How to install Stremio on Linux?

Just follow the below steps carefully and install Stremio on your Linux device. #1: Press Ctrl + Alt + T to open up the terminal. #2: Enter the following code to download the Stremio software. wget -O stremio.tar.gz #3: Create a directory for Stremio. sudo mkdir /opt/stremio #4: Unzip the downloaded folder. sudo tar -vzxf stremio.tar.gz -C /opt/stremio/ #5: Create a launcher script. sudo cp /opt/stremio/ /usr/bin/stremio #6: Add a launcher to system menu. sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/stremio.desktop #7: After creating the launcher, copy and paste the following code. [Desktop Entry] Version=3.6.5 Type=Application Name=Stremio GenericName=Media Center Comment=Watch instantly all the video content you enjoy in one place Icon=/usr/share/icons/hicolor/96×96/apps TryExec=stremio Exec=/opt/stremio/Stremio-runtime Categories=AudioVideo;Video;Player; #8: Now, save the file and get a nice icon for the Stremio app. sudo wget×96.png -O /usr/share/icons/hicolor/96×96/apps/stremio.png #9: That’s it. Launch the Stremio App from Applications Menu and stream your favorite movies, TV shows, and live TV channels.

Final Thoughts

Installing Stremio on Windows and Mac device is very simple. Whereas, installing Stremio on Linux is a bit more complicated. Follow the above mentioned steps carefully and it will help you to download the app with ease. Once you install Stremio on Linux, you can install addons to stream the media from various sources. Thank you for visiting For further queries and feedback, feel free to leave a comment below.

How to install Stremio on Linux  - 63How to install Stremio on Linux  - 36How to install Stremio on Linux  - 28How to install Stremio on Linux  - 96How to install Stremio on Linux  - 56How to install Stremio on Linux  - 17How to install Stremio on Linux  - 1How to install Stremio on Linux  - 99How to install Stremio on Linux  - 51How to install Stremio on Linux  - 77How to install Stremio on Linux  - 13How to install Stremio on Linux  - 13How to install Stremio on Linux  - 88How to install Stremio on Linux  - 53