On the “Insert” tab, click on the “Link” to open its dialogue box in a word document.

Keyboard Shortcut

Press Ctrl + K.

When you have linked to any folders, files, or photos in the document and if you will work with the content of the document again in the future, you can open it immediately by clicking on the hyperlinked text to open any file or folder. To do so, read all the steps given below from the beginning.

Under the existing file or web page, we have 3 options to link images, documents, videos, etc. to text. These are:

Current Folder:

Open currently existing folders, or webpage to link them to text or an image on your computer. It will be much easier if you read every step by following the screenshot given below.

Step 1: Select the text that you want to link to the folder or any file.

Step 2: Press Ctrl + K to launch a hyperlink dialogue box, then click the “Existing File or Web Page” (by default it is in the selection).Step 3: Make sure the “Current Folder” selection (By default it is also in the selection).Step 4: To select one of the required folders or its file to link the selected text, click the drop-down (expand menu) arrow.Step 5: If you want to go one step back after searching for folders by clicking the expand menu, click the “Up one folder” icon.Step 6: Select the folder or file you wantStep 7: Then click on the “ScreenTip” to open its dialogue box.Step 8: In the dialogue box, type the ScreenTip text (It is a small description about the File or folder. And it is explained at the end of the page.Step 9: Click “OK“.Step 10: Lastly, again click “OK” to link the selected file or folder to the text.

Since we have not explained above how to browse the web page or folder and link to the text, let’s look at the steps below.

After selecting the text, click the “Browse web” or “Browse for file” icon on the dialogue box as in the screenshot below.

If you have selected the web icon, search the needy webpage and copy its URL link.

Paste a URL link in the address boxYou can also add ScreenTip text as described first.Then click “OK” to link its URL to the selected text.

If you have selected the “Browse for file” icon, select the file you want in the computer disk location.

After inserting the file you want, automatically a file link will be shown in the address box.Lastly, click “OK” to link the file to the text.Advertisements

You can hyperlink the bookmark only after learning it. Learn how to Bookmark the document location in Word.

Upon bookmarking the document location, select the text that you want to link to its location.

On the dialogue box (Ctrl + K), click on the “Bookmark” to open its dialogue box.Select the name of the location you want.Click “OK“.Again click “OK” for linking and close the dialogue box.

How to access the “Current Folder” in Word:

After linking the text with any folder you like, In the future, to quickly access the related folder, click the linked text.

Browsed Pages:

Browsed pages are the pages that you have browsed on the computer. You can quickly link anything from it to the text of your document.

Select the text that you want to link to the browsed pages.Open the “hyperlink” dialogue box, then select “Browsed pages“.After opening the dialogue box do one of the following:Select one of the browsed pages you want to link to the selected text.Click on the “Browse for files” icon for linking other files in the computer.You can link web pages by clicking this icon.lastly, click “OK“.

After linking the text with any browsed pages, you like, In the future, to quickly access the related pages, click the hyperlinked text.

Recent Files:

Recent Files are the files that you have accessed from the computer recently. You can quickly link anything from it to the text of your document.

Select the text that you want to link to the browsed pages.Open the “hyperlink” dialogue box, then select “Recent Files“.After opening the dialogue box do one of the following:Select one of the recently browsed files you want to link to the selected text.Click on the “Browse for files” icon for linking other files in the computer.You can link web pages by clicking the “browse the web” icon.lastly, click “OK“.

After linking the text with any recent files, you like, In the future, to quickly access the related files, click the linked text.

Place in this Document:

Insert the link to navigate to the top of the document, headings, and bookmarks by placing it in the current document.

Top of the Document:

The link “Top of the document” enables you to go to the beginning (top) from the current location of the document. To add its link, do the following:

To navigate to the top page from anywhere within the document, click where you like in the document to add the link.Click “Place in This Document“Click “Top of the Document“, and then click “OK“.

After inserting the hyperlink as explained above, click on the link “Top of the Document” to (navigate) go to the top of the document automatically.

The link ” Headings” jumps from any heading location to another within the word document.

Firstly, prepare headings properly for the text in your document.

Step 1: For example, to jump from the “Document” on page no.10 to the heading location of “Web Development” on page no. 2, Select the “Document” on page no.10. Step 2: Then in the “Insert hyperlink” dialogue box, click “Place in This Document“. Step 3: And then select the previously prepared, heading “Document” under the “Headings” as given in the screenshot above. Step 4: Lastly, click “OK“.

After creating and inserting the link “headings” as explained above, click on the linked “Heading” as explained above to (navigate) go to the heading location of the document automatically.

A bookmark is a mark in the document location to easily jump from one place to another by clicking it in the future.

Firstly, create bookmarks in your document.Select the place/content in the document to insert any link you want to jump from the selected place/content.Then in the “Insert hyperlink” dialogue box, click “Place in This Document“.And then select the previously created bookmarks under “Bookmarks” as given in the screenshot below.Lastly, click “OK“.

Create New Document:

If you want to link a new document to any word or phrase in your existing document, you can select such a word or phrase and create a new document to link any of them to directly open such a newly created document in the future. You can save and edit the content whenever you want. Step 1: Firstly, select the text or a phrase you want to link and display.

Step 2: Then open the “hyperlink” dialogue box and click on “Create New Document“. (The selected text or phrase for link and display appears on the top of the dialogue box which is at the “Text to display” text box as in the screenshot above).Step 3: Type the name of the new documentStep 4: If you want to change the document location to save, click “Change” and select the location wherever you want on the computer.Step 5: If you want to edit the newly created document later, simply select “Edit the new document later“.Step 6: Or If you want to edit when it is created, click “Edit the new document now“.Lastly, click “OK” to create and link the new document to the text.

Link an E-mail to the related word to directly log in and send an E-mail.

Firstly, select the text or phrase you want to hyperlink to an email.Then open the “hyperlink” dialogue box, and then click “E-Mail Address“.Type an email under the “E-mail address” box, or select “Recently used e-mail address”.Now type the subject of the e-mail under the “Subject” box.Click “ScreenTip” to open its dialogue box and type screen tip text, then click “OK“.Lastly, click “OK” on the hyperlink dialogue box to link an email to text.

What is the ScreenTip in Word?

ScreenTip is a short description of a file or folder that links to text. After linking the file or folder to the text, if you hover over the text before opening the file or folder by clicking it, a small description will appear. It helps the reader to know a piece of small information whether to open a hyperlinked file or folder.

title: “How To Create A Hyperlink In Word 2022 S Best A Z " ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-12” author: “Elizabeth Blake”

On the “Insert” tab, click on the “Link” to open its dialogue box in a word document.

Keyboard Shortcut

Press Ctrl + K.

When you have linked to any folders, files, or photos in the document and if you will work with the content of the document again in the future, you can open it immediately by clicking on the hyperlinked text to open any file or folder. To do so, read all the steps given below from the beginning.

Under the existing file or web page, we have 3 options to link images, documents, videos, etc. to text. These are:

Current Folder:

Open currently existing folders, or webpage to link them to text or an image on your computer. It will be much easier if you read every step by following the screenshot given below.

Step 1: Select the text that you want to link to the folder or any file.

Step 2: Press Ctrl + K to launch a hyperlink dialogue box, then click the “Existing File or Web Page” (by default it is in the selection).Step 3: Make sure the “Current Folder” selection (By default it is also in the selection).Step 4: To select one of the required folders or its file to link the selected text, click the drop-down (expand menu) arrow.Step 5: If you want to go one step back after searching for folders by clicking the expand menu, click the “Up one folder” icon.Step 6: Select the folder or file you wantStep 7: Then click on the “ScreenTip” to open its dialogue box.Step 8: In the dialogue box, type the ScreenTip text (It is a small description about the File or folder. And it is explained at the end of the page.Step 9: Click “OK“.Step 10: Lastly, again click “OK” to link the selected file or folder to the text.

Since we have not explained above how to browse the web page or folder and link to the text, let’s look at the steps below.

After selecting the text, click the “Browse web” or “Browse for file” icon on the dialogue box as in the screenshot below.

If you have selected the web icon, search the needy webpage and copy its URL link.

Paste a URL link in the address boxYou can also add ScreenTip text as described first.Then click “OK” to link its URL to the selected text.

If you have selected the “Browse for file” icon, select the file you want in the computer disk location.

After inserting the file you want, automatically a file link will be shown in the address box.Lastly, click “OK” to link the file to the text.Advertisements

You can hyperlink the bookmark only after learning it. Learn how to Bookmark the document location in Word.

Upon bookmarking the document location, select the text that you want to link to its location.

On the dialogue box (Ctrl + K), click on the “Bookmark” to open its dialogue box.Select the name of the location you want.Click “OK“.Again click “OK” for linking and close the dialogue box.

How to access the “Current Folder” in Word:

After linking the text with any folder you like, In the future, to quickly access the related folder, click the linked text.

Browsed Pages:

Browsed pages are the pages that you have browsed on the computer. You can quickly link anything from it to the text of your document.

Select the text that you want to link to the browsed pages.Open the “hyperlink” dialogue box, then select “Browsed pages“.After opening the dialogue box do one of the following:Select one of the browsed pages you want to link to the selected text.Click on the “Browse for files” icon for linking other files in the computer.You can link web pages by clicking this icon.lastly, click “OK“.

After linking the text with any browsed pages, you like, In the future, to quickly access the related pages, click the hyperlinked text.

Recent Files:

Recent Files are the files that you have accessed from the computer recently. You can quickly link anything from it to the text of your document.

Select the text that you want to link to the browsed pages.Open the “hyperlink” dialogue box, then select “Recent Files“.After opening the dialogue box do one of the following:Select one of the recently browsed files you want to link to the selected text.Click on the “Browse for files” icon for linking other files in the computer.You can link web pages by clicking the “browse the web” icon.lastly, click “OK“.

After linking the text with any recent files, you like, In the future, to quickly access the related files, click the linked text.

Place in this Document:

Insert the link to navigate to the top of the document, headings, and bookmarks by placing it in the current document.

Top of the Document:

The link “Top of the document” enables you to go to the beginning (top) from the current location of the document. To add its link, do the following:

To navigate to the top page from anywhere within the document, click where you like in the document to add the link.Click “Place in This Document“Click “Top of the Document“, and then click “OK“.

After inserting the hyperlink as explained above, click on the link “Top of the Document” to (navigate) go to the top of the document automatically.

The link ” Headings” jumps from any heading location to another within the word document.

Firstly, prepare headings properly for the text in your document.

Step 1: For example, to jump from the “Document” on page no.10 to the heading location of “Web Development” on page no. 2, Select the “Document” on page no.10. Step 2: Then in the “Insert hyperlink” dialogue box, click “Place in This Document“. Step 3: And then select the previously prepared, heading “Document” under the “Headings” as given in the screenshot above. Step 4: Lastly, click “OK“.

After creating and inserting the link “headings” as explained above, click on the linked “Heading” as explained above to (navigate) go to the heading location of the document automatically.

A bookmark is a mark in the document location to easily jump from one place to another by clicking it in the future.

Firstly, create bookmarks in your document.Select the place/content in the document to insert any link you want to jump from the selected place/content.Then in the “Insert hyperlink” dialogue box, click “Place in This Document“.And then select the previously created bookmarks under “Bookmarks” as given in the screenshot below.Lastly, click “OK“.

Create New Document:

If you want to link a new document to any word or phrase in your existing document, you can select such a word or phrase and create a new document to link any of them to directly open such a newly created document in the future. You can save and edit the content whenever you want. Step 1: Firstly, select the text or a phrase you want to link and display.

Step 2: Then open the “hyperlink” dialogue box and click on “Create New Document“. (The selected text or phrase for link and display appears on the top of the dialogue box which is at the “Text to display” text box as in the screenshot above).Step 3: Type the name of the new documentStep 4: If you want to change the document location to save, click “Change” and select the location wherever you want on the computer.Step 5: If you want to edit the newly created document later, simply select “Edit the new document later“.Step 6: Or If you want to edit when it is created, click “Edit the new document now“.Lastly, click “OK” to create and link the new document to the text.

Link an E-mail to the related word to directly log in and send an E-mail.

Firstly, select the text or phrase you want to hyperlink to an email.Then open the “hyperlink” dialogue box, and then click “E-Mail Address“.Type an email under the “E-mail address” box, or select “Recently used e-mail address”.Now type the subject of the e-mail under the “Subject” box.Click “ScreenTip” to open its dialogue box and type screen tip text, then click “OK“.Lastly, click “OK” on the hyperlink dialogue box to link an email to text.

What is the ScreenTip in Word?

ScreenTip is a short description of a file or folder that links to text. After linking the file or folder to the text, if you hover over the text before opening the file or folder by clicking it, a small description will appear. It helps the reader to know a piece of small information whether to open a hyperlinked file or folder.