
Tencent is a company which is involved with multiple sectors which make use of the Internet. The Chinese firm specialises in social media, communications, apps, games, content, utilities, the cloud and more. They have all the bases covered, with their social networking apps, We Chat and QQ, having a combined active user base of nearly 2 billion per month. With so many strings to their bow, Tencent will continue to move in the right direction.


Offr, founded in Dublin by trio Niall Dawson, Philip Farrell and Robert Hoban, is a tech company which brings something new and unique to the real estate sector. In short, prospective buyers can hit a button on the website of the estate agent taking care of the sale of a property, to find out about bids placed by other parties. Other tools include taking an offer to complete a deal without any hassle and keeping real-estate up to date with the tech world.

Viavi Solutions

Viavi Solutions is a firm that enables testing and monitoring things such as fibre-optic broadband, Wi-Fi and other communications solutions. The popularity of all the areas Viavi Solutions tests and monitors is only going one way, and that’s up. Therefore, the company, it’s potential, revenue and reputation will follow. Also, it’s worth noting that 5G is rolling out, which makes Viavi’s skills even more in demand.


If you have ever had a PC, you will more than likely have heard of Intel as a result. They design and manufacture products for computers and other pieces of technology, as well as being big on data, memory solutions and other things, too. Their reputation and standing in the industry mean their products are always in demand. And, like Viavi, they will also be key players in the 5G scene.


Geowox is another tech company on our list with a Dublin connection. And, like Offr, the real estate and property market will benefit from its input. Paul van Bommel, Stefano Francavilla and Marco Giardina teamed up to use machine and open data to provide accurate valuations on property. This technology will help investors, lenders and buyers alike.


We end our list with the inclusion of Splunk, a company that helps transform machine data into businesses’ answers. Big data has been crucial to multiple industries for a while and understanding it is vital. Thanks to their machine learning toolkit, Splunk’s web-style interface makes this happen in an easy to use manner. Companies can then use the findings to their advantage. Thank you for visiting techfollows.com.

6 Tech Companies To Keep Your Eye On Next Year - 24