While there is no way actually to prove this unless you scroll through their contact list, there are still some ways you can try and figure out if they did. However, this also goes the other way. When you decide to delete someone’s contact from your iPhone, there is no way to tell completely, but they can use other means to try and learn if you did.
How to Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone
1. Ask Them
The best way to tell if someone has deleted your number from their iPhone is by asking them. This is the only way to be 100% your number was deleted as there is no proper way to tell. If you think someone has deleted your number, go and ask them in person if that is an option. When they delete your number, you can still call and text them. Therefore, you can also text or call them to ask as well. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. You can message them on social media platforms. Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When you ask them, know there is a chance you could be lied to. They might not want to admit to you that they deleted your number. Or, they might be brutally honest and tell you they did delete your number from their iPhone.
2. They Don’t Message You Anymore
If you messaged someone a lot in the past but have stopped sending you messages, this is another sign that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. When you delete someone’s number, you must manually type it in to message them. If someone deleted your number, it is because they have no desire to talk to you anymore. They will not keep messaging you once they delete your number because they do not want to. Even if they did, they would have to remember your number and type it in. They might not remember your number since they deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before they deleted your number. You should take someone no longer messaging you as a sign they deleted your number if you have a history of messaging a lot, not if you hardly talked to them in the past.
3. When You Message Them, They Say Who Is This
If you think someone has deleted your number, you can try to text them to see if they have. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If your number was deleted and you text them, they might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If they respond with anything similar, they have deleted your number. When you text them, they only see your number. They deleted your number, which deletes the contact information. Unless they have your number memorized or look at old messages, they will have no idea who you are. However, if they do have your number memorized or can look at old messages between the two of you, they can figure out who you are even though they deleted your number. So, there is a chance that they have deleted your number even if they do not respond by saying something like, “Who is this?”
4. Your Calls Go to Voicemail
Another way to try and learn if your number has been deleted on someone’s iPhone is when you call them. If your call goes to voicemail, there is a chance your number has been deleted. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If your number was deleted, when you call them, only your number appears. Unless they have your number memorized, they will not know who is calling them. They might let your call go to voicemail because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. However, there is also a chance that they did not have their phone on them, could not answer the call, or any other reason they could not answer you. If you think someone has deleted your number and gets sent to voicemail, do not leave a voicemail. End the call. They probably still have your number if they call you back and know whom they are calling. If you never get a callback, there is a good chance they did delete your number. Remember, being sent to voicemail does not mean someone has deleted your number, but there is a chance it has been.
5. They Don’t Reply
If they are not responding to any of your texts or calls, this is another clue that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when you call or text them, they only see your number and not who you are anymore. They might let your call go unanswered because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. The same thing happens with the texts you are sending to them. They do not know your number, so they decide not to respond to your texts. This will especially happen if you are sending generic texts that do not prompt a needed response. If they receive a text saying “Hi” when they do not know the number, they probably will not respond. Even if you are receiving texts back, they could still have deleted your number. When you delete someone’s number, you can still see past messages you have shared with them. So, if you text someone and they delete your number, they may normally respond because they can figure out who sent the message based on old texts.
6. They Ignore You on Other Platforms
You can also use other social media platforms to learn if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone. If this person has been ignoring all of your texts but is active on social media and other platforms, they could have deleted your number. On Instagram, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. On Facebook, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. If they send Snapchats or post on their story, they are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the Snapmap feature on the app if they have their location enabled. There are so many other apps that can give away their activity if you use any others. However, you can use all these apps on devices that are not their phones. So, being active on these apps does not mean they have been active on their phones. They could be using their phones to check the apps, but they could also be using a computer, someone else’s phone, or any other device.
7. When You Message Them on WhatsApp, There’s One Checkmark
On WhatsApp, when you send a message to someone, two check marks will appear when your message is successfully sent. So, if you think someone has deleted your number from their iPhone, you can use WhatsApp to learn if they have. When you go to message them, see how many checkmarks appear. If two are shown, the message went through with no problems. However, if only one appears, it means your device sent the message, but their device has not received it. There is a good chance that your message will not be sent because they deleted your number, which removes you from their WhatsApp. However, your message not going through to their device could be explained through other means as well. For a message to go through on WhatsApp, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Again, there is no way to ultimately tell if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, but this is another way you can try to figure out if someone has or not.
8. Call Them Using Another Number
Calling the person whom you think deleted your number on their iPhone from a different number is another way to try and learn. First, try calling them on your phone. If they do not answer, use another phone to call them. This could be someone whom you think knows the person or could be a complete stranger. If it is someone whose number is most likely saved on the phone of the person you are trying to call, and they answer, this is a good sign that your number has been deleted. They answered the call of a contact, so that means they are answering calls from the contacts they have. If you use a random number, you can also call the person whom you think deleted your number. If they also pick up this call, then they probably recognize your number and are purposefully not answering your call. They are willing to answer the call of a random number right after you call them. They are answering calls that their phone does not have saved, so the only reason they would not answer your call is that they know your number through memory and did not want to answer you.
If You Delete Someone’s Number Will, They Know
While there is no definitive way for someone to tell if you deleted their number, they can still use a couple of different methods to learn if you did. If someone thinks you have deleted their number, they can go and ask you in person. When you delete their number, they can still call and text them. Therefore, they can also text or call you to ask. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. They can message you on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When they ask you, you can lie to them and say you did not delete their number. You might not want to admit to them that you deleted their number. Or, you might be brutally honest and tell them you did delete their number from your iPhone. Another sign is if you stop messaging them on your phone when you did in the past. If you deleted someone’s number, it is because you have no desire to talk to them anymore. You will not keep messaging them once you delete their number because you do not want to. You must remember their number and type it in even if you did. You might not remember their number since you deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before you deleted their number. If the message you and you respond asking who they are, they will know you deleted their number. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If their number was deleted and they text you, you might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If you react with anything similar, you have informed them you deleted their number. When they text you, you only see their number. You deleted their number, which deletes the contact information. Unless you have their number memorized or look at old messages, you will have no idea who they are. If their call goes to voicemail, this is another sign that you have deleted their number. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If their number was deleted, when they call you, only their number appears. Unless you have their number memorized, you will not know who is calling you. You might let their call go to voicemail because you do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. If you are not responding to any of their texts or calls, this is another clue that you have deleted their number from your iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when they call or text you, you only see their number and not who they are anymore. You might let their call go unanswered because you do not want to answer a random number. Being active on social media is another hint to tell someone you deleted their number. If you have ignored all of their texts but are active on social media and other platforms, you are letting them know you are active on some device. On Instagram or Facebook, if you are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, you clearly are active on some device. This information can be seen by the person whose contact you deleted. Snapchat will also give you away if you have the Snapmaps location feature enabled. If they message you on WhatsApp and only one check mark appears, this also clues the person into the fact that you have deleted their contact. One check mark means their device sent the message, but your device did not receive it. While other factors can explain this, it could also be because deleting their contact removed them from WhatsApp. When this happens, their message will not go through to you. If they call you through another phone number, and you decide to answer this number, not theirs, this is another sign that you have removed their number from your phone.
What Happens When You Delete Someone’s Number?
When you delete someone’s number, all that happens is you delete their contact information. Then, when the person tries to contact you after you have deleted their number, you will see their number appear on your screen instead of the names you saved for their contact. If you want to delete someone’s number on your iPhone, follow these steps.
- Grab your iPhone and open up contacts.
- Next, find the contact of the number you want to delete.
- Click on Edit in the top right corner.
- Now, scroll to the bottom and click on Delete Contact. You can only delete one contact at a time, so you will have to repeat these steps whenever you want to delete someone’s number. Now that the number has been deleted, any time they call you or text you, their number will be your only contact information. Unless you remember their number, you will not know who is texting you. Deleting their number does not stop their ability to call or text you. Other than that, nothing else will happen when you delete someone’s number. You can always add their number back, as well, if you want to in the future. All of your past messages will still be there. You can still call and text them. Instead of going to their contact, you must manually type their number in. If you want them not to be able to call or text you any longer, you will have to block their number. This is a step further than deleting someone’s number.
What Will I See on Text If Someone Has Deleted Me?
If someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, your texts will still look normal. You have their number saved, so you will still see their contact at the top of your messages. All of your message histories will also be visible as well. The only thing that has changed is that they no longer have your number saved, so your texts to them will appear from your number, not from your contact. You can still text them with no issues. When someone deletes your number, there is no way for you to tell from your phone. All of your messages will send through. If you are noticing that the texts you send to them will not deliver or go through, there is a possibility they deleted your number, but something else is also occurring. When someone deletes your number, you can still text them. If your messages are not delivering, this could be due to several different things. One reason is they are in an area without reception. For iMessage to go through, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Another possibility is that they blocked your number. If this is the case, your iMessage will never say delivered until they unblock you. So, if your message is not sent, the person might have deleted your number, but something else has to have happened. When someone deletes your number on an iPhone, nothing should happen when you text them. They will no longer see your contact, and that is it.

title: “How To Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-06” author: “Mathew Hererra”
While there is no way actually to prove this unless you scroll through their contact list, there are still some ways you can try and figure out if they did. However, this also goes the other way. When you decide to delete someone’s contact from your iPhone, there is no way to tell completely, but they can use other means to try and learn if you did.
How to Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone
1. Ask Them
The best way to tell if someone has deleted your number from their iPhone is by asking them. This is the only way to be 100% your number was deleted as there is no proper way to tell. If you think someone has deleted your number, go and ask them in person if that is an option. When they delete your number, you can still call and text them. Therefore, you can also text or call them to ask as well. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. You can message them on social media platforms. Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When you ask them, know there is a chance you could be lied to. They might not want to admit to you that they deleted your number. Or, they might be brutally honest and tell you they did delete your number from their iPhone.
2. They Don’t Message You Anymore
If you messaged someone a lot in the past but have stopped sending you messages, this is another sign that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. When you delete someone’s number, you must manually type it in to message them. If someone deleted your number, it is because they have no desire to talk to you anymore. They will not keep messaging you once they delete your number because they do not want to. Even if they did, they would have to remember your number and type it in. They might not remember your number since they deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before they deleted your number. You should take someone no longer messaging you as a sign they deleted your number if you have a history of messaging a lot, not if you hardly talked to them in the past.
3. When You Message Them, They Say Who Is This
If you think someone has deleted your number, you can try to text them to see if they have. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If your number was deleted and you text them, they might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If they respond with anything similar, they have deleted your number. When you text them, they only see your number. They deleted your number, which deletes the contact information. Unless they have your number memorized or look at old messages, they will have no idea who you are. However, if they do have your number memorized or can look at old messages between the two of you, they can figure out who you are even though they deleted your number. So, there is a chance that they have deleted your number even if they do not respond by saying something like, “Who is this?”
4. Your Calls Go to Voicemail
Another way to try and learn if your number has been deleted on someone’s iPhone is when you call them. If your call goes to voicemail, there is a chance your number has been deleted. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If your number was deleted, when you call them, only your number appears. Unless they have your number memorized, they will not know who is calling them. They might let your call go to voicemail because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. However, there is also a chance that they did not have their phone on them, could not answer the call, or any other reason they could not answer you. If you think someone has deleted your number and gets sent to voicemail, do not leave a voicemail. End the call. They probably still have your number if they call you back and know whom they are calling. If you never get a callback, there is a good chance they did delete your number. Remember, being sent to voicemail does not mean someone has deleted your number, but there is a chance it has been.
5. They Don’t Reply
If they are not responding to any of your texts or calls, this is another clue that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when you call or text them, they only see your number and not who you are anymore. They might let your call go unanswered because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. The same thing happens with the texts you are sending to them. They do not know your number, so they decide not to respond to your texts. This will especially happen if you are sending generic texts that do not prompt a needed response. If they receive a text saying “Hi” when they do not know the number, they probably will not respond. Even if you are receiving texts back, they could still have deleted your number. When you delete someone’s number, you can still see past messages you have shared with them. So, if you text someone and they delete your number, they may normally respond because they can figure out who sent the message based on old texts.
6. They Ignore You on Other Platforms
You can also use other social media platforms to learn if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone. If this person has been ignoring all of your texts but is active on social media and other platforms, they could have deleted your number. On Instagram, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. On Facebook, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. If they send Snapchats or post on their story, they are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the Snapmap feature on the app if they have their location enabled. There are so many other apps that can give away their activity if you use any others. However, you can use all these apps on devices that are not their phones. So, being active on these apps does not mean they have been active on their phones. They could be using their phones to check the apps, but they could also be using a computer, someone else’s phone, or any other device.
7. When You Message Them on WhatsApp, There’s One Checkmark
On WhatsApp, when you send a message to someone, two check marks will appear when your message is successfully sent. So, if you think someone has deleted your number from their iPhone, you can use WhatsApp to learn if they have. When you go to message them, see how many checkmarks appear. If two are shown, the message went through with no problems. However, if only one appears, it means your device sent the message, but their device has not received it. There is a good chance that your message will not be sent because they deleted your number, which removes you from their WhatsApp. However, your message not going through to their device could be explained through other means as well. For a message to go through on WhatsApp, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Again, there is no way to ultimately tell if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, but this is another way you can try to figure out if someone has or not.
8. Call Them Using Another Number
Calling the person whom you think deleted your number on their iPhone from a different number is another way to try and learn. First, try calling them on your phone. If they do not answer, use another phone to call them. This could be someone whom you think knows the person or could be a complete stranger. If it is someone whose number is most likely saved on the phone of the person you are trying to call, and they answer, this is a good sign that your number has been deleted. They answered the call of a contact, so that means they are answering calls from the contacts they have. If you use a random number, you can also call the person whom you think deleted your number. If they also pick up this call, then they probably recognize your number and are purposefully not answering your call. They are willing to answer the call of a random number right after you call them. They are answering calls that their phone does not have saved, so the only reason they would not answer your call is that they know your number through memory and did not want to answer you.
If You Delete Someone’s Number Will, They Know
While there is no definitive way for someone to tell if you deleted their number, they can still use a couple of different methods to learn if you did. If someone thinks you have deleted their number, they can go and ask you in person. When you delete their number, they can still call and text them. Therefore, they can also text or call you to ask. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. They can message you on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When they ask you, you can lie to them and say you did not delete their number. You might not want to admit to them that you deleted their number. Or, you might be brutally honest and tell them you did delete their number from your iPhone. Another sign is if you stop messaging them on your phone when you did in the past. If you deleted someone’s number, it is because you have no desire to talk to them anymore. You will not keep messaging them once you delete their number because you do not want to. You must remember their number and type it in even if you did. You might not remember their number since you deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before you deleted their number. If the message you and you respond asking who they are, they will know you deleted their number. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If their number was deleted and they text you, you might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If you react with anything similar, you have informed them you deleted their number. When they text you, you only see their number. You deleted their number, which deletes the contact information. Unless you have their number memorized or look at old messages, you will have no idea who they are. If their call goes to voicemail, this is another sign that you have deleted their number. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If their number was deleted, when they call you, only their number appears. Unless you have their number memorized, you will not know who is calling you. You might let their call go to voicemail because you do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. If you are not responding to any of their texts or calls, this is another clue that you have deleted their number from your iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when they call or text you, you only see their number and not who they are anymore. You might let their call go unanswered because you do not want to answer a random number. Being active on social media is another hint to tell someone you deleted their number. If you have ignored all of their texts but are active on social media and other platforms, you are letting them know you are active on some device. On Instagram or Facebook, if you are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, you clearly are active on some device. This information can be seen by the person whose contact you deleted. Snapchat will also give you away if you have the Snapmaps location feature enabled. If they message you on WhatsApp and only one check mark appears, this also clues the person into the fact that you have deleted their contact. One check mark means their device sent the message, but your device did not receive it. While other factors can explain this, it could also be because deleting their contact removed them from WhatsApp. When this happens, their message will not go through to you. If they call you through another phone number, and you decide to answer this number, not theirs, this is another sign that you have removed their number from your phone.
What Happens When You Delete Someone’s Number?
When you delete someone’s number, all that happens is you delete their contact information. Then, when the person tries to contact you after you have deleted their number, you will see their number appear on your screen instead of the names you saved for their contact. If you want to delete someone’s number on your iPhone, follow these steps.
- Grab your iPhone and open up contacts.
- Next, find the contact of the number you want to delete.
- Click on Edit in the top right corner.
- Now, scroll to the bottom and click on Delete Contact. You can only delete one contact at a time, so you will have to repeat these steps whenever you want to delete someone’s number. Now that the number has been deleted, any time they call you or text you, their number will be your only contact information. Unless you remember their number, you will not know who is texting you. Deleting their number does not stop their ability to call or text you. Other than that, nothing else will happen when you delete someone’s number. You can always add their number back, as well, if you want to in the future. All of your past messages will still be there. You can still call and text them. Instead of going to their contact, you must manually type their number in. If you want them not to be able to call or text you any longer, you will have to block their number. This is a step further than deleting someone’s number.
What Will I See on Text If Someone Has Deleted Me?
If someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, your texts will still look normal. You have their number saved, so you will still see their contact at the top of your messages. All of your message histories will also be visible as well. The only thing that has changed is that they no longer have your number saved, so your texts to them will appear from your number, not from your contact. You can still text them with no issues. When someone deletes your number, there is no way for you to tell from your phone. All of your messages will send through. If you are noticing that the texts you send to them will not deliver or go through, there is a possibility they deleted your number, but something else is also occurring. When someone deletes your number, you can still text them. If your messages are not delivering, this could be due to several different things. One reason is they are in an area without reception. For iMessage to go through, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Another possibility is that they blocked your number. If this is the case, your iMessage will never say delivered until they unblock you. So, if your message is not sent, the person might have deleted your number, but something else has to have happened. When someone deletes your number on an iPhone, nothing should happen when you text them. They will no longer see your contact, and that is it.

title: “How To Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-11” author: “Denise Triggs”
While there is no way actually to prove this unless you scroll through their contact list, there are still some ways you can try and figure out if they did. However, this also goes the other way. When you decide to delete someone’s contact from your iPhone, there is no way to tell completely, but they can use other means to try and learn if you did.
How to Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone
1. Ask Them
The best way to tell if someone has deleted your number from their iPhone is by asking them. This is the only way to be 100% your number was deleted as there is no proper way to tell. If you think someone has deleted your number, go and ask them in person if that is an option. When they delete your number, you can still call and text them. Therefore, you can also text or call them to ask as well. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. You can message them on social media platforms. Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When you ask them, know there is a chance you could be lied to. They might not want to admit to you that they deleted your number. Or, they might be brutally honest and tell you they did delete your number from their iPhone.
2. They Don’t Message You Anymore
If you messaged someone a lot in the past but have stopped sending you messages, this is another sign that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. When you delete someone’s number, you must manually type it in to message them. If someone deleted your number, it is because they have no desire to talk to you anymore. They will not keep messaging you once they delete your number because they do not want to. Even if they did, they would have to remember your number and type it in. They might not remember your number since they deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before they deleted your number. You should take someone no longer messaging you as a sign they deleted your number if you have a history of messaging a lot, not if you hardly talked to them in the past.
3. When You Message Them, They Say Who Is This
If you think someone has deleted your number, you can try to text them to see if they have. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If your number was deleted and you text them, they might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If they respond with anything similar, they have deleted your number. When you text them, they only see your number. They deleted your number, which deletes the contact information. Unless they have your number memorized or look at old messages, they will have no idea who you are. However, if they do have your number memorized or can look at old messages between the two of you, they can figure out who you are even though they deleted your number. So, there is a chance that they have deleted your number even if they do not respond by saying something like, “Who is this?”
4. Your Calls Go to Voicemail
Another way to try and learn if your number has been deleted on someone’s iPhone is when you call them. If your call goes to voicemail, there is a chance your number has been deleted. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If your number was deleted, when you call them, only your number appears. Unless they have your number memorized, they will not know who is calling them. They might let your call go to voicemail because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. However, there is also a chance that they did not have their phone on them, could not answer the call, or any other reason they could not answer you. If you think someone has deleted your number and gets sent to voicemail, do not leave a voicemail. End the call. They probably still have your number if they call you back and know whom they are calling. If you never get a callback, there is a good chance they did delete your number. Remember, being sent to voicemail does not mean someone has deleted your number, but there is a chance it has been.
5. They Don’t Reply
If they are not responding to any of your texts or calls, this is another clue that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when you call or text them, they only see your number and not who you are anymore. They might let your call go unanswered because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. The same thing happens with the texts you are sending to them. They do not know your number, so they decide not to respond to your texts. This will especially happen if you are sending generic texts that do not prompt a needed response. If they receive a text saying “Hi” when they do not know the number, they probably will not respond. Even if you are receiving texts back, they could still have deleted your number. When you delete someone’s number, you can still see past messages you have shared with them. So, if you text someone and they delete your number, they may normally respond because they can figure out who sent the message based on old texts.
6. They Ignore You on Other Platforms
You can also use other social media platforms to learn if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone. If this person has been ignoring all of your texts but is active on social media and other platforms, they could have deleted your number. On Instagram, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. On Facebook, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. If they send Snapchats or post on their story, they are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the Snapmap feature on the app if they have their location enabled. There are so many other apps that can give away their activity if you use any others. However, you can use all these apps on devices that are not their phones. So, being active on these apps does not mean they have been active on their phones. They could be using their phones to check the apps, but they could also be using a computer, someone else’s phone, or any other device.
7. When You Message Them on WhatsApp, There’s One Checkmark
On WhatsApp, when you send a message to someone, two check marks will appear when your message is successfully sent. So, if you think someone has deleted your number from their iPhone, you can use WhatsApp to learn if they have. When you go to message them, see how many checkmarks appear. If two are shown, the message went through with no problems. However, if only one appears, it means your device sent the message, but their device has not received it. There is a good chance that your message will not be sent because they deleted your number, which removes you from their WhatsApp. However, your message not going through to their device could be explained through other means as well. For a message to go through on WhatsApp, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Again, there is no way to ultimately tell if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, but this is another way you can try to figure out if someone has or not.
8. Call Them Using Another Number
Calling the person whom you think deleted your number on their iPhone from a different number is another way to try and learn. First, try calling them on your phone. If they do not answer, use another phone to call them. This could be someone whom you think knows the person or could be a complete stranger. If it is someone whose number is most likely saved on the phone of the person you are trying to call, and they answer, this is a good sign that your number has been deleted. They answered the call of a contact, so that means they are answering calls from the contacts they have. If you use a random number, you can also call the person whom you think deleted your number. If they also pick up this call, then they probably recognize your number and are purposefully not answering your call. They are willing to answer the call of a random number right after you call them. They are answering calls that their phone does not have saved, so the only reason they would not answer your call is that they know your number through memory and did not want to answer you.
If You Delete Someone’s Number Will, They Know
While there is no definitive way for someone to tell if you deleted their number, they can still use a couple of different methods to learn if you did. If someone thinks you have deleted their number, they can go and ask you in person. When you delete their number, they can still call and text them. Therefore, they can also text or call you to ask. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. They can message you on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When they ask you, you can lie to them and say you did not delete their number. You might not want to admit to them that you deleted their number. Or, you might be brutally honest and tell them you did delete their number from your iPhone. Another sign is if you stop messaging them on your phone when you did in the past. If you deleted someone’s number, it is because you have no desire to talk to them anymore. You will not keep messaging them once you delete their number because you do not want to. You must remember their number and type it in even if you did. You might not remember their number since you deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before you deleted their number. If the message you and you respond asking who they are, they will know you deleted their number. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If their number was deleted and they text you, you might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If you react with anything similar, you have informed them you deleted their number. When they text you, you only see their number. You deleted their number, which deletes the contact information. Unless you have their number memorized or look at old messages, you will have no idea who they are. If their call goes to voicemail, this is another sign that you have deleted their number. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If their number was deleted, when they call you, only their number appears. Unless you have their number memorized, you will not know who is calling you. You might let their call go to voicemail because you do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. If you are not responding to any of their texts or calls, this is another clue that you have deleted their number from your iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when they call or text you, you only see their number and not who they are anymore. You might let their call go unanswered because you do not want to answer a random number. Being active on social media is another hint to tell someone you deleted their number. If you have ignored all of their texts but are active on social media and other platforms, you are letting them know you are active on some device. On Instagram or Facebook, if you are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, you clearly are active on some device. This information can be seen by the person whose contact you deleted. Snapchat will also give you away if you have the Snapmaps location feature enabled. If they message you on WhatsApp and only one check mark appears, this also clues the person into the fact that you have deleted their contact. One check mark means their device sent the message, but your device did not receive it. While other factors can explain this, it could also be because deleting their contact removed them from WhatsApp. When this happens, their message will not go through to you. If they call you through another phone number, and you decide to answer this number, not theirs, this is another sign that you have removed their number from your phone.
What Happens When You Delete Someone’s Number?
When you delete someone’s number, all that happens is you delete their contact information. Then, when the person tries to contact you after you have deleted their number, you will see their number appear on your screen instead of the names you saved for their contact. If you want to delete someone’s number on your iPhone, follow these steps.
- Grab your iPhone and open up contacts.
- Next, find the contact of the number you want to delete.
- Click on Edit in the top right corner.
- Now, scroll to the bottom and click on Delete Contact. You can only delete one contact at a time, so you will have to repeat these steps whenever you want to delete someone’s number. Now that the number has been deleted, any time they call you or text you, their number will be your only contact information. Unless you remember their number, you will not know who is texting you. Deleting their number does not stop their ability to call or text you. Other than that, nothing else will happen when you delete someone’s number. You can always add their number back, as well, if you want to in the future. All of your past messages will still be there. You can still call and text them. Instead of going to their contact, you must manually type their number in. If you want them not to be able to call or text you any longer, you will have to block their number. This is a step further than deleting someone’s number.
What Will I See on Text If Someone Has Deleted Me?
If someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, your texts will still look normal. You have their number saved, so you will still see their contact at the top of your messages. All of your message histories will also be visible as well. The only thing that has changed is that they no longer have your number saved, so your texts to them will appear from your number, not from your contact. You can still text them with no issues. When someone deletes your number, there is no way for you to tell from your phone. All of your messages will send through. If you are noticing that the texts you send to them will not deliver or go through, there is a possibility they deleted your number, but something else is also occurring. When someone deletes your number, you can still text them. If your messages are not delivering, this could be due to several different things. One reason is they are in an area without reception. For iMessage to go through, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Another possibility is that they blocked your number. If this is the case, your iMessage will never say delivered until they unblock you. So, if your message is not sent, the person might have deleted your number, but something else has to have happened. When someone deletes your number on an iPhone, nothing should happen when you text them. They will no longer see your contact, and that is it.

title: “How To Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-11” author: “Timothy Conway”
While there is no way actually to prove this unless you scroll through their contact list, there are still some ways you can try and figure out if they did. However, this also goes the other way. When you decide to delete someone’s contact from your iPhone, there is no way to tell completely, but they can use other means to try and learn if you did.
How to Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone
1. Ask Them
The best way to tell if someone has deleted your number from their iPhone is by asking them. This is the only way to be 100% your number was deleted as there is no proper way to tell. If you think someone has deleted your number, go and ask them in person if that is an option. When they delete your number, you can still call and text them. Therefore, you can also text or call them to ask as well. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. You can message them on social media platforms. Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When you ask them, know there is a chance you could be lied to. They might not want to admit to you that they deleted your number. Or, they might be brutally honest and tell you they did delete your number from their iPhone.
2. They Don’t Message You Anymore
If you messaged someone a lot in the past but have stopped sending you messages, this is another sign that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. When you delete someone’s number, you must manually type it in to message them. If someone deleted your number, it is because they have no desire to talk to you anymore. They will not keep messaging you once they delete your number because they do not want to. Even if they did, they would have to remember your number and type it in. They might not remember your number since they deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before they deleted your number. You should take someone no longer messaging you as a sign they deleted your number if you have a history of messaging a lot, not if you hardly talked to them in the past.
3. When You Message Them, They Say Who Is This
If you think someone has deleted your number, you can try to text them to see if they have. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If your number was deleted and you text them, they might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If they respond with anything similar, they have deleted your number. When you text them, they only see your number. They deleted your number, which deletes the contact information. Unless they have your number memorized or look at old messages, they will have no idea who you are. However, if they do have your number memorized or can look at old messages between the two of you, they can figure out who you are even though they deleted your number. So, there is a chance that they have deleted your number even if they do not respond by saying something like, “Who is this?”
4. Your Calls Go to Voicemail
Another way to try and learn if your number has been deleted on someone’s iPhone is when you call them. If your call goes to voicemail, there is a chance your number has been deleted. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If your number was deleted, when you call them, only your number appears. Unless they have your number memorized, they will not know who is calling them. They might let your call go to voicemail because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. However, there is also a chance that they did not have their phone on them, could not answer the call, or any other reason they could not answer you. If you think someone has deleted your number and gets sent to voicemail, do not leave a voicemail. End the call. They probably still have your number if they call you back and know whom they are calling. If you never get a callback, there is a good chance they did delete your number. Remember, being sent to voicemail does not mean someone has deleted your number, but there is a chance it has been.
5. They Don’t Reply
If they are not responding to any of your texts or calls, this is another clue that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when you call or text them, they only see your number and not who you are anymore. They might let your call go unanswered because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. The same thing happens with the texts you are sending to them. They do not know your number, so they decide not to respond to your texts. This will especially happen if you are sending generic texts that do not prompt a needed response. If they receive a text saying “Hi” when they do not know the number, they probably will not respond. Even if you are receiving texts back, they could still have deleted your number. When you delete someone’s number, you can still see past messages you have shared with them. So, if you text someone and they delete your number, they may normally respond because they can figure out who sent the message based on old texts.
6. They Ignore You on Other Platforms
You can also use other social media platforms to learn if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone. If this person has been ignoring all of your texts but is active on social media and other platforms, they could have deleted your number. On Instagram, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. On Facebook, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. If they send Snapchats or post on their story, they are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the Snapmap feature on the app if they have their location enabled. There are so many other apps that can give away their activity if you use any others. However, you can use all these apps on devices that are not their phones. So, being active on these apps does not mean they have been active on their phones. They could be using their phones to check the apps, but they could also be using a computer, someone else’s phone, or any other device.
7. When You Message Them on WhatsApp, There’s One Checkmark
On WhatsApp, when you send a message to someone, two check marks will appear when your message is successfully sent. So, if you think someone has deleted your number from their iPhone, you can use WhatsApp to learn if they have. When you go to message them, see how many checkmarks appear. If two are shown, the message went through with no problems. However, if only one appears, it means your device sent the message, but their device has not received it. There is a good chance that your message will not be sent because they deleted your number, which removes you from their WhatsApp. However, your message not going through to their device could be explained through other means as well. For a message to go through on WhatsApp, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Again, there is no way to ultimately tell if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, but this is another way you can try to figure out if someone has or not.
8. Call Them Using Another Number
Calling the person whom you think deleted your number on their iPhone from a different number is another way to try and learn. First, try calling them on your phone. If they do not answer, use another phone to call them. This could be someone whom you think knows the person or could be a complete stranger. If it is someone whose number is most likely saved on the phone of the person you are trying to call, and they answer, this is a good sign that your number has been deleted. They answered the call of a contact, so that means they are answering calls from the contacts they have. If you use a random number, you can also call the person whom you think deleted your number. If they also pick up this call, then they probably recognize your number and are purposefully not answering your call. They are willing to answer the call of a random number right after you call them. They are answering calls that their phone does not have saved, so the only reason they would not answer your call is that they know your number through memory and did not want to answer you.
If You Delete Someone’s Number Will, They Know
While there is no definitive way for someone to tell if you deleted their number, they can still use a couple of different methods to learn if you did. If someone thinks you have deleted their number, they can go and ask you in person. When you delete their number, they can still call and text them. Therefore, they can also text or call you to ask. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. They can message you on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When they ask you, you can lie to them and say you did not delete their number. You might not want to admit to them that you deleted their number. Or, you might be brutally honest and tell them you did delete their number from your iPhone. Another sign is if you stop messaging them on your phone when you did in the past. If you deleted someone’s number, it is because you have no desire to talk to them anymore. You will not keep messaging them once you delete their number because you do not want to. You must remember their number and type it in even if you did. You might not remember their number since you deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before you deleted their number. If the message you and you respond asking who they are, they will know you deleted their number. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If their number was deleted and they text you, you might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If you react with anything similar, you have informed them you deleted their number. When they text you, you only see their number. You deleted their number, which deletes the contact information. Unless you have their number memorized or look at old messages, you will have no idea who they are. If their call goes to voicemail, this is another sign that you have deleted their number. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If their number was deleted, when they call you, only their number appears. Unless you have their number memorized, you will not know who is calling you. You might let their call go to voicemail because you do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. If you are not responding to any of their texts or calls, this is another clue that you have deleted their number from your iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when they call or text you, you only see their number and not who they are anymore. You might let their call go unanswered because you do not want to answer a random number. Being active on social media is another hint to tell someone you deleted their number. If you have ignored all of their texts but are active on social media and other platforms, you are letting them know you are active on some device. On Instagram or Facebook, if you are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, you clearly are active on some device. This information can be seen by the person whose contact you deleted. Snapchat will also give you away if you have the Snapmaps location feature enabled. If they message you on WhatsApp and only one check mark appears, this also clues the person into the fact that you have deleted their contact. One check mark means their device sent the message, but your device did not receive it. While other factors can explain this, it could also be because deleting their contact removed them from WhatsApp. When this happens, their message will not go through to you. If they call you through another phone number, and you decide to answer this number, not theirs, this is another sign that you have removed their number from your phone.
What Happens When You Delete Someone’s Number?
When you delete someone’s number, all that happens is you delete their contact information. Then, when the person tries to contact you after you have deleted their number, you will see their number appear on your screen instead of the names you saved for their contact. If you want to delete someone’s number on your iPhone, follow these steps.
- Grab your iPhone and open up contacts.
- Next, find the contact of the number you want to delete.
- Click on Edit in the top right corner.
- Now, scroll to the bottom and click on Delete Contact. You can only delete one contact at a time, so you will have to repeat these steps whenever you want to delete someone’s number. Now that the number has been deleted, any time they call you or text you, their number will be your only contact information. Unless you remember their number, you will not know who is texting you. Deleting their number does not stop their ability to call or text you. Other than that, nothing else will happen when you delete someone’s number. You can always add their number back, as well, if you want to in the future. All of your past messages will still be there. You can still call and text them. Instead of going to their contact, you must manually type their number in. If you want them not to be able to call or text you any longer, you will have to block their number. This is a step further than deleting someone’s number.
What Will I See on Text If Someone Has Deleted Me?
If someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, your texts will still look normal. You have their number saved, so you will still see their contact at the top of your messages. All of your message histories will also be visible as well. The only thing that has changed is that they no longer have your number saved, so your texts to them will appear from your number, not from your contact. You can still text them with no issues. When someone deletes your number, there is no way for you to tell from your phone. All of your messages will send through. If you are noticing that the texts you send to them will not deliver or go through, there is a possibility they deleted your number, but something else is also occurring. When someone deletes your number, you can still text them. If your messages are not delivering, this could be due to several different things. One reason is they are in an area without reception. For iMessage to go through, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Another possibility is that they blocked your number. If this is the case, your iMessage will never say delivered until they unblock you. So, if your message is not sent, the person might have deleted your number, but something else has to have happened. When someone deletes your number on an iPhone, nothing should happen when you text them. They will no longer see your contact, and that is it.

title: “How To Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone” ShowToc: true date: “2022-10-26” author: “Sophie Sherman”
While there is no way actually to prove this unless you scroll through their contact list, there are still some ways you can try and figure out if they did. However, this also goes the other way. When you decide to delete someone’s contact from your iPhone, there is no way to tell completely, but they can use other means to try and learn if you did.
How to Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone
1. Ask Them
The best way to tell if someone has deleted your number from their iPhone is by asking them. This is the only way to be 100% your number was deleted as there is no proper way to tell. If you think someone has deleted your number, go and ask them in person if that is an option. When they delete your number, you can still call and text them. Therefore, you can also text or call them to ask as well. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. You can message them on social media platforms. Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When you ask them, know there is a chance you could be lied to. They might not want to admit to you that they deleted your number. Or, they might be brutally honest and tell you they did delete your number from their iPhone.
2. They Don’t Message You Anymore
If you messaged someone a lot in the past but have stopped sending you messages, this is another sign that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. When you delete someone’s number, you must manually type it in to message them. If someone deleted your number, it is because they have no desire to talk to you anymore. They will not keep messaging you once they delete your number because they do not want to. Even if they did, they would have to remember your number and type it in. They might not remember your number since they deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before they deleted your number. You should take someone no longer messaging you as a sign they deleted your number if you have a history of messaging a lot, not if you hardly talked to them in the past.
3. When You Message Them, They Say Who Is This
If you think someone has deleted your number, you can try to text them to see if they have. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If your number was deleted and you text them, they might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If they respond with anything similar, they have deleted your number. When you text them, they only see your number. They deleted your number, which deletes the contact information. Unless they have your number memorized or look at old messages, they will have no idea who you are. However, if they do have your number memorized or can look at old messages between the two of you, they can figure out who you are even though they deleted your number. So, there is a chance that they have deleted your number even if they do not respond by saying something like, “Who is this?”
4. Your Calls Go to Voicemail
Another way to try and learn if your number has been deleted on someone’s iPhone is when you call them. If your call goes to voicemail, there is a chance your number has been deleted. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If your number was deleted, when you call them, only your number appears. Unless they have your number memorized, they will not know who is calling them. They might let your call go to voicemail because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. However, there is also a chance that they did not have their phone on them, could not answer the call, or any other reason they could not answer you. If you think someone has deleted your number and gets sent to voicemail, do not leave a voicemail. End the call. They probably still have your number if they call you back and know whom they are calling. If you never get a callback, there is a good chance they did delete your number. Remember, being sent to voicemail does not mean someone has deleted your number, but there is a chance it has been.
5. They Don’t Reply
If they are not responding to any of your texts or calls, this is another clue that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when you call or text them, they only see your number and not who you are anymore. They might let your call go unanswered because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. The same thing happens with the texts you are sending to them. They do not know your number, so they decide not to respond to your texts. This will especially happen if you are sending generic texts that do not prompt a needed response. If they receive a text saying “Hi” when they do not know the number, they probably will not respond. Even if you are receiving texts back, they could still have deleted your number. When you delete someone’s number, you can still see past messages you have shared with them. So, if you text someone and they delete your number, they may normally respond because they can figure out who sent the message based on old texts.
6. They Ignore You on Other Platforms
You can also use other social media platforms to learn if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone. If this person has been ignoring all of your texts but is active on social media and other platforms, they could have deleted your number. On Instagram, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. On Facebook, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. If they send Snapchats or post on their story, they are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the Snapmap feature on the app if they have their location enabled. There are so many other apps that can give away their activity if you use any others. However, you can use all these apps on devices that are not their phones. So, being active on these apps does not mean they have been active on their phones. They could be using their phones to check the apps, but they could also be using a computer, someone else’s phone, or any other device.
7. When You Message Them on WhatsApp, There’s One Checkmark
On WhatsApp, when you send a message to someone, two check marks will appear when your message is successfully sent. So, if you think someone has deleted your number from their iPhone, you can use WhatsApp to learn if they have. When you go to message them, see how many checkmarks appear. If two are shown, the message went through with no problems. However, if only one appears, it means your device sent the message, but their device has not received it. There is a good chance that your message will not be sent because they deleted your number, which removes you from their WhatsApp. However, your message not going through to their device could be explained through other means as well. For a message to go through on WhatsApp, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Again, there is no way to ultimately tell if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, but this is another way you can try to figure out if someone has or not.
8. Call Them Using Another Number
Calling the person whom you think deleted your number on their iPhone from a different number is another way to try and learn. First, try calling them on your phone. If they do not answer, use another phone to call them. This could be someone whom you think knows the person or could be a complete stranger. If it is someone whose number is most likely saved on the phone of the person you are trying to call, and they answer, this is a good sign that your number has been deleted. They answered the call of a contact, so that means they are answering calls from the contacts they have. If you use a random number, you can also call the person whom you think deleted your number. If they also pick up this call, then they probably recognize your number and are purposefully not answering your call. They are willing to answer the call of a random number right after you call them. They are answering calls that their phone does not have saved, so the only reason they would not answer your call is that they know your number through memory and did not want to answer you.
If You Delete Someone’s Number Will, They Know
While there is no definitive way for someone to tell if you deleted their number, they can still use a couple of different methods to learn if you did. If someone thinks you have deleted their number, they can go and ask you in person. When you delete their number, they can still call and text them. Therefore, they can also text or call you to ask. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. They can message you on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When they ask you, you can lie to them and say you did not delete their number. You might not want to admit to them that you deleted their number. Or, you might be brutally honest and tell them you did delete their number from your iPhone. Another sign is if you stop messaging them on your phone when you did in the past. If you deleted someone’s number, it is because you have no desire to talk to them anymore. You will not keep messaging them once you delete their number because you do not want to. You must remember their number and type it in even if you did. You might not remember their number since you deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before you deleted their number. If the message you and you respond asking who they are, they will know you deleted their number. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If their number was deleted and they text you, you might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If you react with anything similar, you have informed them you deleted their number. When they text you, you only see their number. You deleted their number, which deletes the contact information. Unless you have their number memorized or look at old messages, you will have no idea who they are. If their call goes to voicemail, this is another sign that you have deleted their number. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If their number was deleted, when they call you, only their number appears. Unless you have their number memorized, you will not know who is calling you. You might let their call go to voicemail because you do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. If you are not responding to any of their texts or calls, this is another clue that you have deleted their number from your iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when they call or text you, you only see their number and not who they are anymore. You might let their call go unanswered because you do not want to answer a random number. Being active on social media is another hint to tell someone you deleted their number. If you have ignored all of their texts but are active on social media and other platforms, you are letting them know you are active on some device. On Instagram or Facebook, if you are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, you clearly are active on some device. This information can be seen by the person whose contact you deleted. Snapchat will also give you away if you have the Snapmaps location feature enabled. If they message you on WhatsApp and only one check mark appears, this also clues the person into the fact that you have deleted their contact. One check mark means their device sent the message, but your device did not receive it. While other factors can explain this, it could also be because deleting their contact removed them from WhatsApp. When this happens, their message will not go through to you. If they call you through another phone number, and you decide to answer this number, not theirs, this is another sign that you have removed their number from your phone.
What Happens When You Delete Someone’s Number?
When you delete someone’s number, all that happens is you delete their contact information. Then, when the person tries to contact you after you have deleted their number, you will see their number appear on your screen instead of the names you saved for their contact. If you want to delete someone’s number on your iPhone, follow these steps.
- Grab your iPhone and open up contacts.
- Next, find the contact of the number you want to delete.
- Click on Edit in the top right corner.
- Now, scroll to the bottom and click on Delete Contact. You can only delete one contact at a time, so you will have to repeat these steps whenever you want to delete someone’s number. Now that the number has been deleted, any time they call you or text you, their number will be your only contact information. Unless you remember their number, you will not know who is texting you. Deleting their number does not stop their ability to call or text you. Other than that, nothing else will happen when you delete someone’s number. You can always add their number back, as well, if you want to in the future. All of your past messages will still be there. You can still call and text them. Instead of going to their contact, you must manually type their number in. If you want them not to be able to call or text you any longer, you will have to block their number. This is a step further than deleting someone’s number.
What Will I See on Text If Someone Has Deleted Me?
If someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, your texts will still look normal. You have their number saved, so you will still see their contact at the top of your messages. All of your message histories will also be visible as well. The only thing that has changed is that they no longer have your number saved, so your texts to them will appear from your number, not from your contact. You can still text them with no issues. When someone deletes your number, there is no way for you to tell from your phone. All of your messages will send through. If you are noticing that the texts you send to them will not deliver or go through, there is a possibility they deleted your number, but something else is also occurring. When someone deletes your number, you can still text them. If your messages are not delivering, this could be due to several different things. One reason is they are in an area without reception. For iMessage to go through, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Another possibility is that they blocked your number. If this is the case, your iMessage will never say delivered until they unblock you. So, if your message is not sent, the person might have deleted your number, but something else has to have happened. When someone deletes your number on an iPhone, nothing should happen when you text them. They will no longer see your contact, and that is it.

title: “How To Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-03” author: “Emily Lyons”
While there is no way actually to prove this unless you scroll through their contact list, there are still some ways you can try and figure out if they did. However, this also goes the other way. When you decide to delete someone’s contact from your iPhone, there is no way to tell completely, but they can use other means to try and learn if you did.
How to Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone
1. Ask Them
The best way to tell if someone has deleted your number from their iPhone is by asking them. This is the only way to be 100% your number was deleted as there is no proper way to tell. If you think someone has deleted your number, go and ask them in person if that is an option. When they delete your number, you can still call and text them. Therefore, you can also text or call them to ask as well. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. You can message them on social media platforms. Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When you ask them, know there is a chance you could be lied to. They might not want to admit to you that they deleted your number. Or, they might be brutally honest and tell you they did delete your number from their iPhone.
2. They Don’t Message You Anymore
If you messaged someone a lot in the past but have stopped sending you messages, this is another sign that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. When you delete someone’s number, you must manually type it in to message them. If someone deleted your number, it is because they have no desire to talk to you anymore. They will not keep messaging you once they delete your number because they do not want to. Even if they did, they would have to remember your number and type it in. They might not remember your number since they deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before they deleted your number. You should take someone no longer messaging you as a sign they deleted your number if you have a history of messaging a lot, not if you hardly talked to them in the past.
3. When You Message Them, They Say Who Is This
If you think someone has deleted your number, you can try to text them to see if they have. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If your number was deleted and you text them, they might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If they respond with anything similar, they have deleted your number. When you text them, they only see your number. They deleted your number, which deletes the contact information. Unless they have your number memorized or look at old messages, they will have no idea who you are. However, if they do have your number memorized or can look at old messages between the two of you, they can figure out who you are even though they deleted your number. So, there is a chance that they have deleted your number even if they do not respond by saying something like, “Who is this?”
4. Your Calls Go to Voicemail
Another way to try and learn if your number has been deleted on someone’s iPhone is when you call them. If your call goes to voicemail, there is a chance your number has been deleted. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If your number was deleted, when you call them, only your number appears. Unless they have your number memorized, they will not know who is calling them. They might let your call go to voicemail because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. However, there is also a chance that they did not have their phone on them, could not answer the call, or any other reason they could not answer you. If you think someone has deleted your number and gets sent to voicemail, do not leave a voicemail. End the call. They probably still have your number if they call you back and know whom they are calling. If you never get a callback, there is a good chance they did delete your number. Remember, being sent to voicemail does not mean someone has deleted your number, but there is a chance it has been.
5. They Don’t Reply
If they are not responding to any of your texts or calls, this is another clue that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when you call or text them, they only see your number and not who you are anymore. They might let your call go unanswered because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. The same thing happens with the texts you are sending to them. They do not know your number, so they decide not to respond to your texts. This will especially happen if you are sending generic texts that do not prompt a needed response. If they receive a text saying “Hi” when they do not know the number, they probably will not respond. Even if you are receiving texts back, they could still have deleted your number. When you delete someone’s number, you can still see past messages you have shared with them. So, if you text someone and they delete your number, they may normally respond because they can figure out who sent the message based on old texts.
6. They Ignore You on Other Platforms
You can also use other social media platforms to learn if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone. If this person has been ignoring all of your texts but is active on social media and other platforms, they could have deleted your number. On Instagram, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. On Facebook, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. If they send Snapchats or post on their story, they are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the Snapmap feature on the app if they have their location enabled. There are so many other apps that can give away their activity if you use any others. However, you can use all these apps on devices that are not their phones. So, being active on these apps does not mean they have been active on their phones. They could be using their phones to check the apps, but they could also be using a computer, someone else’s phone, or any other device.
7. When You Message Them on WhatsApp, There’s One Checkmark
On WhatsApp, when you send a message to someone, two check marks will appear when your message is successfully sent. So, if you think someone has deleted your number from their iPhone, you can use WhatsApp to learn if they have. When you go to message them, see how many checkmarks appear. If two are shown, the message went through with no problems. However, if only one appears, it means your device sent the message, but their device has not received it. There is a good chance that your message will not be sent because they deleted your number, which removes you from their WhatsApp. However, your message not going through to their device could be explained through other means as well. For a message to go through on WhatsApp, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Again, there is no way to ultimately tell if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, but this is another way you can try to figure out if someone has or not.
8. Call Them Using Another Number
Calling the person whom you think deleted your number on their iPhone from a different number is another way to try and learn. First, try calling them on your phone. If they do not answer, use another phone to call them. This could be someone whom you think knows the person or could be a complete stranger. If it is someone whose number is most likely saved on the phone of the person you are trying to call, and they answer, this is a good sign that your number has been deleted. They answered the call of a contact, so that means they are answering calls from the contacts they have. If you use a random number, you can also call the person whom you think deleted your number. If they also pick up this call, then they probably recognize your number and are purposefully not answering your call. They are willing to answer the call of a random number right after you call them. They are answering calls that their phone does not have saved, so the only reason they would not answer your call is that they know your number through memory and did not want to answer you.
If You Delete Someone’s Number Will, They Know
While there is no definitive way for someone to tell if you deleted their number, they can still use a couple of different methods to learn if you did. If someone thinks you have deleted their number, they can go and ask you in person. When you delete their number, they can still call and text them. Therefore, they can also text or call you to ask. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. They can message you on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When they ask you, you can lie to them and say you did not delete their number. You might not want to admit to them that you deleted their number. Or, you might be brutally honest and tell them you did delete their number from your iPhone. Another sign is if you stop messaging them on your phone when you did in the past. If you deleted someone’s number, it is because you have no desire to talk to them anymore. You will not keep messaging them once you delete their number because you do not want to. You must remember their number and type it in even if you did. You might not remember their number since you deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before you deleted their number. If the message you and you respond asking who they are, they will know you deleted their number. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If their number was deleted and they text you, you might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If you react with anything similar, you have informed them you deleted their number. When they text you, you only see their number. You deleted their number, which deletes the contact information. Unless you have their number memorized or look at old messages, you will have no idea who they are. If their call goes to voicemail, this is another sign that you have deleted their number. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If their number was deleted, when they call you, only their number appears. Unless you have their number memorized, you will not know who is calling you. You might let their call go to voicemail because you do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. If you are not responding to any of their texts or calls, this is another clue that you have deleted their number from your iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when they call or text you, you only see their number and not who they are anymore. You might let their call go unanswered because you do not want to answer a random number. Being active on social media is another hint to tell someone you deleted their number. If you have ignored all of their texts but are active on social media and other platforms, you are letting them know you are active on some device. On Instagram or Facebook, if you are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, you clearly are active on some device. This information can be seen by the person whose contact you deleted. Snapchat will also give you away if you have the Snapmaps location feature enabled. If they message you on WhatsApp and only one check mark appears, this also clues the person into the fact that you have deleted their contact. One check mark means their device sent the message, but your device did not receive it. While other factors can explain this, it could also be because deleting their contact removed them from WhatsApp. When this happens, their message will not go through to you. If they call you through another phone number, and you decide to answer this number, not theirs, this is another sign that you have removed their number from your phone.
What Happens When You Delete Someone’s Number?
When you delete someone’s number, all that happens is you delete their contact information. Then, when the person tries to contact you after you have deleted their number, you will see their number appear on your screen instead of the names you saved for their contact. If you want to delete someone’s number on your iPhone, follow these steps.
- Grab your iPhone and open up contacts.
- Next, find the contact of the number you want to delete.
- Click on Edit in the top right corner.
- Now, scroll to the bottom and click on Delete Contact. You can only delete one contact at a time, so you will have to repeat these steps whenever you want to delete someone’s number. Now that the number has been deleted, any time they call you or text you, their number will be your only contact information. Unless you remember their number, you will not know who is texting you. Deleting their number does not stop their ability to call or text you. Other than that, nothing else will happen when you delete someone’s number. You can always add their number back, as well, if you want to in the future. All of your past messages will still be there. You can still call and text them. Instead of going to their contact, you must manually type their number in. If you want them not to be able to call or text you any longer, you will have to block their number. This is a step further than deleting someone’s number.
What Will I See on Text If Someone Has Deleted Me?
If someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, your texts will still look normal. You have their number saved, so you will still see their contact at the top of your messages. All of your message histories will also be visible as well. The only thing that has changed is that they no longer have your number saved, so your texts to them will appear from your number, not from your contact. You can still text them with no issues. When someone deletes your number, there is no way for you to tell from your phone. All of your messages will send through. If you are noticing that the texts you send to them will not deliver or go through, there is a possibility they deleted your number, but something else is also occurring. When someone deletes your number, you can still text them. If your messages are not delivering, this could be due to several different things. One reason is they are in an area without reception. For iMessage to go through, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Another possibility is that they blocked your number. If this is the case, your iMessage will never say delivered until they unblock you. So, if your message is not sent, the person might have deleted your number, but something else has to have happened. When someone deletes your number on an iPhone, nothing should happen when you text them. They will no longer see your contact, and that is it.

title: “How To Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-16” author: “Angel Shepherd”
While there is no way actually to prove this unless you scroll through their contact list, there are still some ways you can try and figure out if they did. However, this also goes the other way. When you decide to delete someone’s contact from your iPhone, there is no way to tell completely, but they can use other means to try and learn if you did.
How to Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone
1. Ask Them
The best way to tell if someone has deleted your number from their iPhone is by asking them. This is the only way to be 100% your number was deleted as there is no proper way to tell. If you think someone has deleted your number, go and ask them in person if that is an option. When they delete your number, you can still call and text them. Therefore, you can also text or call them to ask as well. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. You can message them on social media platforms. Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When you ask them, know there is a chance you could be lied to. They might not want to admit to you that they deleted your number. Or, they might be brutally honest and tell you they did delete your number from their iPhone.
2. They Don’t Message You Anymore
If you messaged someone a lot in the past but have stopped sending you messages, this is another sign that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. When you delete someone’s number, you must manually type it in to message them. If someone deleted your number, it is because they have no desire to talk to you anymore. They will not keep messaging you once they delete your number because they do not want to. Even if they did, they would have to remember your number and type it in. They might not remember your number since they deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before they deleted your number. You should take someone no longer messaging you as a sign they deleted your number if you have a history of messaging a lot, not if you hardly talked to them in the past.
3. When You Message Them, They Say Who Is This
If you think someone has deleted your number, you can try to text them to see if they have. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If your number was deleted and you text them, they might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If they respond with anything similar, they have deleted your number. When you text them, they only see your number. They deleted your number, which deletes the contact information. Unless they have your number memorized or look at old messages, they will have no idea who you are. However, if they do have your number memorized or can look at old messages between the two of you, they can figure out who you are even though they deleted your number. So, there is a chance that they have deleted your number even if they do not respond by saying something like, “Who is this?”
4. Your Calls Go to Voicemail
Another way to try and learn if your number has been deleted on someone’s iPhone is when you call them. If your call goes to voicemail, there is a chance your number has been deleted. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If your number was deleted, when you call them, only your number appears. Unless they have your number memorized, they will not know who is calling them. They might let your call go to voicemail because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. However, there is also a chance that they did not have their phone on them, could not answer the call, or any other reason they could not answer you. If you think someone has deleted your number and gets sent to voicemail, do not leave a voicemail. End the call. They probably still have your number if they call you back and know whom they are calling. If you never get a callback, there is a good chance they did delete your number. Remember, being sent to voicemail does not mean someone has deleted your number, but there is a chance it has been.
5. They Don’t Reply
If they are not responding to any of your texts or calls, this is another clue that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when you call or text them, they only see your number and not who you are anymore. They might let your call go unanswered because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. The same thing happens with the texts you are sending to them. They do not know your number, so they decide not to respond to your texts. This will especially happen if you are sending generic texts that do not prompt a needed response. If they receive a text saying “Hi” when they do not know the number, they probably will not respond. Even if you are receiving texts back, they could still have deleted your number. When you delete someone’s number, you can still see past messages you have shared with them. So, if you text someone and they delete your number, they may normally respond because they can figure out who sent the message based on old texts.
6. They Ignore You on Other Platforms
You can also use other social media platforms to learn if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone. If this person has been ignoring all of your texts but is active on social media and other platforms, they could have deleted your number. On Instagram, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. On Facebook, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. If they send Snapchats or post on their story, they are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the Snapmap feature on the app if they have their location enabled. There are so many other apps that can give away their activity if you use any others. However, you can use all these apps on devices that are not their phones. So, being active on these apps does not mean they have been active on their phones. They could be using their phones to check the apps, but they could also be using a computer, someone else’s phone, or any other device.
7. When You Message Them on WhatsApp, There’s One Checkmark
On WhatsApp, when you send a message to someone, two check marks will appear when your message is successfully sent. So, if you think someone has deleted your number from their iPhone, you can use WhatsApp to learn if they have. When you go to message them, see how many checkmarks appear. If two are shown, the message went through with no problems. However, if only one appears, it means your device sent the message, but their device has not received it. There is a good chance that your message will not be sent because they deleted your number, which removes you from their WhatsApp. However, your message not going through to their device could be explained through other means as well. For a message to go through on WhatsApp, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Again, there is no way to ultimately tell if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, but this is another way you can try to figure out if someone has or not.
8. Call Them Using Another Number
Calling the person whom you think deleted your number on their iPhone from a different number is another way to try and learn. First, try calling them on your phone. If they do not answer, use another phone to call them. This could be someone whom you think knows the person or could be a complete stranger. If it is someone whose number is most likely saved on the phone of the person you are trying to call, and they answer, this is a good sign that your number has been deleted. They answered the call of a contact, so that means they are answering calls from the contacts they have. If you use a random number, you can also call the person whom you think deleted your number. If they also pick up this call, then they probably recognize your number and are purposefully not answering your call. They are willing to answer the call of a random number right after you call them. They are answering calls that their phone does not have saved, so the only reason they would not answer your call is that they know your number through memory and did not want to answer you.
If You Delete Someone’s Number Will, They Know
While there is no definitive way for someone to tell if you deleted their number, they can still use a couple of different methods to learn if you did. If someone thinks you have deleted their number, they can go and ask you in person. When you delete their number, they can still call and text them. Therefore, they can also text or call you to ask. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. They can message you on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When they ask you, you can lie to them and say you did not delete their number. You might not want to admit to them that you deleted their number. Or, you might be brutally honest and tell them you did delete their number from your iPhone. Another sign is if you stop messaging them on your phone when you did in the past. If you deleted someone’s number, it is because you have no desire to talk to them anymore. You will not keep messaging them once you delete their number because you do not want to. You must remember their number and type it in even if you did. You might not remember their number since you deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before you deleted their number. If the message you and you respond asking who they are, they will know you deleted their number. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If their number was deleted and they text you, you might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If you react with anything similar, you have informed them you deleted their number. When they text you, you only see their number. You deleted their number, which deletes the contact information. Unless you have their number memorized or look at old messages, you will have no idea who they are. If their call goes to voicemail, this is another sign that you have deleted their number. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If their number was deleted, when they call you, only their number appears. Unless you have their number memorized, you will not know who is calling you. You might let their call go to voicemail because you do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. If you are not responding to any of their texts or calls, this is another clue that you have deleted their number from your iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when they call or text you, you only see their number and not who they are anymore. You might let their call go unanswered because you do not want to answer a random number. Being active on social media is another hint to tell someone you deleted their number. If you have ignored all of their texts but are active on social media and other platforms, you are letting them know you are active on some device. On Instagram or Facebook, if you are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, you clearly are active on some device. This information can be seen by the person whose contact you deleted. Snapchat will also give you away if you have the Snapmaps location feature enabled. If they message you on WhatsApp and only one check mark appears, this also clues the person into the fact that you have deleted their contact. One check mark means their device sent the message, but your device did not receive it. While other factors can explain this, it could also be because deleting their contact removed them from WhatsApp. When this happens, their message will not go through to you. If they call you through another phone number, and you decide to answer this number, not theirs, this is another sign that you have removed their number from your phone.
What Happens When You Delete Someone’s Number?
When you delete someone’s number, all that happens is you delete their contact information. Then, when the person tries to contact you after you have deleted their number, you will see their number appear on your screen instead of the names you saved for their contact. If you want to delete someone’s number on your iPhone, follow these steps.
- Grab your iPhone and open up contacts.
- Next, find the contact of the number you want to delete.
- Click on Edit in the top right corner.
- Now, scroll to the bottom and click on Delete Contact. You can only delete one contact at a time, so you will have to repeat these steps whenever you want to delete someone’s number. Now that the number has been deleted, any time they call you or text you, their number will be your only contact information. Unless you remember their number, you will not know who is texting you. Deleting their number does not stop their ability to call or text you. Other than that, nothing else will happen when you delete someone’s number. You can always add their number back, as well, if you want to in the future. All of your past messages will still be there. You can still call and text them. Instead of going to their contact, you must manually type their number in. If you want them not to be able to call or text you any longer, you will have to block their number. This is a step further than deleting someone’s number.
What Will I See on Text If Someone Has Deleted Me?
If someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, your texts will still look normal. You have their number saved, so you will still see their contact at the top of your messages. All of your message histories will also be visible as well. The only thing that has changed is that they no longer have your number saved, so your texts to them will appear from your number, not from your contact. You can still text them with no issues. When someone deletes your number, there is no way for you to tell from your phone. All of your messages will send through. If you are noticing that the texts you send to them will not deliver or go through, there is a possibility they deleted your number, but something else is also occurring. When someone deletes your number, you can still text them. If your messages are not delivering, this could be due to several different things. One reason is they are in an area without reception. For iMessage to go through, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Another possibility is that they blocked your number. If this is the case, your iMessage will never say delivered until they unblock you. So, if your message is not sent, the person might have deleted your number, but something else has to have happened. When someone deletes your number on an iPhone, nothing should happen when you text them. They will no longer see your contact, and that is it.

title: “How To Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-01” author: “Richard Worthey”
While there is no way actually to prove this unless you scroll through their contact list, there are still some ways you can try and figure out if they did. However, this also goes the other way. When you decide to delete someone’s contact from your iPhone, there is no way to tell completely, but they can use other means to try and learn if you did.
How to Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone
1. Ask Them
The best way to tell if someone has deleted your number from their iPhone is by asking them. This is the only way to be 100% your number was deleted as there is no proper way to tell. If you think someone has deleted your number, go and ask them in person if that is an option. When they delete your number, you can still call and text them. Therefore, you can also text or call them to ask as well. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. You can message them on social media platforms. Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When you ask them, know there is a chance you could be lied to. They might not want to admit to you that they deleted your number. Or, they might be brutally honest and tell you they did delete your number from their iPhone.
2. They Don’t Message You Anymore
If you messaged someone a lot in the past but have stopped sending you messages, this is another sign that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. When you delete someone’s number, you must manually type it in to message them. If someone deleted your number, it is because they have no desire to talk to you anymore. They will not keep messaging you once they delete your number because they do not want to. Even if they did, they would have to remember your number and type it in. They might not remember your number since they deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before they deleted your number. You should take someone no longer messaging you as a sign they deleted your number if you have a history of messaging a lot, not if you hardly talked to them in the past.
3. When You Message Them, They Say Who Is This
If you think someone has deleted your number, you can try to text them to see if they have. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If your number was deleted and you text them, they might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If they respond with anything similar, they have deleted your number. When you text them, they only see your number. They deleted your number, which deletes the contact information. Unless they have your number memorized or look at old messages, they will have no idea who you are. However, if they do have your number memorized or can look at old messages between the two of you, they can figure out who you are even though they deleted your number. So, there is a chance that they have deleted your number even if they do not respond by saying something like, “Who is this?”
4. Your Calls Go to Voicemail
Another way to try and learn if your number has been deleted on someone’s iPhone is when you call them. If your call goes to voicemail, there is a chance your number has been deleted. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If your number was deleted, when you call them, only your number appears. Unless they have your number memorized, they will not know who is calling them. They might let your call go to voicemail because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. However, there is also a chance that they did not have their phone on them, could not answer the call, or any other reason they could not answer you. If you think someone has deleted your number and gets sent to voicemail, do not leave a voicemail. End the call. They probably still have your number if they call you back and know whom they are calling. If you never get a callback, there is a good chance they did delete your number. Remember, being sent to voicemail does not mean someone has deleted your number, but there is a chance it has been.
5. They Don’t Reply
If they are not responding to any of your texts or calls, this is another clue that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when you call or text them, they only see your number and not who you are anymore. They might let your call go unanswered because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. The same thing happens with the texts you are sending to them. They do not know your number, so they decide not to respond to your texts. This will especially happen if you are sending generic texts that do not prompt a needed response. If they receive a text saying “Hi” when they do not know the number, they probably will not respond. Even if you are receiving texts back, they could still have deleted your number. When you delete someone’s number, you can still see past messages you have shared with them. So, if you text someone and they delete your number, they may normally respond because they can figure out who sent the message based on old texts.
6. They Ignore You on Other Platforms
You can also use other social media platforms to learn if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone. If this person has been ignoring all of your texts but is active on social media and other platforms, they could have deleted your number. On Instagram, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. On Facebook, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. If they send Snapchats or post on their story, they are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the Snapmap feature on the app if they have their location enabled. There are so many other apps that can give away their activity if you use any others. However, you can use all these apps on devices that are not their phones. So, being active on these apps does not mean they have been active on their phones. They could be using their phones to check the apps, but they could also be using a computer, someone else’s phone, or any other device.
7. When You Message Them on WhatsApp, There’s One Checkmark
On WhatsApp, when you send a message to someone, two check marks will appear when your message is successfully sent. So, if you think someone has deleted your number from their iPhone, you can use WhatsApp to learn if they have. When you go to message them, see how many checkmarks appear. If two are shown, the message went through with no problems. However, if only one appears, it means your device sent the message, but their device has not received it. There is a good chance that your message will not be sent because they deleted your number, which removes you from their WhatsApp. However, your message not going through to their device could be explained through other means as well. For a message to go through on WhatsApp, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Again, there is no way to ultimately tell if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, but this is another way you can try to figure out if someone has or not.
8. Call Them Using Another Number
Calling the person whom you think deleted your number on their iPhone from a different number is another way to try and learn. First, try calling them on your phone. If they do not answer, use another phone to call them. This could be someone whom you think knows the person or could be a complete stranger. If it is someone whose number is most likely saved on the phone of the person you are trying to call, and they answer, this is a good sign that your number has been deleted. They answered the call of a contact, so that means they are answering calls from the contacts they have. If you use a random number, you can also call the person whom you think deleted your number. If they also pick up this call, then they probably recognize your number and are purposefully not answering your call. They are willing to answer the call of a random number right after you call them. They are answering calls that their phone does not have saved, so the only reason they would not answer your call is that they know your number through memory and did not want to answer you.
If You Delete Someone’s Number Will, They Know
While there is no definitive way for someone to tell if you deleted their number, they can still use a couple of different methods to learn if you did. If someone thinks you have deleted their number, they can go and ask you in person. When you delete their number, they can still call and text them. Therefore, they can also text or call you to ask. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. They can message you on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When they ask you, you can lie to them and say you did not delete their number. You might not want to admit to them that you deleted their number. Or, you might be brutally honest and tell them you did delete their number from your iPhone. Another sign is if you stop messaging them on your phone when you did in the past. If you deleted someone’s number, it is because you have no desire to talk to them anymore. You will not keep messaging them once you delete their number because you do not want to. You must remember their number and type it in even if you did. You might not remember their number since you deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before you deleted their number. If the message you and you respond asking who they are, they will know you deleted their number. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If their number was deleted and they text you, you might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If you react with anything similar, you have informed them you deleted their number. When they text you, you only see their number. You deleted their number, which deletes the contact information. Unless you have their number memorized or look at old messages, you will have no idea who they are. If their call goes to voicemail, this is another sign that you have deleted their number. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If their number was deleted, when they call you, only their number appears. Unless you have their number memorized, you will not know who is calling you. You might let their call go to voicemail because you do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. If you are not responding to any of their texts or calls, this is another clue that you have deleted their number from your iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when they call or text you, you only see their number and not who they are anymore. You might let their call go unanswered because you do not want to answer a random number. Being active on social media is another hint to tell someone you deleted their number. If you have ignored all of their texts but are active on social media and other platforms, you are letting them know you are active on some device. On Instagram or Facebook, if you are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, you clearly are active on some device. This information can be seen by the person whose contact you deleted. Snapchat will also give you away if you have the Snapmaps location feature enabled. If they message you on WhatsApp and only one check mark appears, this also clues the person into the fact that you have deleted their contact. One check mark means their device sent the message, but your device did not receive it. While other factors can explain this, it could also be because deleting their contact removed them from WhatsApp. When this happens, their message will not go through to you. If they call you through another phone number, and you decide to answer this number, not theirs, this is another sign that you have removed their number from your phone.
What Happens When You Delete Someone’s Number?
When you delete someone’s number, all that happens is you delete their contact information. Then, when the person tries to contact you after you have deleted their number, you will see their number appear on your screen instead of the names you saved for their contact. If you want to delete someone’s number on your iPhone, follow these steps.
- Grab your iPhone and open up contacts.
- Next, find the contact of the number you want to delete.
- Click on Edit in the top right corner.
- Now, scroll to the bottom and click on Delete Contact. You can only delete one contact at a time, so you will have to repeat these steps whenever you want to delete someone’s number. Now that the number has been deleted, any time they call you or text you, their number will be your only contact information. Unless you remember their number, you will not know who is texting you. Deleting their number does not stop their ability to call or text you. Other than that, nothing else will happen when you delete someone’s number. You can always add their number back, as well, if you want to in the future. All of your past messages will still be there. You can still call and text them. Instead of going to their contact, you must manually type their number in. If you want them not to be able to call or text you any longer, you will have to block their number. This is a step further than deleting someone’s number.
What Will I See on Text If Someone Has Deleted Me?
If someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, your texts will still look normal. You have their number saved, so you will still see their contact at the top of your messages. All of your message histories will also be visible as well. The only thing that has changed is that they no longer have your number saved, so your texts to them will appear from your number, not from your contact. You can still text them with no issues. When someone deletes your number, there is no way for you to tell from your phone. All of your messages will send through. If you are noticing that the texts you send to them will not deliver or go through, there is a possibility they deleted your number, but something else is also occurring. When someone deletes your number, you can still text them. If your messages are not delivering, this could be due to several different things. One reason is they are in an area without reception. For iMessage to go through, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Another possibility is that they blocked your number. If this is the case, your iMessage will never say delivered until they unblock you. So, if your message is not sent, the person might have deleted your number, but something else has to have happened. When someone deletes your number on an iPhone, nothing should happen when you text them. They will no longer see your contact, and that is it.

title: “How To Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-27” author: “Georgia Miller”
While there is no way actually to prove this unless you scroll through their contact list, there are still some ways you can try and figure out if they did. However, this also goes the other way. When you decide to delete someone’s contact from your iPhone, there is no way to tell completely, but they can use other means to try and learn if you did.
How to Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone
1. Ask Them
The best way to tell if someone has deleted your number from their iPhone is by asking them. This is the only way to be 100% your number was deleted as there is no proper way to tell. If you think someone has deleted your number, go and ask them in person if that is an option. When they delete your number, you can still call and text them. Therefore, you can also text or call them to ask as well. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. You can message them on social media platforms. Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When you ask them, know there is a chance you could be lied to. They might not want to admit to you that they deleted your number. Or, they might be brutally honest and tell you they did delete your number from their iPhone.
2. They Don’t Message You Anymore
If you messaged someone a lot in the past but have stopped sending you messages, this is another sign that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. When you delete someone’s number, you must manually type it in to message them. If someone deleted your number, it is because they have no desire to talk to you anymore. They will not keep messaging you once they delete your number because they do not want to. Even if they did, they would have to remember your number and type it in. They might not remember your number since they deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before they deleted your number. You should take someone no longer messaging you as a sign they deleted your number if you have a history of messaging a lot, not if you hardly talked to them in the past.
3. When You Message Them, They Say Who Is This
If you think someone has deleted your number, you can try to text them to see if they have. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If your number was deleted and you text them, they might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If they respond with anything similar, they have deleted your number. When you text them, they only see your number. They deleted your number, which deletes the contact information. Unless they have your number memorized or look at old messages, they will have no idea who you are. However, if they do have your number memorized or can look at old messages between the two of you, they can figure out who you are even though they deleted your number. So, there is a chance that they have deleted your number even if they do not respond by saying something like, “Who is this?”
4. Your Calls Go to Voicemail
Another way to try and learn if your number has been deleted on someone’s iPhone is when you call them. If your call goes to voicemail, there is a chance your number has been deleted. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If your number was deleted, when you call them, only your number appears. Unless they have your number memorized, they will not know who is calling them. They might let your call go to voicemail because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. However, there is also a chance that they did not have their phone on them, could not answer the call, or any other reason they could not answer you. If you think someone has deleted your number and gets sent to voicemail, do not leave a voicemail. End the call. They probably still have your number if they call you back and know whom they are calling. If you never get a callback, there is a good chance they did delete your number. Remember, being sent to voicemail does not mean someone has deleted your number, but there is a chance it has been.
5. They Don’t Reply
If they are not responding to any of your texts or calls, this is another clue that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when you call or text them, they only see your number and not who you are anymore. They might let your call go unanswered because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. The same thing happens with the texts you are sending to them. They do not know your number, so they decide not to respond to your texts. This will especially happen if you are sending generic texts that do not prompt a needed response. If they receive a text saying “Hi” when they do not know the number, they probably will not respond. Even if you are receiving texts back, they could still have deleted your number. When you delete someone’s number, you can still see past messages you have shared with them. So, if you text someone and they delete your number, they may normally respond because they can figure out who sent the message based on old texts.
6. They Ignore You on Other Platforms
You can also use other social media platforms to learn if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone. If this person has been ignoring all of your texts but is active on social media and other platforms, they could have deleted your number. On Instagram, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. On Facebook, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. If they send Snapchats or post on their story, they are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the Snapmap feature on the app if they have their location enabled. There are so many other apps that can give away their activity if you use any others. However, you can use all these apps on devices that are not their phones. So, being active on these apps does not mean they have been active on their phones. They could be using their phones to check the apps, but they could also be using a computer, someone else’s phone, or any other device.
7. When You Message Them on WhatsApp, There’s One Checkmark
On WhatsApp, when you send a message to someone, two check marks will appear when your message is successfully sent. So, if you think someone has deleted your number from their iPhone, you can use WhatsApp to learn if they have. When you go to message them, see how many checkmarks appear. If two are shown, the message went through with no problems. However, if only one appears, it means your device sent the message, but their device has not received it. There is a good chance that your message will not be sent because they deleted your number, which removes you from their WhatsApp. However, your message not going through to their device could be explained through other means as well. For a message to go through on WhatsApp, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Again, there is no way to ultimately tell if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, but this is another way you can try to figure out if someone has or not.
8. Call Them Using Another Number
Calling the person whom you think deleted your number on their iPhone from a different number is another way to try and learn. First, try calling them on your phone. If they do not answer, use another phone to call them. This could be someone whom you think knows the person or could be a complete stranger. If it is someone whose number is most likely saved on the phone of the person you are trying to call, and they answer, this is a good sign that your number has been deleted. They answered the call of a contact, so that means they are answering calls from the contacts they have. If you use a random number, you can also call the person whom you think deleted your number. If they also pick up this call, then they probably recognize your number and are purposefully not answering your call. They are willing to answer the call of a random number right after you call them. They are answering calls that their phone does not have saved, so the only reason they would not answer your call is that they know your number through memory and did not want to answer you.
If You Delete Someone’s Number Will, They Know
While there is no definitive way for someone to tell if you deleted their number, they can still use a couple of different methods to learn if you did. If someone thinks you have deleted their number, they can go and ask you in person. When you delete their number, they can still call and text them. Therefore, they can also text or call you to ask. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. They can message you on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When they ask you, you can lie to them and say you did not delete their number. You might not want to admit to them that you deleted their number. Or, you might be brutally honest and tell them you did delete their number from your iPhone. Another sign is if you stop messaging them on your phone when you did in the past. If you deleted someone’s number, it is because you have no desire to talk to them anymore. You will not keep messaging them once you delete their number because you do not want to. You must remember their number and type it in even if you did. You might not remember their number since you deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before you deleted their number. If the message you and you respond asking who they are, they will know you deleted their number. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If their number was deleted and they text you, you might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If you react with anything similar, you have informed them you deleted their number. When they text you, you only see their number. You deleted their number, which deletes the contact information. Unless you have their number memorized or look at old messages, you will have no idea who they are. If their call goes to voicemail, this is another sign that you have deleted their number. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If their number was deleted, when they call you, only their number appears. Unless you have their number memorized, you will not know who is calling you. You might let their call go to voicemail because you do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. If you are not responding to any of their texts or calls, this is another clue that you have deleted their number from your iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when they call or text you, you only see their number and not who they are anymore. You might let their call go unanswered because you do not want to answer a random number. Being active on social media is another hint to tell someone you deleted their number. If you have ignored all of their texts but are active on social media and other platforms, you are letting them know you are active on some device. On Instagram or Facebook, if you are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, you clearly are active on some device. This information can be seen by the person whose contact you deleted. Snapchat will also give you away if you have the Snapmaps location feature enabled. If they message you on WhatsApp and only one check mark appears, this also clues the person into the fact that you have deleted their contact. One check mark means their device sent the message, but your device did not receive it. While other factors can explain this, it could also be because deleting their contact removed them from WhatsApp. When this happens, their message will not go through to you. If they call you through another phone number, and you decide to answer this number, not theirs, this is another sign that you have removed their number from your phone.
What Happens When You Delete Someone’s Number?
When you delete someone’s number, all that happens is you delete their contact information. Then, when the person tries to contact you after you have deleted their number, you will see their number appear on your screen instead of the names you saved for their contact. If you want to delete someone’s number on your iPhone, follow these steps.
- Grab your iPhone and open up contacts.
- Next, find the contact of the number you want to delete.
- Click on Edit in the top right corner.
- Now, scroll to the bottom and click on Delete Contact. You can only delete one contact at a time, so you will have to repeat these steps whenever you want to delete someone’s number. Now that the number has been deleted, any time they call you or text you, their number will be your only contact information. Unless you remember their number, you will not know who is texting you. Deleting their number does not stop their ability to call or text you. Other than that, nothing else will happen when you delete someone’s number. You can always add their number back, as well, if you want to in the future. All of your past messages will still be there. You can still call and text them. Instead of going to their contact, you must manually type their number in. If you want them not to be able to call or text you any longer, you will have to block their number. This is a step further than deleting someone’s number.
What Will I See on Text If Someone Has Deleted Me?
If someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, your texts will still look normal. You have their number saved, so you will still see their contact at the top of your messages. All of your message histories will also be visible as well. The only thing that has changed is that they no longer have your number saved, so your texts to them will appear from your number, not from your contact. You can still text them with no issues. When someone deletes your number, there is no way for you to tell from your phone. All of your messages will send through. If you are noticing that the texts you send to them will not deliver or go through, there is a possibility they deleted your number, but something else is also occurring. When someone deletes your number, you can still text them. If your messages are not delivering, this could be due to several different things. One reason is they are in an area without reception. For iMessage to go through, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Another possibility is that they blocked your number. If this is the case, your iMessage will never say delivered until they unblock you. So, if your message is not sent, the person might have deleted your number, but something else has to have happened. When someone deletes your number on an iPhone, nothing should happen when you text them. They will no longer see your contact, and that is it.

title: “How To Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-06” author: “Joe Kestner”
While there is no way actually to prove this unless you scroll through their contact list, there are still some ways you can try and figure out if they did. However, this also goes the other way. When you decide to delete someone’s contact from your iPhone, there is no way to tell completely, but they can use other means to try and learn if you did.
How to Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone
1. Ask Them
The best way to tell if someone has deleted your number from their iPhone is by asking them. This is the only way to be 100% your number was deleted as there is no proper way to tell. If you think someone has deleted your number, go and ask them in person if that is an option. When they delete your number, you can still call and text them. Therefore, you can also text or call them to ask as well. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. You can message them on social media platforms. Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When you ask them, know there is a chance you could be lied to. They might not want to admit to you that they deleted your number. Or, they might be brutally honest and tell you they did delete your number from their iPhone.
2. They Don’t Message You Anymore
If you messaged someone a lot in the past but have stopped sending you messages, this is another sign that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. When you delete someone’s number, you must manually type it in to message them. If someone deleted your number, it is because they have no desire to talk to you anymore. They will not keep messaging you once they delete your number because they do not want to. Even if they did, they would have to remember your number and type it in. They might not remember your number since they deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before they deleted your number. You should take someone no longer messaging you as a sign they deleted your number if you have a history of messaging a lot, not if you hardly talked to them in the past.
3. When You Message Them, They Say Who Is This
If you think someone has deleted your number, you can try to text them to see if they have. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If your number was deleted and you text them, they might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If they respond with anything similar, they have deleted your number. When you text them, they only see your number. They deleted your number, which deletes the contact information. Unless they have your number memorized or look at old messages, they will have no idea who you are. However, if they do have your number memorized or can look at old messages between the two of you, they can figure out who you are even though they deleted your number. So, there is a chance that they have deleted your number even if they do not respond by saying something like, “Who is this?”
4. Your Calls Go to Voicemail
Another way to try and learn if your number has been deleted on someone’s iPhone is when you call them. If your call goes to voicemail, there is a chance your number has been deleted. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If your number was deleted, when you call them, only your number appears. Unless they have your number memorized, they will not know who is calling them. They might let your call go to voicemail because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. However, there is also a chance that they did not have their phone on them, could not answer the call, or any other reason they could not answer you. If you think someone has deleted your number and gets sent to voicemail, do not leave a voicemail. End the call. They probably still have your number if they call you back and know whom they are calling. If you never get a callback, there is a good chance they did delete your number. Remember, being sent to voicemail does not mean someone has deleted your number, but there is a chance it has been.
5. They Don’t Reply
If they are not responding to any of your texts or calls, this is another clue that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when you call or text them, they only see your number and not who you are anymore. They might let your call go unanswered because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. The same thing happens with the texts you are sending to them. They do not know your number, so they decide not to respond to your texts. This will especially happen if you are sending generic texts that do not prompt a needed response. If they receive a text saying “Hi” when they do not know the number, they probably will not respond. Even if you are receiving texts back, they could still have deleted your number. When you delete someone’s number, you can still see past messages you have shared with them. So, if you text someone and they delete your number, they may normally respond because they can figure out who sent the message based on old texts.
6. They Ignore You on Other Platforms
You can also use other social media platforms to learn if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone. If this person has been ignoring all of your texts but is active on social media and other platforms, they could have deleted your number. On Instagram, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. On Facebook, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. If they send Snapchats or post on their story, they are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the Snapmap feature on the app if they have their location enabled. There are so many other apps that can give away their activity if you use any others. However, you can use all these apps on devices that are not their phones. So, being active on these apps does not mean they have been active on their phones. They could be using their phones to check the apps, but they could also be using a computer, someone else’s phone, or any other device.
7. When You Message Them on WhatsApp, There’s One Checkmark
On WhatsApp, when you send a message to someone, two check marks will appear when your message is successfully sent. So, if you think someone has deleted your number from their iPhone, you can use WhatsApp to learn if they have. When you go to message them, see how many checkmarks appear. If two are shown, the message went through with no problems. However, if only one appears, it means your device sent the message, but their device has not received it. There is a good chance that your message will not be sent because they deleted your number, which removes you from their WhatsApp. However, your message not going through to their device could be explained through other means as well. For a message to go through on WhatsApp, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Again, there is no way to ultimately tell if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, but this is another way you can try to figure out if someone has or not.
8. Call Them Using Another Number
Calling the person whom you think deleted your number on their iPhone from a different number is another way to try and learn. First, try calling them on your phone. If they do not answer, use another phone to call them. This could be someone whom you think knows the person or could be a complete stranger. If it is someone whose number is most likely saved on the phone of the person you are trying to call, and they answer, this is a good sign that your number has been deleted. They answered the call of a contact, so that means they are answering calls from the contacts they have. If you use a random number, you can also call the person whom you think deleted your number. If they also pick up this call, then they probably recognize your number and are purposefully not answering your call. They are willing to answer the call of a random number right after you call them. They are answering calls that their phone does not have saved, so the only reason they would not answer your call is that they know your number through memory and did not want to answer you.
If You Delete Someone’s Number Will, They Know
While there is no definitive way for someone to tell if you deleted their number, they can still use a couple of different methods to learn if you did. If someone thinks you have deleted their number, they can go and ask you in person. When you delete their number, they can still call and text them. Therefore, they can also text or call you to ask. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. They can message you on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When they ask you, you can lie to them and say you did not delete their number. You might not want to admit to them that you deleted their number. Or, you might be brutally honest and tell them you did delete their number from your iPhone. Another sign is if you stop messaging them on your phone when you did in the past. If you deleted someone’s number, it is because you have no desire to talk to them anymore. You will not keep messaging them once you delete their number because you do not want to. You must remember their number and type it in even if you did. You might not remember their number since you deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before you deleted their number. If the message you and you respond asking who they are, they will know you deleted their number. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If their number was deleted and they text you, you might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If you react with anything similar, you have informed them you deleted their number. When they text you, you only see their number. You deleted their number, which deletes the contact information. Unless you have their number memorized or look at old messages, you will have no idea who they are. If their call goes to voicemail, this is another sign that you have deleted their number. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If their number was deleted, when they call you, only their number appears. Unless you have their number memorized, you will not know who is calling you. You might let their call go to voicemail because you do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. If you are not responding to any of their texts or calls, this is another clue that you have deleted their number from your iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when they call or text you, you only see their number and not who they are anymore. You might let their call go unanswered because you do not want to answer a random number. Being active on social media is another hint to tell someone you deleted their number. If you have ignored all of their texts but are active on social media and other platforms, you are letting them know you are active on some device. On Instagram or Facebook, if you are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, you clearly are active on some device. This information can be seen by the person whose contact you deleted. Snapchat will also give you away if you have the Snapmaps location feature enabled. If they message you on WhatsApp and only one check mark appears, this also clues the person into the fact that you have deleted their contact. One check mark means their device sent the message, but your device did not receive it. While other factors can explain this, it could also be because deleting their contact removed them from WhatsApp. When this happens, their message will not go through to you. If they call you through another phone number, and you decide to answer this number, not theirs, this is another sign that you have removed their number from your phone.
What Happens When You Delete Someone’s Number?
When you delete someone’s number, all that happens is you delete their contact information. Then, when the person tries to contact you after you have deleted their number, you will see their number appear on your screen instead of the names you saved for their contact. If you want to delete someone’s number on your iPhone, follow these steps.
- Grab your iPhone and open up contacts.
- Next, find the contact of the number you want to delete.
- Click on Edit in the top right corner.
- Now, scroll to the bottom and click on Delete Contact. You can only delete one contact at a time, so you will have to repeat these steps whenever you want to delete someone’s number. Now that the number has been deleted, any time they call you or text you, their number will be your only contact information. Unless you remember their number, you will not know who is texting you. Deleting their number does not stop their ability to call or text you. Other than that, nothing else will happen when you delete someone’s number. You can always add their number back, as well, if you want to in the future. All of your past messages will still be there. You can still call and text them. Instead of going to their contact, you must manually type their number in. If you want them not to be able to call or text you any longer, you will have to block their number. This is a step further than deleting someone’s number.
What Will I See on Text If Someone Has Deleted Me?
If someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, your texts will still look normal. You have their number saved, so you will still see their contact at the top of your messages. All of your message histories will also be visible as well. The only thing that has changed is that they no longer have your number saved, so your texts to them will appear from your number, not from your contact. You can still text them with no issues. When someone deletes your number, there is no way for you to tell from your phone. All of your messages will send through. If you are noticing that the texts you send to them will not deliver or go through, there is a possibility they deleted your number, but something else is also occurring. When someone deletes your number, you can still text them. If your messages are not delivering, this could be due to several different things. One reason is they are in an area without reception. For iMessage to go through, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Another possibility is that they blocked your number. If this is the case, your iMessage will never say delivered until they unblock you. So, if your message is not sent, the person might have deleted your number, but something else has to have happened. When someone deletes your number on an iPhone, nothing should happen when you text them. They will no longer see your contact, and that is it.

title: “How To Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone” ShowToc: true date: “2022-10-24” author: “Christine Hicks”
While there is no way actually to prove this unless you scroll through their contact list, there are still some ways you can try and figure out if they did. However, this also goes the other way. When you decide to delete someone’s contact from your iPhone, there is no way to tell completely, but they can use other means to try and learn if you did.
How to Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone
1. Ask Them
The best way to tell if someone has deleted your number from their iPhone is by asking them. This is the only way to be 100% your number was deleted as there is no proper way to tell. If you think someone has deleted your number, go and ask them in person if that is an option. When they delete your number, you can still call and text them. Therefore, you can also text or call them to ask as well. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. You can message them on social media platforms. Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When you ask them, know there is a chance you could be lied to. They might not want to admit to you that they deleted your number. Or, they might be brutally honest and tell you they did delete your number from their iPhone.
2. They Don’t Message You Anymore
If you messaged someone a lot in the past but have stopped sending you messages, this is another sign that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. When you delete someone’s number, you must manually type it in to message them. If someone deleted your number, it is because they have no desire to talk to you anymore. They will not keep messaging you once they delete your number because they do not want to. Even if they did, they would have to remember your number and type it in. They might not remember your number since they deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before they deleted your number. You should take someone no longer messaging you as a sign they deleted your number if you have a history of messaging a lot, not if you hardly talked to them in the past.
3. When You Message Them, They Say Who Is This
If you think someone has deleted your number, you can try to text them to see if they have. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If your number was deleted and you text them, they might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If they respond with anything similar, they have deleted your number. When you text them, they only see your number. They deleted your number, which deletes the contact information. Unless they have your number memorized or look at old messages, they will have no idea who you are. However, if they do have your number memorized or can look at old messages between the two of you, they can figure out who you are even though they deleted your number. So, there is a chance that they have deleted your number even if they do not respond by saying something like, “Who is this?”
4. Your Calls Go to Voicemail
Another way to try and learn if your number has been deleted on someone’s iPhone is when you call them. If your call goes to voicemail, there is a chance your number has been deleted. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If your number was deleted, when you call them, only your number appears. Unless they have your number memorized, they will not know who is calling them. They might let your call go to voicemail because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. However, there is also a chance that they did not have their phone on them, could not answer the call, or any other reason they could not answer you. If you think someone has deleted your number and gets sent to voicemail, do not leave a voicemail. End the call. They probably still have your number if they call you back and know whom they are calling. If you never get a callback, there is a good chance they did delete your number. Remember, being sent to voicemail does not mean someone has deleted your number, but there is a chance it has been.
5. They Don’t Reply
If they are not responding to any of your texts or calls, this is another clue that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when you call or text them, they only see your number and not who you are anymore. They might let your call go unanswered because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. The same thing happens with the texts you are sending to them. They do not know your number, so they decide not to respond to your texts. This will especially happen if you are sending generic texts that do not prompt a needed response. If they receive a text saying “Hi” when they do not know the number, they probably will not respond. Even if you are receiving texts back, they could still have deleted your number. When you delete someone’s number, you can still see past messages you have shared with them. So, if you text someone and they delete your number, they may normally respond because they can figure out who sent the message based on old texts.
6. They Ignore You on Other Platforms
You can also use other social media platforms to learn if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone. If this person has been ignoring all of your texts but is active on social media and other platforms, they could have deleted your number. On Instagram, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. On Facebook, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. If they send Snapchats or post on their story, they are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the Snapmap feature on the app if they have their location enabled. There are so many other apps that can give away their activity if you use any others. However, you can use all these apps on devices that are not their phones. So, being active on these apps does not mean they have been active on their phones. They could be using their phones to check the apps, but they could also be using a computer, someone else’s phone, or any other device.
7. When You Message Them on WhatsApp, There’s One Checkmark
On WhatsApp, when you send a message to someone, two check marks will appear when your message is successfully sent. So, if you think someone has deleted your number from their iPhone, you can use WhatsApp to learn if they have. When you go to message them, see how many checkmarks appear. If two are shown, the message went through with no problems. However, if only one appears, it means your device sent the message, but their device has not received it. There is a good chance that your message will not be sent because they deleted your number, which removes you from their WhatsApp. However, your message not going through to their device could be explained through other means as well. For a message to go through on WhatsApp, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Again, there is no way to ultimately tell if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, but this is another way you can try to figure out if someone has or not.
8. Call Them Using Another Number
Calling the person whom you think deleted your number on their iPhone from a different number is another way to try and learn. First, try calling them on your phone. If they do not answer, use another phone to call them. This could be someone whom you think knows the person or could be a complete stranger. If it is someone whose number is most likely saved on the phone of the person you are trying to call, and they answer, this is a good sign that your number has been deleted. They answered the call of a contact, so that means they are answering calls from the contacts they have. If you use a random number, you can also call the person whom you think deleted your number. If they also pick up this call, then they probably recognize your number and are purposefully not answering your call. They are willing to answer the call of a random number right after you call them. They are answering calls that their phone does not have saved, so the only reason they would not answer your call is that they know your number through memory and did not want to answer you.
If You Delete Someone’s Number Will, They Know
While there is no definitive way for someone to tell if you deleted their number, they can still use a couple of different methods to learn if you did. If someone thinks you have deleted their number, they can go and ask you in person. When you delete their number, they can still call and text them. Therefore, they can also text or call you to ask. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. They can message you on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When they ask you, you can lie to them and say you did not delete their number. You might not want to admit to them that you deleted their number. Or, you might be brutally honest and tell them you did delete their number from your iPhone. Another sign is if you stop messaging them on your phone when you did in the past. If you deleted someone’s number, it is because you have no desire to talk to them anymore. You will not keep messaging them once you delete their number because you do not want to. You must remember their number and type it in even if you did. You might not remember their number since you deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before you deleted their number. If the message you and you respond asking who they are, they will know you deleted their number. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If their number was deleted and they text you, you might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If you react with anything similar, you have informed them you deleted their number. When they text you, you only see their number. You deleted their number, which deletes the contact information. Unless you have their number memorized or look at old messages, you will have no idea who they are. If their call goes to voicemail, this is another sign that you have deleted their number. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If their number was deleted, when they call you, only their number appears. Unless you have their number memorized, you will not know who is calling you. You might let their call go to voicemail because you do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. If you are not responding to any of their texts or calls, this is another clue that you have deleted their number from your iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when they call or text you, you only see their number and not who they are anymore. You might let their call go unanswered because you do not want to answer a random number. Being active on social media is another hint to tell someone you deleted their number. If you have ignored all of their texts but are active on social media and other platforms, you are letting them know you are active on some device. On Instagram or Facebook, if you are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, you clearly are active on some device. This information can be seen by the person whose contact you deleted. Snapchat will also give you away if you have the Snapmaps location feature enabled. If they message you on WhatsApp and only one check mark appears, this also clues the person into the fact that you have deleted their contact. One check mark means their device sent the message, but your device did not receive it. While other factors can explain this, it could also be because deleting their contact removed them from WhatsApp. When this happens, their message will not go through to you. If they call you through another phone number, and you decide to answer this number, not theirs, this is another sign that you have removed their number from your phone.
What Happens When You Delete Someone’s Number?
When you delete someone’s number, all that happens is you delete their contact information. Then, when the person tries to contact you after you have deleted their number, you will see their number appear on your screen instead of the names you saved for their contact. If you want to delete someone’s number on your iPhone, follow these steps.
- Grab your iPhone and open up contacts.
- Next, find the contact of the number you want to delete.
- Click on Edit in the top right corner.
- Now, scroll to the bottom and click on Delete Contact. You can only delete one contact at a time, so you will have to repeat these steps whenever you want to delete someone’s number. Now that the number has been deleted, any time they call you or text you, their number will be your only contact information. Unless you remember their number, you will not know who is texting you. Deleting their number does not stop their ability to call or text you. Other than that, nothing else will happen when you delete someone’s number. You can always add their number back, as well, if you want to in the future. All of your past messages will still be there. You can still call and text them. Instead of going to their contact, you must manually type their number in. If you want them not to be able to call or text you any longer, you will have to block their number. This is a step further than deleting someone’s number.
What Will I See on Text If Someone Has Deleted Me?
If someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, your texts will still look normal. You have their number saved, so you will still see their contact at the top of your messages. All of your message histories will also be visible as well. The only thing that has changed is that they no longer have your number saved, so your texts to them will appear from your number, not from your contact. You can still text them with no issues. When someone deletes your number, there is no way for you to tell from your phone. All of your messages will send through. If you are noticing that the texts you send to them will not deliver or go through, there is a possibility they deleted your number, but something else is also occurring. When someone deletes your number, you can still text them. If your messages are not delivering, this could be due to several different things. One reason is they are in an area without reception. For iMessage to go through, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Another possibility is that they blocked your number. If this is the case, your iMessage will never say delivered until they unblock you. So, if your message is not sent, the person might have deleted your number, but something else has to have happened. When someone deletes your number on an iPhone, nothing should happen when you text them. They will no longer see your contact, and that is it.

title: “How To Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-25” author: “Sherri Wysocki”
While there is no way actually to prove this unless you scroll through their contact list, there are still some ways you can try and figure out if they did. However, this also goes the other way. When you decide to delete someone’s contact from your iPhone, there is no way to tell completely, but they can use other means to try and learn if you did.
How to Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone
1. Ask Them
The best way to tell if someone has deleted your number from their iPhone is by asking them. This is the only way to be 100% your number was deleted as there is no proper way to tell. If you think someone has deleted your number, go and ask them in person if that is an option. When they delete your number, you can still call and text them. Therefore, you can also text or call them to ask as well. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. You can message them on social media platforms. Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When you ask them, know there is a chance you could be lied to. They might not want to admit to you that they deleted your number. Or, they might be brutally honest and tell you they did delete your number from their iPhone.
2. They Don’t Message You Anymore
If you messaged someone a lot in the past but have stopped sending you messages, this is another sign that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. When you delete someone’s number, you must manually type it in to message them. If someone deleted your number, it is because they have no desire to talk to you anymore. They will not keep messaging you once they delete your number because they do not want to. Even if they did, they would have to remember your number and type it in. They might not remember your number since they deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before they deleted your number. You should take someone no longer messaging you as a sign they deleted your number if you have a history of messaging a lot, not if you hardly talked to them in the past.
3. When You Message Them, They Say Who Is This
If you think someone has deleted your number, you can try to text them to see if they have. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If your number was deleted and you text them, they might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If they respond with anything similar, they have deleted your number. When you text them, they only see your number. They deleted your number, which deletes the contact information. Unless they have your number memorized or look at old messages, they will have no idea who you are. However, if they do have your number memorized or can look at old messages between the two of you, they can figure out who you are even though they deleted your number. So, there is a chance that they have deleted your number even if they do not respond by saying something like, “Who is this?”
4. Your Calls Go to Voicemail
Another way to try and learn if your number has been deleted on someone’s iPhone is when you call them. If your call goes to voicemail, there is a chance your number has been deleted. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If your number was deleted, when you call them, only your number appears. Unless they have your number memorized, they will not know who is calling them. They might let your call go to voicemail because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. However, there is also a chance that they did not have their phone on them, could not answer the call, or any other reason they could not answer you. If you think someone has deleted your number and gets sent to voicemail, do not leave a voicemail. End the call. They probably still have your number if they call you back and know whom they are calling. If you never get a callback, there is a good chance they did delete your number. Remember, being sent to voicemail does not mean someone has deleted your number, but there is a chance it has been.
5. They Don’t Reply
If they are not responding to any of your texts or calls, this is another clue that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when you call or text them, they only see your number and not who you are anymore. They might let your call go unanswered because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. The same thing happens with the texts you are sending to them. They do not know your number, so they decide not to respond to your texts. This will especially happen if you are sending generic texts that do not prompt a needed response. If they receive a text saying “Hi” when they do not know the number, they probably will not respond. Even if you are receiving texts back, they could still have deleted your number. When you delete someone’s number, you can still see past messages you have shared with them. So, if you text someone and they delete your number, they may normally respond because they can figure out who sent the message based on old texts.
6. They Ignore You on Other Platforms
You can also use other social media platforms to learn if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone. If this person has been ignoring all of your texts but is active on social media and other platforms, they could have deleted your number. On Instagram, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. On Facebook, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. If they send Snapchats or post on their story, they are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the Snapmap feature on the app if they have their location enabled. There are so many other apps that can give away their activity if you use any others. However, you can use all these apps on devices that are not their phones. So, being active on these apps does not mean they have been active on their phones. They could be using their phones to check the apps, but they could also be using a computer, someone else’s phone, or any other device.
7. When You Message Them on WhatsApp, There’s One Checkmark
On WhatsApp, when you send a message to someone, two check marks will appear when your message is successfully sent. So, if you think someone has deleted your number from their iPhone, you can use WhatsApp to learn if they have. When you go to message them, see how many checkmarks appear. If two are shown, the message went through with no problems. However, if only one appears, it means your device sent the message, but their device has not received it. There is a good chance that your message will not be sent because they deleted your number, which removes you from their WhatsApp. However, your message not going through to their device could be explained through other means as well. For a message to go through on WhatsApp, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Again, there is no way to ultimately tell if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, but this is another way you can try to figure out if someone has or not.
8. Call Them Using Another Number
Calling the person whom you think deleted your number on their iPhone from a different number is another way to try and learn. First, try calling them on your phone. If they do not answer, use another phone to call them. This could be someone whom you think knows the person or could be a complete stranger. If it is someone whose number is most likely saved on the phone of the person you are trying to call, and they answer, this is a good sign that your number has been deleted. They answered the call of a contact, so that means they are answering calls from the contacts they have. If you use a random number, you can also call the person whom you think deleted your number. If they also pick up this call, then they probably recognize your number and are purposefully not answering your call. They are willing to answer the call of a random number right after you call them. They are answering calls that their phone does not have saved, so the only reason they would not answer your call is that they know your number through memory and did not want to answer you.
If You Delete Someone’s Number Will, They Know
While there is no definitive way for someone to tell if you deleted their number, they can still use a couple of different methods to learn if you did. If someone thinks you have deleted their number, they can go and ask you in person. When you delete their number, they can still call and text them. Therefore, they can also text or call you to ask. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. They can message you on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When they ask you, you can lie to them and say you did not delete their number. You might not want to admit to them that you deleted their number. Or, you might be brutally honest and tell them you did delete their number from your iPhone. Another sign is if you stop messaging them on your phone when you did in the past. If you deleted someone’s number, it is because you have no desire to talk to them anymore. You will not keep messaging them once you delete their number because you do not want to. You must remember their number and type it in even if you did. You might not remember their number since you deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before you deleted their number. If the message you and you respond asking who they are, they will know you deleted their number. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If their number was deleted and they text you, you might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If you react with anything similar, you have informed them you deleted their number. When they text you, you only see their number. You deleted their number, which deletes the contact information. Unless you have their number memorized or look at old messages, you will have no idea who they are. If their call goes to voicemail, this is another sign that you have deleted their number. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If their number was deleted, when they call you, only their number appears. Unless you have their number memorized, you will not know who is calling you. You might let their call go to voicemail because you do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. If you are not responding to any of their texts or calls, this is another clue that you have deleted their number from your iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when they call or text you, you only see their number and not who they are anymore. You might let their call go unanswered because you do not want to answer a random number. Being active on social media is another hint to tell someone you deleted their number. If you have ignored all of their texts but are active on social media and other platforms, you are letting them know you are active on some device. On Instagram or Facebook, if you are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, you clearly are active on some device. This information can be seen by the person whose contact you deleted. Snapchat will also give you away if you have the Snapmaps location feature enabled. If they message you on WhatsApp and only one check mark appears, this also clues the person into the fact that you have deleted their contact. One check mark means their device sent the message, but your device did not receive it. While other factors can explain this, it could also be because deleting their contact removed them from WhatsApp. When this happens, their message will not go through to you. If they call you through another phone number, and you decide to answer this number, not theirs, this is another sign that you have removed their number from your phone.
What Happens When You Delete Someone’s Number?
When you delete someone’s number, all that happens is you delete their contact information. Then, when the person tries to contact you after you have deleted their number, you will see their number appear on your screen instead of the names you saved for their contact. If you want to delete someone’s number on your iPhone, follow these steps.
- Grab your iPhone and open up contacts.
- Next, find the contact of the number you want to delete.
- Click on Edit in the top right corner.
- Now, scroll to the bottom and click on Delete Contact. You can only delete one contact at a time, so you will have to repeat these steps whenever you want to delete someone’s number. Now that the number has been deleted, any time they call you or text you, their number will be your only contact information. Unless you remember their number, you will not know who is texting you. Deleting their number does not stop their ability to call or text you. Other than that, nothing else will happen when you delete someone’s number. You can always add their number back, as well, if you want to in the future. All of your past messages will still be there. You can still call and text them. Instead of going to their contact, you must manually type their number in. If you want them not to be able to call or text you any longer, you will have to block their number. This is a step further than deleting someone’s number.
What Will I See on Text If Someone Has Deleted Me?
If someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, your texts will still look normal. You have their number saved, so you will still see their contact at the top of your messages. All of your message histories will also be visible as well. The only thing that has changed is that they no longer have your number saved, so your texts to them will appear from your number, not from your contact. You can still text them with no issues. When someone deletes your number, there is no way for you to tell from your phone. All of your messages will send through. If you are noticing that the texts you send to them will not deliver or go through, there is a possibility they deleted your number, but something else is also occurring. When someone deletes your number, you can still text them. If your messages are not delivering, this could be due to several different things. One reason is they are in an area without reception. For iMessage to go through, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Another possibility is that they blocked your number. If this is the case, your iMessage will never say delivered until they unblock you. So, if your message is not sent, the person might have deleted your number, but something else has to have happened. When someone deletes your number on an iPhone, nothing should happen when you text them. They will no longer see your contact, and that is it.

title: “How To Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone” ShowToc: true date: “2022-10-20” author: “Michael Daugherty”
While there is no way actually to prove this unless you scroll through their contact list, there are still some ways you can try and figure out if they did. However, this also goes the other way. When you decide to delete someone’s contact from your iPhone, there is no way to tell completely, but they can use other means to try and learn if you did.
How to Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone
1. Ask Them
The best way to tell if someone has deleted your number from their iPhone is by asking them. This is the only way to be 100% your number was deleted as there is no proper way to tell. If you think someone has deleted your number, go and ask them in person if that is an option. When they delete your number, you can still call and text them. Therefore, you can also text or call them to ask as well. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. You can message them on social media platforms. Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When you ask them, know there is a chance you could be lied to. They might not want to admit to you that they deleted your number. Or, they might be brutally honest and tell you they did delete your number from their iPhone.
2. They Don’t Message You Anymore
If you messaged someone a lot in the past but have stopped sending you messages, this is another sign that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. When you delete someone’s number, you must manually type it in to message them. If someone deleted your number, it is because they have no desire to talk to you anymore. They will not keep messaging you once they delete your number because they do not want to. Even if they did, they would have to remember your number and type it in. They might not remember your number since they deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before they deleted your number. You should take someone no longer messaging you as a sign they deleted your number if you have a history of messaging a lot, not if you hardly talked to them in the past.
3. When You Message Them, They Say Who Is This
If you think someone has deleted your number, you can try to text them to see if they have. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If your number was deleted and you text them, they might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If they respond with anything similar, they have deleted your number. When you text them, they only see your number. They deleted your number, which deletes the contact information. Unless they have your number memorized or look at old messages, they will have no idea who you are. However, if they do have your number memorized or can look at old messages between the two of you, they can figure out who you are even though they deleted your number. So, there is a chance that they have deleted your number even if they do not respond by saying something like, “Who is this?”
4. Your Calls Go to Voicemail
Another way to try and learn if your number has been deleted on someone’s iPhone is when you call them. If your call goes to voicemail, there is a chance your number has been deleted. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If your number was deleted, when you call them, only your number appears. Unless they have your number memorized, they will not know who is calling them. They might let your call go to voicemail because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. However, there is also a chance that they did not have their phone on them, could not answer the call, or any other reason they could not answer you. If you think someone has deleted your number and gets sent to voicemail, do not leave a voicemail. End the call. They probably still have your number if they call you back and know whom they are calling. If you never get a callback, there is a good chance they did delete your number. Remember, being sent to voicemail does not mean someone has deleted your number, but there is a chance it has been.
5. They Don’t Reply
If they are not responding to any of your texts or calls, this is another clue that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when you call or text them, they only see your number and not who you are anymore. They might let your call go unanswered because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. The same thing happens with the texts you are sending to them. They do not know your number, so they decide not to respond to your texts. This will especially happen if you are sending generic texts that do not prompt a needed response. If they receive a text saying “Hi” when they do not know the number, they probably will not respond. Even if you are receiving texts back, they could still have deleted your number. When you delete someone’s number, you can still see past messages you have shared with them. So, if you text someone and they delete your number, they may normally respond because they can figure out who sent the message based on old texts.
6. They Ignore You on Other Platforms
You can also use other social media platforms to learn if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone. If this person has been ignoring all of your texts but is active on social media and other platforms, they could have deleted your number. On Instagram, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. On Facebook, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. If they send Snapchats or post on their story, they are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the Snapmap feature on the app if they have their location enabled. There are so many other apps that can give away their activity if you use any others. However, you can use all these apps on devices that are not their phones. So, being active on these apps does not mean they have been active on their phones. They could be using their phones to check the apps, but they could also be using a computer, someone else’s phone, or any other device.
7. When You Message Them on WhatsApp, There’s One Checkmark
On WhatsApp, when you send a message to someone, two check marks will appear when your message is successfully sent. So, if you think someone has deleted your number from their iPhone, you can use WhatsApp to learn if they have. When you go to message them, see how many checkmarks appear. If two are shown, the message went through with no problems. However, if only one appears, it means your device sent the message, but their device has not received it. There is a good chance that your message will not be sent because they deleted your number, which removes you from their WhatsApp. However, your message not going through to their device could be explained through other means as well. For a message to go through on WhatsApp, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Again, there is no way to ultimately tell if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, but this is another way you can try to figure out if someone has or not.
8. Call Them Using Another Number
Calling the person whom you think deleted your number on their iPhone from a different number is another way to try and learn. First, try calling them on your phone. If they do not answer, use another phone to call them. This could be someone whom you think knows the person or could be a complete stranger. If it is someone whose number is most likely saved on the phone of the person you are trying to call, and they answer, this is a good sign that your number has been deleted. They answered the call of a contact, so that means they are answering calls from the contacts they have. If you use a random number, you can also call the person whom you think deleted your number. If they also pick up this call, then they probably recognize your number and are purposefully not answering your call. They are willing to answer the call of a random number right after you call them. They are answering calls that their phone does not have saved, so the only reason they would not answer your call is that they know your number through memory and did not want to answer you.
If You Delete Someone’s Number Will, They Know
While there is no definitive way for someone to tell if you deleted their number, they can still use a couple of different methods to learn if you did. If someone thinks you have deleted their number, they can go and ask you in person. When you delete their number, they can still call and text them. Therefore, they can also text or call you to ask. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. They can message you on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When they ask you, you can lie to them and say you did not delete their number. You might not want to admit to them that you deleted their number. Or, you might be brutally honest and tell them you did delete their number from your iPhone. Another sign is if you stop messaging them on your phone when you did in the past. If you deleted someone’s number, it is because you have no desire to talk to them anymore. You will not keep messaging them once you delete their number because you do not want to. You must remember their number and type it in even if you did. You might not remember their number since you deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before you deleted their number. If the message you and you respond asking who they are, they will know you deleted their number. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If their number was deleted and they text you, you might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If you react with anything similar, you have informed them you deleted their number. When they text you, you only see their number. You deleted their number, which deletes the contact information. Unless you have their number memorized or look at old messages, you will have no idea who they are. If their call goes to voicemail, this is another sign that you have deleted their number. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If their number was deleted, when they call you, only their number appears. Unless you have their number memorized, you will not know who is calling you. You might let their call go to voicemail because you do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. If you are not responding to any of their texts or calls, this is another clue that you have deleted their number from your iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when they call or text you, you only see their number and not who they are anymore. You might let their call go unanswered because you do not want to answer a random number. Being active on social media is another hint to tell someone you deleted their number. If you have ignored all of their texts but are active on social media and other platforms, you are letting them know you are active on some device. On Instagram or Facebook, if you are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, you clearly are active on some device. This information can be seen by the person whose contact you deleted. Snapchat will also give you away if you have the Snapmaps location feature enabled. If they message you on WhatsApp and only one check mark appears, this also clues the person into the fact that you have deleted their contact. One check mark means their device sent the message, but your device did not receive it. While other factors can explain this, it could also be because deleting their contact removed them from WhatsApp. When this happens, their message will not go through to you. If they call you through another phone number, and you decide to answer this number, not theirs, this is another sign that you have removed their number from your phone.
What Happens When You Delete Someone’s Number?
When you delete someone’s number, all that happens is you delete their contact information. Then, when the person tries to contact you after you have deleted their number, you will see their number appear on your screen instead of the names you saved for their contact. If you want to delete someone’s number on your iPhone, follow these steps.
- Grab your iPhone and open up contacts.
- Next, find the contact of the number you want to delete.
- Click on Edit in the top right corner.
- Now, scroll to the bottom and click on Delete Contact. You can only delete one contact at a time, so you will have to repeat these steps whenever you want to delete someone’s number. Now that the number has been deleted, any time they call you or text you, their number will be your only contact information. Unless you remember their number, you will not know who is texting you. Deleting their number does not stop their ability to call or text you. Other than that, nothing else will happen when you delete someone’s number. You can always add their number back, as well, if you want to in the future. All of your past messages will still be there. You can still call and text them. Instead of going to their contact, you must manually type their number in. If you want them not to be able to call or text you any longer, you will have to block their number. This is a step further than deleting someone’s number.
What Will I See on Text If Someone Has Deleted Me?
If someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, your texts will still look normal. You have their number saved, so you will still see their contact at the top of your messages. All of your message histories will also be visible as well. The only thing that has changed is that they no longer have your number saved, so your texts to them will appear from your number, not from your contact. You can still text them with no issues. When someone deletes your number, there is no way for you to tell from your phone. All of your messages will send through. If you are noticing that the texts you send to them will not deliver or go through, there is a possibility they deleted your number, but something else is also occurring. When someone deletes your number, you can still text them. If your messages are not delivering, this could be due to several different things. One reason is they are in an area without reception. For iMessage to go through, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Another possibility is that they blocked your number. If this is the case, your iMessage will never say delivered until they unblock you. So, if your message is not sent, the person might have deleted your number, but something else has to have happened. When someone deletes your number on an iPhone, nothing should happen when you text them. They will no longer see your contact, and that is it.

title: “How To Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone” ShowToc: true date: “2022-10-30” author: “Ruby Cross”
While there is no way actually to prove this unless you scroll through their contact list, there are still some ways you can try and figure out if they did. However, this also goes the other way. When you decide to delete someone’s contact from your iPhone, there is no way to tell completely, but they can use other means to try and learn if you did.
How to Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone
1. Ask Them
The best way to tell if someone has deleted your number from their iPhone is by asking them. This is the only way to be 100% your number was deleted as there is no proper way to tell. If you think someone has deleted your number, go and ask them in person if that is an option. When they delete your number, you can still call and text them. Therefore, you can also text or call them to ask as well. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. You can message them on social media platforms. Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When you ask them, know there is a chance you could be lied to. They might not want to admit to you that they deleted your number. Or, they might be brutally honest and tell you they did delete your number from their iPhone.
2. They Don’t Message You Anymore
If you messaged someone a lot in the past but have stopped sending you messages, this is another sign that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. When you delete someone’s number, you must manually type it in to message them. If someone deleted your number, it is because they have no desire to talk to you anymore. They will not keep messaging you once they delete your number because they do not want to. Even if they did, they would have to remember your number and type it in. They might not remember your number since they deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before they deleted your number. You should take someone no longer messaging you as a sign they deleted your number if you have a history of messaging a lot, not if you hardly talked to them in the past.
3. When You Message Them, They Say Who Is This
If you think someone has deleted your number, you can try to text them to see if they have. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If your number was deleted and you text them, they might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If they respond with anything similar, they have deleted your number. When you text them, they only see your number. They deleted your number, which deletes the contact information. Unless they have your number memorized or look at old messages, they will have no idea who you are. However, if they do have your number memorized or can look at old messages between the two of you, they can figure out who you are even though they deleted your number. So, there is a chance that they have deleted your number even if they do not respond by saying something like, “Who is this?”
4. Your Calls Go to Voicemail
Another way to try and learn if your number has been deleted on someone’s iPhone is when you call them. If your call goes to voicemail, there is a chance your number has been deleted. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If your number was deleted, when you call them, only your number appears. Unless they have your number memorized, they will not know who is calling them. They might let your call go to voicemail because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. However, there is also a chance that they did not have their phone on them, could not answer the call, or any other reason they could not answer you. If you think someone has deleted your number and gets sent to voicemail, do not leave a voicemail. End the call. They probably still have your number if they call you back and know whom they are calling. If you never get a callback, there is a good chance they did delete your number. Remember, being sent to voicemail does not mean someone has deleted your number, but there is a chance it has been.
5. They Don’t Reply
If they are not responding to any of your texts or calls, this is another clue that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when you call or text them, they only see your number and not who you are anymore. They might let your call go unanswered because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. The same thing happens with the texts you are sending to them. They do not know your number, so they decide not to respond to your texts. This will especially happen if you are sending generic texts that do not prompt a needed response. If they receive a text saying “Hi” when they do not know the number, they probably will not respond. Even if you are receiving texts back, they could still have deleted your number. When you delete someone’s number, you can still see past messages you have shared with them. So, if you text someone and they delete your number, they may normally respond because they can figure out who sent the message based on old texts.
6. They Ignore You on Other Platforms
You can also use other social media platforms to learn if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone. If this person has been ignoring all of your texts but is active on social media and other platforms, they could have deleted your number. On Instagram, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. On Facebook, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. If they send Snapchats or post on their story, they are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the Snapmap feature on the app if they have their location enabled. There are so many other apps that can give away their activity if you use any others. However, you can use all these apps on devices that are not their phones. So, being active on these apps does not mean they have been active on their phones. They could be using their phones to check the apps, but they could also be using a computer, someone else’s phone, or any other device.
7. When You Message Them on WhatsApp, There’s One Checkmark
On WhatsApp, when you send a message to someone, two check marks will appear when your message is successfully sent. So, if you think someone has deleted your number from their iPhone, you can use WhatsApp to learn if they have. When you go to message them, see how many checkmarks appear. If two are shown, the message went through with no problems. However, if only one appears, it means your device sent the message, but their device has not received it. There is a good chance that your message will not be sent because they deleted your number, which removes you from their WhatsApp. However, your message not going through to their device could be explained through other means as well. For a message to go through on WhatsApp, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Again, there is no way to ultimately tell if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, but this is another way you can try to figure out if someone has or not.
8. Call Them Using Another Number
Calling the person whom you think deleted your number on their iPhone from a different number is another way to try and learn. First, try calling them on your phone. If they do not answer, use another phone to call them. This could be someone whom you think knows the person or could be a complete stranger. If it is someone whose number is most likely saved on the phone of the person you are trying to call, and they answer, this is a good sign that your number has been deleted. They answered the call of a contact, so that means they are answering calls from the contacts they have. If you use a random number, you can also call the person whom you think deleted your number. If they also pick up this call, then they probably recognize your number and are purposefully not answering your call. They are willing to answer the call of a random number right after you call them. They are answering calls that their phone does not have saved, so the only reason they would not answer your call is that they know your number through memory and did not want to answer you.
If You Delete Someone’s Number Will, They Know
While there is no definitive way for someone to tell if you deleted their number, they can still use a couple of different methods to learn if you did. If someone thinks you have deleted their number, they can go and ask you in person. When you delete their number, they can still call and text them. Therefore, they can also text or call you to ask. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. They can message you on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When they ask you, you can lie to them and say you did not delete their number. You might not want to admit to them that you deleted their number. Or, you might be brutally honest and tell them you did delete their number from your iPhone. Another sign is if you stop messaging them on your phone when you did in the past. If you deleted someone’s number, it is because you have no desire to talk to them anymore. You will not keep messaging them once you delete their number because you do not want to. You must remember their number and type it in even if you did. You might not remember their number since you deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before you deleted their number. If the message you and you respond asking who they are, they will know you deleted their number. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If their number was deleted and they text you, you might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If you react with anything similar, you have informed them you deleted their number. When they text you, you only see their number. You deleted their number, which deletes the contact information. Unless you have their number memorized or look at old messages, you will have no idea who they are. If their call goes to voicemail, this is another sign that you have deleted their number. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If their number was deleted, when they call you, only their number appears. Unless you have their number memorized, you will not know who is calling you. You might let their call go to voicemail because you do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. If you are not responding to any of their texts or calls, this is another clue that you have deleted their number from your iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when they call or text you, you only see their number and not who they are anymore. You might let their call go unanswered because you do not want to answer a random number. Being active on social media is another hint to tell someone you deleted their number. If you have ignored all of their texts but are active on social media and other platforms, you are letting them know you are active on some device. On Instagram or Facebook, if you are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, you clearly are active on some device. This information can be seen by the person whose contact you deleted. Snapchat will also give you away if you have the Snapmaps location feature enabled. If they message you on WhatsApp and only one check mark appears, this also clues the person into the fact that you have deleted their contact. One check mark means their device sent the message, but your device did not receive it. While other factors can explain this, it could also be because deleting their contact removed them from WhatsApp. When this happens, their message will not go through to you. If they call you through another phone number, and you decide to answer this number, not theirs, this is another sign that you have removed their number from your phone.
What Happens When You Delete Someone’s Number?
When you delete someone’s number, all that happens is you delete their contact information. Then, when the person tries to contact you after you have deleted their number, you will see their number appear on your screen instead of the names you saved for their contact. If you want to delete someone’s number on your iPhone, follow these steps.
- Grab your iPhone and open up contacts.
- Next, find the contact of the number you want to delete.
- Click on Edit in the top right corner.
- Now, scroll to the bottom and click on Delete Contact. You can only delete one contact at a time, so you will have to repeat these steps whenever you want to delete someone’s number. Now that the number has been deleted, any time they call you or text you, their number will be your only contact information. Unless you remember their number, you will not know who is texting you. Deleting their number does not stop their ability to call or text you. Other than that, nothing else will happen when you delete someone’s number. You can always add their number back, as well, if you want to in the future. All of your past messages will still be there. You can still call and text them. Instead of going to their contact, you must manually type their number in. If you want them not to be able to call or text you any longer, you will have to block their number. This is a step further than deleting someone’s number.
What Will I See on Text If Someone Has Deleted Me?
If someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, your texts will still look normal. You have their number saved, so you will still see their contact at the top of your messages. All of your message histories will also be visible as well. The only thing that has changed is that they no longer have your number saved, so your texts to them will appear from your number, not from your contact. You can still text them with no issues. When someone deletes your number, there is no way for you to tell from your phone. All of your messages will send through. If you are noticing that the texts you send to them will not deliver or go through, there is a possibility they deleted your number, but something else is also occurring. When someone deletes your number, you can still text them. If your messages are not delivering, this could be due to several different things. One reason is they are in an area without reception. For iMessage to go through, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Another possibility is that they blocked your number. If this is the case, your iMessage will never say delivered until they unblock you. So, if your message is not sent, the person might have deleted your number, but something else has to have happened. When someone deletes your number on an iPhone, nothing should happen when you text them. They will no longer see your contact, and that is it.

title: “How To Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-10” author: “Hazel Grubb”
While there is no way actually to prove this unless you scroll through their contact list, there are still some ways you can try and figure out if they did. However, this also goes the other way. When you decide to delete someone’s contact from your iPhone, there is no way to tell completely, but they can use other means to try and learn if you did.
How to Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone
1. Ask Them
The best way to tell if someone has deleted your number from their iPhone is by asking them. This is the only way to be 100% your number was deleted as there is no proper way to tell. If you think someone has deleted your number, go and ask them in person if that is an option. When they delete your number, you can still call and text them. Therefore, you can also text or call them to ask as well. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. You can message them on social media platforms. Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When you ask them, know there is a chance you could be lied to. They might not want to admit to you that they deleted your number. Or, they might be brutally honest and tell you they did delete your number from their iPhone.
2. They Don’t Message You Anymore
If you messaged someone a lot in the past but have stopped sending you messages, this is another sign that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. When you delete someone’s number, you must manually type it in to message them. If someone deleted your number, it is because they have no desire to talk to you anymore. They will not keep messaging you once they delete your number because they do not want to. Even if they did, they would have to remember your number and type it in. They might not remember your number since they deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before they deleted your number. You should take someone no longer messaging you as a sign they deleted your number if you have a history of messaging a lot, not if you hardly talked to them in the past.
3. When You Message Them, They Say Who Is This
If you think someone has deleted your number, you can try to text them to see if they have. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If your number was deleted and you text them, they might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If they respond with anything similar, they have deleted your number. When you text them, they only see your number. They deleted your number, which deletes the contact information. Unless they have your number memorized or look at old messages, they will have no idea who you are. However, if they do have your number memorized or can look at old messages between the two of you, they can figure out who you are even though they deleted your number. So, there is a chance that they have deleted your number even if they do not respond by saying something like, “Who is this?”
4. Your Calls Go to Voicemail
Another way to try and learn if your number has been deleted on someone’s iPhone is when you call them. If your call goes to voicemail, there is a chance your number has been deleted. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If your number was deleted, when you call them, only your number appears. Unless they have your number memorized, they will not know who is calling them. They might let your call go to voicemail because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. However, there is also a chance that they did not have their phone on them, could not answer the call, or any other reason they could not answer you. If you think someone has deleted your number and gets sent to voicemail, do not leave a voicemail. End the call. They probably still have your number if they call you back and know whom they are calling. If you never get a callback, there is a good chance they did delete your number. Remember, being sent to voicemail does not mean someone has deleted your number, but there is a chance it has been.
5. They Don’t Reply
If they are not responding to any of your texts or calls, this is another clue that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when you call or text them, they only see your number and not who you are anymore. They might let your call go unanswered because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. The same thing happens with the texts you are sending to them. They do not know your number, so they decide not to respond to your texts. This will especially happen if you are sending generic texts that do not prompt a needed response. If they receive a text saying “Hi” when they do not know the number, they probably will not respond. Even if you are receiving texts back, they could still have deleted your number. When you delete someone’s number, you can still see past messages you have shared with them. So, if you text someone and they delete your number, they may normally respond because they can figure out who sent the message based on old texts.
6. They Ignore You on Other Platforms
You can also use other social media platforms to learn if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone. If this person has been ignoring all of your texts but is active on social media and other platforms, they could have deleted your number. On Instagram, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. On Facebook, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. If they send Snapchats or post on their story, they are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the Snapmap feature on the app if they have their location enabled. There are so many other apps that can give away their activity if you use any others. However, you can use all these apps on devices that are not their phones. So, being active on these apps does not mean they have been active on their phones. They could be using their phones to check the apps, but they could also be using a computer, someone else’s phone, or any other device.
7. When You Message Them on WhatsApp, There’s One Checkmark
On WhatsApp, when you send a message to someone, two check marks will appear when your message is successfully sent. So, if you think someone has deleted your number from their iPhone, you can use WhatsApp to learn if they have. When you go to message them, see how many checkmarks appear. If two are shown, the message went through with no problems. However, if only one appears, it means your device sent the message, but their device has not received it. There is a good chance that your message will not be sent because they deleted your number, which removes you from their WhatsApp. However, your message not going through to their device could be explained through other means as well. For a message to go through on WhatsApp, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Again, there is no way to ultimately tell if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, but this is another way you can try to figure out if someone has or not.
8. Call Them Using Another Number
Calling the person whom you think deleted your number on their iPhone from a different number is another way to try and learn. First, try calling them on your phone. If they do not answer, use another phone to call them. This could be someone whom you think knows the person or could be a complete stranger. If it is someone whose number is most likely saved on the phone of the person you are trying to call, and they answer, this is a good sign that your number has been deleted. They answered the call of a contact, so that means they are answering calls from the contacts they have. If you use a random number, you can also call the person whom you think deleted your number. If they also pick up this call, then they probably recognize your number and are purposefully not answering your call. They are willing to answer the call of a random number right after you call them. They are answering calls that their phone does not have saved, so the only reason they would not answer your call is that they know your number through memory and did not want to answer you.
If You Delete Someone’s Number Will, They Know
While there is no definitive way for someone to tell if you deleted their number, they can still use a couple of different methods to learn if you did. If someone thinks you have deleted their number, they can go and ask you in person. When you delete their number, they can still call and text them. Therefore, they can also text or call you to ask. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. They can message you on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When they ask you, you can lie to them and say you did not delete their number. You might not want to admit to them that you deleted their number. Or, you might be brutally honest and tell them you did delete their number from your iPhone. Another sign is if you stop messaging them on your phone when you did in the past. If you deleted someone’s number, it is because you have no desire to talk to them anymore. You will not keep messaging them once you delete their number because you do not want to. You must remember their number and type it in even if you did. You might not remember their number since you deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before you deleted their number. If the message you and you respond asking who they are, they will know you deleted their number. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If their number was deleted and they text you, you might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If you react with anything similar, you have informed them you deleted their number. When they text you, you only see their number. You deleted their number, which deletes the contact information. Unless you have their number memorized or look at old messages, you will have no idea who they are. If their call goes to voicemail, this is another sign that you have deleted their number. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If their number was deleted, when they call you, only their number appears. Unless you have their number memorized, you will not know who is calling you. You might let their call go to voicemail because you do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. If you are not responding to any of their texts or calls, this is another clue that you have deleted their number from your iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when they call or text you, you only see their number and not who they are anymore. You might let their call go unanswered because you do not want to answer a random number. Being active on social media is another hint to tell someone you deleted their number. If you have ignored all of their texts but are active on social media and other platforms, you are letting them know you are active on some device. On Instagram or Facebook, if you are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, you clearly are active on some device. This information can be seen by the person whose contact you deleted. Snapchat will also give you away if you have the Snapmaps location feature enabled. If they message you on WhatsApp and only one check mark appears, this also clues the person into the fact that you have deleted their contact. One check mark means their device sent the message, but your device did not receive it. While other factors can explain this, it could also be because deleting their contact removed them from WhatsApp. When this happens, their message will not go through to you. If they call you through another phone number, and you decide to answer this number, not theirs, this is another sign that you have removed their number from your phone.
What Happens When You Delete Someone’s Number?
When you delete someone’s number, all that happens is you delete their contact information. Then, when the person tries to contact you after you have deleted their number, you will see their number appear on your screen instead of the names you saved for their contact. If you want to delete someone’s number on your iPhone, follow these steps.
- Grab your iPhone and open up contacts.
- Next, find the contact of the number you want to delete.
- Click on Edit in the top right corner.
- Now, scroll to the bottom and click on Delete Contact. You can only delete one contact at a time, so you will have to repeat these steps whenever you want to delete someone’s number. Now that the number has been deleted, any time they call you or text you, their number will be your only contact information. Unless you remember their number, you will not know who is texting you. Deleting their number does not stop their ability to call or text you. Other than that, nothing else will happen when you delete someone’s number. You can always add their number back, as well, if you want to in the future. All of your past messages will still be there. You can still call and text them. Instead of going to their contact, you must manually type their number in. If you want them not to be able to call or text you any longer, you will have to block their number. This is a step further than deleting someone’s number.
What Will I See on Text If Someone Has Deleted Me?
If someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, your texts will still look normal. You have their number saved, so you will still see their contact at the top of your messages. All of your message histories will also be visible as well. The only thing that has changed is that they no longer have your number saved, so your texts to them will appear from your number, not from your contact. You can still text them with no issues. When someone deletes your number, there is no way for you to tell from your phone. All of your messages will send through. If you are noticing that the texts you send to them will not deliver or go through, there is a possibility they deleted your number, but something else is also occurring. When someone deletes your number, you can still text them. If your messages are not delivering, this could be due to several different things. One reason is they are in an area without reception. For iMessage to go through, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Another possibility is that they blocked your number. If this is the case, your iMessage will never say delivered until they unblock you. So, if your message is not sent, the person might have deleted your number, but something else has to have happened. When someone deletes your number on an iPhone, nothing should happen when you text them. They will no longer see your contact, and that is it.

title: “How To Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-08” author: “Leona Kaszynski”
While there is no way actually to prove this unless you scroll through their contact list, there are still some ways you can try and figure out if they did. However, this also goes the other way. When you decide to delete someone’s contact from your iPhone, there is no way to tell completely, but they can use other means to try and learn if you did.
How to Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone
1. Ask Them
The best way to tell if someone has deleted your number from their iPhone is by asking them. This is the only way to be 100% your number was deleted as there is no proper way to tell. If you think someone has deleted your number, go and ask them in person if that is an option. When they delete your number, you can still call and text them. Therefore, you can also text or call them to ask as well. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. You can message them on social media platforms. Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When you ask them, know there is a chance you could be lied to. They might not want to admit to you that they deleted your number. Or, they might be brutally honest and tell you they did delete your number from their iPhone.
2. They Don’t Message You Anymore
If you messaged someone a lot in the past but have stopped sending you messages, this is another sign that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. When you delete someone’s number, you must manually type it in to message them. If someone deleted your number, it is because they have no desire to talk to you anymore. They will not keep messaging you once they delete your number because they do not want to. Even if they did, they would have to remember your number and type it in. They might not remember your number since they deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before they deleted your number. You should take someone no longer messaging you as a sign they deleted your number if you have a history of messaging a lot, not if you hardly talked to them in the past.
3. When You Message Them, They Say Who Is This
If you think someone has deleted your number, you can try to text them to see if they have. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If your number was deleted and you text them, they might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If they respond with anything similar, they have deleted your number. When you text them, they only see your number. They deleted your number, which deletes the contact information. Unless they have your number memorized or look at old messages, they will have no idea who you are. However, if they do have your number memorized or can look at old messages between the two of you, they can figure out who you are even though they deleted your number. So, there is a chance that they have deleted your number even if they do not respond by saying something like, “Who is this?”
4. Your Calls Go to Voicemail
Another way to try and learn if your number has been deleted on someone’s iPhone is when you call them. If your call goes to voicemail, there is a chance your number has been deleted. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If your number was deleted, when you call them, only your number appears. Unless they have your number memorized, they will not know who is calling them. They might let your call go to voicemail because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. However, there is also a chance that they did not have their phone on them, could not answer the call, or any other reason they could not answer you. If you think someone has deleted your number and gets sent to voicemail, do not leave a voicemail. End the call. They probably still have your number if they call you back and know whom they are calling. If you never get a callback, there is a good chance they did delete your number. Remember, being sent to voicemail does not mean someone has deleted your number, but there is a chance it has been.
5. They Don’t Reply
If they are not responding to any of your texts or calls, this is another clue that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when you call or text them, they only see your number and not who you are anymore. They might let your call go unanswered because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. The same thing happens with the texts you are sending to them. They do not know your number, so they decide not to respond to your texts. This will especially happen if you are sending generic texts that do not prompt a needed response. If they receive a text saying “Hi” when they do not know the number, they probably will not respond. Even if you are receiving texts back, they could still have deleted your number. When you delete someone’s number, you can still see past messages you have shared with them. So, if you text someone and they delete your number, they may normally respond because they can figure out who sent the message based on old texts.
6. They Ignore You on Other Platforms
You can also use other social media platforms to learn if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone. If this person has been ignoring all of your texts but is active on social media and other platforms, they could have deleted your number. On Instagram, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. On Facebook, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. If they send Snapchats or post on their story, they are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the Snapmap feature on the app if they have their location enabled. There are so many other apps that can give away their activity if you use any others. However, you can use all these apps on devices that are not their phones. So, being active on these apps does not mean they have been active on their phones. They could be using their phones to check the apps, but they could also be using a computer, someone else’s phone, or any other device.
7. When You Message Them on WhatsApp, There’s One Checkmark
On WhatsApp, when you send a message to someone, two check marks will appear when your message is successfully sent. So, if you think someone has deleted your number from their iPhone, you can use WhatsApp to learn if they have. When you go to message them, see how many checkmarks appear. If two are shown, the message went through with no problems. However, if only one appears, it means your device sent the message, but their device has not received it. There is a good chance that your message will not be sent because they deleted your number, which removes you from their WhatsApp. However, your message not going through to their device could be explained through other means as well. For a message to go through on WhatsApp, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Again, there is no way to ultimately tell if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, but this is another way you can try to figure out if someone has or not.
8. Call Them Using Another Number
Calling the person whom you think deleted your number on their iPhone from a different number is another way to try and learn. First, try calling them on your phone. If they do not answer, use another phone to call them. This could be someone whom you think knows the person or could be a complete stranger. If it is someone whose number is most likely saved on the phone of the person you are trying to call, and they answer, this is a good sign that your number has been deleted. They answered the call of a contact, so that means they are answering calls from the contacts they have. If you use a random number, you can also call the person whom you think deleted your number. If they also pick up this call, then they probably recognize your number and are purposefully not answering your call. They are willing to answer the call of a random number right after you call them. They are answering calls that their phone does not have saved, so the only reason they would not answer your call is that they know your number through memory and did not want to answer you.
If You Delete Someone’s Number Will, They Know
While there is no definitive way for someone to tell if you deleted their number, they can still use a couple of different methods to learn if you did. If someone thinks you have deleted their number, they can go and ask you in person. When you delete their number, they can still call and text them. Therefore, they can also text or call you to ask. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. They can message you on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When they ask you, you can lie to them and say you did not delete their number. You might not want to admit to them that you deleted their number. Or, you might be brutally honest and tell them you did delete their number from your iPhone. Another sign is if you stop messaging them on your phone when you did in the past. If you deleted someone’s number, it is because you have no desire to talk to them anymore. You will not keep messaging them once you delete their number because you do not want to. You must remember their number and type it in even if you did. You might not remember their number since you deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before you deleted their number. If the message you and you respond asking who they are, they will know you deleted their number. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If their number was deleted and they text you, you might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If you react with anything similar, you have informed them you deleted their number. When they text you, you only see their number. You deleted their number, which deletes the contact information. Unless you have their number memorized or look at old messages, you will have no idea who they are. If their call goes to voicemail, this is another sign that you have deleted their number. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If their number was deleted, when they call you, only their number appears. Unless you have their number memorized, you will not know who is calling you. You might let their call go to voicemail because you do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. If you are not responding to any of their texts or calls, this is another clue that you have deleted their number from your iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when they call or text you, you only see their number and not who they are anymore. You might let their call go unanswered because you do not want to answer a random number. Being active on social media is another hint to tell someone you deleted their number. If you have ignored all of their texts but are active on social media and other platforms, you are letting them know you are active on some device. On Instagram or Facebook, if you are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, you clearly are active on some device. This information can be seen by the person whose contact you deleted. Snapchat will also give you away if you have the Snapmaps location feature enabled. If they message you on WhatsApp and only one check mark appears, this also clues the person into the fact that you have deleted their contact. One check mark means their device sent the message, but your device did not receive it. While other factors can explain this, it could also be because deleting their contact removed them from WhatsApp. When this happens, their message will not go through to you. If they call you through another phone number, and you decide to answer this number, not theirs, this is another sign that you have removed their number from your phone.
What Happens When You Delete Someone’s Number?
When you delete someone’s number, all that happens is you delete their contact information. Then, when the person tries to contact you after you have deleted their number, you will see their number appear on your screen instead of the names you saved for their contact. If you want to delete someone’s number on your iPhone, follow these steps.
- Grab your iPhone and open up contacts.
- Next, find the contact of the number you want to delete.
- Click on Edit in the top right corner.
- Now, scroll to the bottom and click on Delete Contact. You can only delete one contact at a time, so you will have to repeat these steps whenever you want to delete someone’s number. Now that the number has been deleted, any time they call you or text you, their number will be your only contact information. Unless you remember their number, you will not know who is texting you. Deleting their number does not stop their ability to call or text you. Other than that, nothing else will happen when you delete someone’s number. You can always add their number back, as well, if you want to in the future. All of your past messages will still be there. You can still call and text them. Instead of going to their contact, you must manually type their number in. If you want them not to be able to call or text you any longer, you will have to block their number. This is a step further than deleting someone’s number.
What Will I See on Text If Someone Has Deleted Me?
If someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, your texts will still look normal. You have their number saved, so you will still see their contact at the top of your messages. All of your message histories will also be visible as well. The only thing that has changed is that they no longer have your number saved, so your texts to them will appear from your number, not from your contact. You can still text them with no issues. When someone deletes your number, there is no way for you to tell from your phone. All of your messages will send through. If you are noticing that the texts you send to them will not deliver or go through, there is a possibility they deleted your number, but something else is also occurring. When someone deletes your number, you can still text them. If your messages are not delivering, this could be due to several different things. One reason is they are in an area without reception. For iMessage to go through, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Another possibility is that they blocked your number. If this is the case, your iMessage will never say delivered until they unblock you. So, if your message is not sent, the person might have deleted your number, but something else has to have happened. When someone deletes your number on an iPhone, nothing should happen when you text them. They will no longer see your contact, and that is it.

title: “How To Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-21” author: “David Bowman”
While there is no way actually to prove this unless you scroll through their contact list, there are still some ways you can try and figure out if they did. However, this also goes the other way. When you decide to delete someone’s contact from your iPhone, there is no way to tell completely, but they can use other means to try and learn if you did.
How to Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone
1. Ask Them
The best way to tell if someone has deleted your number from their iPhone is by asking them. This is the only way to be 100% your number was deleted as there is no proper way to tell. If you think someone has deleted your number, go and ask them in person if that is an option. When they delete your number, you can still call and text them. Therefore, you can also text or call them to ask as well. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. You can message them on social media platforms. Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When you ask them, know there is a chance you could be lied to. They might not want to admit to you that they deleted your number. Or, they might be brutally honest and tell you they did delete your number from their iPhone.
2. They Don’t Message You Anymore
If you messaged someone a lot in the past but have stopped sending you messages, this is another sign that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. When you delete someone’s number, you must manually type it in to message them. If someone deleted your number, it is because they have no desire to talk to you anymore. They will not keep messaging you once they delete your number because they do not want to. Even if they did, they would have to remember your number and type it in. They might not remember your number since they deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before they deleted your number. You should take someone no longer messaging you as a sign they deleted your number if you have a history of messaging a lot, not if you hardly talked to them in the past.
3. When You Message Them, They Say Who Is This
If you think someone has deleted your number, you can try to text them to see if they have. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If your number was deleted and you text them, they might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If they respond with anything similar, they have deleted your number. When you text them, they only see your number. They deleted your number, which deletes the contact information. Unless they have your number memorized or look at old messages, they will have no idea who you are. However, if they do have your number memorized or can look at old messages between the two of you, they can figure out who you are even though they deleted your number. So, there is a chance that they have deleted your number even if they do not respond by saying something like, “Who is this?”
4. Your Calls Go to Voicemail
Another way to try and learn if your number has been deleted on someone’s iPhone is when you call them. If your call goes to voicemail, there is a chance your number has been deleted. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If your number was deleted, when you call them, only your number appears. Unless they have your number memorized, they will not know who is calling them. They might let your call go to voicemail because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. However, there is also a chance that they did not have their phone on them, could not answer the call, or any other reason they could not answer you. If you think someone has deleted your number and gets sent to voicemail, do not leave a voicemail. End the call. They probably still have your number if they call you back and know whom they are calling. If you never get a callback, there is a good chance they did delete your number. Remember, being sent to voicemail does not mean someone has deleted your number, but there is a chance it has been.
5. They Don’t Reply
If they are not responding to any of your texts or calls, this is another clue that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when you call or text them, they only see your number and not who you are anymore. They might let your call go unanswered because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. The same thing happens with the texts you are sending to them. They do not know your number, so they decide not to respond to your texts. This will especially happen if you are sending generic texts that do not prompt a needed response. If they receive a text saying “Hi” when they do not know the number, they probably will not respond. Even if you are receiving texts back, they could still have deleted your number. When you delete someone’s number, you can still see past messages you have shared with them. So, if you text someone and they delete your number, they may normally respond because they can figure out who sent the message based on old texts.
6. They Ignore You on Other Platforms
You can also use other social media platforms to learn if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone. If this person has been ignoring all of your texts but is active on social media and other platforms, they could have deleted your number. On Instagram, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. On Facebook, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. If they send Snapchats or post on their story, they are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the Snapmap feature on the app if they have their location enabled. There are so many other apps that can give away their activity if you use any others. However, you can use all these apps on devices that are not their phones. So, being active on these apps does not mean they have been active on their phones. They could be using their phones to check the apps, but they could also be using a computer, someone else’s phone, or any other device.
7. When You Message Them on WhatsApp, There’s One Checkmark
On WhatsApp, when you send a message to someone, two check marks will appear when your message is successfully sent. So, if you think someone has deleted your number from their iPhone, you can use WhatsApp to learn if they have. When you go to message them, see how many checkmarks appear. If two are shown, the message went through with no problems. However, if only one appears, it means your device sent the message, but their device has not received it. There is a good chance that your message will not be sent because they deleted your number, which removes you from their WhatsApp. However, your message not going through to their device could be explained through other means as well. For a message to go through on WhatsApp, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Again, there is no way to ultimately tell if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, but this is another way you can try to figure out if someone has or not.
8. Call Them Using Another Number
Calling the person whom you think deleted your number on their iPhone from a different number is another way to try and learn. First, try calling them on your phone. If they do not answer, use another phone to call them. This could be someone whom you think knows the person or could be a complete stranger. If it is someone whose number is most likely saved on the phone of the person you are trying to call, and they answer, this is a good sign that your number has been deleted. They answered the call of a contact, so that means they are answering calls from the contacts they have. If you use a random number, you can also call the person whom you think deleted your number. If they also pick up this call, then they probably recognize your number and are purposefully not answering your call. They are willing to answer the call of a random number right after you call them. They are answering calls that their phone does not have saved, so the only reason they would not answer your call is that they know your number through memory and did not want to answer you.
If You Delete Someone’s Number Will, They Know
While there is no definitive way for someone to tell if you deleted their number, they can still use a couple of different methods to learn if you did. If someone thinks you have deleted their number, they can go and ask you in person. When you delete their number, they can still call and text them. Therefore, they can also text or call you to ask. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. They can message you on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When they ask you, you can lie to them and say you did not delete their number. You might not want to admit to them that you deleted their number. Or, you might be brutally honest and tell them you did delete their number from your iPhone. Another sign is if you stop messaging them on your phone when you did in the past. If you deleted someone’s number, it is because you have no desire to talk to them anymore. You will not keep messaging them once you delete their number because you do not want to. You must remember their number and type it in even if you did. You might not remember their number since you deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before you deleted their number. If the message you and you respond asking who they are, they will know you deleted their number. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If their number was deleted and they text you, you might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If you react with anything similar, you have informed them you deleted their number. When they text you, you only see their number. You deleted their number, which deletes the contact information. Unless you have their number memorized or look at old messages, you will have no idea who they are. If their call goes to voicemail, this is another sign that you have deleted their number. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If their number was deleted, when they call you, only their number appears. Unless you have their number memorized, you will not know who is calling you. You might let their call go to voicemail because you do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. If you are not responding to any of their texts or calls, this is another clue that you have deleted their number from your iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when they call or text you, you only see their number and not who they are anymore. You might let their call go unanswered because you do not want to answer a random number. Being active on social media is another hint to tell someone you deleted their number. If you have ignored all of their texts but are active on social media and other platforms, you are letting them know you are active on some device. On Instagram or Facebook, if you are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, you clearly are active on some device. This information can be seen by the person whose contact you deleted. Snapchat will also give you away if you have the Snapmaps location feature enabled. If they message you on WhatsApp and only one check mark appears, this also clues the person into the fact that you have deleted their contact. One check mark means their device sent the message, but your device did not receive it. While other factors can explain this, it could also be because deleting their contact removed them from WhatsApp. When this happens, their message will not go through to you. If they call you through another phone number, and you decide to answer this number, not theirs, this is another sign that you have removed their number from your phone.
What Happens When You Delete Someone’s Number?
When you delete someone’s number, all that happens is you delete their contact information. Then, when the person tries to contact you after you have deleted their number, you will see their number appear on your screen instead of the names you saved for their contact. If you want to delete someone’s number on your iPhone, follow these steps.
- Grab your iPhone and open up contacts.
- Next, find the contact of the number you want to delete.
- Click on Edit in the top right corner.
- Now, scroll to the bottom and click on Delete Contact. You can only delete one contact at a time, so you will have to repeat these steps whenever you want to delete someone’s number. Now that the number has been deleted, any time they call you or text you, their number will be your only contact information. Unless you remember their number, you will not know who is texting you. Deleting their number does not stop their ability to call or text you. Other than that, nothing else will happen when you delete someone’s number. You can always add their number back, as well, if you want to in the future. All of your past messages will still be there. You can still call and text them. Instead of going to their contact, you must manually type their number in. If you want them not to be able to call or text you any longer, you will have to block their number. This is a step further than deleting someone’s number.
What Will I See on Text If Someone Has Deleted Me?
If someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, your texts will still look normal. You have their number saved, so you will still see their contact at the top of your messages. All of your message histories will also be visible as well. The only thing that has changed is that they no longer have your number saved, so your texts to them will appear from your number, not from your contact. You can still text them with no issues. When someone deletes your number, there is no way for you to tell from your phone. All of your messages will send through. If you are noticing that the texts you send to them will not deliver or go through, there is a possibility they deleted your number, but something else is also occurring. When someone deletes your number, you can still text them. If your messages are not delivering, this could be due to several different things. One reason is they are in an area without reception. For iMessage to go through, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Another possibility is that they blocked your number. If this is the case, your iMessage will never say delivered until they unblock you. So, if your message is not sent, the person might have deleted your number, but something else has to have happened. When someone deletes your number on an iPhone, nothing should happen when you text them. They will no longer see your contact, and that is it.

title: “How To Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-28” author: “Kevin Portes”
While there is no way actually to prove this unless you scroll through their contact list, there are still some ways you can try and figure out if they did. However, this also goes the other way. When you decide to delete someone’s contact from your iPhone, there is no way to tell completely, but they can use other means to try and learn if you did.
How to Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone
1. Ask Them
The best way to tell if someone has deleted your number from their iPhone is by asking them. This is the only way to be 100% your number was deleted as there is no proper way to tell. If you think someone has deleted your number, go and ask them in person if that is an option. When they delete your number, you can still call and text them. Therefore, you can also text or call them to ask as well. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. You can message them on social media platforms. Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When you ask them, know there is a chance you could be lied to. They might not want to admit to you that they deleted your number. Or, they might be brutally honest and tell you they did delete your number from their iPhone.
2. They Don’t Message You Anymore
If you messaged someone a lot in the past but have stopped sending you messages, this is another sign that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. When you delete someone’s number, you must manually type it in to message them. If someone deleted your number, it is because they have no desire to talk to you anymore. They will not keep messaging you once they delete your number because they do not want to. Even if they did, they would have to remember your number and type it in. They might not remember your number since they deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before they deleted your number. You should take someone no longer messaging you as a sign they deleted your number if you have a history of messaging a lot, not if you hardly talked to them in the past.
3. When You Message Them, They Say Who Is This
If you think someone has deleted your number, you can try to text them to see if they have. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If your number was deleted and you text them, they might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If they respond with anything similar, they have deleted your number. When you text them, they only see your number. They deleted your number, which deletes the contact information. Unless they have your number memorized or look at old messages, they will have no idea who you are. However, if they do have your number memorized or can look at old messages between the two of you, they can figure out who you are even though they deleted your number. So, there is a chance that they have deleted your number even if they do not respond by saying something like, “Who is this?”
4. Your Calls Go to Voicemail
Another way to try and learn if your number has been deleted on someone’s iPhone is when you call them. If your call goes to voicemail, there is a chance your number has been deleted. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If your number was deleted, when you call them, only your number appears. Unless they have your number memorized, they will not know who is calling them. They might let your call go to voicemail because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. However, there is also a chance that they did not have their phone on them, could not answer the call, or any other reason they could not answer you. If you think someone has deleted your number and gets sent to voicemail, do not leave a voicemail. End the call. They probably still have your number if they call you back and know whom they are calling. If you never get a callback, there is a good chance they did delete your number. Remember, being sent to voicemail does not mean someone has deleted your number, but there is a chance it has been.
5. They Don’t Reply
If they are not responding to any of your texts or calls, this is another clue that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when you call or text them, they only see your number and not who you are anymore. They might let your call go unanswered because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. The same thing happens with the texts you are sending to them. They do not know your number, so they decide not to respond to your texts. This will especially happen if you are sending generic texts that do not prompt a needed response. If they receive a text saying “Hi” when they do not know the number, they probably will not respond. Even if you are receiving texts back, they could still have deleted your number. When you delete someone’s number, you can still see past messages you have shared with them. So, if you text someone and they delete your number, they may normally respond because they can figure out who sent the message based on old texts.
6. They Ignore You on Other Platforms
You can also use other social media platforms to learn if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone. If this person has been ignoring all of your texts but is active on social media and other platforms, they could have deleted your number. On Instagram, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. On Facebook, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. If they send Snapchats or post on their story, they are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the Snapmap feature on the app if they have their location enabled. There are so many other apps that can give away their activity if you use any others. However, you can use all these apps on devices that are not their phones. So, being active on these apps does not mean they have been active on their phones. They could be using their phones to check the apps, but they could also be using a computer, someone else’s phone, or any other device.
7. When You Message Them on WhatsApp, There’s One Checkmark
On WhatsApp, when you send a message to someone, two check marks will appear when your message is successfully sent. So, if you think someone has deleted your number from their iPhone, you can use WhatsApp to learn if they have. When you go to message them, see how many checkmarks appear. If two are shown, the message went through with no problems. However, if only one appears, it means your device sent the message, but their device has not received it. There is a good chance that your message will not be sent because they deleted your number, which removes you from their WhatsApp. However, your message not going through to their device could be explained through other means as well. For a message to go through on WhatsApp, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Again, there is no way to ultimately tell if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, but this is another way you can try to figure out if someone has or not.
8. Call Them Using Another Number
Calling the person whom you think deleted your number on their iPhone from a different number is another way to try and learn. First, try calling them on your phone. If they do not answer, use another phone to call them. This could be someone whom you think knows the person or could be a complete stranger. If it is someone whose number is most likely saved on the phone of the person you are trying to call, and they answer, this is a good sign that your number has been deleted. They answered the call of a contact, so that means they are answering calls from the contacts they have. If you use a random number, you can also call the person whom you think deleted your number. If they also pick up this call, then they probably recognize your number and are purposefully not answering your call. They are willing to answer the call of a random number right after you call them. They are answering calls that their phone does not have saved, so the only reason they would not answer your call is that they know your number through memory and did not want to answer you.
If You Delete Someone’s Number Will, They Know
While there is no definitive way for someone to tell if you deleted their number, they can still use a couple of different methods to learn if you did. If someone thinks you have deleted their number, they can go and ask you in person. When you delete their number, they can still call and text them. Therefore, they can also text or call you to ask. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. They can message you on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When they ask you, you can lie to them and say you did not delete their number. You might not want to admit to them that you deleted their number. Or, you might be brutally honest and tell them you did delete their number from your iPhone. Another sign is if you stop messaging them on your phone when you did in the past. If you deleted someone’s number, it is because you have no desire to talk to them anymore. You will not keep messaging them once you delete their number because you do not want to. You must remember their number and type it in even if you did. You might not remember their number since you deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before you deleted their number. If the message you and you respond asking who they are, they will know you deleted their number. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If their number was deleted and they text you, you might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If you react with anything similar, you have informed them you deleted their number. When they text you, you only see their number. You deleted their number, which deletes the contact information. Unless you have their number memorized or look at old messages, you will have no idea who they are. If their call goes to voicemail, this is another sign that you have deleted their number. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If their number was deleted, when they call you, only their number appears. Unless you have their number memorized, you will not know who is calling you. You might let their call go to voicemail because you do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. If you are not responding to any of their texts or calls, this is another clue that you have deleted their number from your iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when they call or text you, you only see their number and not who they are anymore. You might let their call go unanswered because you do not want to answer a random number. Being active on social media is another hint to tell someone you deleted their number. If you have ignored all of their texts but are active on social media and other platforms, you are letting them know you are active on some device. On Instagram or Facebook, if you are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, you clearly are active on some device. This information can be seen by the person whose contact you deleted. Snapchat will also give you away if you have the Snapmaps location feature enabled. If they message you on WhatsApp and only one check mark appears, this also clues the person into the fact that you have deleted their contact. One check mark means their device sent the message, but your device did not receive it. While other factors can explain this, it could also be because deleting their contact removed them from WhatsApp. When this happens, their message will not go through to you. If they call you through another phone number, and you decide to answer this number, not theirs, this is another sign that you have removed their number from your phone.
What Happens When You Delete Someone’s Number?
When you delete someone’s number, all that happens is you delete their contact information. Then, when the person tries to contact you after you have deleted their number, you will see their number appear on your screen instead of the names you saved for their contact. If you want to delete someone’s number on your iPhone, follow these steps.
- Grab your iPhone and open up contacts.
- Next, find the contact of the number you want to delete.
- Click on Edit in the top right corner.
- Now, scroll to the bottom and click on Delete Contact. You can only delete one contact at a time, so you will have to repeat these steps whenever you want to delete someone’s number. Now that the number has been deleted, any time they call you or text you, their number will be your only contact information. Unless you remember their number, you will not know who is texting you. Deleting their number does not stop their ability to call or text you. Other than that, nothing else will happen when you delete someone’s number. You can always add their number back, as well, if you want to in the future. All of your past messages will still be there. You can still call and text them. Instead of going to their contact, you must manually type their number in. If you want them not to be able to call or text you any longer, you will have to block their number. This is a step further than deleting someone’s number.
What Will I See on Text If Someone Has Deleted Me?
If someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, your texts will still look normal. You have their number saved, so you will still see their contact at the top of your messages. All of your message histories will also be visible as well. The only thing that has changed is that they no longer have your number saved, so your texts to them will appear from your number, not from your contact. You can still text them with no issues. When someone deletes your number, there is no way for you to tell from your phone. All of your messages will send through. If you are noticing that the texts you send to them will not deliver or go through, there is a possibility they deleted your number, but something else is also occurring. When someone deletes your number, you can still text them. If your messages are not delivering, this could be due to several different things. One reason is they are in an area without reception. For iMessage to go through, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Another possibility is that they blocked your number. If this is the case, your iMessage will never say delivered until they unblock you. So, if your message is not sent, the person might have deleted your number, but something else has to have happened. When someone deletes your number on an iPhone, nothing should happen when you text them. They will no longer see your contact, and that is it.

title: “How To Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone” ShowToc: true date: “2022-10-23” author: “Hector Rainey”
While there is no way actually to prove this unless you scroll through their contact list, there are still some ways you can try and figure out if they did. However, this also goes the other way. When you decide to delete someone’s contact from your iPhone, there is no way to tell completely, but they can use other means to try and learn if you did.
How to Know If Someone Has Deleted Your Number From Their Phone
1. Ask Them
The best way to tell if someone has deleted your number from their iPhone is by asking them. This is the only way to be 100% your number was deleted as there is no proper way to tell. If you think someone has deleted your number, go and ask them in person if that is an option. When they delete your number, you can still call and text them. Therefore, you can also text or call them to ask as well. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. You can message them on social media platforms. Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When you ask them, know there is a chance you could be lied to. They might not want to admit to you that they deleted your number. Or, they might be brutally honest and tell you they did delete your number from their iPhone.
2. They Don’t Message You Anymore
If you messaged someone a lot in the past but have stopped sending you messages, this is another sign that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. When you delete someone’s number, you must manually type it in to message them. If someone deleted your number, it is because they have no desire to talk to you anymore. They will not keep messaging you once they delete your number because they do not want to. Even if they did, they would have to remember your number and type it in. They might not remember your number since they deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before they deleted your number. You should take someone no longer messaging you as a sign they deleted your number if you have a history of messaging a lot, not if you hardly talked to them in the past.
3. When You Message Them, They Say Who Is This
If you think someone has deleted your number, you can try to text them to see if they have. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If your number was deleted and you text them, they might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If they respond with anything similar, they have deleted your number. When you text them, they only see your number. They deleted your number, which deletes the contact information. Unless they have your number memorized or look at old messages, they will have no idea who you are. However, if they do have your number memorized or can look at old messages between the two of you, they can figure out who you are even though they deleted your number. So, there is a chance that they have deleted your number even if they do not respond by saying something like, “Who is this?”
4. Your Calls Go to Voicemail
Another way to try and learn if your number has been deleted on someone’s iPhone is when you call them. If your call goes to voicemail, there is a chance your number has been deleted. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If your number was deleted, when you call them, only your number appears. Unless they have your number memorized, they will not know who is calling them. They might let your call go to voicemail because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. However, there is also a chance that they did not have their phone on them, could not answer the call, or any other reason they could not answer you. If you think someone has deleted your number and gets sent to voicemail, do not leave a voicemail. End the call. They probably still have your number if they call you back and know whom they are calling. If you never get a callback, there is a good chance they did delete your number. Remember, being sent to voicemail does not mean someone has deleted your number, but there is a chance it has been.
5. They Don’t Reply
If they are not responding to any of your texts or calls, this is another clue that they have deleted your number from their iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when you call or text them, they only see your number and not who you are anymore. They might let your call go unanswered because they do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. The same thing happens with the texts you are sending to them. They do not know your number, so they decide not to respond to your texts. This will especially happen if you are sending generic texts that do not prompt a needed response. If they receive a text saying “Hi” when they do not know the number, they probably will not respond. Even if you are receiving texts back, they could still have deleted your number. When you delete someone’s number, you can still see past messages you have shared with them. So, if you text someone and they delete your number, they may normally respond because they can figure out who sent the message based on old texts.
6. They Ignore You on Other Platforms
You can also use other social media platforms to learn if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone. If this person has been ignoring all of your texts but is active on social media and other platforms, they could have deleted your number. On Instagram, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. On Facebook, if they are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, they clearly are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the direct messaging feature on the app. If they send Snapchats or post on their story, they are active on some device. You can also see how long ago they were active through the Snapmap feature on the app if they have their location enabled. There are so many other apps that can give away their activity if you use any others. However, you can use all these apps on devices that are not their phones. So, being active on these apps does not mean they have been active on their phones. They could be using their phones to check the apps, but they could also be using a computer, someone else’s phone, or any other device.
7. When You Message Them on WhatsApp, There’s One Checkmark
On WhatsApp, when you send a message to someone, two check marks will appear when your message is successfully sent. So, if you think someone has deleted your number from their iPhone, you can use WhatsApp to learn if they have. When you go to message them, see how many checkmarks appear. If two are shown, the message went through with no problems. However, if only one appears, it means your device sent the message, but their device has not received it. There is a good chance that your message will not be sent because they deleted your number, which removes you from their WhatsApp. However, your message not going through to their device could be explained through other means as well. For a message to go through on WhatsApp, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Again, there is no way to ultimately tell if someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, but this is another way you can try to figure out if someone has or not.
8. Call Them Using Another Number
Calling the person whom you think deleted your number on their iPhone from a different number is another way to try and learn. First, try calling them on your phone. If they do not answer, use another phone to call them. This could be someone whom you think knows the person or could be a complete stranger. If it is someone whose number is most likely saved on the phone of the person you are trying to call, and they answer, this is a good sign that your number has been deleted. They answered the call of a contact, so that means they are answering calls from the contacts they have. If you use a random number, you can also call the person whom you think deleted your number. If they also pick up this call, then they probably recognize your number and are purposefully not answering your call. They are willing to answer the call of a random number right after you call them. They are answering calls that their phone does not have saved, so the only reason they would not answer your call is that they know your number through memory and did not want to answer you.
If You Delete Someone’s Number Will, They Know
While there is no definitive way for someone to tell if you deleted their number, they can still use a couple of different methods to learn if you did. If someone thinks you have deleted their number, they can go and ask you in person. When you delete their number, they can still call and text them. Therefore, they can also text or call you to ask. Otherwise, there are many other forms of conversation as well. They can message you on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other apps. When they ask you, you can lie to them and say you did not delete their number. You might not want to admit to them that you deleted their number. Or, you might be brutally honest and tell them you did delete their number from your iPhone. Another sign is if you stop messaging them on your phone when you did in the past. If you deleted someone’s number, it is because you have no desire to talk to them anymore. You will not keep messaging them once you delete their number because you do not want to. You must remember their number and type it in even if you did. You might not remember their number since you deleted it. However, a lack of messaging is not strange if you never talked much before you deleted their number. If the message you and you respond asking who they are, they will know you deleted their number. Deleting a number on an iPhone means losing their contact information. If their number was deleted and they text you, you might respond by saying something like, “Who is this?” If you react with anything similar, you have informed them you deleted their number. When they text you, you only see their number. You deleted their number, which deletes the contact information. Unless you have their number memorized or look at old messages, you will have no idea who they are. If their call goes to voicemail, this is another sign that you have deleted their number. When a number gets deleted on an iPhone, the contact is what gets erased. If their number was deleted, when they call you, only their number appears. Unless you have their number memorized, you will not know who is calling you. You might let their call go to voicemail because you do not want to answer a potential scam or wrong number call. When you get calls from numbers you do not know, you also let it go to voicemail to try and figure out who it is or if the person is worth recalling. If you are not responding to any of their texts or calls, this is another clue that you have deleted their number from your iPhone. Once a number is deleted from an iPhone, the contact information is deleted with it. So, when they call or text you, you only see their number and not who they are anymore. You might let their call go unanswered because you do not want to answer a random number. Being active on social media is another hint to tell someone you deleted their number. If you have ignored all of their texts but are active on social media and other platforms, you are letting them know you are active on some device. On Instagram or Facebook, if you are posting, commenting, and liking other posts, you clearly are active on some device. This information can be seen by the person whose contact you deleted. Snapchat will also give you away if you have the Snapmaps location feature enabled. If they message you on WhatsApp and only one check mark appears, this also clues the person into the fact that you have deleted their contact. One check mark means their device sent the message, but your device did not receive it. While other factors can explain this, it could also be because deleting their contact removed them from WhatsApp. When this happens, their message will not go through to you. If they call you through another phone number, and you decide to answer this number, not theirs, this is another sign that you have removed their number from your phone.
What Happens When You Delete Someone’s Number?
When you delete someone’s number, all that happens is you delete their contact information. Then, when the person tries to contact you after you have deleted their number, you will see their number appear on your screen instead of the names you saved for their contact. If you want to delete someone’s number on your iPhone, follow these steps.
- Grab your iPhone and open up contacts.
- Next, find the contact of the number you want to delete.
- Click on Edit in the top right corner.
- Now, scroll to the bottom and click on Delete Contact. You can only delete one contact at a time, so you will have to repeat these steps whenever you want to delete someone’s number. Now that the number has been deleted, any time they call you or text you, their number will be your only contact information. Unless you remember their number, you will not know who is texting you. Deleting their number does not stop their ability to call or text you. Other than that, nothing else will happen when you delete someone’s number. You can always add their number back, as well, if you want to in the future. All of your past messages will still be there. You can still call and text them. Instead of going to their contact, you must manually type their number in. If you want them not to be able to call or text you any longer, you will have to block their number. This is a step further than deleting someone’s number.
What Will I See on Text If Someone Has Deleted Me?
If someone has deleted your number on an iPhone, your texts will still look normal. You have their number saved, so you will still see their contact at the top of your messages. All of your message histories will also be visible as well. The only thing that has changed is that they no longer have your number saved, so your texts to them will appear from your number, not from your contact. You can still text them with no issues. When someone deletes your number, there is no way for you to tell from your phone. All of your messages will send through. If you are noticing that the texts you send to them will not deliver or go through, there is a possibility they deleted your number, but something else is also occurring. When someone deletes your number, you can still text them. If your messages are not delivering, this could be due to several different things. One reason is they are in an area without reception. For iMessage to go through, there must be an internet connection or a cellular data connection for the message to send. They may be in an area without these, which is why your message is not sending. Another possibility is that they blocked your number. If this is the case, your iMessage will never say delivered until they unblock you. So, if your message is not sent, the person might have deleted your number, but something else has to have happened. When someone deletes your number on an iPhone, nothing should happen when you text them. They will no longer see your contact, and that is it.