information in your source code. Commands such as CTRL + F (for Find) will assist you in scanning your source code rapidly. Search for the upload date on the HTML source page by pressing the CTRL + F keyboard shortcut. From here, they’ll have a more accurate time for the time the video was posted.

4. Use Google Advanced Search Tool

Another way to find out when a youtube video was posted is to use Google’s advanced search tool, which allows you to filter when a YouTube video was posted. To find out when a YouTube video was posted, you have to click on the filters button at the top after searching on YouTube. From here, you’ll have options such as last hour, today, this week, this month, and this year. If you use the today feature, you’ll know that the video was uploaded today.


If you want to find out information about a Youtube video, you can right-click on the video and view the page source information or check the earliest comments.


title: “How To See When A Youtube Video Was Posted” ShowToc: true date: “2022-10-20” author: “Andre Mcdonald”

Can You See When a YouTube Video Was Posted?

You can see the exact time a YouTube video was uploaded by using a YouTube data viewer. This will pull the exact upload date and time that the video was uploaded. On YouTube, you can see when a video was uploaded, but YouTube gives a generic date and time. Sometimes on videos you might see, 3 days ago or 2 months ago, and on the video itself, you’re just given a date but no time. However, using a tool like YouTube Data Viewer, you can find out what time a YouTube video was uploaded. This means that you’re going to know the exact day and time for your local time zone.

How to See When a YouTube Video Was Posted

If you want to see the exact time of upload for a YouTube video, then you can use a YouTube date viewer which will allow you to put in the URL of a video from your chosen youtube channel and it’ll extract the exact publish date of the video. So if the video was posted 3 days or 1 month ago, you’ll be given the date of upload which will let you know what day it was posted, whether that’s a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

1. Use Youtube Data Viewer

Upload date verification can be accomplished using the YouTube Data Viewer, a web-based tool. The user enters a YouTube URL, and the device returns information about the video that is useful for verifying a video on YouTube. Videos on YouTube only display the date they were uploaded, not the precise moment it was uploaded. There are several pieces of information on YouTube, including a description of the video, its ID number, the date and time it was uploaded, and the precise time it was uploaded. To change the exact time to the time in your time zone, click on the “Convert to local time” button when the time is displayed. Finally, you’ll see several video thumbnails, which you can utilize to further your study at your leisure. To find out the exact time of an upload:

  1. Go to the video you want to find the exact upload time for.
  2. Copy the YouTube video’s URL from your browser’s address bar
  3. Visit the YouTube Data Viewer.
  4. The URL you copied should be pasted into the “Enter YouTube URL” box and then hit the “Go” button.
  5. It should return an exact upload time for the video and upload date. You’ll also be given other information, such as the video’s description.
  6. Click on convert to local time to convert it to your local time zone. The time is shown in UTC, which is standard time, so if your time zone is est for example, you’ll be able to see the exact upload time of a video for your local time zone. To extract the information from the video, copy and paste the URL into the appropriate section. Coordinated Universal Standard Time (UTC) is used for this timestamp (UTC). To use a time zone converter to convert the time to your local time zone, take the time stamp you find on Youtube and paste it into the time zone converter of your liking.

2. Using Youtube Upload Time

Youtube records the video’s upload time when a Youtuber uploads a video. If you are interested in learning when a video was posted, you might consider downloading the YouTube Upload Time extension. This add-on uses the Google API to determine the date and time a video was posted. You can view the time and date by clicking on the extension’s icon while watching television.

Youtube No Upload Date?

Before, you could see a video’s upload date on YouTube. Recently, YouTube decided to make the update date on YouTube videos responsive to CSS, so smaller laptop and PC screens aren’t able to see the upload date on a YouTube video. The thing is that the upload date is still there but for some reason, YouTube decide to truncate it on smaller screens meaning that you can’t see it unless you Zoom out.

Why Can’t I See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded?

Using smaller displays appears to be a source of the problem. Upload dates are not visible until the magnification setting in Google Chrome is reduced to 90%. YouTube’s responsive CSS appears to be hampered by smaller displays. The date of the video’s posting used to be displayed on YouTube videos in the past. It used to be underneath the view count, but it has now been moved to the right of the view count, and you can’t see in until you zoom your screen out.

1. Suggested Videos

The suggested videos on the right side of the screen when watching videos on your desktop are there to entice you to stay on YouTube for longer and watch more videos (business decisions like this allow them to make more money). Since YouTube wants you to watch them, they’ve made the right column bigger, which means you’re more likely to click on a suggested video. This means that the column for the YouTube video and the information below it are smaller than they use to be, and because of this, the upload date has gone as there isn’t enough space for it.

2. There Are New Buttons

Another reason why YouTube isn’t showing the upload date is that new features are being added, crowding up the area where the upload date is meant to be. This means that if your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the upload date because of other features like the download option, share, save, and clip. Other features that have always been there such as the view count, and the like and dislike also stop the upload date from being shown. If your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the entire view count as some of it will be hidden.

3. Small Monitor

Smaller monitors tend to experience the no upload date problem since YouTube isn’t built well for them. Smaller monitors don’t have enough space for the suggested videos by other content creators and a large enough youtube screen column for extra features like download, clip, and save to fit the upload date. So if you know that your screen is smaller than a typical monitor, it should be no surprise to you that you can’t see the upload date on YouTube videos.

Can’t See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded? Try These Fixes

You need to realize that the upload date hasn’t gone; your screen is just too small to see it. If you did see it in the past, all the new features such as clip, download and save have now made it a not-so-relevant feature to see which is why it appears as if it’s missing.

1. Zoom Out

You need to Zoom out to fix the no upload date on YouTube. The level of Zoom depends on how small your screen is. For most of you, zooming out to 90% should reveal the upload date again since the video and the information below it fill up more of the screen compared to before, where the right column for the suggested video was taking up too much to the point where the upload date disappeared. You might find that you need to zoom out a little bit more (to something like 75%) to make enough room in the bar to see the upload date.

2. Zoom In

Since the main culprit for the video disappearing is that the right column, where the suggested videos are, is taking up too much space, you can make the left column bigger by zooming in. At first, you might think zoom in? isn’t the problem that my screen is too small? How’s zooming in going to fix it. Although you’re right, there’s a certain point that you zoom into where the full length of the YouTube video is reached, and the right column is no longer there. If you zoom in too much, you’ll lose the upload date. If you zoom in too little, you still won’t be able to see the upload date. Usually, the point at which the date is revealed is when you’ve zoomed in to the point where the right column (suggested videos) has disappeared. This is typically 150% zoom.

3. Check On YouTube App On Mobile

If you want to see the upload date on a video after not being able to see it on your desktop PC, you can check the upload date of a video on YouTube by using the app on your iPhone or Android. To check this, go on the app and click the video you want. To make it easier to find, like it on your desktop and look for it in your like videos on the app. From here, you watch to click the description, and you’ll be able to see the upload date on the right.

4. Check On On Mobile

If you want to check the updated date of a video uploaded but the upload date is missing on your PC, you can use on your mobile device. To use on your mobile device, you need to go onto safari or chrome, whether you’re on iPhone or Android, and you need to search for From here, you need to click on the description and look for the upload date on the right. The exact upload date bar the time will be shown to you.

5. Get A Bigger Desktop

Since the problem is that your desktop or laptop is too small and the updated date has to be truncated when you’re watching YouTube in Chrome, getting a larger screen will fix the problem for you. A large screen will be big enough to show the suggested videos at the size YouTube wants it to be shown at and include all the new features such as clip save and download while showing the upload date. This means that you’ll be able to see the upload date of a video that you’ve clicked to watch without having to zoom in or zoom out just to see it.

6. Refresh The Page

If for some reason you’ve tried google chrome’s zoom option to zoom in and out but there’s still no youtube upload date, you can try and refresh the page. YouTube can experience glitches where certain things happen unexpectedly and this can cause problems such as the upload date not showing. To get rid of this bug, the best thing to do is to refresh the page so that YouTube can refresh and have a chance of showing you the upload date next to the view count.

7. Clear YouTube’s Cache

To fix the problem, you can also try and clear youtube’s cache. You can clear the cache if you can’t see the youtube video upload time on your iPhone or Android device. To clear the cache on your iPhone, you’ll need to delete and reinstall the app. You can do this by holding it down > clicking x > delete app > go to the Apple Store and reinstall it again > log in and see if the problem is still there. If it’s on your Android, go to settings > Application manager > YouTube > Clear cache > login and see if the problem is still persisting.

8. Wait For YouTube to Come with A Fix

If you still can’t see the upload date due to a glitch that YouTube is experiencing, the only thing that you can do at this point is to wait for a fix. Sometimes YouTube can experience bugs and the engineers have the fix the problem. If the upload date has gone and you cannot see it, waiting for a fix is your best option.

How to See When a Video Was Posted on YouTube

If you want to see when a YouTube video was posted, you can find this out using various different methods. The most obvious way is to look at the upload date on the video. The video’s upload date differs from the mobile app to the desktop. On your desktop, you can see the video’s upload date near the view count under the video. On your mobile, you need to click on the description to see the video’s upload date on the right.

1. Check The Earliest Youtube Comments and See the Dates They Were Posted

Youtube allows you to see when comments when made. When someone leaves a comment on Youtube, a date stamp will tell you whether a comment was made two days ago or months ago. This date stamp is available to everyone who goes through Youtube comments. You can scroll down to see when the earliest comments on a video were left. It will give you an idea of when a Youtube video was posted.

2. Search When The Video Was Released

The beauty of the internet is that you can look up any information you feel you need to know. You can turn to a search engine to see when a video was released on Youtube. Most people use Youtube to watch music videos, but sometimes the release information of the video is not displayed. You can google the release date if you want to know when a video was released. If you are lucky, you will not only find the release date of the music video, but you can find the release time.

3. Right-Click on Page and View Page Source

The source code is hidden underneath all the graphics, text, and call-to-action buttons on the page. The first step is to open the movie in your browser and navigate to the video source code (source code) page. A page’s HTML source can be seen by right-clicking on a blank section of the page and then selecting ‘view source’ from the drop-down menu or pressing CTRL + U on your keyboard while browsing. Once you know how to see the source code, you need to search for items in it. The search capabilities you use for normal online surfing should work to search for information in your source code. Commands such as CTRL + F (for Find) will assist you in scanning your source code rapidly. Search for the upload date on the HTML source page by pressing the CTRL + F keyboard shortcut. From here, they’ll have a more accurate time for the time the video was posted.

4. Use Google Advanced Search Tool

Another way to find out when a youtube video was posted is to use Google’s advanced search tool, which allows you to filter when a YouTube video was posted. To find out when a YouTube video was posted, you have to click on the filters button at the top after searching on YouTube. From here, you’ll have options such as last hour, today, this week, this month, and this year. If you use the today feature, you’ll know that the video was uploaded today.


If you want to find out information about a Youtube video, you can right-click on the video and view the page source information or check the earliest comments.


title: “How To See When A Youtube Video Was Posted” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-13” author: “Judy Mock”

Can You See When a YouTube Video Was Posted?

You can see the exact time a YouTube video was uploaded by using a YouTube data viewer. This will pull the exact upload date and time that the video was uploaded. On YouTube, you can see when a video was uploaded, but YouTube gives a generic date and time. Sometimes on videos you might see, 3 days ago or 2 months ago, and on the video itself, you’re just given a date but no time. However, using a tool like YouTube Data Viewer, you can find out what time a YouTube video was uploaded. This means that you’re going to know the exact day and time for your local time zone.

How to See When a YouTube Video Was Posted

If you want to see the exact time of upload for a YouTube video, then you can use a YouTube date viewer which will allow you to put in the URL of a video from your chosen youtube channel and it’ll extract the exact publish date of the video. So if the video was posted 3 days or 1 month ago, you’ll be given the date of upload which will let you know what day it was posted, whether that’s a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

1. Use Youtube Data Viewer

Upload date verification can be accomplished using the YouTube Data Viewer, a web-based tool. The user enters a YouTube URL, and the device returns information about the video that is useful for verifying a video on YouTube. Videos on YouTube only display the date they were uploaded, not the precise moment it was uploaded. There are several pieces of information on YouTube, including a description of the video, its ID number, the date and time it was uploaded, and the precise time it was uploaded. To change the exact time to the time in your time zone, click on the “Convert to local time” button when the time is displayed. Finally, you’ll see several video thumbnails, which you can utilize to further your study at your leisure. To find out the exact time of an upload:

  1. Go to the video you want to find the exact upload time for.
  2. Copy the YouTube video’s URL from your browser’s address bar
  3. Visit the YouTube Data Viewer.
  4. The URL you copied should be pasted into the “Enter YouTube URL” box and then hit the “Go” button.
  5. It should return an exact upload time for the video and upload date. You’ll also be given other information, such as the video’s description.
  6. Click on convert to local time to convert it to your local time zone. The time is shown in UTC, which is standard time, so if your time zone is est for example, you’ll be able to see the exact upload time of a video for your local time zone. To extract the information from the video, copy and paste the URL into the appropriate section. Coordinated Universal Standard Time (UTC) is used for this timestamp (UTC). To use a time zone converter to convert the time to your local time zone, take the time stamp you find on Youtube and paste it into the time zone converter of your liking.

2. Using Youtube Upload Time

Youtube records the video’s upload time when a Youtuber uploads a video. If you are interested in learning when a video was posted, you might consider downloading the YouTube Upload Time extension. This add-on uses the Google API to determine the date and time a video was posted. You can view the time and date by clicking on the extension’s icon while watching television.

Youtube No Upload Date?

Before, you could see a video’s upload date on YouTube. Recently, YouTube decided to make the update date on YouTube videos responsive to CSS, so smaller laptop and PC screens aren’t able to see the upload date on a YouTube video. The thing is that the upload date is still there but for some reason, YouTube decide to truncate it on smaller screens meaning that you can’t see it unless you Zoom out.

Why Can’t I See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded?

Using smaller displays appears to be a source of the problem. Upload dates are not visible until the magnification setting in Google Chrome is reduced to 90%. YouTube’s responsive CSS appears to be hampered by smaller displays. The date of the video’s posting used to be displayed on YouTube videos in the past. It used to be underneath the view count, but it has now been moved to the right of the view count, and you can’t see in until you zoom your screen out.

1. Suggested Videos

The suggested videos on the right side of the screen when watching videos on your desktop are there to entice you to stay on YouTube for longer and watch more videos (business decisions like this allow them to make more money). Since YouTube wants you to watch them, they’ve made the right column bigger, which means you’re more likely to click on a suggested video. This means that the column for the YouTube video and the information below it are smaller than they use to be, and because of this, the upload date has gone as there isn’t enough space for it.

2. There Are New Buttons

Another reason why YouTube isn’t showing the upload date is that new features are being added, crowding up the area where the upload date is meant to be. This means that if your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the upload date because of other features like the download option, share, save, and clip. Other features that have always been there such as the view count, and the like and dislike also stop the upload date from being shown. If your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the entire view count as some of it will be hidden.

3. Small Monitor

Smaller monitors tend to experience the no upload date problem since YouTube isn’t built well for them. Smaller monitors don’t have enough space for the suggested videos by other content creators and a large enough youtube screen column for extra features like download, clip, and save to fit the upload date. So if you know that your screen is smaller than a typical monitor, it should be no surprise to you that you can’t see the upload date on YouTube videos.

Can’t See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded? Try These Fixes

You need to realize that the upload date hasn’t gone; your screen is just too small to see it. If you did see it in the past, all the new features such as clip, download and save have now made it a not-so-relevant feature to see which is why it appears as if it’s missing.

1. Zoom Out

You need to Zoom out to fix the no upload date on YouTube. The level of Zoom depends on how small your screen is. For most of you, zooming out to 90% should reveal the upload date again since the video and the information below it fill up more of the screen compared to before, where the right column for the suggested video was taking up too much to the point where the upload date disappeared. You might find that you need to zoom out a little bit more (to something like 75%) to make enough room in the bar to see the upload date.

2. Zoom In

Since the main culprit for the video disappearing is that the right column, where the suggested videos are, is taking up too much space, you can make the left column bigger by zooming in. At first, you might think zoom in? isn’t the problem that my screen is too small? How’s zooming in going to fix it. Although you’re right, there’s a certain point that you zoom into where the full length of the YouTube video is reached, and the right column is no longer there. If you zoom in too much, you’ll lose the upload date. If you zoom in too little, you still won’t be able to see the upload date. Usually, the point at which the date is revealed is when you’ve zoomed in to the point where the right column (suggested videos) has disappeared. This is typically 150% zoom.

3. Check On YouTube App On Mobile

If you want to see the upload date on a video after not being able to see it on your desktop PC, you can check the upload date of a video on YouTube by using the app on your iPhone or Android. To check this, go on the app and click the video you want. To make it easier to find, like it on your desktop and look for it in your like videos on the app. From here, you watch to click the description, and you’ll be able to see the upload date on the right.

4. Check On On Mobile

If you want to check the updated date of a video uploaded but the upload date is missing on your PC, you can use on your mobile device. To use on your mobile device, you need to go onto safari or chrome, whether you’re on iPhone or Android, and you need to search for From here, you need to click on the description and look for the upload date on the right. The exact upload date bar the time will be shown to you.

5. Get A Bigger Desktop

Since the problem is that your desktop or laptop is too small and the updated date has to be truncated when you’re watching YouTube in Chrome, getting a larger screen will fix the problem for you. A large screen will be big enough to show the suggested videos at the size YouTube wants it to be shown at and include all the new features such as clip save and download while showing the upload date. This means that you’ll be able to see the upload date of a video that you’ve clicked to watch without having to zoom in or zoom out just to see it.

6. Refresh The Page

If for some reason you’ve tried google chrome’s zoom option to zoom in and out but there’s still no youtube upload date, you can try and refresh the page. YouTube can experience glitches where certain things happen unexpectedly and this can cause problems such as the upload date not showing. To get rid of this bug, the best thing to do is to refresh the page so that YouTube can refresh and have a chance of showing you the upload date next to the view count.

7. Clear YouTube’s Cache

To fix the problem, you can also try and clear youtube’s cache. You can clear the cache if you can’t see the youtube video upload time on your iPhone or Android device. To clear the cache on your iPhone, you’ll need to delete and reinstall the app. You can do this by holding it down > clicking x > delete app > go to the Apple Store and reinstall it again > log in and see if the problem is still there. If it’s on your Android, go to settings > Application manager > YouTube > Clear cache > login and see if the problem is still persisting.

8. Wait For YouTube to Come with A Fix

If you still can’t see the upload date due to a glitch that YouTube is experiencing, the only thing that you can do at this point is to wait for a fix. Sometimes YouTube can experience bugs and the engineers have the fix the problem. If the upload date has gone and you cannot see it, waiting for a fix is your best option.

How to See When a Video Was Posted on YouTube

If you want to see when a YouTube video was posted, you can find this out using various different methods. The most obvious way is to look at the upload date on the video. The video’s upload date differs from the mobile app to the desktop. On your desktop, you can see the video’s upload date near the view count under the video. On your mobile, you need to click on the description to see the video’s upload date on the right.

1. Check The Earliest Youtube Comments and See the Dates They Were Posted

Youtube allows you to see when comments when made. When someone leaves a comment on Youtube, a date stamp will tell you whether a comment was made two days ago or months ago. This date stamp is available to everyone who goes through Youtube comments. You can scroll down to see when the earliest comments on a video were left. It will give you an idea of when a Youtube video was posted.

2. Search When The Video Was Released

The beauty of the internet is that you can look up any information you feel you need to know. You can turn to a search engine to see when a video was released on Youtube. Most people use Youtube to watch music videos, but sometimes the release information of the video is not displayed. You can google the release date if you want to know when a video was released. If you are lucky, you will not only find the release date of the music video, but you can find the release time.

3. Right-Click on Page and View Page Source

The source code is hidden underneath all the graphics, text, and call-to-action buttons on the page. The first step is to open the movie in your browser and navigate to the video source code (source code) page. A page’s HTML source can be seen by right-clicking on a blank section of the page and then selecting ‘view source’ from the drop-down menu or pressing CTRL + U on your keyboard while browsing. Once you know how to see the source code, you need to search for items in it. The search capabilities you use for normal online surfing should work to search for information in your source code. Commands such as CTRL + F (for Find) will assist you in scanning your source code rapidly. Search for the upload date on the HTML source page by pressing the CTRL + F keyboard shortcut. From here, they’ll have a more accurate time for the time the video was posted.

4. Use Google Advanced Search Tool

Another way to find out when a youtube video was posted is to use Google’s advanced search tool, which allows you to filter when a YouTube video was posted. To find out when a YouTube video was posted, you have to click on the filters button at the top after searching on YouTube. From here, you’ll have options such as last hour, today, this week, this month, and this year. If you use the today feature, you’ll know that the video was uploaded today.


If you want to find out information about a Youtube video, you can right-click on the video and view the page source information or check the earliest comments.


title: “How To See When A Youtube Video Was Posted” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-12” author: “Gary Capps”

Can You See When a YouTube Video Was Posted?

You can see the exact time a YouTube video was uploaded by using a YouTube data viewer. This will pull the exact upload date and time that the video was uploaded. On YouTube, you can see when a video was uploaded, but YouTube gives a generic date and time. Sometimes on videos you might see, 3 days ago or 2 months ago, and on the video itself, you’re just given a date but no time. However, using a tool like YouTube Data Viewer, you can find out what time a YouTube video was uploaded. This means that you’re going to know the exact day and time for your local time zone.

How to See When a YouTube Video Was Posted

If you want to see the exact time of upload for a YouTube video, then you can use a YouTube date viewer which will allow you to put in the URL of a video from your chosen youtube channel and it’ll extract the exact publish date of the video. So if the video was posted 3 days or 1 month ago, you’ll be given the date of upload which will let you know what day it was posted, whether that’s a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

1. Use Youtube Data Viewer

Upload date verification can be accomplished using the YouTube Data Viewer, a web-based tool. The user enters a YouTube URL, and the device returns information about the video that is useful for verifying a video on YouTube. Videos on YouTube only display the date they were uploaded, not the precise moment it was uploaded. There are several pieces of information on YouTube, including a description of the video, its ID number, the date and time it was uploaded, and the precise time it was uploaded. To change the exact time to the time in your time zone, click on the “Convert to local time” button when the time is displayed. Finally, you’ll see several video thumbnails, which you can utilize to further your study at your leisure. To find out the exact time of an upload:

  1. Go to the video you want to find the exact upload time for.
  2. Copy the YouTube video’s URL from your browser’s address bar
  3. Visit the YouTube Data Viewer.
  4. The URL you copied should be pasted into the “Enter YouTube URL” box and then hit the “Go” button.
  5. It should return an exact upload time for the video and upload date. You’ll also be given other information, such as the video’s description.
  6. Click on convert to local time to convert it to your local time zone. The time is shown in UTC, which is standard time, so if your time zone is est for example, you’ll be able to see the exact upload time of a video for your local time zone. To extract the information from the video, copy and paste the URL into the appropriate section. Coordinated Universal Standard Time (UTC) is used for this timestamp (UTC). To use a time zone converter to convert the time to your local time zone, take the time stamp you find on Youtube and paste it into the time zone converter of your liking.

2. Using Youtube Upload Time

Youtube records the video’s upload time when a Youtuber uploads a video. If you are interested in learning when a video was posted, you might consider downloading the YouTube Upload Time extension. This add-on uses the Google API to determine the date and time a video was posted. You can view the time and date by clicking on the extension’s icon while watching television.

Youtube No Upload Date?

Before, you could see a video’s upload date on YouTube. Recently, YouTube decided to make the update date on YouTube videos responsive to CSS, so smaller laptop and PC screens aren’t able to see the upload date on a YouTube video. The thing is that the upload date is still there but for some reason, YouTube decide to truncate it on smaller screens meaning that you can’t see it unless you Zoom out.

Why Can’t I See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded?

Using smaller displays appears to be a source of the problem. Upload dates are not visible until the magnification setting in Google Chrome is reduced to 90%. YouTube’s responsive CSS appears to be hampered by smaller displays. The date of the video’s posting used to be displayed on YouTube videos in the past. It used to be underneath the view count, but it has now been moved to the right of the view count, and you can’t see in until you zoom your screen out.

1. Suggested Videos

The suggested videos on the right side of the screen when watching videos on your desktop are there to entice you to stay on YouTube for longer and watch more videos (business decisions like this allow them to make more money). Since YouTube wants you to watch them, they’ve made the right column bigger, which means you’re more likely to click on a suggested video. This means that the column for the YouTube video and the information below it are smaller than they use to be, and because of this, the upload date has gone as there isn’t enough space for it.

2. There Are New Buttons

Another reason why YouTube isn’t showing the upload date is that new features are being added, crowding up the area where the upload date is meant to be. This means that if your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the upload date because of other features like the download option, share, save, and clip. Other features that have always been there such as the view count, and the like and dislike also stop the upload date from being shown. If your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the entire view count as some of it will be hidden.

3. Small Monitor

Smaller monitors tend to experience the no upload date problem since YouTube isn’t built well for them. Smaller monitors don’t have enough space for the suggested videos by other content creators and a large enough youtube screen column for extra features like download, clip, and save to fit the upload date. So if you know that your screen is smaller than a typical monitor, it should be no surprise to you that you can’t see the upload date on YouTube videos.

Can’t See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded? Try These Fixes

You need to realize that the upload date hasn’t gone; your screen is just too small to see it. If you did see it in the past, all the new features such as clip, download and save have now made it a not-so-relevant feature to see which is why it appears as if it’s missing.

1. Zoom Out

You need to Zoom out to fix the no upload date on YouTube. The level of Zoom depends on how small your screen is. For most of you, zooming out to 90% should reveal the upload date again since the video and the information below it fill up more of the screen compared to before, where the right column for the suggested video was taking up too much to the point where the upload date disappeared. You might find that you need to zoom out a little bit more (to something like 75%) to make enough room in the bar to see the upload date.

2. Zoom In

Since the main culprit for the video disappearing is that the right column, where the suggested videos are, is taking up too much space, you can make the left column bigger by zooming in. At first, you might think zoom in? isn’t the problem that my screen is too small? How’s zooming in going to fix it. Although you’re right, there’s a certain point that you zoom into where the full length of the YouTube video is reached, and the right column is no longer there. If you zoom in too much, you’ll lose the upload date. If you zoom in too little, you still won’t be able to see the upload date. Usually, the point at which the date is revealed is when you’ve zoomed in to the point where the right column (suggested videos) has disappeared. This is typically 150% zoom.

3. Check On YouTube App On Mobile

If you want to see the upload date on a video after not being able to see it on your desktop PC, you can check the upload date of a video on YouTube by using the app on your iPhone or Android. To check this, go on the app and click the video you want. To make it easier to find, like it on your desktop and look for it in your like videos on the app. From here, you watch to click the description, and you’ll be able to see the upload date on the right.

4. Check On On Mobile

If you want to check the updated date of a video uploaded but the upload date is missing on your PC, you can use on your mobile device. To use on your mobile device, you need to go onto safari or chrome, whether you’re on iPhone or Android, and you need to search for From here, you need to click on the description and look for the upload date on the right. The exact upload date bar the time will be shown to you.

5. Get A Bigger Desktop

Since the problem is that your desktop or laptop is too small and the updated date has to be truncated when you’re watching YouTube in Chrome, getting a larger screen will fix the problem for you. A large screen will be big enough to show the suggested videos at the size YouTube wants it to be shown at and include all the new features such as clip save and download while showing the upload date. This means that you’ll be able to see the upload date of a video that you’ve clicked to watch without having to zoom in or zoom out just to see it.

6. Refresh The Page

If for some reason you’ve tried google chrome’s zoom option to zoom in and out but there’s still no youtube upload date, you can try and refresh the page. YouTube can experience glitches where certain things happen unexpectedly and this can cause problems such as the upload date not showing. To get rid of this bug, the best thing to do is to refresh the page so that YouTube can refresh and have a chance of showing you the upload date next to the view count.

7. Clear YouTube’s Cache

To fix the problem, you can also try and clear youtube’s cache. You can clear the cache if you can’t see the youtube video upload time on your iPhone or Android device. To clear the cache on your iPhone, you’ll need to delete and reinstall the app. You can do this by holding it down > clicking x > delete app > go to the Apple Store and reinstall it again > log in and see if the problem is still there. If it’s on your Android, go to settings > Application manager > YouTube > Clear cache > login and see if the problem is still persisting.

8. Wait For YouTube to Come with A Fix

If you still can’t see the upload date due to a glitch that YouTube is experiencing, the only thing that you can do at this point is to wait for a fix. Sometimes YouTube can experience bugs and the engineers have the fix the problem. If the upload date has gone and you cannot see it, waiting for a fix is your best option.

How to See When a Video Was Posted on YouTube

If you want to see when a YouTube video was posted, you can find this out using various different methods. The most obvious way is to look at the upload date on the video. The video’s upload date differs from the mobile app to the desktop. On your desktop, you can see the video’s upload date near the view count under the video. On your mobile, you need to click on the description to see the video’s upload date on the right.

1. Check The Earliest Youtube Comments and See the Dates They Were Posted

Youtube allows you to see when comments when made. When someone leaves a comment on Youtube, a date stamp will tell you whether a comment was made two days ago or months ago. This date stamp is available to everyone who goes through Youtube comments. You can scroll down to see when the earliest comments on a video were left. It will give you an idea of when a Youtube video was posted.

2. Search When The Video Was Released

The beauty of the internet is that you can look up any information you feel you need to know. You can turn to a search engine to see when a video was released on Youtube. Most people use Youtube to watch music videos, but sometimes the release information of the video is not displayed. You can google the release date if you want to know when a video was released. If you are lucky, you will not only find the release date of the music video, but you can find the release time.

3. Right-Click on Page and View Page Source

The source code is hidden underneath all the graphics, text, and call-to-action buttons on the page. The first step is to open the movie in your browser and navigate to the video source code (source code) page. A page’s HTML source can be seen by right-clicking on a blank section of the page and then selecting ‘view source’ from the drop-down menu or pressing CTRL + U on your keyboard while browsing. Once you know how to see the source code, you need to search for items in it. The search capabilities you use for normal online surfing should work to search for information in your source code. Commands such as CTRL + F (for Find) will assist you in scanning your source code rapidly. Search for the upload date on the HTML source page by pressing the CTRL + F keyboard shortcut. From here, they’ll have a more accurate time for the time the video was posted.

4. Use Google Advanced Search Tool

Another way to find out when a youtube video was posted is to use Google’s advanced search tool, which allows you to filter when a YouTube video was posted. To find out when a YouTube video was posted, you have to click on the filters button at the top after searching on YouTube. From here, you’ll have options such as last hour, today, this week, this month, and this year. If you use the today feature, you’ll know that the video was uploaded today.


If you want to find out information about a Youtube video, you can right-click on the video and view the page source information or check the earliest comments.


title: “How To See When A Youtube Video Was Posted” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-17” author: “Delicia Elmore”

Can You See When a YouTube Video Was Posted?

You can see the exact time a YouTube video was uploaded by using a YouTube data viewer. This will pull the exact upload date and time that the video was uploaded. On YouTube, you can see when a video was uploaded, but YouTube gives a generic date and time. Sometimes on videos you might see, 3 days ago or 2 months ago, and on the video itself, you’re just given a date but no time. However, using a tool like YouTube Data Viewer, you can find out what time a YouTube video was uploaded. This means that you’re going to know the exact day and time for your local time zone.

How to See When a YouTube Video Was Posted

If you want to see the exact time of upload for a YouTube video, then you can use a YouTube date viewer which will allow you to put in the URL of a video from your chosen youtube channel and it’ll extract the exact publish date of the video. So if the video was posted 3 days or 1 month ago, you’ll be given the date of upload which will let you know what day it was posted, whether that’s a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

1. Use Youtube Data Viewer

Upload date verification can be accomplished using the YouTube Data Viewer, a web-based tool. The user enters a YouTube URL, and the device returns information about the video that is useful for verifying a video on YouTube. Videos on YouTube only display the date they were uploaded, not the precise moment it was uploaded. There are several pieces of information on YouTube, including a description of the video, its ID number, the date and time it was uploaded, and the precise time it was uploaded. To change the exact time to the time in your time zone, click on the “Convert to local time” button when the time is displayed. Finally, you’ll see several video thumbnails, which you can utilize to further your study at your leisure. To find out the exact time of an upload:

  1. Go to the video you want to find the exact upload time for.
  2. Copy the YouTube video’s URL from your browser’s address bar
  3. Visit the YouTube Data Viewer.
  4. The URL you copied should be pasted into the “Enter YouTube URL” box and then hit the “Go” button.
  5. It should return an exact upload time for the video and upload date. You’ll also be given other information, such as the video’s description.
  6. Click on convert to local time to convert it to your local time zone. The time is shown in UTC, which is standard time, so if your time zone is est for example, you’ll be able to see the exact upload time of a video for your local time zone. To extract the information from the video, copy and paste the URL into the appropriate section. Coordinated Universal Standard Time (UTC) is used for this timestamp (UTC). To use a time zone converter to convert the time to your local time zone, take the time stamp you find on Youtube and paste it into the time zone converter of your liking.

2. Using Youtube Upload Time

Youtube records the video’s upload time when a Youtuber uploads a video. If you are interested in learning when a video was posted, you might consider downloading the YouTube Upload Time extension. This add-on uses the Google API to determine the date and time a video was posted. You can view the time and date by clicking on the extension’s icon while watching television.

Youtube No Upload Date?

Before, you could see a video’s upload date on YouTube. Recently, YouTube decided to make the update date on YouTube videos responsive to CSS, so smaller laptop and PC screens aren’t able to see the upload date on a YouTube video. The thing is that the upload date is still there but for some reason, YouTube decide to truncate it on smaller screens meaning that you can’t see it unless you Zoom out.

Why Can’t I See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded?

Using smaller displays appears to be a source of the problem. Upload dates are not visible until the magnification setting in Google Chrome is reduced to 90%. YouTube’s responsive CSS appears to be hampered by smaller displays. The date of the video’s posting used to be displayed on YouTube videos in the past. It used to be underneath the view count, but it has now been moved to the right of the view count, and you can’t see in until you zoom your screen out.

1. Suggested Videos

The suggested videos on the right side of the screen when watching videos on your desktop are there to entice you to stay on YouTube for longer and watch more videos (business decisions like this allow them to make more money). Since YouTube wants you to watch them, they’ve made the right column bigger, which means you’re more likely to click on a suggested video. This means that the column for the YouTube video and the information below it are smaller than they use to be, and because of this, the upload date has gone as there isn’t enough space for it.

2. There Are New Buttons

Another reason why YouTube isn’t showing the upload date is that new features are being added, crowding up the area where the upload date is meant to be. This means that if your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the upload date because of other features like the download option, share, save, and clip. Other features that have always been there such as the view count, and the like and dislike also stop the upload date from being shown. If your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the entire view count as some of it will be hidden.

3. Small Monitor

Smaller monitors tend to experience the no upload date problem since YouTube isn’t built well for them. Smaller monitors don’t have enough space for the suggested videos by other content creators and a large enough youtube screen column for extra features like download, clip, and save to fit the upload date. So if you know that your screen is smaller than a typical monitor, it should be no surprise to you that you can’t see the upload date on YouTube videos.

Can’t See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded? Try These Fixes

You need to realize that the upload date hasn’t gone; your screen is just too small to see it. If you did see it in the past, all the new features such as clip, download and save have now made it a not-so-relevant feature to see which is why it appears as if it’s missing.

1. Zoom Out

You need to Zoom out to fix the no upload date on YouTube. The level of Zoom depends on how small your screen is. For most of you, zooming out to 90% should reveal the upload date again since the video and the information below it fill up more of the screen compared to before, where the right column for the suggested video was taking up too much to the point where the upload date disappeared. You might find that you need to zoom out a little bit more (to something like 75%) to make enough room in the bar to see the upload date.

2. Zoom In

Since the main culprit for the video disappearing is that the right column, where the suggested videos are, is taking up too much space, you can make the left column bigger by zooming in. At first, you might think zoom in? isn’t the problem that my screen is too small? How’s zooming in going to fix it. Although you’re right, there’s a certain point that you zoom into where the full length of the YouTube video is reached, and the right column is no longer there. If you zoom in too much, you’ll lose the upload date. If you zoom in too little, you still won’t be able to see the upload date. Usually, the point at which the date is revealed is when you’ve zoomed in to the point where the right column (suggested videos) has disappeared. This is typically 150% zoom.

3. Check On YouTube App On Mobile

If you want to see the upload date on a video after not being able to see it on your desktop PC, you can check the upload date of a video on YouTube by using the app on your iPhone or Android. To check this, go on the app and click the video you want. To make it easier to find, like it on your desktop and look for it in your like videos on the app. From here, you watch to click the description, and you’ll be able to see the upload date on the right.

4. Check On On Mobile

If you want to check the updated date of a video uploaded but the upload date is missing on your PC, you can use on your mobile device. To use on your mobile device, you need to go onto safari or chrome, whether you’re on iPhone or Android, and you need to search for From here, you need to click on the description and look for the upload date on the right. The exact upload date bar the time will be shown to you.

5. Get A Bigger Desktop

Since the problem is that your desktop or laptop is too small and the updated date has to be truncated when you’re watching YouTube in Chrome, getting a larger screen will fix the problem for you. A large screen will be big enough to show the suggested videos at the size YouTube wants it to be shown at and include all the new features such as clip save and download while showing the upload date. This means that you’ll be able to see the upload date of a video that you’ve clicked to watch without having to zoom in or zoom out just to see it.

6. Refresh The Page

If for some reason you’ve tried google chrome’s zoom option to zoom in and out but there’s still no youtube upload date, you can try and refresh the page. YouTube can experience glitches where certain things happen unexpectedly and this can cause problems such as the upload date not showing. To get rid of this bug, the best thing to do is to refresh the page so that YouTube can refresh and have a chance of showing you the upload date next to the view count.

7. Clear YouTube’s Cache

To fix the problem, you can also try and clear youtube’s cache. You can clear the cache if you can’t see the youtube video upload time on your iPhone or Android device. To clear the cache on your iPhone, you’ll need to delete and reinstall the app. You can do this by holding it down > clicking x > delete app > go to the Apple Store and reinstall it again > log in and see if the problem is still there. If it’s on your Android, go to settings > Application manager > YouTube > Clear cache > login and see if the problem is still persisting.

8. Wait For YouTube to Come with A Fix

If you still can’t see the upload date due to a glitch that YouTube is experiencing, the only thing that you can do at this point is to wait for a fix. Sometimes YouTube can experience bugs and the engineers have the fix the problem. If the upload date has gone and you cannot see it, waiting for a fix is your best option.

How to See When a Video Was Posted on YouTube

If you want to see when a YouTube video was posted, you can find this out using various different methods. The most obvious way is to look at the upload date on the video. The video’s upload date differs from the mobile app to the desktop. On your desktop, you can see the video’s upload date near the view count under the video. On your mobile, you need to click on the description to see the video’s upload date on the right.

1. Check The Earliest Youtube Comments and See the Dates They Were Posted

Youtube allows you to see when comments when made. When someone leaves a comment on Youtube, a date stamp will tell you whether a comment was made two days ago or months ago. This date stamp is available to everyone who goes through Youtube comments. You can scroll down to see when the earliest comments on a video were left. It will give you an idea of when a Youtube video was posted.

2. Search When The Video Was Released

The beauty of the internet is that you can look up any information you feel you need to know. You can turn to a search engine to see when a video was released on Youtube. Most people use Youtube to watch music videos, but sometimes the release information of the video is not displayed. You can google the release date if you want to know when a video was released. If you are lucky, you will not only find the release date of the music video, but you can find the release time.

3. Right-Click on Page and View Page Source

The source code is hidden underneath all the graphics, text, and call-to-action buttons on the page. The first step is to open the movie in your browser and navigate to the video source code (source code) page. A page’s HTML source can be seen by right-clicking on a blank section of the page and then selecting ‘view source’ from the drop-down menu or pressing CTRL + U on your keyboard while browsing. Once you know how to see the source code, you need to search for items in it. The search capabilities you use for normal online surfing should work to search for information in your source code. Commands such as CTRL + F (for Find) will assist you in scanning your source code rapidly. Search for the upload date on the HTML source page by pressing the CTRL + F keyboard shortcut. From here, they’ll have a more accurate time for the time the video was posted.

4. Use Google Advanced Search Tool

Another way to find out when a youtube video was posted is to use Google’s advanced search tool, which allows you to filter when a YouTube video was posted. To find out when a YouTube video was posted, you have to click on the filters button at the top after searching on YouTube. From here, you’ll have options such as last hour, today, this week, this month, and this year. If you use the today feature, you’ll know that the video was uploaded today.


If you want to find out information about a Youtube video, you can right-click on the video and view the page source information or check the earliest comments.


title: “How To See When A Youtube Video Was Posted” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-05” author: “Greg Jasso”

Can You See When a YouTube Video Was Posted?

You can see the exact time a YouTube video was uploaded by using a YouTube data viewer. This will pull the exact upload date and time that the video was uploaded. On YouTube, you can see when a video was uploaded, but YouTube gives a generic date and time. Sometimes on videos you might see, 3 days ago or 2 months ago, and on the video itself, you’re just given a date but no time. However, using a tool like YouTube Data Viewer, you can find out what time a YouTube video was uploaded. This means that you’re going to know the exact day and time for your local time zone.

How to See When a YouTube Video Was Posted

If you want to see the exact time of upload for a YouTube video, then you can use a YouTube date viewer which will allow you to put in the URL of a video from your chosen youtube channel and it’ll extract the exact publish date of the video. So if the video was posted 3 days or 1 month ago, you’ll be given the date of upload which will let you know what day it was posted, whether that’s a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

1. Use Youtube Data Viewer

Upload date verification can be accomplished using the YouTube Data Viewer, a web-based tool. The user enters a YouTube URL, and the device returns information about the video that is useful for verifying a video on YouTube. Videos on YouTube only display the date they were uploaded, not the precise moment it was uploaded. There are several pieces of information on YouTube, including a description of the video, its ID number, the date and time it was uploaded, and the precise time it was uploaded. To change the exact time to the time in your time zone, click on the “Convert to local time” button when the time is displayed. Finally, you’ll see several video thumbnails, which you can utilize to further your study at your leisure. To find out the exact time of an upload:

  1. Go to the video you want to find the exact upload time for.
  2. Copy the YouTube video’s URL from your browser’s address bar
  3. Visit the YouTube Data Viewer.
  4. The URL you copied should be pasted into the “Enter YouTube URL” box and then hit the “Go” button.
  5. It should return an exact upload time for the video and upload date. You’ll also be given other information, such as the video’s description.
  6. Click on convert to local time to convert it to your local time zone. The time is shown in UTC, which is standard time, so if your time zone is est for example, you’ll be able to see the exact upload time of a video for your local time zone. To extract the information from the video, copy and paste the URL into the appropriate section. Coordinated Universal Standard Time (UTC) is used for this timestamp (UTC). To use a time zone converter to convert the time to your local time zone, take the time stamp you find on Youtube and paste it into the time zone converter of your liking.

2. Using Youtube Upload Time

Youtube records the video’s upload time when a Youtuber uploads a video. If you are interested in learning when a video was posted, you might consider downloading the YouTube Upload Time extension. This add-on uses the Google API to determine the date and time a video was posted. You can view the time and date by clicking on the extension’s icon while watching television.

Youtube No Upload Date?

Before, you could see a video’s upload date on YouTube. Recently, YouTube decided to make the update date on YouTube videos responsive to CSS, so smaller laptop and PC screens aren’t able to see the upload date on a YouTube video. The thing is that the upload date is still there but for some reason, YouTube decide to truncate it on smaller screens meaning that you can’t see it unless you Zoom out.

Why Can’t I See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded?

Using smaller displays appears to be a source of the problem. Upload dates are not visible until the magnification setting in Google Chrome is reduced to 90%. YouTube’s responsive CSS appears to be hampered by smaller displays. The date of the video’s posting used to be displayed on YouTube videos in the past. It used to be underneath the view count, but it has now been moved to the right of the view count, and you can’t see in until you zoom your screen out.

1. Suggested Videos

The suggested videos on the right side of the screen when watching videos on your desktop are there to entice you to stay on YouTube for longer and watch more videos (business decisions like this allow them to make more money). Since YouTube wants you to watch them, they’ve made the right column bigger, which means you’re more likely to click on a suggested video. This means that the column for the YouTube video and the information below it are smaller than they use to be, and because of this, the upload date has gone as there isn’t enough space for it.

2. There Are New Buttons

Another reason why YouTube isn’t showing the upload date is that new features are being added, crowding up the area where the upload date is meant to be. This means that if your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the upload date because of other features like the download option, share, save, and clip. Other features that have always been there such as the view count, and the like and dislike also stop the upload date from being shown. If your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the entire view count as some of it will be hidden.

3. Small Monitor

Smaller monitors tend to experience the no upload date problem since YouTube isn’t built well for them. Smaller monitors don’t have enough space for the suggested videos by other content creators and a large enough youtube screen column for extra features like download, clip, and save to fit the upload date. So if you know that your screen is smaller than a typical monitor, it should be no surprise to you that you can’t see the upload date on YouTube videos.

Can’t See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded? Try These Fixes

You need to realize that the upload date hasn’t gone; your screen is just too small to see it. If you did see it in the past, all the new features such as clip, download and save have now made it a not-so-relevant feature to see which is why it appears as if it’s missing.

1. Zoom Out

You need to Zoom out to fix the no upload date on YouTube. The level of Zoom depends on how small your screen is. For most of you, zooming out to 90% should reveal the upload date again since the video and the information below it fill up more of the screen compared to before, where the right column for the suggested video was taking up too much to the point where the upload date disappeared. You might find that you need to zoom out a little bit more (to something like 75%) to make enough room in the bar to see the upload date.

2. Zoom In

Since the main culprit for the video disappearing is that the right column, where the suggested videos are, is taking up too much space, you can make the left column bigger by zooming in. At first, you might think zoom in? isn’t the problem that my screen is too small? How’s zooming in going to fix it. Although you’re right, there’s a certain point that you zoom into where the full length of the YouTube video is reached, and the right column is no longer there. If you zoom in too much, you’ll lose the upload date. If you zoom in too little, you still won’t be able to see the upload date. Usually, the point at which the date is revealed is when you’ve zoomed in to the point where the right column (suggested videos) has disappeared. This is typically 150% zoom.

3. Check On YouTube App On Mobile

If you want to see the upload date on a video after not being able to see it on your desktop PC, you can check the upload date of a video on YouTube by using the app on your iPhone or Android. To check this, go on the app and click the video you want. To make it easier to find, like it on your desktop and look for it in your like videos on the app. From here, you watch to click the description, and you’ll be able to see the upload date on the right.

4. Check On On Mobile

If you want to check the updated date of a video uploaded but the upload date is missing on your PC, you can use on your mobile device. To use on your mobile device, you need to go onto safari or chrome, whether you’re on iPhone or Android, and you need to search for From here, you need to click on the description and look for the upload date on the right. The exact upload date bar the time will be shown to you.

5. Get A Bigger Desktop

Since the problem is that your desktop or laptop is too small and the updated date has to be truncated when you’re watching YouTube in Chrome, getting a larger screen will fix the problem for you. A large screen will be big enough to show the suggested videos at the size YouTube wants it to be shown at and include all the new features such as clip save and download while showing the upload date. This means that you’ll be able to see the upload date of a video that you’ve clicked to watch without having to zoom in or zoom out just to see it.

6. Refresh The Page

If for some reason you’ve tried google chrome’s zoom option to zoom in and out but there’s still no youtube upload date, you can try and refresh the page. YouTube can experience glitches where certain things happen unexpectedly and this can cause problems such as the upload date not showing. To get rid of this bug, the best thing to do is to refresh the page so that YouTube can refresh and have a chance of showing you the upload date next to the view count.

7. Clear YouTube’s Cache

To fix the problem, you can also try and clear youtube’s cache. You can clear the cache if you can’t see the youtube video upload time on your iPhone or Android device. To clear the cache on your iPhone, you’ll need to delete and reinstall the app. You can do this by holding it down > clicking x > delete app > go to the Apple Store and reinstall it again > log in and see if the problem is still there. If it’s on your Android, go to settings > Application manager > YouTube > Clear cache > login and see if the problem is still persisting.

8. Wait For YouTube to Come with A Fix

If you still can’t see the upload date due to a glitch that YouTube is experiencing, the only thing that you can do at this point is to wait for a fix. Sometimes YouTube can experience bugs and the engineers have the fix the problem. If the upload date has gone and you cannot see it, waiting for a fix is your best option.

How to See When a Video Was Posted on YouTube

If you want to see when a YouTube video was posted, you can find this out using various different methods. The most obvious way is to look at the upload date on the video. The video’s upload date differs from the mobile app to the desktop. On your desktop, you can see the video’s upload date near the view count under the video. On your mobile, you need to click on the description to see the video’s upload date on the right.

1. Check The Earliest Youtube Comments and See the Dates They Were Posted

Youtube allows you to see when comments when made. When someone leaves a comment on Youtube, a date stamp will tell you whether a comment was made two days ago or months ago. This date stamp is available to everyone who goes through Youtube comments. You can scroll down to see when the earliest comments on a video were left. It will give you an idea of when a Youtube video was posted.

2. Search When The Video Was Released

The beauty of the internet is that you can look up any information you feel you need to know. You can turn to a search engine to see when a video was released on Youtube. Most people use Youtube to watch music videos, but sometimes the release information of the video is not displayed. You can google the release date if you want to know when a video was released. If you are lucky, you will not only find the release date of the music video, but you can find the release time.

3. Right-Click on Page and View Page Source

The source code is hidden underneath all the graphics, text, and call-to-action buttons on the page. The first step is to open the movie in your browser and navigate to the video source code (source code) page. A page’s HTML source can be seen by right-clicking on a blank section of the page and then selecting ‘view source’ from the drop-down menu or pressing CTRL + U on your keyboard while browsing. Once you know how to see the source code, you need to search for items in it. The search capabilities you use for normal online surfing should work to search for information in your source code. Commands such as CTRL + F (for Find) will assist you in scanning your source code rapidly. Search for the upload date on the HTML source page by pressing the CTRL + F keyboard shortcut. From here, they’ll have a more accurate time for the time the video was posted.

4. Use Google Advanced Search Tool

Another way to find out when a youtube video was posted is to use Google’s advanced search tool, which allows you to filter when a YouTube video was posted. To find out when a YouTube video was posted, you have to click on the filters button at the top after searching on YouTube. From here, you’ll have options such as last hour, today, this week, this month, and this year. If you use the today feature, you’ll know that the video was uploaded today.


If you want to find out information about a Youtube video, you can right-click on the video and view the page source information or check the earliest comments.


title: “How To See When A Youtube Video Was Posted” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-08” author: “Eleanor Knowles”

Can You See When a YouTube Video Was Posted?

You can see the exact time a YouTube video was uploaded by using a YouTube data viewer. This will pull the exact upload date and time that the video was uploaded. On YouTube, you can see when a video was uploaded, but YouTube gives a generic date and time. Sometimes on videos you might see, 3 days ago or 2 months ago, and on the video itself, you’re just given a date but no time. However, using a tool like YouTube Data Viewer, you can find out what time a YouTube video was uploaded. This means that you’re going to know the exact day and time for your local time zone.

How to See When a YouTube Video Was Posted

If you want to see the exact time of upload for a YouTube video, then you can use a YouTube date viewer which will allow you to put in the URL of a video from your chosen youtube channel and it’ll extract the exact publish date of the video. So if the video was posted 3 days or 1 month ago, you’ll be given the date of upload which will let you know what day it was posted, whether that’s a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

1. Use Youtube Data Viewer

Upload date verification can be accomplished using the YouTube Data Viewer, a web-based tool. The user enters a YouTube URL, and the device returns information about the video that is useful for verifying a video on YouTube. Videos on YouTube only display the date they were uploaded, not the precise moment it was uploaded. There are several pieces of information on YouTube, including a description of the video, its ID number, the date and time it was uploaded, and the precise time it was uploaded. To change the exact time to the time in your time zone, click on the “Convert to local time” button when the time is displayed. Finally, you’ll see several video thumbnails, which you can utilize to further your study at your leisure. To find out the exact time of an upload:

  1. Go to the video you want to find the exact upload time for.
  2. Copy the YouTube video’s URL from your browser’s address bar
  3. Visit the YouTube Data Viewer.
  4. The URL you copied should be pasted into the “Enter YouTube URL” box and then hit the “Go” button.
  5. It should return an exact upload time for the video and upload date. You’ll also be given other information, such as the video’s description.
  6. Click on convert to local time to convert it to your local time zone. The time is shown in UTC, which is standard time, so if your time zone is est for example, you’ll be able to see the exact upload time of a video for your local time zone. To extract the information from the video, copy and paste the URL into the appropriate section. Coordinated Universal Standard Time (UTC) is used for this timestamp (UTC). To use a time zone converter to convert the time to your local time zone, take the time stamp you find on Youtube and paste it into the time zone converter of your liking.

2. Using Youtube Upload Time

Youtube records the video’s upload time when a Youtuber uploads a video. If you are interested in learning when a video was posted, you might consider downloading the YouTube Upload Time extension. This add-on uses the Google API to determine the date and time a video was posted. You can view the time and date by clicking on the extension’s icon while watching television.

Youtube No Upload Date?

Before, you could see a video’s upload date on YouTube. Recently, YouTube decided to make the update date on YouTube videos responsive to CSS, so smaller laptop and PC screens aren’t able to see the upload date on a YouTube video. The thing is that the upload date is still there but for some reason, YouTube decide to truncate it on smaller screens meaning that you can’t see it unless you Zoom out.

Why Can’t I See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded?

Using smaller displays appears to be a source of the problem. Upload dates are not visible until the magnification setting in Google Chrome is reduced to 90%. YouTube’s responsive CSS appears to be hampered by smaller displays. The date of the video’s posting used to be displayed on YouTube videos in the past. It used to be underneath the view count, but it has now been moved to the right of the view count, and you can’t see in until you zoom your screen out.

1. Suggested Videos

The suggested videos on the right side of the screen when watching videos on your desktop are there to entice you to stay on YouTube for longer and watch more videos (business decisions like this allow them to make more money). Since YouTube wants you to watch them, they’ve made the right column bigger, which means you’re more likely to click on a suggested video. This means that the column for the YouTube video and the information below it are smaller than they use to be, and because of this, the upload date has gone as there isn’t enough space for it.

2. There Are New Buttons

Another reason why YouTube isn’t showing the upload date is that new features are being added, crowding up the area where the upload date is meant to be. This means that if your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the upload date because of other features like the download option, share, save, and clip. Other features that have always been there such as the view count, and the like and dislike also stop the upload date from being shown. If your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the entire view count as some of it will be hidden.

3. Small Monitor

Smaller monitors tend to experience the no upload date problem since YouTube isn’t built well for them. Smaller monitors don’t have enough space for the suggested videos by other content creators and a large enough youtube screen column for extra features like download, clip, and save to fit the upload date. So if you know that your screen is smaller than a typical monitor, it should be no surprise to you that you can’t see the upload date on YouTube videos.

Can’t See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded? Try These Fixes

You need to realize that the upload date hasn’t gone; your screen is just too small to see it. If you did see it in the past, all the new features such as clip, download and save have now made it a not-so-relevant feature to see which is why it appears as if it’s missing.

1. Zoom Out

You need to Zoom out to fix the no upload date on YouTube. The level of Zoom depends on how small your screen is. For most of you, zooming out to 90% should reveal the upload date again since the video and the information below it fill up more of the screen compared to before, where the right column for the suggested video was taking up too much to the point where the upload date disappeared. You might find that you need to zoom out a little bit more (to something like 75%) to make enough room in the bar to see the upload date.

2. Zoom In

Since the main culprit for the video disappearing is that the right column, where the suggested videos are, is taking up too much space, you can make the left column bigger by zooming in. At first, you might think zoom in? isn’t the problem that my screen is too small? How’s zooming in going to fix it. Although you’re right, there’s a certain point that you zoom into where the full length of the YouTube video is reached, and the right column is no longer there. If you zoom in too much, you’ll lose the upload date. If you zoom in too little, you still won’t be able to see the upload date. Usually, the point at which the date is revealed is when you’ve zoomed in to the point where the right column (suggested videos) has disappeared. This is typically 150% zoom.

3. Check On YouTube App On Mobile

If you want to see the upload date on a video after not being able to see it on your desktop PC, you can check the upload date of a video on YouTube by using the app on your iPhone or Android. To check this, go on the app and click the video you want. To make it easier to find, like it on your desktop and look for it in your like videos on the app. From here, you watch to click the description, and you’ll be able to see the upload date on the right.

4. Check On On Mobile

If you want to check the updated date of a video uploaded but the upload date is missing on your PC, you can use on your mobile device. To use on your mobile device, you need to go onto safari or chrome, whether you’re on iPhone or Android, and you need to search for From here, you need to click on the description and look for the upload date on the right. The exact upload date bar the time will be shown to you.

5. Get A Bigger Desktop

Since the problem is that your desktop or laptop is too small and the updated date has to be truncated when you’re watching YouTube in Chrome, getting a larger screen will fix the problem for you. A large screen will be big enough to show the suggested videos at the size YouTube wants it to be shown at and include all the new features such as clip save and download while showing the upload date. This means that you’ll be able to see the upload date of a video that you’ve clicked to watch without having to zoom in or zoom out just to see it.

6. Refresh The Page

If for some reason you’ve tried google chrome’s zoom option to zoom in and out but there’s still no youtube upload date, you can try and refresh the page. YouTube can experience glitches where certain things happen unexpectedly and this can cause problems such as the upload date not showing. To get rid of this bug, the best thing to do is to refresh the page so that YouTube can refresh and have a chance of showing you the upload date next to the view count.

7. Clear YouTube’s Cache

To fix the problem, you can also try and clear youtube’s cache. You can clear the cache if you can’t see the youtube video upload time on your iPhone or Android device. To clear the cache on your iPhone, you’ll need to delete and reinstall the app. You can do this by holding it down > clicking x > delete app > go to the Apple Store and reinstall it again > log in and see if the problem is still there. If it’s on your Android, go to settings > Application manager > YouTube > Clear cache > login and see if the problem is still persisting.

8. Wait For YouTube to Come with A Fix

If you still can’t see the upload date due to a glitch that YouTube is experiencing, the only thing that you can do at this point is to wait for a fix. Sometimes YouTube can experience bugs and the engineers have the fix the problem. If the upload date has gone and you cannot see it, waiting for a fix is your best option.

How to See When a Video Was Posted on YouTube

If you want to see when a YouTube video was posted, you can find this out using various different methods. The most obvious way is to look at the upload date on the video. The video’s upload date differs from the mobile app to the desktop. On your desktop, you can see the video’s upload date near the view count under the video. On your mobile, you need to click on the description to see the video’s upload date on the right.

1. Check The Earliest Youtube Comments and See the Dates They Were Posted

Youtube allows you to see when comments when made. When someone leaves a comment on Youtube, a date stamp will tell you whether a comment was made two days ago or months ago. This date stamp is available to everyone who goes through Youtube comments. You can scroll down to see when the earliest comments on a video were left. It will give you an idea of when a Youtube video was posted.

2. Search When The Video Was Released

The beauty of the internet is that you can look up any information you feel you need to know. You can turn to a search engine to see when a video was released on Youtube. Most people use Youtube to watch music videos, but sometimes the release information of the video is not displayed. You can google the release date if you want to know when a video was released. If you are lucky, you will not only find the release date of the music video, but you can find the release time.

3. Right-Click on Page and View Page Source

The source code is hidden underneath all the graphics, text, and call-to-action buttons on the page. The first step is to open the movie in your browser and navigate to the video source code (source code) page. A page’s HTML source can be seen by right-clicking on a blank section of the page and then selecting ‘view source’ from the drop-down menu or pressing CTRL + U on your keyboard while browsing. Once you know how to see the source code, you need to search for items in it. The search capabilities you use for normal online surfing should work to search for information in your source code. Commands such as CTRL + F (for Find) will assist you in scanning your source code rapidly. Search for the upload date on the HTML source page by pressing the CTRL + F keyboard shortcut. From here, they’ll have a more accurate time for the time the video was posted.

4. Use Google Advanced Search Tool

Another way to find out when a youtube video was posted is to use Google’s advanced search tool, which allows you to filter when a YouTube video was posted. To find out when a YouTube video was posted, you have to click on the filters button at the top after searching on YouTube. From here, you’ll have options such as last hour, today, this week, this month, and this year. If you use the today feature, you’ll know that the video was uploaded today.


If you want to find out information about a Youtube video, you can right-click on the video and view the page source information or check the earliest comments.


title: “How To See When A Youtube Video Was Posted” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-24” author: “Kiersten Quiros”

Can You See When a YouTube Video Was Posted?

You can see the exact time a YouTube video was uploaded by using a YouTube data viewer. This will pull the exact upload date and time that the video was uploaded. On YouTube, you can see when a video was uploaded, but YouTube gives a generic date and time. Sometimes on videos you might see, 3 days ago or 2 months ago, and on the video itself, you’re just given a date but no time. However, using a tool like YouTube Data Viewer, you can find out what time a YouTube video was uploaded. This means that you’re going to know the exact day and time for your local time zone.

How to See When a YouTube Video Was Posted

If you want to see the exact time of upload for a YouTube video, then you can use a YouTube date viewer which will allow you to put in the URL of a video from your chosen youtube channel and it’ll extract the exact publish date of the video. So if the video was posted 3 days or 1 month ago, you’ll be given the date of upload which will let you know what day it was posted, whether that’s a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

1. Use Youtube Data Viewer

Upload date verification can be accomplished using the YouTube Data Viewer, a web-based tool. The user enters a YouTube URL, and the device returns information about the video that is useful for verifying a video on YouTube. Videos on YouTube only display the date they were uploaded, not the precise moment it was uploaded. There are several pieces of information on YouTube, including a description of the video, its ID number, the date and time it was uploaded, and the precise time it was uploaded. To change the exact time to the time in your time zone, click on the “Convert to local time” button when the time is displayed. Finally, you’ll see several video thumbnails, which you can utilize to further your study at your leisure. To find out the exact time of an upload:

  1. Go to the video you want to find the exact upload time for.
  2. Copy the YouTube video’s URL from your browser’s address bar
  3. Visit the YouTube Data Viewer.
  4. The URL you copied should be pasted into the “Enter YouTube URL” box and then hit the “Go” button.
  5. It should return an exact upload time for the video and upload date. You’ll also be given other information, such as the video’s description.
  6. Click on convert to local time to convert it to your local time zone. The time is shown in UTC, which is standard time, so if your time zone is est for example, you’ll be able to see the exact upload time of a video for your local time zone. To extract the information from the video, copy and paste the URL into the appropriate section. Coordinated Universal Standard Time (UTC) is used for this timestamp (UTC). To use a time zone converter to convert the time to your local time zone, take the time stamp you find on Youtube and paste it into the time zone converter of your liking.

2. Using Youtube Upload Time

Youtube records the video’s upload time when a Youtuber uploads a video. If you are interested in learning when a video was posted, you might consider downloading the YouTube Upload Time extension. This add-on uses the Google API to determine the date and time a video was posted. You can view the time and date by clicking on the extension’s icon while watching television.

Youtube No Upload Date?

Before, you could see a video’s upload date on YouTube. Recently, YouTube decided to make the update date on YouTube videos responsive to CSS, so smaller laptop and PC screens aren’t able to see the upload date on a YouTube video. The thing is that the upload date is still there but for some reason, YouTube decide to truncate it on smaller screens meaning that you can’t see it unless you Zoom out.

Why Can’t I See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded?

Using smaller displays appears to be a source of the problem. Upload dates are not visible until the magnification setting in Google Chrome is reduced to 90%. YouTube’s responsive CSS appears to be hampered by smaller displays. The date of the video’s posting used to be displayed on YouTube videos in the past. It used to be underneath the view count, but it has now been moved to the right of the view count, and you can’t see in until you zoom your screen out.

1. Suggested Videos

The suggested videos on the right side of the screen when watching videos on your desktop are there to entice you to stay on YouTube for longer and watch more videos (business decisions like this allow them to make more money). Since YouTube wants you to watch them, they’ve made the right column bigger, which means you’re more likely to click on a suggested video. This means that the column for the YouTube video and the information below it are smaller than they use to be, and because of this, the upload date has gone as there isn’t enough space for it.

2. There Are New Buttons

Another reason why YouTube isn’t showing the upload date is that new features are being added, crowding up the area where the upload date is meant to be. This means that if your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the upload date because of other features like the download option, share, save, and clip. Other features that have always been there such as the view count, and the like and dislike also stop the upload date from being shown. If your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the entire view count as some of it will be hidden.

3. Small Monitor

Smaller monitors tend to experience the no upload date problem since YouTube isn’t built well for them. Smaller monitors don’t have enough space for the suggested videos by other content creators and a large enough youtube screen column for extra features like download, clip, and save to fit the upload date. So if you know that your screen is smaller than a typical monitor, it should be no surprise to you that you can’t see the upload date on YouTube videos.

Can’t See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded? Try These Fixes

You need to realize that the upload date hasn’t gone; your screen is just too small to see it. If you did see it in the past, all the new features such as clip, download and save have now made it a not-so-relevant feature to see which is why it appears as if it’s missing.

1. Zoom Out

You need to Zoom out to fix the no upload date on YouTube. The level of Zoom depends on how small your screen is. For most of you, zooming out to 90% should reveal the upload date again since the video and the information below it fill up more of the screen compared to before, where the right column for the suggested video was taking up too much to the point where the upload date disappeared. You might find that you need to zoom out a little bit more (to something like 75%) to make enough room in the bar to see the upload date.

2. Zoom In

Since the main culprit for the video disappearing is that the right column, where the suggested videos are, is taking up too much space, you can make the left column bigger by zooming in. At first, you might think zoom in? isn’t the problem that my screen is too small? How’s zooming in going to fix it. Although you’re right, there’s a certain point that you zoom into where the full length of the YouTube video is reached, and the right column is no longer there. If you zoom in too much, you’ll lose the upload date. If you zoom in too little, you still won’t be able to see the upload date. Usually, the point at which the date is revealed is when you’ve zoomed in to the point where the right column (suggested videos) has disappeared. This is typically 150% zoom.

3. Check On YouTube App On Mobile

If you want to see the upload date on a video after not being able to see it on your desktop PC, you can check the upload date of a video on YouTube by using the app on your iPhone or Android. To check this, go on the app and click the video you want. To make it easier to find, like it on your desktop and look for it in your like videos on the app. From here, you watch to click the description, and you’ll be able to see the upload date on the right.

4. Check On On Mobile

If you want to check the updated date of a video uploaded but the upload date is missing on your PC, you can use on your mobile device. To use on your mobile device, you need to go onto safari or chrome, whether you’re on iPhone or Android, and you need to search for From here, you need to click on the description and look for the upload date on the right. The exact upload date bar the time will be shown to you.

5. Get A Bigger Desktop

Since the problem is that your desktop or laptop is too small and the updated date has to be truncated when you’re watching YouTube in Chrome, getting a larger screen will fix the problem for you. A large screen will be big enough to show the suggested videos at the size YouTube wants it to be shown at and include all the new features such as clip save and download while showing the upload date. This means that you’ll be able to see the upload date of a video that you’ve clicked to watch without having to zoom in or zoom out just to see it.

6. Refresh The Page

If for some reason you’ve tried google chrome’s zoom option to zoom in and out but there’s still no youtube upload date, you can try and refresh the page. YouTube can experience glitches where certain things happen unexpectedly and this can cause problems such as the upload date not showing. To get rid of this bug, the best thing to do is to refresh the page so that YouTube can refresh and have a chance of showing you the upload date next to the view count.

7. Clear YouTube’s Cache

To fix the problem, you can also try and clear youtube’s cache. You can clear the cache if you can’t see the youtube video upload time on your iPhone or Android device. To clear the cache on your iPhone, you’ll need to delete and reinstall the app. You can do this by holding it down > clicking x > delete app > go to the Apple Store and reinstall it again > log in and see if the problem is still there. If it’s on your Android, go to settings > Application manager > YouTube > Clear cache > login and see if the problem is still persisting.

8. Wait For YouTube to Come with A Fix

If you still can’t see the upload date due to a glitch that YouTube is experiencing, the only thing that you can do at this point is to wait for a fix. Sometimes YouTube can experience bugs and the engineers have the fix the problem. If the upload date has gone and you cannot see it, waiting for a fix is your best option.

How to See When a Video Was Posted on YouTube

If you want to see when a YouTube video was posted, you can find this out using various different methods. The most obvious way is to look at the upload date on the video. The video’s upload date differs from the mobile app to the desktop. On your desktop, you can see the video’s upload date near the view count under the video. On your mobile, you need to click on the description to see the video’s upload date on the right.

1. Check The Earliest Youtube Comments and See the Dates They Were Posted

Youtube allows you to see when comments when made. When someone leaves a comment on Youtube, a date stamp will tell you whether a comment was made two days ago or months ago. This date stamp is available to everyone who goes through Youtube comments. You can scroll down to see when the earliest comments on a video were left. It will give you an idea of when a Youtube video was posted.

2. Search When The Video Was Released

The beauty of the internet is that you can look up any information you feel you need to know. You can turn to a search engine to see when a video was released on Youtube. Most people use Youtube to watch music videos, but sometimes the release information of the video is not displayed. You can google the release date if you want to know when a video was released. If you are lucky, you will not only find the release date of the music video, but you can find the release time.

3. Right-Click on Page and View Page Source

The source code is hidden underneath all the graphics, text, and call-to-action buttons on the page. The first step is to open the movie in your browser and navigate to the video source code (source code) page. A page’s HTML source can be seen by right-clicking on a blank section of the page and then selecting ‘view source’ from the drop-down menu or pressing CTRL + U on your keyboard while browsing. Once you know how to see the source code, you need to search for items in it. The search capabilities you use for normal online surfing should work to search for information in your source code. Commands such as CTRL + F (for Find) will assist you in scanning your source code rapidly. Search for the upload date on the HTML source page by pressing the CTRL + F keyboard shortcut. From here, they’ll have a more accurate time for the time the video was posted.

4. Use Google Advanced Search Tool

Another way to find out when a youtube video was posted is to use Google’s advanced search tool, which allows you to filter when a YouTube video was posted. To find out when a YouTube video was posted, you have to click on the filters button at the top after searching on YouTube. From here, you’ll have options such as last hour, today, this week, this month, and this year. If you use the today feature, you’ll know that the video was uploaded today.


If you want to find out information about a Youtube video, you can right-click on the video and view the page source information or check the earliest comments.


title: “How To See When A Youtube Video Was Posted” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-02” author: “Maria Carter”

Can You See When a YouTube Video Was Posted?

You can see the exact time a YouTube video was uploaded by using a YouTube data viewer. This will pull the exact upload date and time that the video was uploaded. On YouTube, you can see when a video was uploaded, but YouTube gives a generic date and time. Sometimes on videos you might see, 3 days ago or 2 months ago, and on the video itself, you’re just given a date but no time. However, using a tool like YouTube Data Viewer, you can find out what time a YouTube video was uploaded. This means that you’re going to know the exact day and time for your local time zone.

How to See When a YouTube Video Was Posted

If you want to see the exact time of upload for a YouTube video, then you can use a YouTube date viewer which will allow you to put in the URL of a video from your chosen youtube channel and it’ll extract the exact publish date of the video. So if the video was posted 3 days or 1 month ago, you’ll be given the date of upload which will let you know what day it was posted, whether that’s a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

1. Use Youtube Data Viewer

Upload date verification can be accomplished using the YouTube Data Viewer, a web-based tool. The user enters a YouTube URL, and the device returns information about the video that is useful for verifying a video on YouTube. Videos on YouTube only display the date they were uploaded, not the precise moment it was uploaded. There are several pieces of information on YouTube, including a description of the video, its ID number, the date and time it was uploaded, and the precise time it was uploaded. To change the exact time to the time in your time zone, click on the “Convert to local time” button when the time is displayed. Finally, you’ll see several video thumbnails, which you can utilize to further your study at your leisure. To find out the exact time of an upload:

  1. Go to the video you want to find the exact upload time for.
  2. Copy the YouTube video’s URL from your browser’s address bar
  3. Visit the YouTube Data Viewer.
  4. The URL you copied should be pasted into the “Enter YouTube URL” box and then hit the “Go” button.
  5. It should return an exact upload time for the video and upload date. You’ll also be given other information, such as the video’s description.
  6. Click on convert to local time to convert it to your local time zone. The time is shown in UTC, which is standard time, so if your time zone is est for example, you’ll be able to see the exact upload time of a video for your local time zone. To extract the information from the video, copy and paste the URL into the appropriate section. Coordinated Universal Standard Time (UTC) is used for this timestamp (UTC). To use a time zone converter to convert the time to your local time zone, take the time stamp you find on Youtube and paste it into the time zone converter of your liking.

2. Using Youtube Upload Time

Youtube records the video’s upload time when a Youtuber uploads a video. If you are interested in learning when a video was posted, you might consider downloading the YouTube Upload Time extension. This add-on uses the Google API to determine the date and time a video was posted. You can view the time and date by clicking on the extension’s icon while watching television.

Youtube No Upload Date?

Before, you could see a video’s upload date on YouTube. Recently, YouTube decided to make the update date on YouTube videos responsive to CSS, so smaller laptop and PC screens aren’t able to see the upload date on a YouTube video. The thing is that the upload date is still there but for some reason, YouTube decide to truncate it on smaller screens meaning that you can’t see it unless you Zoom out.

Why Can’t I See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded?

Using smaller displays appears to be a source of the problem. Upload dates are not visible until the magnification setting in Google Chrome is reduced to 90%. YouTube’s responsive CSS appears to be hampered by smaller displays. The date of the video’s posting used to be displayed on YouTube videos in the past. It used to be underneath the view count, but it has now been moved to the right of the view count, and you can’t see in until you zoom your screen out.

1. Suggested Videos

The suggested videos on the right side of the screen when watching videos on your desktop are there to entice you to stay on YouTube for longer and watch more videos (business decisions like this allow them to make more money). Since YouTube wants you to watch them, they’ve made the right column bigger, which means you’re more likely to click on a suggested video. This means that the column for the YouTube video and the information below it are smaller than they use to be, and because of this, the upload date has gone as there isn’t enough space for it.

2. There Are New Buttons

Another reason why YouTube isn’t showing the upload date is that new features are being added, crowding up the area where the upload date is meant to be. This means that if your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the upload date because of other features like the download option, share, save, and clip. Other features that have always been there such as the view count, and the like and dislike also stop the upload date from being shown. If your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the entire view count as some of it will be hidden.

3. Small Monitor

Smaller monitors tend to experience the no upload date problem since YouTube isn’t built well for them. Smaller monitors don’t have enough space for the suggested videos by other content creators and a large enough youtube screen column for extra features like download, clip, and save to fit the upload date. So if you know that your screen is smaller than a typical monitor, it should be no surprise to you that you can’t see the upload date on YouTube videos.

Can’t See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded? Try These Fixes

You need to realize that the upload date hasn’t gone; your screen is just too small to see it. If you did see it in the past, all the new features such as clip, download and save have now made it a not-so-relevant feature to see which is why it appears as if it’s missing.

1. Zoom Out

You need to Zoom out to fix the no upload date on YouTube. The level of Zoom depends on how small your screen is. For most of you, zooming out to 90% should reveal the upload date again since the video and the information below it fill up more of the screen compared to before, where the right column for the suggested video was taking up too much to the point where the upload date disappeared. You might find that you need to zoom out a little bit more (to something like 75%) to make enough room in the bar to see the upload date.

2. Zoom In

Since the main culprit for the video disappearing is that the right column, where the suggested videos are, is taking up too much space, you can make the left column bigger by zooming in. At first, you might think zoom in? isn’t the problem that my screen is too small? How’s zooming in going to fix it. Although you’re right, there’s a certain point that you zoom into where the full length of the YouTube video is reached, and the right column is no longer there. If you zoom in too much, you’ll lose the upload date. If you zoom in too little, you still won’t be able to see the upload date. Usually, the point at which the date is revealed is when you’ve zoomed in to the point where the right column (suggested videos) has disappeared. This is typically 150% zoom.

3. Check On YouTube App On Mobile

If you want to see the upload date on a video after not being able to see it on your desktop PC, you can check the upload date of a video on YouTube by using the app on your iPhone or Android. To check this, go on the app and click the video you want. To make it easier to find, like it on your desktop and look for it in your like videos on the app. From here, you watch to click the description, and you’ll be able to see the upload date on the right.

4. Check On On Mobile

If you want to check the updated date of a video uploaded but the upload date is missing on your PC, you can use on your mobile device. To use on your mobile device, you need to go onto safari or chrome, whether you’re on iPhone or Android, and you need to search for From here, you need to click on the description and look for the upload date on the right. The exact upload date bar the time will be shown to you.

5. Get A Bigger Desktop

Since the problem is that your desktop or laptop is too small and the updated date has to be truncated when you’re watching YouTube in Chrome, getting a larger screen will fix the problem for you. A large screen will be big enough to show the suggested videos at the size YouTube wants it to be shown at and include all the new features such as clip save and download while showing the upload date. This means that you’ll be able to see the upload date of a video that you’ve clicked to watch without having to zoom in or zoom out just to see it.

6. Refresh The Page

If for some reason you’ve tried google chrome’s zoom option to zoom in and out but there’s still no youtube upload date, you can try and refresh the page. YouTube can experience glitches where certain things happen unexpectedly and this can cause problems such as the upload date not showing. To get rid of this bug, the best thing to do is to refresh the page so that YouTube can refresh and have a chance of showing you the upload date next to the view count.

7. Clear YouTube’s Cache

To fix the problem, you can also try and clear youtube’s cache. You can clear the cache if you can’t see the youtube video upload time on your iPhone or Android device. To clear the cache on your iPhone, you’ll need to delete and reinstall the app. You can do this by holding it down > clicking x > delete app > go to the Apple Store and reinstall it again > log in and see if the problem is still there. If it’s on your Android, go to settings > Application manager > YouTube > Clear cache > login and see if the problem is still persisting.

8. Wait For YouTube to Come with A Fix

If you still can’t see the upload date due to a glitch that YouTube is experiencing, the only thing that you can do at this point is to wait for a fix. Sometimes YouTube can experience bugs and the engineers have the fix the problem. If the upload date has gone and you cannot see it, waiting for a fix is your best option.

How to See When a Video Was Posted on YouTube

If you want to see when a YouTube video was posted, you can find this out using various different methods. The most obvious way is to look at the upload date on the video. The video’s upload date differs from the mobile app to the desktop. On your desktop, you can see the video’s upload date near the view count under the video. On your mobile, you need to click on the description to see the video’s upload date on the right.

1. Check The Earliest Youtube Comments and See the Dates They Were Posted

Youtube allows you to see when comments when made. When someone leaves a comment on Youtube, a date stamp will tell you whether a comment was made two days ago or months ago. This date stamp is available to everyone who goes through Youtube comments. You can scroll down to see when the earliest comments on a video were left. It will give you an idea of when a Youtube video was posted.

2. Search When The Video Was Released

The beauty of the internet is that you can look up any information you feel you need to know. You can turn to a search engine to see when a video was released on Youtube. Most people use Youtube to watch music videos, but sometimes the release information of the video is not displayed. You can google the release date if you want to know when a video was released. If you are lucky, you will not only find the release date of the music video, but you can find the release time.

3. Right-Click on Page and View Page Source

The source code is hidden underneath all the graphics, text, and call-to-action buttons on the page. The first step is to open the movie in your browser and navigate to the video source code (source code) page. A page’s HTML source can be seen by right-clicking on a blank section of the page and then selecting ‘view source’ from the drop-down menu or pressing CTRL + U on your keyboard while browsing. Once you know how to see the source code, you need to search for items in it. The search capabilities you use for normal online surfing should work to search for information in your source code. Commands such as CTRL + F (for Find) will assist you in scanning your source code rapidly. Search for the upload date on the HTML source page by pressing the CTRL + F keyboard shortcut. From here, they’ll have a more accurate time for the time the video was posted.

4. Use Google Advanced Search Tool

Another way to find out when a youtube video was posted is to use Google’s advanced search tool, which allows you to filter when a YouTube video was posted. To find out when a YouTube video was posted, you have to click on the filters button at the top after searching on YouTube. From here, you’ll have options such as last hour, today, this week, this month, and this year. If you use the today feature, you’ll know that the video was uploaded today.


If you want to find out information about a Youtube video, you can right-click on the video and view the page source information or check the earliest comments.


title: “How To See When A Youtube Video Was Posted” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-14” author: “Shaun Thompson”

Can You See When a YouTube Video Was Posted?

You can see the exact time a YouTube video was uploaded by using a YouTube data viewer. This will pull the exact upload date and time that the video was uploaded. On YouTube, you can see when a video was uploaded, but YouTube gives a generic date and time. Sometimes on videos you might see, 3 days ago or 2 months ago, and on the video itself, you’re just given a date but no time. However, using a tool like YouTube Data Viewer, you can find out what time a YouTube video was uploaded. This means that you’re going to know the exact day and time for your local time zone.

How to See When a YouTube Video Was Posted

If you want to see the exact time of upload for a YouTube video, then you can use a YouTube date viewer which will allow you to put in the URL of a video from your chosen youtube channel and it’ll extract the exact publish date of the video. So if the video was posted 3 days or 1 month ago, you’ll be given the date of upload which will let you know what day it was posted, whether that’s a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

1. Use Youtube Data Viewer

Upload date verification can be accomplished using the YouTube Data Viewer, a web-based tool. The user enters a YouTube URL, and the device returns information about the video that is useful for verifying a video on YouTube. Videos on YouTube only display the date they were uploaded, not the precise moment it was uploaded. There are several pieces of information on YouTube, including a description of the video, its ID number, the date and time it was uploaded, and the precise time it was uploaded. To change the exact time to the time in your time zone, click on the “Convert to local time” button when the time is displayed. Finally, you’ll see several video thumbnails, which you can utilize to further your study at your leisure. To find out the exact time of an upload:

  1. Go to the video you want to find the exact upload time for.
  2. Copy the YouTube video’s URL from your browser’s address bar
  3. Visit the YouTube Data Viewer.
  4. The URL you copied should be pasted into the “Enter YouTube URL” box and then hit the “Go” button.
  5. It should return an exact upload time for the video and upload date. You’ll also be given other information, such as the video’s description.
  6. Click on convert to local time to convert it to your local time zone. The time is shown in UTC, which is standard time, so if your time zone is est for example, you’ll be able to see the exact upload time of a video for your local time zone. To extract the information from the video, copy and paste the URL into the appropriate section. Coordinated Universal Standard Time (UTC) is used for this timestamp (UTC). To use a time zone converter to convert the time to your local time zone, take the time stamp you find on Youtube and paste it into the time zone converter of your liking.

2. Using Youtube Upload Time

Youtube records the video’s upload time when a Youtuber uploads a video. If you are interested in learning when a video was posted, you might consider downloading the YouTube Upload Time extension. This add-on uses the Google API to determine the date and time a video was posted. You can view the time and date by clicking on the extension’s icon while watching television.

Youtube No Upload Date?

Before, you could see a video’s upload date on YouTube. Recently, YouTube decided to make the update date on YouTube videos responsive to CSS, so smaller laptop and PC screens aren’t able to see the upload date on a YouTube video. The thing is that the upload date is still there but for some reason, YouTube decide to truncate it on smaller screens meaning that you can’t see it unless you Zoom out.

Why Can’t I See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded?

Using smaller displays appears to be a source of the problem. Upload dates are not visible until the magnification setting in Google Chrome is reduced to 90%. YouTube’s responsive CSS appears to be hampered by smaller displays. The date of the video’s posting used to be displayed on YouTube videos in the past. It used to be underneath the view count, but it has now been moved to the right of the view count, and you can’t see in until you zoom your screen out.

1. Suggested Videos

The suggested videos on the right side of the screen when watching videos on your desktop are there to entice you to stay on YouTube for longer and watch more videos (business decisions like this allow them to make more money). Since YouTube wants you to watch them, they’ve made the right column bigger, which means you’re more likely to click on a suggested video. This means that the column for the YouTube video and the information below it are smaller than they use to be, and because of this, the upload date has gone as there isn’t enough space for it.

2. There Are New Buttons

Another reason why YouTube isn’t showing the upload date is that new features are being added, crowding up the area where the upload date is meant to be. This means that if your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the upload date because of other features like the download option, share, save, and clip. Other features that have always been there such as the view count, and the like and dislike also stop the upload date from being shown. If your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the entire view count as some of it will be hidden.

3. Small Monitor

Smaller monitors tend to experience the no upload date problem since YouTube isn’t built well for them. Smaller monitors don’t have enough space for the suggested videos by other content creators and a large enough youtube screen column for extra features like download, clip, and save to fit the upload date. So if you know that your screen is smaller than a typical monitor, it should be no surprise to you that you can’t see the upload date on YouTube videos.

Can’t See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded? Try These Fixes

You need to realize that the upload date hasn’t gone; your screen is just too small to see it. If you did see it in the past, all the new features such as clip, download and save have now made it a not-so-relevant feature to see which is why it appears as if it’s missing.

1. Zoom Out

You need to Zoom out to fix the no upload date on YouTube. The level of Zoom depends on how small your screen is. For most of you, zooming out to 90% should reveal the upload date again since the video and the information below it fill up more of the screen compared to before, where the right column for the suggested video was taking up too much to the point where the upload date disappeared. You might find that you need to zoom out a little bit more (to something like 75%) to make enough room in the bar to see the upload date.

2. Zoom In

Since the main culprit for the video disappearing is that the right column, where the suggested videos are, is taking up too much space, you can make the left column bigger by zooming in. At first, you might think zoom in? isn’t the problem that my screen is too small? How’s zooming in going to fix it. Although you’re right, there’s a certain point that you zoom into where the full length of the YouTube video is reached, and the right column is no longer there. If you zoom in too much, you’ll lose the upload date. If you zoom in too little, you still won’t be able to see the upload date. Usually, the point at which the date is revealed is when you’ve zoomed in to the point where the right column (suggested videos) has disappeared. This is typically 150% zoom.

3. Check On YouTube App On Mobile

If you want to see the upload date on a video after not being able to see it on your desktop PC, you can check the upload date of a video on YouTube by using the app on your iPhone or Android. To check this, go on the app and click the video you want. To make it easier to find, like it on your desktop and look for it in your like videos on the app. From here, you watch to click the description, and you’ll be able to see the upload date on the right.

4. Check On On Mobile

If you want to check the updated date of a video uploaded but the upload date is missing on your PC, you can use on your mobile device. To use on your mobile device, you need to go onto safari or chrome, whether you’re on iPhone or Android, and you need to search for From here, you need to click on the description and look for the upload date on the right. The exact upload date bar the time will be shown to you.

5. Get A Bigger Desktop

Since the problem is that your desktop or laptop is too small and the updated date has to be truncated when you’re watching YouTube in Chrome, getting a larger screen will fix the problem for you. A large screen will be big enough to show the suggested videos at the size YouTube wants it to be shown at and include all the new features such as clip save and download while showing the upload date. This means that you’ll be able to see the upload date of a video that you’ve clicked to watch without having to zoom in or zoom out just to see it.

6. Refresh The Page

If for some reason you’ve tried google chrome’s zoom option to zoom in and out but there’s still no youtube upload date, you can try and refresh the page. YouTube can experience glitches where certain things happen unexpectedly and this can cause problems such as the upload date not showing. To get rid of this bug, the best thing to do is to refresh the page so that YouTube can refresh and have a chance of showing you the upload date next to the view count.

7. Clear YouTube’s Cache

To fix the problem, you can also try and clear youtube’s cache. You can clear the cache if you can’t see the youtube video upload time on your iPhone or Android device. To clear the cache on your iPhone, you’ll need to delete and reinstall the app. You can do this by holding it down > clicking x > delete app > go to the Apple Store and reinstall it again > log in and see if the problem is still there. If it’s on your Android, go to settings > Application manager > YouTube > Clear cache > login and see if the problem is still persisting.

8. Wait For YouTube to Come with A Fix

If you still can’t see the upload date due to a glitch that YouTube is experiencing, the only thing that you can do at this point is to wait for a fix. Sometimes YouTube can experience bugs and the engineers have the fix the problem. If the upload date has gone and you cannot see it, waiting for a fix is your best option.

How to See When a Video Was Posted on YouTube

If you want to see when a YouTube video was posted, you can find this out using various different methods. The most obvious way is to look at the upload date on the video. The video’s upload date differs from the mobile app to the desktop. On your desktop, you can see the video’s upload date near the view count under the video. On your mobile, you need to click on the description to see the video’s upload date on the right.

1. Check The Earliest Youtube Comments and See the Dates They Were Posted

Youtube allows you to see when comments when made. When someone leaves a comment on Youtube, a date stamp will tell you whether a comment was made two days ago or months ago. This date stamp is available to everyone who goes through Youtube comments. You can scroll down to see when the earliest comments on a video were left. It will give you an idea of when a Youtube video was posted.

2. Search When The Video Was Released

The beauty of the internet is that you can look up any information you feel you need to know. You can turn to a search engine to see when a video was released on Youtube. Most people use Youtube to watch music videos, but sometimes the release information of the video is not displayed. You can google the release date if you want to know when a video was released. If you are lucky, you will not only find the release date of the music video, but you can find the release time.

3. Right-Click on Page and View Page Source

The source code is hidden underneath all the graphics, text, and call-to-action buttons on the page. The first step is to open the movie in your browser and navigate to the video source code (source code) page. A page’s HTML source can be seen by right-clicking on a blank section of the page and then selecting ‘view source’ from the drop-down menu or pressing CTRL + U on your keyboard while browsing. Once you know how to see the source code, you need to search for items in it. The search capabilities you use for normal online surfing should work to search for information in your source code. Commands such as CTRL + F (for Find) will assist you in scanning your source code rapidly. Search for the upload date on the HTML source page by pressing the CTRL + F keyboard shortcut. From here, they’ll have a more accurate time for the time the video was posted.

4. Use Google Advanced Search Tool

Another way to find out when a youtube video was posted is to use Google’s advanced search tool, which allows you to filter when a YouTube video was posted. To find out when a YouTube video was posted, you have to click on the filters button at the top after searching on YouTube. From here, you’ll have options such as last hour, today, this week, this month, and this year. If you use the today feature, you’ll know that the video was uploaded today.


If you want to find out information about a Youtube video, you can right-click on the video and view the page source information or check the earliest comments.


title: “How To See When A Youtube Video Was Posted” ShowToc: true date: “2022-10-18” author: “Latonya Ramin”

Can You See When a YouTube Video Was Posted?

You can see the exact time a YouTube video was uploaded by using a YouTube data viewer. This will pull the exact upload date and time that the video was uploaded. On YouTube, you can see when a video was uploaded, but YouTube gives a generic date and time. Sometimes on videos you might see, 3 days ago or 2 months ago, and on the video itself, you’re just given a date but no time. However, using a tool like YouTube Data Viewer, you can find out what time a YouTube video was uploaded. This means that you’re going to know the exact day and time for your local time zone.

How to See When a YouTube Video Was Posted

If you want to see the exact time of upload for a YouTube video, then you can use a YouTube date viewer which will allow you to put in the URL of a video from your chosen youtube channel and it’ll extract the exact publish date of the video. So if the video was posted 3 days or 1 month ago, you’ll be given the date of upload which will let you know what day it was posted, whether that’s a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

1. Use Youtube Data Viewer

Upload date verification can be accomplished using the YouTube Data Viewer, a web-based tool. The user enters a YouTube URL, and the device returns information about the video that is useful for verifying a video on YouTube. Videos on YouTube only display the date they were uploaded, not the precise moment it was uploaded. There are several pieces of information on YouTube, including a description of the video, its ID number, the date and time it was uploaded, and the precise time it was uploaded. To change the exact time to the time in your time zone, click on the “Convert to local time” button when the time is displayed. Finally, you’ll see several video thumbnails, which you can utilize to further your study at your leisure. To find out the exact time of an upload:

  1. Go to the video you want to find the exact upload time for.
  2. Copy the YouTube video’s URL from your browser’s address bar
  3. Visit the YouTube Data Viewer.
  4. The URL you copied should be pasted into the “Enter YouTube URL” box and then hit the “Go” button.
  5. It should return an exact upload time for the video and upload date. You’ll also be given other information, such as the video’s description.
  6. Click on convert to local time to convert it to your local time zone. The time is shown in UTC, which is standard time, so if your time zone is est for example, you’ll be able to see the exact upload time of a video for your local time zone. To extract the information from the video, copy and paste the URL into the appropriate section. Coordinated Universal Standard Time (UTC) is used for this timestamp (UTC). To use a time zone converter to convert the time to your local time zone, take the time stamp you find on Youtube and paste it into the time zone converter of your liking.

2. Using Youtube Upload Time

Youtube records the video’s upload time when a Youtuber uploads a video. If you are interested in learning when a video was posted, you might consider downloading the YouTube Upload Time extension. This add-on uses the Google API to determine the date and time a video was posted. You can view the time and date by clicking on the extension’s icon while watching television.

Youtube No Upload Date?

Before, you could see a video’s upload date on YouTube. Recently, YouTube decided to make the update date on YouTube videos responsive to CSS, so smaller laptop and PC screens aren’t able to see the upload date on a YouTube video. The thing is that the upload date is still there but for some reason, YouTube decide to truncate it on smaller screens meaning that you can’t see it unless you Zoom out.

Why Can’t I See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded?

Using smaller displays appears to be a source of the problem. Upload dates are not visible until the magnification setting in Google Chrome is reduced to 90%. YouTube’s responsive CSS appears to be hampered by smaller displays. The date of the video’s posting used to be displayed on YouTube videos in the past. It used to be underneath the view count, but it has now been moved to the right of the view count, and you can’t see in until you zoom your screen out.

1. Suggested Videos

The suggested videos on the right side of the screen when watching videos on your desktop are there to entice you to stay on YouTube for longer and watch more videos (business decisions like this allow them to make more money). Since YouTube wants you to watch them, they’ve made the right column bigger, which means you’re more likely to click on a suggested video. This means that the column for the YouTube video and the information below it are smaller than they use to be, and because of this, the upload date has gone as there isn’t enough space for it.

2. There Are New Buttons

Another reason why YouTube isn’t showing the upload date is that new features are being added, crowding up the area where the upload date is meant to be. This means that if your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the upload date because of other features like the download option, share, save, and clip. Other features that have always been there such as the view count, and the like and dislike also stop the upload date from being shown. If your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the entire view count as some of it will be hidden.

3. Small Monitor

Smaller monitors tend to experience the no upload date problem since YouTube isn’t built well for them. Smaller monitors don’t have enough space for the suggested videos by other content creators and a large enough youtube screen column for extra features like download, clip, and save to fit the upload date. So if you know that your screen is smaller than a typical monitor, it should be no surprise to you that you can’t see the upload date on YouTube videos.

Can’t See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded? Try These Fixes

You need to realize that the upload date hasn’t gone; your screen is just too small to see it. If you did see it in the past, all the new features such as clip, download and save have now made it a not-so-relevant feature to see which is why it appears as if it’s missing.

1. Zoom Out

You need to Zoom out to fix the no upload date on YouTube. The level of Zoom depends on how small your screen is. For most of you, zooming out to 90% should reveal the upload date again since the video and the information below it fill up more of the screen compared to before, where the right column for the suggested video was taking up too much to the point where the upload date disappeared. You might find that you need to zoom out a little bit more (to something like 75%) to make enough room in the bar to see the upload date.

2. Zoom In

Since the main culprit for the video disappearing is that the right column, where the suggested videos are, is taking up too much space, you can make the left column bigger by zooming in. At first, you might think zoom in? isn’t the problem that my screen is too small? How’s zooming in going to fix it. Although you’re right, there’s a certain point that you zoom into where the full length of the YouTube video is reached, and the right column is no longer there. If you zoom in too much, you’ll lose the upload date. If you zoom in too little, you still won’t be able to see the upload date. Usually, the point at which the date is revealed is when you’ve zoomed in to the point where the right column (suggested videos) has disappeared. This is typically 150% zoom.

3. Check On YouTube App On Mobile

If you want to see the upload date on a video after not being able to see it on your desktop PC, you can check the upload date of a video on YouTube by using the app on your iPhone or Android. To check this, go on the app and click the video you want. To make it easier to find, like it on your desktop and look for it in your like videos on the app. From here, you watch to click the description, and you’ll be able to see the upload date on the right.

4. Check On On Mobile

If you want to check the updated date of a video uploaded but the upload date is missing on your PC, you can use on your mobile device. To use on your mobile device, you need to go onto safari or chrome, whether you’re on iPhone or Android, and you need to search for From here, you need to click on the description and look for the upload date on the right. The exact upload date bar the time will be shown to you.

5. Get A Bigger Desktop

Since the problem is that your desktop or laptop is too small and the updated date has to be truncated when you’re watching YouTube in Chrome, getting a larger screen will fix the problem for you. A large screen will be big enough to show the suggested videos at the size YouTube wants it to be shown at and include all the new features such as clip save and download while showing the upload date. This means that you’ll be able to see the upload date of a video that you’ve clicked to watch without having to zoom in or zoom out just to see it.

6. Refresh The Page

If for some reason you’ve tried google chrome’s zoom option to zoom in and out but there’s still no youtube upload date, you can try and refresh the page. YouTube can experience glitches where certain things happen unexpectedly and this can cause problems such as the upload date not showing. To get rid of this bug, the best thing to do is to refresh the page so that YouTube can refresh and have a chance of showing you the upload date next to the view count.

7. Clear YouTube’s Cache

To fix the problem, you can also try and clear youtube’s cache. You can clear the cache if you can’t see the youtube video upload time on your iPhone or Android device. To clear the cache on your iPhone, you’ll need to delete and reinstall the app. You can do this by holding it down > clicking x > delete app > go to the Apple Store and reinstall it again > log in and see if the problem is still there. If it’s on your Android, go to settings > Application manager > YouTube > Clear cache > login and see if the problem is still persisting.

8. Wait For YouTube to Come with A Fix

If you still can’t see the upload date due to a glitch that YouTube is experiencing, the only thing that you can do at this point is to wait for a fix. Sometimes YouTube can experience bugs and the engineers have the fix the problem. If the upload date has gone and you cannot see it, waiting for a fix is your best option.

How to See When a Video Was Posted on YouTube

If you want to see when a YouTube video was posted, you can find this out using various different methods. The most obvious way is to look at the upload date on the video. The video’s upload date differs from the mobile app to the desktop. On your desktop, you can see the video’s upload date near the view count under the video. On your mobile, you need to click on the description to see the video’s upload date on the right.

1. Check The Earliest Youtube Comments and See the Dates They Were Posted

Youtube allows you to see when comments when made. When someone leaves a comment on Youtube, a date stamp will tell you whether a comment was made two days ago or months ago. This date stamp is available to everyone who goes through Youtube comments. You can scroll down to see when the earliest comments on a video were left. It will give you an idea of when a Youtube video was posted.

2. Search When The Video Was Released

The beauty of the internet is that you can look up any information you feel you need to know. You can turn to a search engine to see when a video was released on Youtube. Most people use Youtube to watch music videos, but sometimes the release information of the video is not displayed. You can google the release date if you want to know when a video was released. If you are lucky, you will not only find the release date of the music video, but you can find the release time.

3. Right-Click on Page and View Page Source

The source code is hidden underneath all the graphics, text, and call-to-action buttons on the page. The first step is to open the movie in your browser and navigate to the video source code (source code) page. A page’s HTML source can be seen by right-clicking on a blank section of the page and then selecting ‘view source’ from the drop-down menu or pressing CTRL + U on your keyboard while browsing. Once you know how to see the source code, you need to search for items in it. The search capabilities you use for normal online surfing should work to search for information in your source code. Commands such as CTRL + F (for Find) will assist you in scanning your source code rapidly. Search for the upload date on the HTML source page by pressing the CTRL + F keyboard shortcut. From here, they’ll have a more accurate time for the time the video was posted.

4. Use Google Advanced Search Tool

Another way to find out when a youtube video was posted is to use Google’s advanced search tool, which allows you to filter when a YouTube video was posted. To find out when a YouTube video was posted, you have to click on the filters button at the top after searching on YouTube. From here, you’ll have options such as last hour, today, this week, this month, and this year. If you use the today feature, you’ll know that the video was uploaded today.


If you want to find out information about a Youtube video, you can right-click on the video and view the page source information or check the earliest comments.


title: “How To See When A Youtube Video Was Posted” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-11” author: “Raphael Norris”

Can You See When a YouTube Video Was Posted?

You can see the exact time a YouTube video was uploaded by using a YouTube data viewer. This will pull the exact upload date and time that the video was uploaded. On YouTube, you can see when a video was uploaded, but YouTube gives a generic date and time. Sometimes on videos you might see, 3 days ago or 2 months ago, and on the video itself, you’re just given a date but no time. However, using a tool like YouTube Data Viewer, you can find out what time a YouTube video was uploaded. This means that you’re going to know the exact day and time for your local time zone.

How to See When a YouTube Video Was Posted

If you want to see the exact time of upload for a YouTube video, then you can use a YouTube date viewer which will allow you to put in the URL of a video from your chosen youtube channel and it’ll extract the exact publish date of the video. So if the video was posted 3 days or 1 month ago, you’ll be given the date of upload which will let you know what day it was posted, whether that’s a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

1. Use Youtube Data Viewer

Upload date verification can be accomplished using the YouTube Data Viewer, a web-based tool. The user enters a YouTube URL, and the device returns information about the video that is useful for verifying a video on YouTube. Videos on YouTube only display the date they were uploaded, not the precise moment it was uploaded. There are several pieces of information on YouTube, including a description of the video, its ID number, the date and time it was uploaded, and the precise time it was uploaded. To change the exact time to the time in your time zone, click on the “Convert to local time” button when the time is displayed. Finally, you’ll see several video thumbnails, which you can utilize to further your study at your leisure. To find out the exact time of an upload:

  1. Go to the video you want to find the exact upload time for.
  2. Copy the YouTube video’s URL from your browser’s address bar
  3. Visit the YouTube Data Viewer.
  4. The URL you copied should be pasted into the “Enter YouTube URL” box and then hit the “Go” button.
  5. It should return an exact upload time for the video and upload date. You’ll also be given other information, such as the video’s description.
  6. Click on convert to local time to convert it to your local time zone. The time is shown in UTC, which is standard time, so if your time zone is est for example, you’ll be able to see the exact upload time of a video for your local time zone. To extract the information from the video, copy and paste the URL into the appropriate section. Coordinated Universal Standard Time (UTC) is used for this timestamp (UTC). To use a time zone converter to convert the time to your local time zone, take the time stamp you find on Youtube and paste it into the time zone converter of your liking.

2. Using Youtube Upload Time

Youtube records the video’s upload time when a Youtuber uploads a video. If you are interested in learning when a video was posted, you might consider downloading the YouTube Upload Time extension. This add-on uses the Google API to determine the date and time a video was posted. You can view the time and date by clicking on the extension’s icon while watching television.

Youtube No Upload Date?

Before, you could see a video’s upload date on YouTube. Recently, YouTube decided to make the update date on YouTube videos responsive to CSS, so smaller laptop and PC screens aren’t able to see the upload date on a YouTube video. The thing is that the upload date is still there but for some reason, YouTube decide to truncate it on smaller screens meaning that you can’t see it unless you Zoom out.

Why Can’t I See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded?

Using smaller displays appears to be a source of the problem. Upload dates are not visible until the magnification setting in Google Chrome is reduced to 90%. YouTube’s responsive CSS appears to be hampered by smaller displays. The date of the video’s posting used to be displayed on YouTube videos in the past. It used to be underneath the view count, but it has now been moved to the right of the view count, and you can’t see in until you zoom your screen out.

1. Suggested Videos

The suggested videos on the right side of the screen when watching videos on your desktop are there to entice you to stay on YouTube for longer and watch more videos (business decisions like this allow them to make more money). Since YouTube wants you to watch them, they’ve made the right column bigger, which means you’re more likely to click on a suggested video. This means that the column for the YouTube video and the information below it are smaller than they use to be, and because of this, the upload date has gone as there isn’t enough space for it.

2. There Are New Buttons

Another reason why YouTube isn’t showing the upload date is that new features are being added, crowding up the area where the upload date is meant to be. This means that if your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the upload date because of other features like the download option, share, save, and clip. Other features that have always been there such as the view count, and the like and dislike also stop the upload date from being shown. If your screen is too small, you won’t be able to see the entire view count as some of it will be hidden.

3. Small Monitor

Smaller monitors tend to experience the no upload date problem since YouTube isn’t built well for them. Smaller monitors don’t have enough space for the suggested videos by other content creators and a large enough youtube screen column for extra features like download, clip, and save to fit the upload date. So if you know that your screen is smaller than a typical monitor, it should be no surprise to you that you can’t see the upload date on YouTube videos.

Can’t See When a Youtube Video Was Uploaded? Try These Fixes

You need to realize that the upload date hasn’t gone; your screen is just too small to see it. If you did see it in the past, all the new features such as clip, download and save have now made it a not-so-relevant feature to see which is why it appears as if it’s missing.

1. Zoom Out

You need to Zoom out to fix the no upload date on YouTube. The level of Zoom depends on how small your screen is. For most of you, zooming out to 90% should reveal the upload date again since the video and the information below it fill up more of the screen compared to before, where the right column for the suggested video was taking up too much to the point where the upload date disappeared. You might find that you need to zoom out a little bit more (to something like 75%) to make enough room in the bar to see the upload date.

2. Zoom In

Since the main culprit for the video disappearing is that the right column, where the suggested videos are, is taking up too much space, you can make the left column bigger by zooming in. At first, you might think zoom in? isn’t the problem that my screen is too small? How’s zooming in going to fix it. Although you’re right, there’s a certain point that you zoom into where the full length of the YouTube video is reached, and the right column is no longer there. If you zoom in too much, you’ll lose the upload date. If you zoom in too little, you still won’t be able to see the upload date. Usually, the point at which the date is revealed is when you’ve zoomed in to the point where the right column (suggested videos) has disappeared. This is typically 150% zoom.

3. Check On YouTube App On Mobile

If you want to see the upload date on a video after not being able to see it on your desktop PC, you can check the upload date of a video on YouTube by using the app on your iPhone or Android. To check this, go on the app and click the video you want. To make it easier to find, like it on your desktop and look for it in your like videos on the app. From here, you watch to click the description, and you’ll be able to see the upload date on the right.

4. Check On On Mobile

If you want to check the updated date of a video uploaded but the upload date is missing on your PC, you can use on your mobile device. To use on your mobile device, you need to go onto safari or chrome, whether you’re on iPhone or Android, and you need to search for From here, you need to click on the description and look for the upload date on the right. The exact upload date bar the time will be shown to you.

5. Get A Bigger Desktop

Since the problem is that your desktop or laptop is too small and the updated date has to be truncated when you’re watching YouTube in Chrome, getting a larger screen will fix the problem for you. A large screen will be big enough to show the suggested videos at the size YouTube wants it to be shown at and include all the new features such as clip save and download while showing the upload date. This means that you’ll be able to see the upload date of a video that you’ve clicked to watch without having to zoom in or zoom out just to see it.

6. Refresh The Page

If for some reason you’ve tried google chrome’s zoom option to zoom in and out but there’s still no youtube upload date, you can try and refresh the page. YouTube can experience glitches where certain things happen unexpectedly and this can cause problems such as the upload date not showing. To get rid of this bug, the best thing to do is to refresh the page so that YouTube can refresh and have a chance of showing you the upload date next to the view count.

7. Clear YouTube’s Cache

To fix the problem, you can also try and clear youtube’s cache. You can clear the cache if you can’t see the youtube video upload time on your iPhone or Android device. To clear the cache on your iPhone, you’ll need to delete and reinstall the app. You can do this by holding it down > clicking x > delete app > go to the Apple Store and reinstall it again > log in and see if the problem is still there. If it’s on your Android, go to settings > Application manager > YouTube > Clear cache > login and see if the problem is still persisting.

8. Wait For YouTube to Come with A Fix

If you still can’t see the upload date due to a glitch that YouTube is experiencing, the only thing that you can do at this point is to wait for a fix. Sometimes YouTube can experience bugs and the engineers have the fix the problem. If the upload date has gone and you cannot see it, waiting for a fix is your best option.

How to See When a Video Was Posted on YouTube

If you want to see when a YouTube video was posted, you can find this out using various different methods. The most obvious way is to look at the upload date on the video. The video’s upload date differs from the mobile app to the desktop. On your desktop, you can see the video’s upload date near the view count under the video. On your mobile, you need to click on the description to see the video’s upload date on the right.

1. Check The Earliest Youtube Comments and See the Dates They Were Posted

Youtube allows you to see when comments when made. When someone leaves a comment on Youtube, a date stamp will tell you whether a comment was made two days ago or months ago. This date stamp is available to everyone who goes through Youtube comments. You can scroll down to see when the earliest comments on a video were left. It will give you an idea of when a Youtube video was posted.

2. Search When The Video Was Released

The beauty of the internet is that you can look up any information you feel you need to know. You can turn to a search engine to see when a video was released on Youtube. Most people use Youtube to watch music videos, but sometimes the release information of the video is not displayed. You can google the release date if you want to know when a video was released. If you are lucky, you will not only find the release date of the music video, but you can find the release time.

3. Right-Click on Page and View Page Source

The source code is hidden underneath all the graphics, text, and call-to-action buttons on the page. The first step is to open the movie in your browser and navigate to the video source code (source code) page. A page’s HTML source can be seen by right-clicking on a blank section of the page and then selecting ‘view source’ from the drop-down menu or pressing CTRL + U on your keyboard while browsing. Once you know how to see the source code, you need to search for items in it. The search capabilities you use for normal online surfing should work to search for information in your source code. Commands such as CTRL + F (for Find) will assist you in scanning your source code rapidly. Search for the upload date on the HTML source page by pressing the CTRL + F keyboard shortcut. From here, they’ll have a more accurate time for the time the video was posted.

4. Use Google Advanced Search Tool

Another way to find out when a youtube video was posted is to use Google’s advanced search tool, which allows you to filter when a YouTube video was posted. To find out when a YouTube video was posted, you have to click on the filters button at the top after searching on YouTube. From here, you’ll have options such as last hour, today, this week, this month, and this year. If you use the today feature, you’ll know that the video was uploaded today.


If you want to find out information about a Youtube video, you can right-click on the video and view the page source information or check the earliest comments.